LibWeb: Implement the inner navigate event firing algorithm

This algorithm is the meat of firing the NavigateEvent at navigation.
In order to implement it, we also need to add some getters/setters on
NavigateEvent. The implemetentation deviates from the spec in when
exactly the NavigateEvent is created. In following the pattern for other
events. we construct the event from the NavigateEventInit structure from
our native code. This makes the code a lot simpler than adding 10
getters to the NavigateEvent that are only ever used just after
construction. I'm not 100% conviced the promise resolution code is
correct, but we can add tests for that later :^).
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kaster 2023-09-22 18:35:11 -06:00 committed by Alexander Kalenik
parent 0650edc7d7
commit 3935105d0a
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 08:59:18 +09:00
3 changed files with 366 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,15 @@ class NavigateEvent : public DOM::Event {
WEB_PLATFORM_OBJECT(NavigateEvent, DOM::Event);
enum class InterceptionState {
[[nodiscard]] static JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigateEvent> construct_impl(JS::Realm&, FlyString const& event_name, NavigateEventInit const&);
// The navigationType, destination, canIntercept, userInitiated, hashChange, signal, formData,
@ -63,6 +72,12 @@ public:
virtual ~NavigateEvent() override;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::AbortController> abort_controller() const { return *m_abort_controller; }
InterceptionState interception_state() const { return m_interception_state; }
Vector<NavigationInterceptHandler> const& navigation_handler_list() const { return m_navigation_handler_list; }
void set_abort_controller(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::AbortController> c) { m_abort_controller = c; }
void set_interception_state(InterceptionState s) { m_interception_state = s; }
void set_classic_history_api_state(Optional<SerializationRecord> r) { m_classic_history_api_state = move(r); }
void finish(bool did_fulfill);
@ -78,13 +93,6 @@ private:
void potentially_reset_the_focus();
enum class InterceptionState {
InterceptionState m_interception_state = InterceptionState::None;

View File

@ -13,14 +13,18 @@
#include <LibWeb/DOM/AbortController.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/ErrorEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/History.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigateEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigation.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationDestination.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationHistoryEntry.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationTransition.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/ExceptionReporter.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TraversableNavigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
#include <LibWeb/WebIDL/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/XHR/FormData.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
@ -861,4 +865,341 @@ void Navigation::reject_the_finished_promise(JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMetho
bool Navigation::inner_navigate_event_firing_algorithm(
Bindings::NavigationType navigation_type,
JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationDestination> destination,
UserNavigationInvolvement user_involvement,
Optional<Vector<XHR::FormDataEntry>&> form_data_entry_list,
Optional<String> download_request_filename,
Optional<SerializationRecord> classic_history_api_state)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
// 1. If navigation has entries and events disabled, then:
// NOTE: These assertions holds because traverseTo(), back(), and forward() will immediately fail when entries and events are disabled
// (since there are no entries to traverse to), and if our starting point is instead navigate() or reload(),
// then we avoided setting the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker in the first place.
if (has_entries_and_events_disabled()) {
// 1. Assert: navigation's ongoing API method tracker is null.
VERIFY(m_ongoing_api_method_tracker == nullptr);
// 2. Assert: navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is null.
VERIFY(m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker == nullptr);
// 3. Assert: navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers is empty.
// 4. Return true.
return true;
// 2. Let destinationKey be null.
Optional<String> destination_key = {};
// 3. If destination's entry is non-null, then set destinationKey to destination's entry's key.
if (destination->navigation_history_entry() != nullptr)
destination_key = destination->navigation_history_entry()->key();
// 4. Assert: destinationKey is not the empty string.
VERIFY(destination_key != ""sv);
// 5. Promote an upcoming API method tracker to ongoing given navigation and destinationKey.
