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synced 2024-11-14 22:31:29 +03:00
LibGfx+WindowServer: Move shadow-painting code to StylePainter
Specifically, this is to make it accessible to ThemeEditor, but there's nothing about it that is especially window-specific.
This commit is contained in:
2024-07-18 01:50:08 +09:00
Author: https://github.com/AtkinsSJ Commit: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/commit/885ca2f9687 Pull-request: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/10660
@ -405,4 +405,97 @@ void ClassicStylePainter::paint_transparency_grid(Painter& painter, IntRect cons
painter.fill_rect_with_checkerboard(rect, { 8, 8 }, palette.base().darkened(0.9), palette.base());
void ClassicStylePainter::paint_simple_rect_shadow(Painter& painter, IntRect const& containing_rect, Bitmap const& shadow_bitmap, bool shadow_includes_frame, bool fill_content)
// The layout of the shadow_bitmap is defined like this:
// +---------+----+---------+----+----+----+
// | TL | T | TR | LT | L | LB |
// +---------+----+---------+----+----+----+
// | BL | B | BR | RT | R | RB |
// +---------+----+---------+----+----+----+
// Located strictly on the top or bottom of the rectangle, above or below of the content:
// TL = top-left T = top TR = top-right
// BL = bottom-left B = bottom BR = bottom-right
// Located on the left or right of the rectangle, but not above or below of the content:
// LT = left-top L = left LB = left-bottom
// RT = right-top R = right RB = right-bottom
// So, the bitmap has two rows and 6 column, two of which are twice as wide.
// The height divided by two defines a cell size, and width of each
// column must be the same as the height of the cell, except for the
// first and third column, which are twice as wide.
// If fill_content is true, it will use the RGBA color of right-bottom pixel of TL to fill the rectangle enclosed
if (shadow_bitmap.height() % 2 != 0) {
dbgln("Can't paint simple rect shadow, shadow bitmap height {} is not even", shadow_bitmap.height());
auto base_size = shadow_bitmap.height() / 2;
if (shadow_bitmap.width() != base_size * (6 + 2)) {
if (shadow_bitmap.width() % base_size != 0)
dbgln("Can't paint simple rect shadow, shadow bitmap width {} is not a multiple of {}", shadow_bitmap.width(), base_size);
dbgln("Can't paint simple rect shadow, shadow bitmap width {} but expected {}", shadow_bitmap.width(), base_size * (6 + 2));
// The containing_rect should have been inflated appropriately
VERIFY(containing_rect.size().contains(Gfx::IntSize { base_size, base_size }));
auto sides_height = containing_rect.height() - 2 * base_size;
auto half_height = sides_height / 2;
auto containing_horizontal_rect = containing_rect;
int horizontal_shift = 0;
if (half_height < base_size && !shadow_includes_frame) {
// If the height is too small we need to shift the left/right accordingly, unless the shadow includes portions of the frame
horizontal_shift = base_size - half_height;
containing_horizontal_rect.set_left(containing_horizontal_rect.left() + horizontal_shift);
containing_horizontal_rect.set_right(containing_horizontal_rect.right() - 2 * horizontal_shift);
auto half_width = containing_horizontal_rect.width() / 2;
int corner_piece_width = min(containing_horizontal_rect.width() / 2, base_size * 2);
int left_corners_right = containing_horizontal_rect.left() + corner_piece_width;
int right_corners_left = max(containing_horizontal_rect.right() - corner_piece_width + 1, left_corners_right + 1);
auto paint_horizontal = [&](int y, int src_row) {
if (half_width <= 0)
