LibJS: Fix numeric type confusion in ToTemporalRoundingIncrement

This is an editorial change in the Temporal spec.

This commit is contained in:
Linus Groh 2022-03-10 17:22:15 +01:00
parent 4ceff91893
commit 34371b9b61
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 17:36:11 +09:00

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@ -298,31 +298,31 @@ ThrowCompletionOr<u64> to_temporal_rounding_increment(GlobalObject& global_objec
double maximum;
// 1. If dividend is undefined, then
if (!dividend.has_value()) {
// a. Let maximum be +∞.
// a. Let maximum be +∞𝔽.
maximum = INFINITY;
// 2. Else if inclusive is true, then
else if (inclusive) {
// a. Let maximum be dividend.
// a. Let maximum be 𝔽(dividend).
maximum = *dividend;
// 3. Else if dividend is more than 1, then
else if (*dividend > 1) {
// a. Let maximum be dividend 1.
// a. Let maximum be 𝔽(dividend 1).
maximum = *dividend - 1;
// 4. Else,
else {
// a. Let maximum be 1.
// a. Let maximum be 1𝔽.
maximum = 1;
// 5. Let increment be ? GetOption(normalizedOptions, "roundingIncrement", « Number », empty, 1).
// 5. Let increment be ? GetOption(normalizedOptions, "roundingIncrement", « Number », empty, 1𝔽).
auto increment_value = TRY(get_option(global_object, normalized_options, vm.names.roundingIncrement, { OptionType::Number }, {}, Value(1)));
auto increment = increment_value.as_double();
// 6. If increment < 1 or increment > maximum, throw a RangeError exception.
// 6. If increment < 1𝔽 or increment > maximum, throw a RangeError exception.
if (increment < 1 || increment > maximum)
return vm.throw_completion<RangeError>(global_object, ErrorType::OptionIsNotValidValue, increment, "roundingIncrement");