// 6. Let apiMethodTracker be navigation's ongoing API method tracker.
auto api_method_tracker = m_ongoing_api_method_tracker;
// 7. Let navigable be navigation's relevant global object's navigable.
auto& relevant_global_object = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(Web::HTML::relevant_global_object(*this));
auto navigable = relevant_global_object.navigable();
// 8. Let document be navigation's relevant global object's associated Document.
auto& document = relevant_global_object.associated_document();
// Note: We create the Event in this algorithm instead of passing it in,
// and have all the following "initialize" steps set up the event init
NavigateEventInit event_init = {};
// 9. If document can have its URL rewritten to destination's URL,
// and either destination's is same document is true or navigationType is not "traverse",
// then initialize event's canIntercept to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.can_intercept = can_have_its_url_rewritten(document, destination->raw_url()) && (destination->same_document() || navigation_type != Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse);
// 10. Let traverseCanBeCanceled be true if all of the following are true:
// - navigable is a top-level traversable;
// - destination's is same document is true; and
// - either userInvolvement is not "browser UI", or navigation's relevant global object has transient activation.
// Otherwise, let it be false.
bool const traverse_can_be_canceled = navigable->is_top_level_traversable()
&& destination->same_document()
&& (user_involvement != UserNavigationInvolvement::BrowserUI || relevant_global_object.has_transient_activation());
// FIXME: Fix spec grammaro, extra 'the -> set'
// 11. If either:
// - navigationType is not "traverse"; or
// - traverseCanBeCanceled is true
// the initialize event's cancelable to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.cancelable = (navigation_type != Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse) || traverse_can_be_canceled;
// 12. Initialize event's type to "navigate".
// AD-HOC: Happens later, when calling the factory function
// 13. Initialize event's navigationType to navigationType.
event_init.navigation_type = navigation_type;
// 14. Initialize event's destination to destination.
event_init.destination = destination;
// 15. Initialize event's downloadRequest to downloadRequestFilename.
event_init.download_request = move(download_request_filename);
// 16. If apiMethodTracker is not null, then initialize event's info to apiMethodTracker's info. Otherwise, initialize it to undefined.
// NOTE: At this point apiMethodTracker's info is no longer needed and can be nulled out instead of keeping it alive for the lifetime of the navigation API method tracker.
if (api_method_tracker) { = api_method_tracker->info;
api_method_tracker->info = JS::js_undefined();
} else { = JS::js_undefined();
// FIXME: 17: Initialize event's hasUAVisualTransition to true if a visual transition, to display a cached rendered state
// of the document's latest entry, was done by the user agent. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.has_ua_visual_transition = false;
// 18. Set event's abort controller to a new AbortController created in navigation's relevant realm.
// AD-HOC: Set on the NavigateEvent later after construction
auto abort_controller = MUST(DOM::AbortController::construct_impl(realm));
// 19. Initialize event's signal to event's abort controller's signal.
event_init.signal = abort_controller->signal();
// 20. Let currentURL be document's URL.
auto current_url = document.url();
// 21. If all of the following are true:
// - destination's is same document is true;
// - destination's URL equals currentURL with exclude fragments set to true; and
// - destination's URL's fragment is not identical to currentURL's fragment,
// then initialize event's hashChange to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.hash_change = (destination->same_document()
&& destination->raw_url().equals(current_url, AK::URL::ExcludeFragment::Yes)
&& destination->raw_url().fragment() != current_url.fragment());
// 22. If userInvolvement is not "none", then initialize event's userInitiated to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
event_init.user_initiated = user_involvement != UserNavigationInvolvement::None;
// 23. If formDataEntryList is not null, then initialize event's formData to a new FormData created in navigation's relevant realm,
// associated to formDataEntryList. Otherwise, initialize it to null.
if (form_data_entry_list.has_value()) {
event_init.form_data = MUST(XHR::FormData::construct_impl(realm, form_data_entry_list.release_value()));
} else {
event_init.form_data = nullptr;
// AD-HOC: *Now* we have all the info required to create the event
auto event = NavigateEvent::construct_impl(realm, EventNames::navigate, event_init);
// AD-HOC: This is supposed to be set in "fire a <type> navigate event", and is only non-null when
// we're doing a push or replace. We set it here because we create the event here
// 24. Assert: navigation's ongoing navigate event is null.
