LibWeb: Implement "create a new browsing context and document"

Co-authored-by: Andreas Kling <>
This commit is contained in:
Aliaksandr Kalenik 2023-04-23 19:31:46 +03:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent 6871fbce9f
commit 3b00636288
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-18 03:20:18 +09:00
4 changed files with 196 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ void Document::check_favicon_after_loading_link_resource()
dbgln_if(SPAM_DEBUG, "No favicon found to be used");
void Document::set_window(Badge<HTML::BrowsingContext>, HTML::Window& window)
void Document::set_window(HTML::Window& window)
m_window = &window;

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@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ public:
HTML::Window& window() const { return const_cast<HTML::Window&>(*m_window); }
void set_window(Badge<HTML::BrowsingContext>, HTML::Window&);
void set_window(HTML::Window&);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> write(Vector<DeprecatedString> const& strings);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> writeln(Vector<DeprecatedString> const& strings);

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@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ JS::NonnullGCPtr<BrowsingContext> BrowsingContext::create_a_new_browsing_context
auto document = DOM::Document::create(window->realm()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
// Non-standard
document->set_window({}, *window);
@ -256,6 +256,183 @@ JS::NonnullGCPtr<BrowsingContext> BrowsingContext::create_a_new_browsing_context
return *browsing_context;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<BrowsingContext::BrowsingContextAndDocument> BrowsingContext::create_a_new_auxiliary_browsing_context_and_document(Page& page, JS::NonnullGCPtr<HTML::BrowsingContext> opener)
// 1. Let openerTopLevelBrowsingContext be opener's top-level traversable's active browsing context.
auto opener_top_level_browsing_context = opener->top_level_traversable()->active_browsing_context();
// 2. Let group be openerTopLevelBrowsingContext's group.
auto group = opener_top_level_browsing_context->group();
// 3. Assert: group is non-null, as navigating invokes this directly.
// 4. Set browsingContext and document be the result of creating a new browsing context and document with opener's active document, null, and group.
auto [browsing_context, document] = TRY(create_a_new_browsing_context_and_document(page, opener->active_document(), nullptr, *group));
// FIXME: 5. Set browsingContext's is auxiliary to true.
// 6. Append browsingContext to group.
// 7. Set browsingContext's opener browsing context to opener.
// FIXME: 8. Set browsingContext's virtual browsing context group ID to openerTopLevelBrowsingContext's virtual browsing context group ID.
// FIXME: 9. Set browsingContext's opener origin at creation to opener's active document's origin.
// 10. Return browsingContext and document.
return BrowsingContext::BrowsingContextAndDocument { browsing_context, document };
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<BrowsingContext::BrowsingContextAndDocument> BrowsingContext::create_a_new_browsing_context_and_document(Page& page, JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> creator, JS::GCPtr<DOM::Element> embedder, JS::NonnullGCPtr<BrowsingContextGroup> group)
auto& vm = group->vm();
// 1. Let browsingContext be a new browsing context.
JS::NonnullGCPtr<BrowsingContext> browsing_context = *vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<BrowsingContext>(page, nullptr);
// 2. Let unsafeContextCreationTime be the unsafe shared current time.
[[maybe_unused]] auto unsafe_context_creation_time = HighResolutionTime::unsafe_shared_current_time();
// 3. Let creatorOrigin be null.
Optional<Origin> creator_origin = {};
// 4. If creator is non-null, then:
if (creator) {
// 1. Set creatorOrigin to creator's origin.
creator_origin = creator->origin();
// FIXME: 2. Set browsingContext's creator base URL to an algorithm which returns creator's base URL.
// FIXME: 3. Set browsingContext's virtual browsing context group ID to creator's browsing context's top-level browsing context's virtual browsing context group ID.
// FIXME: 5. Let sandboxFlags be the result of determining the creation sandboxing flags given browsingContext and embedder.
SandboxingFlagSet sandbox_flags;
// 6. Let origin be the result of determining the origin given about:blank, sandboxFlags, creatorOrigin, and null.
auto origin = determine_the_origin(AK::URL("about:blank"sv), sandbox_flags, creator_origin, {});
// FIXME: 7. Let permissionsPolicy be the result of creating a permissions policy given browsingContext and origin. [PERMISSIONSPOLICY]
// FIXME: 8. Let agent be the result of obtaining a similar-origin window agent given origin, group, and false.
JS::GCPtr<Window> window;
// 9. Let realm execution context be the result of creating a new JavaScript realm given agent and the following customizations:
auto realm_execution_context = Bindings::create_a_new_javascript_realm(
[&](JS::Realm& realm) -> JS::Object* {
auto window_proxy = realm.heap().allocate<WindowProxy>(realm, realm);
// - For the global object, create a new Window object.
window = Window::create(realm).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
return window.ptr();
[&](JS::Realm&) -> JS::Object* {
// - For the global this binding, use browsingContext's WindowProxy object.
return browsing_context->window_proxy();
// 10. Let topLevelCreationURL be about:blank if embedder is null; otherwise embedder's relevant settings object's top-level creation URL.
auto top_level_creation_url = !embedder ? AK::URL("about:blank") : relevant_settings_object(*embedder).top_level_creation_url;
// 11. Let topLevelOrigin be origin if embedder is null; otherwise embedder's relevant settings object's top-level origin.
auto top_level_origin = !embedder ? origin : relevant_settings_object(*embedder).origin();
// 12. Set up a window environment settings object with about:blank, realm execution context, null, topLevelCreationURL, and topLevelOrigin.
// 13. Let loadTimingInfo be a new document load timing info with its navigation start time set to the result of calling
// coarsen time with unsafeContextCreationTime and the new environment settings object's cross-origin isolated capability.
auto load_timing_info = DOM::DocumentLoadTimingInfo();
load_timing_info.navigation_start_time = HighResolutionTime::coarsen_time(
verify_cast<WindowEnvironmentSettingsObject>(Bindings::host_defined_environment_settings_object(window->realm())).cross_origin_isolated_capability() == CanUseCrossOriginIsolatedAPIs::Yes);
// 14. Let document be a new Document, with:
auto document = TRY(DOM::Document::create(window->realm()));
// Non-standard
// type: "html"
// content type: "text/html"
// mode: "quirks"
// origin: origin
// browsing context: browsingContext
// FIXME: permissions policy: permissionsPolicy
// FIXME: active sandboxing flag set: sandboxFlags
// load timing info: loadTimingInfo
// is initial about:blank: true
// 15. If creator is non-null, then:
if (creator) {
// 1. Set document's referrer to the serialization of creator's URL.
// FIXME: 2. Set document's policy container to a clone of creator's policy container.
// 3. If creator's origin is same origin with creator's relevant settings object's top-level origin,
if (creator->origin().is_same_origin(creator->relevant_settings_object().top_level_origin)) {
// then set document's cross-origin opener policy to creator's browsing context's top-level browsing context's active document's cross-origin opener policy.
// 16. Assert: document's URL and document's relevant settings object's creation URL are about:blank.
VERIFY(document->url() == "about:blank"sv);
VERIFY(document->relevant_settings_object().creation_url == "about:blank"sv);
// 17. Mark document as ready for post-load tasks.
// 18. Ensure that document has a single child html node, which itself has two empty child nodes: a head element, and a body element.
auto html_node = TRY(DOM::create_element(document, HTML::TagNames::html, Namespace::HTML));
auto head_element = TRY(DOM::create_element(document, HTML::TagNames::head, Namespace::HTML));
auto body_element = TRY(DOM::create_element(document, HTML::TagNames::body, Namespace::HTML));
// 19. Make active document.
// 20. Completely finish loading document.
// 21. Return browsingContext and document.
return BrowsingContext::BrowsingContextAndDocument { browsing_context, document };
BrowsingContext::BrowsingContext(Page& page, HTML::NavigableContainer* container)
: m_page(page)
, m_loader(*this)
@ -344,7 +521,7 @@ void BrowsingContext::set_active_document(JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Document> docume
document->set_visibility_state({}, top_level_browsing_context().system_visibility_state());
// 3. Set browsingContext's active window to window.
m_window_proxy->set_window({}, window);
// 4. Set window's associated Document to document.
@ -856,6 +1033,11 @@ HTML::WindowProxy const* BrowsingContext::window_proxy() const
return m_window_proxy.ptr();
void BrowsingContext::set_window_proxy(JS::GCPtr<WindowProxy> window_proxy)
m_window_proxy = move(window_proxy);
void BrowsingContext::scroll_offset_did_change()

