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* Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
static JS::Value name(JS::VM&, JS::GlobalObject&)
static JS::Value name(JS::VM&, JS::GlobalObject&)
static void name(JS::VM&, JS::GlobalObject&, JS::Value)
JS::Value name([[maybe_unused]] JS::VM& vm, [[maybe_unused]] JS::GlobalObject& global_object)
JS::Value name([[maybe_unused]] JS::VM& vm, [[maybe_unused]] JS::GlobalObject& global_object)
void name([[maybe_unused]] JS::VM& vm, [[maybe_unused]] JS::GlobalObject& global_object, [[maybe_unused]] JS::Value value)
// NOTE: Proxy is not included here as it doesn't have a prototype - m_proxy_constructor is initialized separately.
__JS_ENUMERATE(AggregateError, aggregate_error, AggregateErrorPrototype, AggregateErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Array, array, ArrayPrototype, ArrayConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(ArrayBuffer, array_buffer, ArrayBufferPrototype, ArrayBufferConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(BigIntObject, bigint, BigIntPrototype, BigIntConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(BooleanObject, boolean, BooleanPrototype, BooleanConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(DataView, data_view, DataViewPrototype, DataViewConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Date, date, DatePrototype, DateConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Error, error, ErrorPrototype, ErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(FinalizationRegistry, finalization_registry, FinalizationRegistryPrototype, FinalizationRegistryConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(FunctionObject, function, FunctionPrototype, FunctionConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(GeneratorFunction, generator_function, GeneratorFunctionPrototype, GeneratorFunctionConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Map, map, MapPrototype, MapConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(NumberObject, number, NumberPrototype, NumberConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Object, object, ObjectPrototype, ObjectConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Promise, promise, PromisePrototype, PromiseConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(RegExpObject, regexp, RegExpPrototype, RegExpConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Set, set, SetPrototype, SetConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(StringObject, string, StringPrototype, StringConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(SymbolObject, symbol, SymbolPrototype, SymbolConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(WeakMap, weak_map, WeakMapPrototype, WeakMapConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(WeakRef, weak_ref, WeakRefPrototype, WeakRefConstructor, void) \
2021-06-09 19:23:04 +03:00
__JS_ENUMERATE(WeakSet, weak_set, WeakSetPrototype, WeakSetConstructor, void)
LibJS: Clean up TypedArray constructors and prototypes The current implementation is not entirely correct yet. Two classes have been added: - TypedArrayConstructor, which the various typed array constructors now inherit from. Calling or constructing this class (from JS, that is) directly is not possible, we might want to move this abstract class functionality to NativeFunction at a later point. - TypedArrayPrototype, which the various typed array prototypes now have as their own prototype. This will be the place where most of the functionality is being shared. Relevant parts from the spec: 22.2.1 The %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object The %TypedArray% intrinsic object: - is a constructor function object that all of the TypedArray constructor objects inherit from. - along with its corresponding prototype object, provides common properties that are inherited by all TypedArray constructors and their instances. 22.2.2 Properties of the %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object The %TypedArray% intrinsic object: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %Function.prototype%. %TypedArray%.prototype The initial value of %TypedArray%.prototype is the %TypedArray% prototype object. 22.2.6 Properties of the TypedArray Constructors Each TypedArray constructor: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %TypedArray%. TypedArray.prototype The initial value of TypedArray.prototype is the corresponding TypedArray prototype intrinsic object (22.2.7). 22.2.7 Properties of the TypedArray Prototype Objects Each TypedArray prototype object: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %TypedArray.prototype%. TypedArray.prototype.constructor The initial value of a TypedArray.prototype.constructor is the corresponding %TypedArray% intrinsic object.