Gfx::PainterStateSaver save(painter);
painter.add_clip_rect({ containing_horizontal_rect.left(), y, containing_horizontal_rect.width(), base_size });
painter.blit({ containing_horizontal_rect.left(), y }, shadow_bitmap, { 0, src_row * base_size, corner_piece_width, base_size });
painter.blit({ right_corners_left, y }, shadow_bitmap, { 5 * base_size - corner_piece_width, src_row * base_size, corner_piece_width, base_size });
for (int x = left_corners_right; x < right_corners_left; x += base_size) {
auto width = min(right_corners_left - x, base_size);
painter.blit({ x, y }, shadow_bitmap, { corner_piece_width, src_row * base_size, width, base_size });
paint_horizontal(containing_rect.top(), 0);
paint_horizontal(containing_rect.bottom() - base_size + 1, 1);
int corner_piece_height = min(half_height, base_size);
int top_corners_bottom = base_size + corner_piece_height;
int bottom_corners_top = base_size + max(half_height, sides_height - corner_piece_height);
auto paint_vertical = [&](int x, int src_row, int hshift, int hsrcshift) {
Gfx::PainterStateSaver save(painter);
painter.add_clip_rect({ x, containing_rect.y() + base_size, base_size, containing_rect.height() - 2 * base_size });
painter.blit({ x + hshift, containing_rect.top() + top_corners_bottom - corner_piece_height }, shadow_bitmap, { base_size * 5 + hsrcshift, src_row * base_size, base_size - hsrcshift, corner_piece_height });
painter.blit({ x + hshift, containing_rect.top() + bottom_corners_top }, shadow_bitmap, { base_size * 7 + hsrcshift, src_row * base_size + base_size - corner_piece_height, base_size - hsrcshift, corner_piece_height });
for (int y = top_corners_bottom; y < bottom_corners_top; y += base_size) {
auto height = min(bottom_corners_top - y, base_size);
painter.blit({ x, containing_rect.top() + y }, shadow_bitmap, { base_size * 6, src_row * base_size, base_size, height });
paint_vertical(containing_rect.left(), 0, horizontal_shift, 0);
if (shadow_includes_frame)
horizontal_shift = 0; // TODO: fix off-by-one on rectangles barely wide enough
paint_vertical(containing_rect.right() - base_size + 1, 1, 0, horizontal_shift);
if (fill_content) {
// Fill the enclosed rectangle with the RGBA color of the right-bottom pixel of the TL tile
auto inner_rect = containing_rect.shrunken(2 * base_size, 2 * base_size);
if (!inner_rect.is_empty())
painter.fill_rect(inner_rect, shadow_bitmap.get_pixel(2 * base_size - 1, base_size - 1));
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ public:
virtual void paint_radio_button(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&, bool is_checked, bool is_being_pressed) override;
virtual void paint_check_box(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&, bool is_enabled, bool is_checked, bool is_being_pressed) override;
virtual void paint_transparency_grid(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&) override;
virtual void paint_simple_rect_shadow(Painter&, IntRect const&, Bitmap const& shadow_bitmap, bool shadow_includes_frame, bool fill_content) override;
@ -58,4 +58,9 @@ void StylePainter::paint_transparency_grid(Painter& painter, const IntRect& rect
current().paint_transparency_grid(painter, rect, palette);
void StylePainter::paint_simple_rect_shadow(Painter& painter, IntRect const& rect, Bitmap const& shadow_bitmap, bool shadow_includes_frame, bool fill_content)
current().paint_simple_rect_shadow(painter, rect, shadow_bitmap, shadow_includes_frame, fill_content);
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public:
