LibWeb/MimeSniff: Implement Resource

This commit is contained in:
Kemal Zebari 2023-10-05 21:24:13 -07:00 committed by Andrew Kaster
parent a2a61d6941
commit 04e19df06a
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 04:34:25 +09:00
5 changed files with 264 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ set(TEST_SOURCES

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, Kemal Zebari <>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibTest/TestCase.h>
#include <LibWeb/MimeSniff/Resource.h>
auto mime_type = MUST(Web::MimeSniff::MimeType::create("text"_string, "html"_string));
auto computed_mime_type = MUST(Web::MimeSniff::Resource::sniff("\x00"sv.bytes(), Web::MimeSniff::SniffingConfiguration { .supplied_type = mime_type, .no_sniff = true }));
EXPECT_EQ("text/html"sv, MUST(computed_mime_type.serialized()));
auto supplied_type = MUST(Web::MimeSniff::MimeType::create("text"_string, "html"_string));
auto computed_mime_type = MUST(Web::MimeSniff::Resource::sniff("\x00"sv.bytes(), Web::MimeSniff::SniffingConfiguration { .supplied_type = supplied_type }));
EXPECT_EQ("application/octet-stream"sv, MUST(computed_mime_type.serialized()));
// Make sure we cover the XML code path in the mime type sniffing algorithm.
auto xml_mime_type = "application/rss+xml"sv;
supplied_type = MUST(Web::MimeSniff::MimeType::parse(xml_mime_type)).release_value();
computed_mime_type = MUST(Web::MimeSniff::Resource::sniff("\x00"sv.bytes(), Web::MimeSniff::SniffingConfiguration { .supplied_type = supplied_type }));
EXPECT_EQ(xml_mime_type, MUST(computed_mime_type.serialized()));

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@ -472,6 +472,7 @@ set(SOURCES

