LibWeb: Implement the "process a keyframe-like object" procedure

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Olsson 2023-11-04 13:20:35 -07:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent 212a139292
commit 38153b47d6
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 18:23:22 +09:00
2 changed files with 204 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, Matthew Olsson <>
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024, Matthew Olsson <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/QuickSort.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Iterator.h>
#include <LibWeb/Animations/KeyframeEffect.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/ExceptionOr.h>
@ -11,6 +13,188 @@ namespace Web::Animations {
template<typename T>
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Variant<T, Vector<T>>> convert_value_to_maybe_list(JS::Realm& realm, JS::Value value, Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<T>(JS::Value)>& value_converter)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
if (TRY(value.is_array(vm))) {
Vector<T> offsets;
auto iterator = TRY(JS::get_iterator(vm, value, JS::IteratorHint::Sync));
auto values = TRY(JS::iterator_to_list(vm, iterator));
for (auto const& element : values) {
if (element.is_undefined()) {
} else {
return offsets;
return TRY(value_converter(value));
enum AllowLists {
template<AllowLists AL>
using KeyframeType = Conditional<AL == AllowLists::Yes, BasePropertyIndexedKeyframe, BaseKeyframe>;
template<AllowLists AL>
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<KeyframeType<AL>> process_a_keyframe_like_object(JS::Realm& realm, JS::GCPtr<JS::Object> keyframe_input)
auto& vm = realm.vm();
Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<double>>(JS::Value)> to_nullable_double = [&vm](JS::Value value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Optional<double>> {
if (value.is_undefined())
return Optional<double> {};
return TRY(value.to_double(vm));
Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<String>(JS::Value)> to_string = [&vm](JS::Value value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<String> {
return TRY(value.to_string(vm));
Function<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto>(JS::Value)> to_composite_operation = [&vm](JS::Value value) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto> {
if (value.is_undefined())
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Auto;
auto string_value = TRY(value.to_string(vm));
if (string_value == "replace")
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Replace;
if (string_value == "add")
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Add;
if (string_value == "accumulate")
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Accumulate;
if (string_value == "auto")
return Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Auto;
return WebIDL::SimpleException { WebIDL::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid composite value"sv };
// 1. Run the procedure to convert an ECMAScript value to a dictionary type with keyframe input as the ECMAScript
// value, and the dictionary type depending on the value of the allow lists flag as follows:
// -> If allow lists is true, use the following dictionary type: <BasePropertyIndexedKeyframe>.
// -> Otherwise, use the following dictionary type: <BaseKeyframe>.
// Store the result of this procedure as keyframe output.
KeyframeType<AL> keyframe_output;
auto offset = TRY(keyframe_input->get("offset"));
auto easing = TRY(keyframe_input->get("easing"));
if (easing.is_undefined())
easing = JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, "linear"_string);
auto composite = TRY(keyframe_input->get("composite"));
if (composite.is_undefined())
composite = JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, "auto"_string);
if constexpr (AL == AllowLists::Yes) {
keyframe_output.offset = TRY(convert_value_to_maybe_list(realm, offset, to_nullable_double));
keyframe_output.composite = TRY(convert_value_to_maybe_list(realm, composite, to_composite_operation));
auto easing_maybe_list = TRY(convert_value_to_maybe_list(realm, easing, to_string));
[&](String const& value) {
keyframe_output.easing = EasingValue { value };
[&](Vector<String> const& values) {
Vector<EasingValue> easing_values;
for (auto& easing_value : values)
keyframe_output.easing = move(easing_values);
} else {
keyframe_output.offset = TRY(to_nullable_double(offset));
keyframe_output.easing = TRY(to_string(easing));
keyframe_output.composite = TRY(to_composite_operation(composite));
// 2. Build up a list of animatable properties as follows:
// 1. Let animatable properties be a list of property names (including shorthand properties that have longhand
// sub-properties that are animatable) that can be animated by the implementation.
// 2. Convert each property name in animatable properties to the equivalent IDL attribute by applying the
// animation property name to IDL attribute name algorithm.
// 3. Let input properties be the result of calling the EnumerableOwnNames operation with keyframe input as the
// object.
