LibGfx/JBIG2: Implement initial support for text segments

Text segments conceptually store (x,y,id) triples. (x,y) are a
coordinate, and id refers to an id from a symbol segment.
A text segment has the effect of drawing some of the bitmaps stored
in a symbol segment to the output bitmap.

For example, the symbol segment might contain a small bitmap that
happens to look like the letter 'A', and the text segment might
draw that everywhere a scanned page has an 'A'. (The JBIG2 format
only treats it as an abstract bitmap. It doesn't know that this
small bitmap is an 'A'.)

This is missing support for many things:

* Huffman-coded input (not used in practice)
* Symbol refinement
* Transposed symbols
* Colors (not used in practice)

Still, we now have basic symbol/text segment support. This is enough
to decode the downloadable PDF here:

It doesn't lead to any progression on my 1000 file test PDF set.
The 7 files in there that use JBIG2 with symbol and text segments
now fail to load for other reasons (4 need symbol refinement for
text segments, one needs end-of-stripe segment support, one needs
support for symbol segments referring to other segments).

(And possibly, many other PDFs from Google Books, but that's the
only one I've tried so far.)
This commit is contained in:
Nico Weber 2024-03-20 22:02:58 -04:00 committed by Tim Flynn
parent 3454970903
commit b15e1d2b2a
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 00:47:29 +09:00

