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* Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Linus Groh <>
* Copyright (c) 2023, stelar7 <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/QuickSort.h>
#include <LibCrypto/Hash/HashManager.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ArrayBuffer.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Promise.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/Crypto/KeyAlgorithms.h>
#include <LibWeb/Crypto/SubtleCrypto.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/TemporaryExecutionContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/Buffers.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/Promise.h>
namespace Web::Crypto {
static void normalize_key_usages(Vector<Bindings::KeyUsage>& key_usages)
JS::NonnullGCPtr<SubtleCrypto> SubtleCrypto::create(JS::Realm& realm)
2022-09-03 20:59:53 +03:00
return realm.heap().allocate<SubtleCrypto>(realm, realm);
2022-09-03 20:59:53 +03:00
SubtleCrypto::SubtleCrypto(JS::Realm& realm)
: PlatformObject(realm)
2022-09-03 20:59:53 +03:00
SubtleCrypto::~SubtleCrypto() = default;
void SubtleCrypto::initialize(JS::Realm& realm)
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<SubtleCrypto::NormalizedAlgorithmAndParameter> SubtleCrypto::normalize_an_algorithm(AlgorithmIdentifier const& algorithm, String operation)
auto& realm = this->realm();
auto& vm = this->vm();
// If alg is an instance of a DOMString:
if (algorithm.has<String>()) {
// Return the result of running the normalize an algorithm algorithm,
// with the alg set to a new Algorithm dictionary whose name attribute is alg, and with the op set to op.
auto dictionary = JS::make_handle(JS::Object::create(realm, realm.intrinsics().object_prototype()));
TRY(dictionary->create_data_property("name", JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, algorithm.get<String>())));
return normalize_an_algorithm(dictionary, operation);
// If alg is an object:
// 1. Let registeredAlgorithms be the associative container stored at the op key of supportedAlgorithms.
// NOTE: There should always be a container at the op key.
auto internal_object = supported_algorithms();
auto maybe_registered_algorithms = internal_object.get(operation);
auto registered_algorithms = maybe_registered_algorithms.value();
// 2. Let initialAlg be the result of converting the ECMAScript object represented by alg to
// the IDL dictionary type Algorithm, as defined by [WebIDL].
// 3. If an error occurred, return the error and terminate this algorithm.
// Note: We're not going to bother creating an Algorithm object, all we want is the name attribute so that we can
// fetch the actual algorithm factory from the registeredAlgorithms map.
auto initial_algorithm = TRY(algorithm.get<JS::Handle<JS::Object>>()->get("name"));
// 4. Let algName be the value of the name attribute of initialAlg.
auto algorithm_name = TRY(initial_algorithm.to_string(vm));
RegisteredAlgorithm desired_type;
// 5. If registeredAlgorithms contains a key that is a case-insensitive string match for algName:
if (auto it = registered_algorithms.find(algorithm_name); it != registered_algorithms.end()) {
// 1. Set algName to the value of the matching key.
// 2. Let desiredType be the IDL dictionary type stored at algName in registeredAlgorithms.
desired_type = it->value;
} else {
// Otherwise:
// Return a new NotSupportedError and terminate this algorithm.
return WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm, MUST(String::formatted("Algorithm '{}' is not supported", algorithm_name)));
// 8. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of converting the ECMAScript object represented by alg
// to the IDL dictionary type desiredType, as defined by [WebIDL].
// 9. Set the name attribute of normalizedAlgorithm to algName.
// 10. If an error occurred, return the error and terminate this algorithm.
// 11. Let dictionaries be a list consisting of the IDL dictionary type desiredType
// and all of desiredType's inherited dictionaries, in order from least to most derived.
// 12. For each dictionary dictionary in dictionaries:
// Note: All of these steps are handled by the create_methods and parameter_from_value methods.
auto methods = desired_type.create_methods(realm);
auto parameter = TRY(desired_type.parameter_from_value(vm, algorithm.get<JS::Handle<JS::Object>>()));
auto normalized_algorithm = NormalizedAlgorithmAndParameter { move(methods), move(parameter) };
// 13. Return normalizedAlgorithm.
return normalized_algorithm;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> SubtleCrypto::digest(AlgorithmIdentifier const& algorithm, JS::Handle<WebIDL::BufferSource> const& data)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Let algorithm be the algorithm parameter passed to the digest() method.