2020-12-02 03:23:40 +03:00
__JS_ENUMERATE(TypedArray, typed_array, TypedArrayPrototype, TypedArrayConstructor, void)
__JS_ENUMERATE(EvalError, eval_error, EvalErrorPrototype, EvalErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(InternalError, internal_error, InternalErrorPrototype, InternalErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(InvalidCharacterError, invalid_character_error, InvalidCharacterErrorPrototype, InvalidCharacterErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(RangeError, range_error, RangeErrorPrototype, RangeErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(ReferenceError, reference_error, ReferenceErrorPrototype, ReferenceErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(SyntaxError, syntax_error, SyntaxErrorPrototype, SyntaxErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(TypeError, type_error, TypeErrorPrototype, TypeErrorConstructor, void) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(URIError, uri_error, URIErrorPrototype, URIErrorConstructor, void)
__JS_ENUMERATE(Uint8Array, uint8_array, Uint8ArrayPrototype, Uint8ArrayConstructor, u8) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Uint8ClampedArray, uint8_clamped_array, Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, Uint8ClampedArrayConstructor, ClampedU8) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Uint16Array, uint16_array, Uint16ArrayPrototype, Uint16ArrayConstructor, u16) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Uint32Array, uint32_array, Uint32ArrayPrototype, Uint32ArrayConstructor, u32) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(BigUint64Array, big_uint64_array, BigUint64ArrayPrototype, BigUint64ArrayConstructor, u64) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Int8Array, int8_array, Int8ArrayPrototype, Int8ArrayConstructor, i8) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Int16Array, int16_array, Int16ArrayPrototype, Int16ArrayConstructor, i16) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Int32Array, int32_array, Int32ArrayPrototype, Int32ArrayConstructor, i32) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(BigInt64Array, big_int64_array, BigInt64ArrayPrototype, BigInt64ArrayConstructor, i64) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(Float32Array, float32_array, Float32ArrayPrototype, Float32ArrayConstructor, float) \
2020-12-06 01:28:10 +03:00
__JS_ENUMERATE(Float64Array, float64_array, Float64ArrayPrototype, Float64ArrayConstructor, double)
__JS_ENUMERATE(Instant, instant, InstantPrototype, InstantConstructor) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(TimeZone, time_zone, TimeZonePrototype, TimeZoneConstructor)
__JS_ENUMERATE(Iterator, iterator) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(ArrayIterator, array_iterator) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(MapIterator, map_iterator) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(SetIterator, set_iterator) \
2020-07-12 06:23:01 +03:00
__JS_ENUMERATE(StringIterator, string_iterator)
__JS_ENUMERATE(iterator, iterator) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(asyncIterator, async_iterator) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(match, match) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(matchAll, match_all) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(replace, replace) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(replaceAll, replace_all) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(search, search) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(split, split) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(hasInstance, has_instance) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(isConcatSpreadable, is_concat_spreadable) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(unscopables, unscopables) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(species, species) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(toPrimitive, to_primitive) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(toStringTag, to_string_tag)
__JS_ENUMERATE(global, global, g) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(ignoreCase, ignore_case, i) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(multiline, multiline, m) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(dotAll, dot_all, s) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(unicode, unicode, u) \
__JS_ENUMERATE(sticky, sticky, y)
namespace JS {
class ASTNode;
class Accessor;
2020-06-06 03:14:10 +03:00
class BigInt;
class BoundFunction;
class Cell;
class CellAllocator;
class ClassExpression;
class Console;
class DeclarativeEnvironment;
class DeferGC;
class Environment;
class Error;
class ErrorType;
class Exception;
class Expression;
class FunctionEnvironment;
class FunctionNode;
class GlobalEnvironment;
class GlobalObject;
class HandleImpl;
class Heap;
class HeapBlock;
class Interpreter;
class MarkedValueList;
class NativeFunction;
class ObjectEnvironment;
class PrimitiveString;