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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, Kemal Zebari <>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/URL.h>
#include <LibWeb/MimeSniff/Resource.h>
namespace Web::MimeSniff {
ErrorOr<Resource> Resource::create(ReadonlyBytes data, SniffingConfiguration configuration)
// NOTE: Non-standard but for cases where pattern matching fails, let's fall back to the safest MIME type.
auto default_computed_mime_type = TRY(MimeType::create("application"_string, "octet-stream"_string));
auto resource = Resource { data, configuration.no_sniff, move(default_computed_mime_type) };
TRY(resource.supplied_mime_type_detection_algorithm(configuration.scheme, move(configuration.supplied_type)));
return resource;
ErrorOr<MimeType> Resource::sniff(ReadonlyBytes data, SniffingConfiguration configuration)
auto resource = TRY(create(data, move(configuration)));
return move(resource.m_computed_mime_type);
Resource::Resource(ReadonlyBytes data, bool no_sniff, MimeType&& default_computed_mime_type)
: m_no_sniff(no_sniff)
, m_computed_mime_type(move(default_computed_mime_type))
Resource::~Resource() = default;
// NOTE: Parameters are non-standard.
ErrorOr<void> Resource::supplied_mime_type_detection_algorithm(StringView scheme, Optional<MimeType> supplied_type)
// 1. Let supplied-type be null.
// 2. If the resource is retrieved via HTTP, execute the following steps:
// 1. If one or more Content-Type headers are associated with the resource, execute the following steps:
// 1. Set supplied-type to the value of the last Content-Type header associated with the resource.
// 2. Set the check-for-apache-bug flag if supplied-type is exactly equal to one of the values in the following table:
// NOTE: Non-standard but this algorithm expects the caller to handle step 2.1.1.
if (supplied_type.has_value()) {
if (Fetch::Infrastructure::is_http_or_https_scheme(scheme)) {
static Array<StringView, 4> constexpr apache_bug_mime_types = {
"text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1"sv,
"text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1"sv,
"text/plain; charset=UTF-8"sv
auto serialized_supplied_type = TRY(supplied_type->serialized());
for (auto apache_bug_mime_type : apache_bug_mime_types) {
if (serialized_supplied_type == apache_bug_mime_type) {
m_check_for_apache_bug_flag = true;
// 3. If the resource is retrieved directly from the file system, set supplied-type
// to the MIME type provided by the file system.
// 4. If the resource is retrieved via another protocol (such as FTP), set
// supplied-type to the MIME type as determined by that protocol, if any.
// 5. If supplied-type is not a MIME type, the supplied MIME type is undefined.
// Abort these steps.
// 6. The supplied MIME type is supplied-type.
// NOTE: The expectation is for the caller to handle these spec steps.
m_supplied_mime_type = supplied_type;
return {};
void Resource::read_the_resource_header(ReadonlyBytes data)
// 1. Let buffer be a byte sequence.
ByteBuffer buffer;
// 2. Read bytes of the resource into buffer until one of the following conditions is met:
// - the end of the resource is reached.
// - the number of bytes in buffer is greater than or equal to 1445.
// - a reasonable amount of time has elapsed, as determined by the user agent.
// FIXME: The spec expects us to be reading from a stream. Reimplement this spec step once
// we have greater support for streaming in areas that calls on this API.
static size_t constexpr MAX_SNIFF_SIZE = 1445;
buffer.append(data.slice(0, min(data.size(), MAX_SNIFF_SIZE)));
// 3. The resource header is buffer.
m_resource_header = move(buffer);
ErrorOr<void> Resource::mime_type_sniffing_algorithm()
// 1. If the supplied MIME type is undefined or if the supplied MIME types essence
// is "unknown/unknown", "application/unknown", or "*/*", execute the rules for
// identifying an unknown MIME type with the sniff-scriptable flag equal to the
// inverse of the no-sniff flag and abort these steps.
if (!m_supplied_mime_type.has_value() || m_supplied_mime_type->essence().is_one_of("unknown/unknown", "application/unknown", "*/*")) {
// FIXME: Execute the rules for identifying an unknown MIME type with the
// sniff-scriptable flag equal to the inverse of the no-sniff flag and abort
// these steps.
return {};
// 2. If the no-sniff flag is set, the computed MIME type is the supplied MIME type.
// Abort these steps.
if (m_no_sniff) {
m_computed_mime_type = m_supplied_mime_type.value();
return {};
// 3. If the check-for-apache-bug flag is set, execute the rules for distinguishing
// if a resource is text or binary and abort these steps.
if (m_check_for_apache_bug_flag) {
// FIXME: Execute the rules for distinguishing if a resource is text or binary and abort these steps.
return {};
// 4. If the supplied MIME type is an XML MIME type, the computed MIME type is the supplied MIME type.
// Abort these steps.
if (m_supplied_mime_type->is_xml()) {
m_computed_mime_type = m_supplied_mime_type.value();
return {};
// 5. If the supplied MIME types essence is "text/html", execute the rules for distinguishing if a
// resource is a feed or HTML and abort these steps.
if (m_supplied_mime_type->essence() == "text/html") {
// FIXME: Execute the rules for distinguishing if a resource is a feed or HTML and abort these steps.
return {};
// FIXME: 6. If the supplied MIME type is an image MIME type supported by the user agent, let matched-type be
// the result of executing the image type pattern matching algorithm with the resource header as
// the byte sequence to be matched.
Optional<MimeType> matched_type;
// 7. If matched-type is not undefined, the computed MIME type is matched-type.
// Abort these steps.
if (matched_type.has_value()) {
m_computed_mime_type = matched_type.release_value();
return {};
// FIXME: 8. If the supplied MIME type is an audio or video MIME type supported by the user agent, let matched-type be
// the result of executing the audio or video type pattern matching algorithm with the resource header as
// the byte sequence to be matched.
// 9. If matched-type is not undefined, the computed MIME type is matched-type.
// Abort these steps.
if (matched_type.has_value()) {
m_computed_mime_type = matched_type.release_value();
return {};
// 10. The computed MIME type is the supplied MIME type.
m_computed_mime_type = m_supplied_mime_type.value();
return {};

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, Kemal Zebari <>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <LibWeb/MimeSniff/MimeType.h>
namespace Web::MimeSniff {
struct SniffingConfiguration {
StringView scheme { ""sv };
Optional<MimeType> supplied_type = {};
bool no_sniff { false };
class Resource {
static ErrorOr<Resource> create(ReadonlyBytes data, SniffingConfiguration configuration = {});
static ErrorOr<MimeType> sniff(ReadonlyBytes data, SniffingConfiguration configuration = {});
MimeType const& computed_mime_type() const { return m_computed_mime_type; }
ReadonlyBytes resource_header() const { return m_resource_header; }
Resource(ReadonlyBytes data, bool no_sniff, MimeType&& default_computed_mime_type);
void read_the_resource_header(ReadonlyBytes data);
ErrorOr<void> supplied_mime_type_detection_algorithm(StringView scheme, Optional<MimeType> supplied_type);
ErrorOr<void> mime_type_sniffing_algorithm();
// A supplied MIME type, the MIME type determined by the supplied MIME type detection algorithm.
Optional<MimeType> m_supplied_mime_type;
// A check-for-apache-bug flag, which defaults to unset.
bool m_check_for_apache_bug_flag { false };
// A no-sniff flag, which defaults to set if the user agent does not wish to perform sniffing on the resource and unset otherwise.
bool m_no_sniff { false };
// A computed MIME type, the MIME type determined by the MIME type sniffing algorithm.
MimeType m_computed_mime_type;
// A resource header is the byte sequence at the beginning of a resource, as determined by reading the resource header.
ByteBuffer m_resource_header;