// 2. Let data be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the data parameter passed to the digest() method.
auto data_buffer_or_error = WebIDL::get_buffer_source_copy(*data->raw_object());
if (data_buffer_or_error.is_error())
return WebIDL::create_rejected_promise_from_exception(realm, WebIDL::OperationError::create(realm, "Failed to copy bytes from ArrayBuffer"_fly_string));
auto data_buffer = data_buffer_or_error.release_value();
// 3. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm, with alg set to algorithm and op set to "digest".
auto normalized_algorithm = normalize_an_algorithm(algorithm, "digest"_string);
// 4. If an error occurred, return a Promise rejected with normalizedAlgorithm.
// FIXME: Spec bug: link to
if (normalized_algorithm.is_error())
return WebIDL::create_rejected_promise_from_exception(realm, normalized_algorithm.release_error());
// 5. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 6. Return promise and perform the remaining steps in parallel.
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([&realm, algorithm_object = normalized_algorithm.release_value(), promise, data_buffer = move(data_buffer)]() -> void {
HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext context(Bindings::host_defined_environment_settings_object(realm), HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext::CallbacksEnabled::Yes);
// 7. If the following steps or referenced procedures say to throw an error, reject promise with the returned error and then terminate the algorithm.
// FIXME: Need spec reference to
// 8. Let result be the result of performing the digest operation specified by normalizedAlgorithm using algorithm, with data as message.
auto result = algorithm_object.methods->digest(*algorithm_object.parameter, data_buffer);
if (result.is_exception()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(realm.vm(), result.release_error()).release_value().value());
// 9. Resolve promise with result.
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, promise, result.release_value());
return verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*promise->promise());
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise>> SubtleCrypto::generate_key(AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, bool extractable, Vector<Bindings::KeyUsage> key_usages)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Let algorithm, extractable and usages be the algorithm, extractable and keyUsages
// parameters passed to the generateKey() method, respectively.
// 2. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm,
// with alg set to algorithm and op set to "generateKey".
auto normalized_algorithm = normalize_an_algorithm(algorithm, "generateKey"_string);
// 3. If an error occurred, return a Promise rejected with normalizedAlgorithm.
if (normalized_algorithm.is_error())
return WebIDL::create_rejected_promise_from_exception(realm, normalized_algorithm.release_error());
// 4. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 5. Return promise and perform the remaining steps in parallel.
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([&realm, normalized_algorithm = normalized_algorithm.release_value(), promise, extractable, key_usages = move(key_usages)]() -> void {
HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext context(Bindings::host_defined_environment_settings_object(realm), HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext::CallbacksEnabled::Yes);
// 6. If the following steps or referenced procedures say to throw an error, reject promise with
// the returned error and then terminate the algorithm.
// 7. Let result be the result of performing the generate key operation specified by normalizedAlgorithm
// using algorithm, extractable and usages.
auto result_or_error = normalized_algorithm.methods->generate_key(*normalized_algorithm.parameter, extractable, key_usages);
if (result_or_error.is_error()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(realm.vm(), result_or_error.release_error()).release_value().value());
auto result = result_or_error.release_value();
// 8. If result is a CryptoKey object:
// If the [[type]] internal slot of result is "secret" or "private" and usages is empty, then throw a SyntaxError.
// If result is a CryptoKeyPair object:
// If the [[usages]] internal slot of the privateKey attribute of result is the empty sequence, then throw a SyntaxError.
// 9. Resolve promise with result.