LibJS: Add initial support for Promises Almost a year after first working on this, it's finally done: an implementation of Promises for LibJS! :^) The core functionality is working and closely following the spec [1]. I mostly took the pseudo code and transformed it into C++ - if you read and understand it, you will know how the spec implements Promises; and if you read the spec first, the code will look very familiar. Implemented functions are: - Promise() constructor - Promise.prototype.then() - Promise.prototype.catch() - Promise.prototype.finally() - Promise.resolve() - Promise.reject() For the tests I added a new function to test-js's global object, runQueuedPromiseJobs(), which calls vm.run_queued_promise_jobs(). By design, queued jobs normally only run after the script was fully executed, making it improssible to test handlers in individual test() calls by default [2]. Subsequent commits include integrations into LibWeb and js(1) - pretty-printing, running queued promise jobs when necessary. This has an unusual amount of dbgln() statements, all hidden behind the PROMISE_DEBUG flag - I'm leaving them in for now as they've been very useful while debugging this, things can get quite complex with so many asynchronously executed functions. I've not extensively explored use of these APIs for promise-based functionality in LibWeb (fetch(), Notification.requestPermission() etc.), but we'll get there in due time. [1]: [2]:
2021-04-01 23:13:29 +03:00
class PromiseReaction;
class PromiseReactionJob;
class PromiseResolveThenableJob;
class PropertyAttributes;
class PropertyDescriptor;
class PropertyName;
class Reference;
class ScopeNode;
class Shape;
class Statement;
class StringOrSymbol;
class Symbol;
class Token;
class VM;
class Value;
class WeakContainer;
enum class DeclarationKind;
LibJS: Add initial support for Promises Almost a year after first working on this, it's finally done: an implementation of Promises for LibJS! :^) The core functionality is working and closely following the spec [1]. I mostly took the pseudo code and transformed it into C++ - if you read and understand it, you will know how the spec implements Promises; and if you read the spec first, the code will look very familiar. Implemented functions are: - Promise() constructor - Promise.prototype.then() - Promise.prototype.catch() - Promise.prototype.finally() - Promise.resolve() - Promise.reject() For the tests I added a new function to test-js's global object, runQueuedPromiseJobs(), which calls vm.run_queued_promise_jobs(). By design, queued jobs normally only run after the script was fully executed, making it improssible to test handlers in individual test() calls by default [2]. Subsequent commits include integrations into LibWeb and js(1) - pretty-printing, running queued promise jobs when necessary. This has an unusual amount of dbgln() statements, all hidden behind the PROMISE_DEBUG flag - I'm leaving them in for now as they've been very useful while debugging this, things can get quite complex with so many asynchronously executed functions. I've not extensively explored use of these APIs for promise-based functionality in LibWeb (fetch(), Notification.requestPermission() etc.), but we'll get there in due time. [1]: [2]:
2021-04-01 23:13:29 +03:00
struct AlreadyResolved;
struct JobCallback;
struct PromiseCapability;
// Not included in JS_ENUMERATE_NATIVE_OBJECTS due to missing distinct prototype
class ProxyObject;
class ProxyConstructor;
// Not included in JS_ENUMERATE_NATIVE_OBJECTS due to missing distinct constructor
class GeneratorObjectPrototype;
LibJS: Clean up TypedArray constructors and prototypes The current implementation is not entirely correct yet. Two classes have been added: - TypedArrayConstructor, which the various typed array constructors now inherit from. Calling or constructing this class (from JS, that is) directly is not possible, we might want to move this abstract class functionality to NativeFunction at a later point. - TypedArrayPrototype, which the various typed array prototypes now have as their own prototype. This will be the place where most of the functionality is being shared. Relevant parts from the spec: 22.2.1 The %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object The %TypedArray% intrinsic object: - is a constructor function object that all of the TypedArray constructor objects inherit from. - along with its corresponding prototype object, provides common properties that are inherited by all TypedArray constructors and their instances. 22.2.2 Properties of the %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object The %TypedArray% intrinsic object: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %Function.prototype%. %TypedArray%.prototype The initial value of %TypedArray%.prototype is the %TypedArray% prototype object. 22.2.6 Properties of the TypedArray Constructors Each TypedArray constructor: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %TypedArray%. TypedArray.prototype The initial value of TypedArray.prototype is the corresponding TypedArray prototype intrinsic object (22.2.7). 22.2.7 Properties of the TypedArray Prototype Objects Each TypedArray prototype object: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %TypedArray.prototype%. TypedArray.prototype.constructor The initial value of a TypedArray.prototype.constructor is the corresponding %TypedArray% intrinsic object.