virtual void paint_radio_button(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&, bool is_checked, bool is_being_pressed) = 0;
virtual void paint_check_box(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&, bool is_enabled, bool is_checked, bool is_being_pressed) = 0;
virtual void paint_transparency_grid(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&) = 0;
virtual void paint_simple_rect_shadow(Painter&, IntRect const&, Bitmap const& shadow_bitmap, bool shadow_includes_frame = false, bool fill_content = false) = 0;
BaseStylePainter() { }
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ public:
static void paint_radio_button(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&, bool is_checked, bool is_being_pressed);
static void paint_check_box(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&, bool is_enabled, bool is_checked, bool is_being_pressed);
static void paint_transparency_grid(Painter&, IntRect const&, Palette const&);
static void paint_simple_rect_shadow(Painter&, IntRect const&, Bitmap const& shadow_bitmap, bool shadow_includes_frame = false, bool fill_content = false);
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "Overlays.h"
#include "Compositor.h"
#include "WindowManager.h"
#include <LibGfx/StylePainter.h>
namespace WindowServer {
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ void RectangularOverlay::render(Gfx::Painter& painter, Screen const& screen)
Gfx::Painter bitmap_painter(*new_bitmap);
if (auto* shadow_bitmap = WindowManager::the().overlay_rect_shadow()) {
WindowFrame::paint_simple_rect_shadow(bitmap_painter, new_bitmap->rect(), shadow_bitmap->bitmap(scale_factor), true, true);
Gfx::StylePainter::paint_simple_rect_shadow(bitmap_painter, new_bitmap->rect(), shadow_bitmap->bitmap(scale_factor), true, true);
} else {
bitmap_painter.fill_rect(new_bitmap->rect(), Color(Color::Black).with_alpha(0xcc));
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ void WindowFrame::PerScaleRenderedCache::render(WindowFrame& frame, Screen& scre
painter.clear_rect({ rect.location() - frame_rect_to_update.location(), rect.size() }, { 255, 255, 255, 0 });
if (m_shadow_dirty && shadow_bitmap)
frame.paint_simple_rect_shadow(painter, { { 0, 0 }, frame_rect_including_shadow.size() }, shadow_bitmap->bitmap(screen.scale_factor()));
Gfx::StylePainter::paint_simple_rect_shadow(painter, { { 0, 0 }, frame_rect_including_shadow.size() }, shadow_bitmap->bitmap(screen.scale_factor()));
Gfx::PainterStateSaver save(painter);
@ -880,99 +880,6 @@ void WindowFrame::start_flash_animation()
void WindowFrame::paint_simple_rect_shadow(Gfx::Painter& painter, const Gfx::IntRect& containing_rect, const Gfx::Bitmap& shadow_bitmap, bool shadow_includes_frame, bool fill_content)
// The layout of the shadow_bitmap is defined like this:
// +---------+----+---------+----+----+----+
// | TL | T | TR | LT | L | LB |
// +---------+----+---------+----+----+----+
// | BL | B | BR | RT | R | RB |
// +---------+----+---------+----+----+----+
// Located strictly on the top or bottom of the rectangle, above or below of the content:
// TL = top-left T = top TR = top-right
// BL = bottom-left B = bottom BR = bottom-right
// Located on the left or right of the rectangle, but not above or below of the content:
// LT = left-top L = left LB = left-bottom
// RT = right-top R = right RB = right-bottom
// So, the bitmap has two rows and 6 column, two of which are twice as wide.
// The height divided by two defines a cell size, and width of each
// column must be the same as the height of the cell, except for the
// first an third column, which are twice as wide.