[&](JS::NonnullGCPtr<CryptoKey>& key) {
if ((key->type() == Bindings::KeyType::Secret || key->type() == Bindings::KeyType::Private) && key_usages.is_empty()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm, "usages must not be empty"_fly_string));
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, promise, key);
[&](JS::NonnullGCPtr<CryptoKeyPair>& key_pair) {
if (key_pair->private_key()->internal_usages().is_empty()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm, "usages must not be empty"_fly_string));
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, promise, key_pair);
return verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*promise->promise());
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise>> SubtleCrypto::import_key(Bindings::KeyFormat format, KeyDataType key_data, AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm, bool extractable, Vector<Bindings::KeyUsage> key_usages)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Let format, algorithm, extractable and usages, be the format, algorithm, extractable
// and key_usages parameters passed to the importKey() method, respectively.
Variant<ByteBuffer, Bindings::JsonWebKey, Empty> real_key_data;
// 2. If format is equal to the string "raw", "pkcs8", or "spki":
if (format == Bindings::KeyFormat::Raw || format == Bindings::KeyFormat::Pkcs8 || format == Bindings::KeyFormat::Spki) {
// 1. If the keyData parameter passed to the importKey() method is a JsonWebKey dictionary, throw a TypeError.
if (key_data.has<Bindings::JsonWebKey>()) {
return realm.vm().throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::NotAnObjectOfType, "BufferSource");
// 2. Let keyData be the result of getting a copy of the bytes held by the keyData parameter passed to the importKey() method.
real_key_data = MUST(WebIDL::get_buffer_source_copy(*key_data.get<JS::Handle<WebIDL::BufferSource>>()->raw_object()));
if (format == Bindings::KeyFormat::Jwk) {
// 1. If the keyData parameter passed to the importKey() method is not a JsonWebKey dictionary, throw a TypeError.
if (!key_data.has<Bindings::JsonWebKey>()) {
return realm.vm().throw_completion<JS::TypeError>(JS::ErrorType::NotAnObjectOfType, "JsonWebKey");
// 2. Let keyData be the keyData parameter passed to the importKey() method.
real_key_data = key_data.get<Bindings::JsonWebKey>();
// NOTE: The spec jumps to 5 here for some reason?
// 5. Let normalizedAlgorithm be the result of normalizing an algorithm, with alg set to algorithm and op set to "importKey".
auto normalized_algorithm = normalize_an_algorithm(algorithm, "importKey"_string);
// 6. If an error occurred, return a Promise rejected with normalizedAlgorithm.
if (normalized_algorithm.is_error())
return WebIDL::create_rejected_promise_from_exception(realm, normalized_algorithm.release_error());
// 7. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 8. Return promise and perform the remaining steps in parallel.
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([&realm, real_key_data = move(real_key_data), normalized_algorithm = normalized_algorithm.release_value(), promise, format, extractable, key_usages = move(key_usages), algorithm = move(algorithm)]() mutable -> void {
HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext context(Bindings::host_defined_environment_settings_object(realm), HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext::CallbacksEnabled::Yes);
// 9. If the following steps or referenced procedures say to throw an error, reject promise with the returned error and then terminate the algorithm.
// 10. Let result be the CryptoKey object that results from performing the import key operation
// specified by normalizedAlgorithm using keyData, algorithm, format, extractable and usages.
auto maybe_result = normalized_algorithm.methods->import_key(*normalized_algorithm.parameter, format, real_key_data.downcast<CryptoKey::InternalKeyData>(), extractable, key_usages);
if (maybe_result.is_error()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(realm.vm(), maybe_result.release_error()).release_value().value());
auto result = maybe_result.release_value();
// 11. If the [[type]] internal slot of result is "secret" or "private" and usages is empty, then throw a SyntaxError.
if ((result->type() == Bindings::KeyType::Secret || result->type() == Bindings::KeyType::Private) && key_usages.is_empty()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm, "usages must not be empty"_fly_string));
// 12. Set the [[extractable]] internal slot of result to extractable.
// 13. Set the [[usages]] internal slot of result to the normalized value of usages.
// 14. Resolve promise with result.
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, promise, result);
return verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*promise->promise());
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise>> SubtleCrypto::export_key(Bindings::KeyFormat format, JS::NonnullGCPtr<CryptoKey> key)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// 1. Let format and key be the format and key parameters passed to the exportKey() method, respectively.