VERIFY(m_ongoing_navigate_event == nullptr);
// 25. Set navigation's ongoing navigate event to event.
m_ongoing_navigate_event = event;
// 26. Set navigation's focus changed during ongoing navigation to false.
m_focus_changed_during_ongoing_navigation = false;
// 27. Set navigation's suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation to false.
m_suppress_scroll_restoration_during_ongoing_navigation = false;
// 28. Let dispatchResult be the result of dispatching event at navigation.
auto dispatch_result = dispatch_event(*event);
// 29. If dispatchResult is false:
if (!dispatch_result) {
// FIXME: 1. If navigationType is "traverse", then consume history-action user activation.
// 2. If event's abort controller's signal is not aborted, then abort the ongoing navigation given navigation.
if (!event->abort_controller()->signal()->aborted())
// 3. Return false.
return false;
// 30. Let endResultIsSameDocument be true if event's interception state
// is not "none" or event's destination's is same document is true.
bool const end_result_is_same_document = (event->interception_state() != NavigateEvent::InterceptionState::None) || event->destination()->same_document();
// 31. Prepare to run script given navigation's relevant settings object.
// NOTE: There's a massive spec note here
// 32. If event's interception state is not "none":
if (event->interception_state() != NavigateEvent::InterceptionState::None) {
// 1. Set event's interception state to "committed".
// 2. Let fromNHE be the current entry of navigation.
auto from_nhe = current_entry();
// 3. Assert: fromNHE is not null.
VERIFY(from_nhe != nullptr);
// 4. Set navigation's transition to a new NavigationTransition created in navigation's relevant realm,
// whose navigation type is navigationType, from entry is fromNHE, and whose finished promise is a new promise
// created in navigation's relevant realm.
m_transition = NavigationTransition::create(realm, navigation_type, *from_nhe, JS::Promise::create(realm));
// 5. Mark as handled navigation's transition's finished promise.
// 6. If navigationType is "traverse", then set navigation's suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation to true.
// NOTE: If event's scroll behavior was set to "after-transition", then scroll restoration will happen as part of finishing
// the relevant NavigateEvent. Otherwise, there will be no scroll restoration. That is, no navigation which is intercepted
// by intercept() goes through the normal scroll restoration process; scroll restoration for such navigations
// is either done manually, by the web developer, or is done after the transition.
if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Traverse)
m_suppress_scroll_restoration_during_ongoing_navigation = true;
// FIXME: Fix spec typo "serialied"
// 7. If navigationType is "push" or "replace", then run the URL and history update steps given document and
// event's destination's URL, with serialiedData set to event's classic history API state and historyHandling
// set to navigationType.
// FIXME: Pass the serialized data to this algorithm
if (navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Push || navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Replace) {
auto history_handling = navigation_type == Bindings::NavigationType::Push ? HistoryHandlingBehavior::Push : HistoryHandlingBehavior::Replace;
perform_url_and_history_update_steps(document, event->destination()->raw_url(), history_handling);
// Big spec note about reload here
// 33. If endResultIsSameDocument is true:
if (end_result_is_same_document) {
// 1. Let promisesList be an empty list.
JS::MarkedVector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise>> promises_list(realm.heap());
// 2. For each handler of event's navigation handler list:
for (auto const& handler : event->navigation_handler_list()) {
// 1. Append the result of invoking handler with an empty arguments list to promisesList.
auto result = WebIDL::invoke_callback(handler, {});
if (result.is_abrupt()) {
report_exception(result.release_error(), realm);
// This *should* be equivalent to converting a promise to a promise capability
promises_list.append(WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, result.value().value()));
// 3. If promisesList's size is 0, then set promisesList to « a promise resolved with undefined ».
// NOTE: There is a subtle timing difference between how waiting for all schedules its success and failure
// steps when given zero promises versus ≥1 promises. For most uses of waiting for all, this does not matter.
// However, with this API, there are so many events and promise handlers which could fire around the same time
// that the difference is pretty easily observable: it can cause the event/promise handler sequence to vary.