// 4. Make up a new list animation properties that consists of all of the properties that are in both input
// properties and animatable properties, or which are in input properties and conform to the
// <custom-property-name> production.
auto input_properties = TRY(keyframe_input->internal_own_property_keys());
Vector<String> animation_properties;
for (auto const& input_property : input_properties) {
if (!input_property.is_string())
auto name = input_property.as_string().utf8_string();
if (auto property = CSS::property_id_from_camel_case_string(name); property.has_value()) {
if (CSS::is_animatable_property(property.value()))
// 5. Sort animation properties in ascending order by the Unicode codepoints that define each property name.
// 6. For each property name in animation properties,
for (auto const& property_name : animation_properties) {
// 1. Let raw value be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method on keyframe input, with property name
// as the property key and keyframe input as the receiver.
// 2. Check the completion record of raw value.
auto raw_value = TRY(keyframe_input->get(ByteString { property_name }));
using PropertyValuesType = Conditional<AL == AllowLists::Yes, Vector<String>, String>;
PropertyValuesType property_values;
// 3. Convert raw value to a DOMString or sequence of DOMStrings property values as follows:
// -> If allow lists is true,
if constexpr (AL == AllowLists::Yes) {
// Let property values be the result of converting raw value to IDL type (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>)
// using the procedures defined for converting an ECMAScript value to an IDL value [WEBIDL].
auto intermediate_property_values = TRY(convert_value_to_maybe_list(realm, raw_value, to_string));
// If property values is a single DOMString, replace property values with a sequence of DOMStrings with the
// original value of property values as the only element.
if (intermediate_property_values.has<String>())
property_values = Vector { intermediate_property_values.get<String>() };
property_values = intermediate_property_values.get<Vector<String>>();
// -> Otherwise,
else {
// Let property values be the result of converting raw value to a DOMString using the procedure for
// converting an ECMAScript value to a DOMString [WEBIDL].
property_values = TRY(raw_value.to_string(vm));
// 4. Calculate the normalized property name as the result of applying the IDL attribute name to animation
// property name algorithm to property name.
// Note: We do not need to do this, since we did not need to do the reverse step (animation property name to IDL
// attribute name) in the steps above.
// 5. Add a property to keyframe output with normalized property name as the property name, and property values
// as the property value.
if constexpr (AL == AllowLists::Yes) {, property_values);
} else {
keyframe_output.unparsed_properties().set(property_name, property_values);
return keyframe_output;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<KeyframeEffect> KeyframeEffect::create(JS::Realm& realm)
return realm.heap().allocate<KeyframeEffect>(realm, realm);

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, Matthew Olsson <>
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024, Matthew Olsson <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
@ -10,10 +10,14 @@
#include <LibWeb/Animations/AnimationEffect.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/KeyframeEffectPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/PlatformObject.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/PropertyID.h>
#include <LibWeb/CSS/StyleValue.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Element.h>
namespace Web::Animations {
using EasingValue = Variant<String, NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleValue const>>;
struct KeyframeEffectOptions : public EffectTiming {
Bindings::CompositeOperation composite { Bindings::CompositeOperation::Replace };
@ -21,19 +25,31 @@ struct KeyframeEffectOptions : public EffectTiming {
// Note: This is an intermediate structure used only when parsing Keyframes provided by the caller in a slightly
// different format. It is converted to BaseKeyframe, which is why it doesn't need to store the parsed properties
struct BasePropertyIndexedKeyframe {
Variant<Optional<double>, Vector<Optional<double>>> offset { Vector<Optional<double>> {} };
Variant<String, Vector<String>> easing { Vector<String> {} };
Variant<EasingValue, Vector<EasingValue>> easing { Vector<EasingValue> {} };
Variant<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto, Vector<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto>> composite { Vector<Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto> {} };
HashMap<String, Vector<String>> properties {};
struct BaseKeyframe {
using UnparsedProperties = HashMap<String, String>;
using ParsedProperties = HashMap<CSS::PropertyID, NonnullRefPtr<CSS::StyleValue const>>;
Optional<double> offset {};
String easing { "linear"_string };
EasingValue easing { "linear"_string };
Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto composite { Bindings::CompositeOperationOrAuto::Auto };
Optional<double> computed_offset {};
Variant<UnparsedProperties, ParsedProperties> properties { UnparsedProperties {} };
UnparsedProperties& unparsed_properties() { return properties.get<UnparsedProperties>(); }
ParsedProperties& parsed_properties() { return properties.get<ParsedProperties>(); }