2020-12-02 03:23:40 +03:00
class TypedArrayConstructor;
class TypedArrayPrototype;
// Tag type used to differentiate between u8 as used by Uint8Array and u8 as used by Uint8ClampedArray.
struct ClampedU8;
#define __JS_ENUMERATE(ClassName, snake_name, ConstructorName, PrototypeName, ArrayType) \
class ClassName; \
class ConstructorName; \
class PrototypeName;
LibJS: Clean up TypedArray constructors and prototypes The current implementation is not entirely correct yet. Two classes have been added: - TypedArrayConstructor, which the various typed array constructors now inherit from. Calling or constructing this class (from JS, that is) directly is not possible, we might want to move this abstract class functionality to NativeFunction at a later point. - TypedArrayPrototype, which the various typed array prototypes now have as their own prototype. This will be the place where most of the functionality is being shared. Relevant parts from the spec: 22.2.1 The %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object The %TypedArray% intrinsic object: - is a constructor function object that all of the TypedArray constructor objects inherit from. - along with its corresponding prototype object, provides common properties that are inherited by all TypedArray constructors and their instances. 22.2.2 Properties of the %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object The %TypedArray% intrinsic object: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %Function.prototype%. %TypedArray%.prototype The initial value of %TypedArray%.prototype is the %TypedArray% prototype object. 22.2.6 Properties of the TypedArray Constructors Each TypedArray constructor: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %TypedArray%. TypedArray.prototype The initial value of TypedArray.prototype is the corresponding TypedArray prototype intrinsic object (22.2.7). 22.2.7 Properties of the TypedArray Prototype Objects Each TypedArray prototype object: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %TypedArray.prototype%. TypedArray.prototype.constructor The initial value of a TypedArray.prototype.constructor is the corresponding %TypedArray% intrinsic object.
2020-12-02 03:23:40 +03:00
LibJS: Clean up TypedArray constructors and prototypes The current implementation is not entirely correct yet. Two classes have been added: - TypedArrayConstructor, which the various typed array constructors now inherit from. Calling or constructing this class (from JS, that is) directly is not possible, we might want to move this abstract class functionality to NativeFunction at a later point. - TypedArrayPrototype, which the various typed array prototypes now have as their own prototype. This will be the place where most of the functionality is being shared. Relevant parts from the spec: 22.2.1 The %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object The %TypedArray% intrinsic object: - is a constructor function object that all of the TypedArray constructor objects inherit from. - along with its corresponding prototype object, provides common properties that are inherited by all TypedArray constructors and their instances. 22.2.2 Properties of the %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object The %TypedArray% intrinsic object: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %Function.prototype%. %TypedArray%.prototype The initial value of %TypedArray%.prototype is the %TypedArray% prototype object. 22.2.6 Properties of the TypedArray Constructors Each TypedArray constructor: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %TypedArray%. TypedArray.prototype The initial value of TypedArray.prototype is the corresponding TypedArray prototype intrinsic object (22.2.7). 22.2.7 Properties of the TypedArray Prototype Objects Each TypedArray prototype object: - has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %TypedArray.prototype%. TypedArray.prototype.constructor The initial value of a TypedArray.prototype.constructor is the corresponding %TypedArray% intrinsic object.
2020-12-02 03:23:40 +03:00
namespace Temporal {
#define __JS_ENUMERATE(ClassName, snake_name, ConstructorName, PrototypeName) \
class ClassName; \
class ConstructorName; \
class PrototypeName;
template<class T>
class Handle;
namespace Bytecode {
class BasicBlock;
struct Executable;
class Generator;
class Instruction;
class Interpreter;
class Register;