// (Some of the events and promises involved include: navigatesuccess / navigateerror, currententrychange,
// dispose, apiMethodTracker's promises, and the navigation.transition.finished promise.)
if (promises_list.size() == 0) {
promises_list.append(WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, JS::js_undefined()));
// 4. Wait for all of promisesList, with the following success steps:
realm, promises_list, [&](JS::MarkedVector<JS::Value> const&) -> void {
// FIXME: Spec issue: Event's relevant global objects' *associated document*
// 1. If event's relevant global object is not fully active, then abort these steps.
if (!relevant_global_object.associated_document().is_fully_active())
// 2. If event's abort controller's signal is aborted, then abort these steps.
if (event->abort_controller()->signal()->aborted())
// 3. Assert: event equals navigation's ongoing navigate event.
VERIFY(event == m_ongoing_navigate_event);
// 4. Set navigation's ongoing navigate event to null.
m_ongoing_navigate_event = nullptr;
// 5. Finish event given true.
// FIXME: Implement somewhere
// 6. Fire an event named navigatesuccess at navigation.
dispatch_event(DOM::Event::create(realm, EventNames::navigatesuccess));
// 7. If navigation's transition is not null, then resolve navigation's transition's finished promise with undefined.
if (m_transition != nullptr)
// 8. Set navigation's transition to null.
m_transition = nullptr;
// 9. If apiMethodTracker is non-null, then resolve the finished promise for apiMethodTracker.
if (api_method_tracker)
resolve_the_finished_promise(*api_method_tracker); },
// and the following failure steps given reason rejectionReason:
[&](JS::Value rejection_reason) -> void {
// FIXME: Spec issue: Event's relevant global objects' *associated document*
// 1. If event's relevant global object is not fully active, then abort these steps.
if (!relevant_global_object.associated_document().is_fully_active())
// 2. If event's abort controller's signal is aborted, then abort these steps.
if (event->abort_controller()->signal()->aborted())
// 3. Assert: event equals navigation's ongoing navigate event.
VERIFY(event == m_ongoing_navigate_event);
// 4. Set navigation's ongoing navigate event to null.
m_ongoing_navigate_event = nullptr;
// 5. Finish event given false.
// 6. Fire an event named navigateerror at navigation using ErrorEvent, with error initialized to rejectionReason, and message,
// filename, lineno, and colno initialized to appropriate values that can be extracted from rejectionReason in the same
// underspecified way that the report the exception algorithm does.
ErrorEventInit event_init = {};
event_init.error = rejection_reason;
// FIXME: Extract information from the exception and the JS context in the wishy-washy way the spec says here.
event_init.filename = String {};
event_init.colno = 0;
event_init.lineno = 0;
event_init.message = String {};
dispatch_event(ErrorEvent::create(realm, EventNames::navigateerror, event_init));
// 7. If navigation's transition is not null, then reject navigation's transition's finished promise with rejectionReason.
if (m_transition)
// 8. Set navigation's transition to null.
m_transition = nullptr;
// 9. If apiMethodTracker is non-null, then reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with rejectionReason.
if (api_method_tracker)
reject_the_finished_promise(*api_method_tracker, rejection_reason);
// 34. Otherwise, if apiMethodTracker is non-null, then clean up apiMethodTracker.
else if (api_method_tracker) {
// 35. Clean up after running script given navigation's relevant settings object.
// 36. If event's interception state is "none", then return true.
// 37. Return false.
return event->interception_state() == NavigateEvent::InterceptionState::None;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/NavigationPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EventTarget.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/HistoryHandlingBehavior.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationType.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/StructuredSerialize.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
@ -133,6 +135,14 @@ private:
void reject_the_finished_promise(JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker>, JS::Value exception);
void clean_up(JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker>);
bool inner_navigate_event_firing_algorithm(
Optional<Vector<XHR::FormDataEntry>&> form_data_entry_list,
Optional<String> download_request_filename,
Optional<SerializationRecord> classic_history_api_state);
// Each Navigation has an associated entry list, a list of NavigationHistoryEntry objects, initially empty.
Vector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationHistoryEntry>> m_entry_list;