// If fill_content is true, it will use the RGBA color of right-bottom pixel of TL to fill the rectangle enclosed
if (shadow_bitmap.height() % 2 != 0) {
dbgln("Can't paint simple rect shadow, shadow bitmap height {} is not even", shadow_bitmap.height());
auto base_size = shadow_bitmap.height() / 2;
if (shadow_bitmap.width() != base_size * (6 + 2)) {
if (shadow_bitmap.width() % base_size != 0)
dbgln("Can't paint simple rect shadow, shadow bitmap width {} is not a multiple of {}", shadow_bitmap.width(), base_size);
dbgln("Can't paint simple rect shadow, shadow bitmap width {} but expected {}", shadow_bitmap.width(), base_size * (6 + 2));
// The containing_rect should have been inflated appropriately
VERIFY(containing_rect.size().contains(Gfx::IntSize { base_size, base_size }));
auto sides_height = containing_rect.height() - 2 * base_size;
auto half_height = sides_height / 2;
auto containing_horizontal_rect = containing_rect;
int horizontal_shift = 0;
if (half_height < base_size && !shadow_includes_frame) {
// If the height is too small we need to shift the left/right accordingly, unless the shadow includes portions of the frame
horizontal_shift = base_size - half_height;
containing_horizontal_rect.set_left(containing_horizontal_rect.left() + horizontal_shift);
containing_horizontal_rect.set_right(containing_horizontal_rect.right() - 2 * horizontal_shift);
auto half_width = containing_horizontal_rect.width() / 2;
int corner_piece_width = min(containing_horizontal_rect.width() / 2, base_size * 2);
int left_corners_right = containing_horizontal_rect.left() + corner_piece_width;
int right_corners_left = max(containing_horizontal_rect.right() - corner_piece_width + 1, left_corners_right + 1);
auto paint_horizontal = [&](int y, int src_row) {
if (half_width <= 0)
Gfx::PainterStateSaver save(painter);
painter.add_clip_rect({ containing_horizontal_rect.left(), y, containing_horizontal_rect.width(), base_size });
painter.blit({ containing_horizontal_rect.left(), y }, shadow_bitmap, { 0, src_row * base_size, corner_piece_width, base_size });
painter.blit({ right_corners_left, y }, shadow_bitmap, { 5 * base_size - corner_piece_width, src_row * base_size, corner_piece_width, base_size });
for (int x = left_corners_right; x < right_corners_left; x += base_size) {
auto width = min(right_corners_left - x, base_size);
painter.blit({ x, y }, shadow_bitmap, { corner_piece_width, src_row * base_size, width, base_size });
paint_horizontal(containing_rect.top(), 0);
paint_horizontal(containing_rect.bottom() - base_size + 1, 1);
int corner_piece_height = min(half_height, base_size);
int top_corners_bottom = base_size + corner_piece_height;
int bottom_corners_top = base_size + max(half_height, sides_height - corner_piece_height);
auto paint_vertical = [&](int x, int src_row, int hshift, int hsrcshift) {
Gfx::PainterStateSaver save(painter);
painter.add_clip_rect({ x, containing_rect.y() + base_size, base_size, containing_rect.height() - 2 * base_size });
painter.blit({ x + hshift, containing_rect.top() + top_corners_bottom - corner_piece_height }, shadow_bitmap, { base_size * 5 + hsrcshift, src_row * base_size, base_size - hsrcshift, corner_piece_height });
painter.blit({ x + hshift, containing_rect.top() + bottom_corners_top }, shadow_bitmap, { base_size * 7 + hsrcshift, src_row * base_size + base_size - corner_piece_height, base_size - hsrcshift, corner_piece_height });
for (int y = top_corners_bottom; y < bottom_corners_top; y += base_size) {
auto height = min(bottom_corners_top - y, base_size);
painter.blit({ x, containing_rect.top() + y }, shadow_bitmap, { base_size * 6, src_row * base_size, base_size, height });
paint_vertical(containing_rect.left(), 0, horizontal_shift, 0);
if (shadow_includes_frame)
horizontal_shift = 0; // TODO: fix off-by-one on rectangles barely wide enough
paint_vertical(containing_rect.right() - base_size + 1, 1, 0, horizontal_shift);
if (fill_content) {
// Fill the enclosed rectangle with the RGBA color of the right-bottom pixel of the TL tile
auto inner_rect = containing_rect.shrunken(2 * base_size, 2 * base_size);
if (!inner_rect.is_empty())
painter.fill_rect(inner_rect, shadow_bitmap.get_pixel(2 * base_size - 1, base_size - 1));
int WindowFrame::menu_row_count() const
if (!m_window.should_show_menubar())
@ -119,8 +119,6 @@ public:
void open_menubar_menu(Menu&);
static void paint_simple_rect_shadow(Gfx::Painter&, const Gfx::IntRect&, const Gfx::Bitmap&, bool shadow_includes_frame = false, bool fill_content = false);
void paint_notification_frame(Gfx::Painter&);
void paint_normal_frame(Gfx::Painter&);
Reference in New Issue
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