// 2. Let promise be a new Promise.
auto promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 3. Return promise and perform the remaining steps in parallel.
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().deferred_invoke([&realm, key, this, promise, format]() -> void {
HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext context(Bindings::host_defined_environment_settings_object(realm), HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext::CallbacksEnabled::Yes);
// 4. If the following steps or referenced procedures say to throw an error, reject promise with the returned error and then terminate the algorithm.
// 5. If the name member of the [[algorithm]] internal slot of key does not identify a registered algorithm that supports the export key operation,
// then throw a NotSupportedError.
// Note: Handled by the base AlgorithmMethods implementation
auto& algorithm = verify_cast<KeyAlgorithm>(*key->algorithm());
// FIXME: Stash the AlgorithmMethods on the KeyAlgorithm
auto normalized_algorithm_or_error = normalize_an_algorithm(, "exportKey"_string);
if (normalized_algorithm_or_error.is_error()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(realm.vm(), normalized_algorithm_or_error.release_error()).release_value().value());
auto normalized_algorithm = normalized_algorithm_or_error.release_value();
// 6. If the [[extractable]] internal slot of key is false, then throw an InvalidAccessError.
if (!key->extractable()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, WebIDL::InvalidAccessError::create(realm, "Key is not extractable"_fly_string));
// 7. Let result be the result of performing the export key operation specified by the [[algorithm]] internal slot of key using key and format.
auto result_or_error = normalized_algorithm.methods->export_key(format, key);
if (result_or_error.is_error()) {
WebIDL::reject_promise(realm, promise, Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(realm.vm(), result_or_error.release_error()).release_value().value());
// 8. Resolve promise with result.
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, promise, result_or_error.release_value());
return verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*promise->promise());
SubtleCrypto::SupportedAlgorithmsMap& SubtleCrypto::supported_algorithms_internal()
static SubtleCrypto::SupportedAlgorithmsMap s_supported_algorithms;
return s_supported_algorithms;
SubtleCrypto::SupportedAlgorithmsMap SubtleCrypto::supported_algorithms()
auto& internal_object = supported_algorithms_internal();
if (!internal_object.is_empty()) {
return internal_object;
// 1. For each value, v in the List of supported operations,
// set the v key of the internal object supportedAlgorithms to a new associative container.
auto supported_operations = Vector {
"get key length"_string,
for (auto& operation : supported_operations) {
internal_object.set(operation, {});
define_an_algorithm<SHA>("digest"_string, "SHA-1"_string);
define_an_algorithm<SHA>("digest"_string, "SHA-256"_string);
define_an_algorithm<SHA>("digest"_string, "SHA-384"_string);
define_an_algorithm<SHA>("digest"_string, "SHA-512"_string);
define_an_algorithm<PBKDF2>("importKey"_string, "PBKDF2"_string);
// FIXME: define_an_algorithm("deriveBits"_string, "PBKDF2"_string, "Pbkdf2Params"_string);
// FIXME: define_an_algorithm("get key length"_string, "PBKDF2"_string, ""_string);
define_an_algorithm<RSAOAEP, RsaHashedKeyGenParams>("generateKey"_string, "RSA-OAEP"_string);
define_an_algorithm<RSAOAEP>("exportKey"_string, "RSA-OAEP"_string);
// FIXME: encrypt, decrypt, importKey
return internal_object;
template<typename Methods, typename Param>
void SubtleCrypto::define_an_algorithm(AK::String op, AK::String algorithm)
auto& internal_object = supported_algorithms_internal();
// 1. Let registeredAlgorithms be the associative container stored at the op key of supportedAlgorithms.
// NOTE: There should always be a container at the op key.
auto maybe_registered_algorithms = internal_object.get(op);
auto registered_algorithms = maybe_registered_algorithms.value();
// 2. Set the alg key of registeredAlgorithms to the IDL dictionary type type.
registered_algorithms.set(algorithm, RegisteredAlgorithm { &Methods::create, &Param::from_value });
internal_object.set(op, registered_algorithms);