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@ -40,6 +40,14 @@ public:
static JS::NonnullGCPtr<BrowsingContext> create_a_new_browsing_context(Page&, JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> creator, JS::GCPtr<DOM::Element> embedder, BrowsingContextGroup&);
static JS::NonnullGCPtr<BrowsingContext> create_a_new_top_level_browsing_context(Page&);
struct BrowsingContextAndDocument {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<BrowsingContext> browsing_context;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<DOM::Document> document;
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<BrowsingContextAndDocument> create_a_new_browsing_context_and_document(Page& page, JS::GCPtr<DOM::Document> creator, JS::GCPtr<DOM::Element> embedder, JS::NonnullGCPtr<BrowsingContextGroup> group);
static WebIDL::ExceptionOr<BrowsingContextAndDocument> create_a_new_auxiliary_browsing_context_and_document(Page& page, JS::NonnullGCPtr<HTML::BrowsingContext> opener);
virtual ~BrowsingContext() override;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<HTML::TraversableNavigable> top_level_traversable() const;
@ -129,6 +137,8 @@ public:
virtual HTML::WindowProxy* window_proxy() override;
virtual HTML::WindowProxy const* window_proxy() const override;
void set_window_proxy(JS::GCPtr<WindowProxy>);
HTML::Window* active_window();
HTML::Window const* active_window() const;