View File

@ -532,6 +532,7 @@ struct JBIG2LoadingContext {
Optional<u32> number_of_pages;
Vector<SegmentData> segments;
HashMap<u32, u32> segments_by_number;
static ErrorOr<void> decode_jbig2_header(JBIG2LoadingContext& context, ReadonlyBytes data)
@ -712,8 +713,10 @@ static ErrorOr<void> decode_segment_headers(JBIG2LoadingContext& context, Readon
if (segment_headers.size() != segment_datas.size())
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Segment headers and segment datas have different sizes");
for (size_t i = 0; i < segment_headers.size(); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < segment_headers.size(); ++i) {
context.segments.append({ segment_headers[i], segment_datas[i], {} });
context.segments_by_number.set(segment_headers[i].segment_number, context.segments.size() - 1);
return {};
@ -947,6 +950,274 @@ static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<BitBuffer>> generic_region_decoding_procedure(Gener
return result;
// 6.4.2 Input parameters
// Table 9 Parameters for the text region decoding procedure
struct TextRegionDecodingInputParameters {
bool uses_huffman_encoding { false }; // "SBHUFF" in spec.
bool uses_refinement_coding { false }; // "SBREFINE" in spec.
u32 region_width { 0 }; // "SBW" in spec.
u32 region_height { 0 }; // "SBH" in spec.
u32 number_of_instances { 0 }; // "SBNUMINSTANCES" in spec.
u32 size_of_symbol_instance_strips { 0 }; // "SBSTRIPS" in spec.
// "SBNUMSYMS" is `symbols.size()` below.
u32 id_symbol_code_length { 0 }; // "SBSYMCODELEN" in spec.
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Symbol>> symbols; // "SBNUMSYMS" / "SBSYMS" in spec.
u8 default_pixel { 0 }; // "SBDEFPIXEL" in spec.
CombinationOperator operator_ { CombinationOperator::Or }; // "SBCOMBOP" in spec.
bool is_transposed { false }; // "TRANSPOSED" in spec.
enum class Corner {
BottomLeft = 0,
TopLeft = 1,
BottomRight = 2,
TopRight = 3,
Corner reference_corner { Corner::TopLeft }; // "REFCORNER" in spec.
i8 delta_s_offset { 0 }; // "SBDSOFFSET" in spec.
u8 refinement_template { 0 }; // "SBRTEMPLATE" in spec.
Array<AdaptiveTemplatePixel, 2> refinement_adaptive_template_pixels; // "SBRATX" / "SBRATY" in spec.
// 6.4 Text Region Decoding Procedure
static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<BitBuffer>> text_region_decoding_procedure(TextRegionDecodingInputParameters const& inputs, ReadonlyBytes data)
if (inputs.uses_huffman_encoding)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode huffman text regions yet");
if (inputs.uses_refinement_coding)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode refined text regions yet");
if (inputs.is_transposed)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode transposed text regions yet");
auto decoder = TRY(JBIG2::ArithmeticDecoder::initialize(data));
// 6.4.6 Strip delta T
// "If SBHUFF is 1, decode a value using the Huffman table specified by SBHUFFDT and multiply the resulting value by SBSTRIPS.
// If SBHUFF is 0, decode a value using the IADT integer arithmetic decoding procedure (see Annex A) and multiply the resulting value by SBSTRIPS."
// FIXME: Implement support for SBHUFF = 1.
JBIG2::ArithmeticIntegerDecoder delta_t_integer_decoder(decoder);
auto read_delta_t = [&]() -> i32 {
return delta_t_integer_decoder.decode().value() * inputs.size_of_symbol_instance_strips;
// 6.4.7 First symbol instance S coordinate
// "If SBHUFF is 1, decode a value using the Huffman table specified by SBHUFFFS.
// If SBHUFF is 0, decode a value using the IAFS integer arithmetic decoding procedure (see Annex A)."
// FIXME: Implement support for SBHUFF = 1.
JBIG2::ArithmeticIntegerDecoder first_s_integer_decoder(decoder);
auto read_first_s = [&]() -> i32 {
return first_s_integer_decoder.decode().value();
// 6.4.8 Subsequent symbol instance S coordinate
// "If SBHUFF is 1, decode a value using the Huffman table specified by SBHUFFDS.
// If SBHUFF is 0, decode a value using the IADS integer arithmetic decoding procedure (see Annex A).
// In either case it is possible that the result of this decoding is the out-of-band value OOB.""
// FIXME: Implement support for SBHUFF = 1.
JBIG2::ArithmeticIntegerDecoder subsequent_s_integer_decoder(decoder);
auto read_subsequent_s = [&]() -> Optional<i32> {
return subsequent_s_integer_decoder.decode();
// 6.4.9 Symbol instance T coordinate
// "If SBSTRIPS == 1, then the value decoded is always zero. Otherwise:
// • If SBHUFF is 1, decode a value by reading ceil(log2(SBSTRIPS)) bits directly from the bitstream.
// • If SBHUFF is 0, decode a value using the IAIT integer arithmetic decoding procedure (see Annex A)."
// FIXME: Implement support for SBHUFF = 1.
JBIG2::ArithmeticIntegerDecoder instance_t_integer_decoder(decoder);
auto read_instance_t = [&]() -> i32 {
if (inputs.size_of_symbol_instance_strips == 1)
return 0;
return instance_t_integer_decoder.decode().value();
// 6.4.10 Symbol instance symbol ID
// "If SBHUFF is 1, decode a value by reading one bit at a time until the resulting bit string is equal to one of the entries in
// SBSYMCODES. The resulting value, which is IDI, is the index of the entry in SBSYMCODES that is read.
// If SBHUFF is 0, decode a value using the IAID integer arithmetic decoding procedure (see Annex A). Set IDI to the
// resulting value.""
// FIXME: Implement support for SBHUFF = 1.
Vector<JBIG2::ArithmeticDecoder::Context> id_contexts;
id_contexts.resize(1 << (inputs.id_symbol_code_length + 1));
auto read_id = [&]() -> u32 {
// A.3 The IAID decoding procedure
u32 prev = 1;
for (u8 i = 0; i < inputs.id_symbol_code_length; ++i) {
bool bit = decoder.get_next_bit(id_contexts[prev]);
prev = (prev << 1) | bit;
prev = prev - (1 << inputs.id_symbol_code_length);
return prev;
// 6.4.5 Decoding the text region
// "1) Fill a bitmap SBREG, of the size given by SBW and SBH, with the SBDEFPIXEL value."
auto result = TRY(BitBuffer::create(inputs.region_width, inputs.region_height));
if (inputs.default_pixel != 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot handle SBDEFPIXEL not equal to 0 yet");
result->fill(inputs.default_pixel != 0);
// "2) Decode the initial STRIPT value as described in 6.4.6. Negate the decoded value and assign this negated value to the variable STRIPT.
// Assign the value 0 to FIRSTS. Assign the value 0 to NINSTANCES."
i32 strip_t = -read_delta_t();
i32 first_s = 0;
u32 n_instances = 0;
// "3) If COLEXTFLAG is 1, decode the colour section as described in 6.4.12."
// FIXME: Implement support for colors one day.
// "4) Decode each strip as follows:
// a) If NINSTANCES is equal to SBNUMINSTANCES then there are no more strips to decode,
// and the process of decoding the text region is complete; proceed to step 4)."
// Implementor's note. The spec means "proceed to step 5)" at the end of 4a).
while (n_instances < inputs.number_of_instances) {
// "b) Decode the strip's delta T value as described in 6.4.6. Let DT be the decoded value. Set:
i32 delta_t = read_delta_t();
strip_t += delta_t;
i32 cur_s;
bool is_first_symbol = true;
while (true) {
// "c) Decode each symbol instance in the strip as follows:
// i) If the current symbol instance is the first symbol instance in the strip, then decode the first
// symbol instance's S coordinate as described in 6.4.7. Let DFS be the decoded value. Set:
// ii) Otherwise, if the current symbol instance is not the first symbol instance in the strip, decode
// the symbol instance's S coordinate as described in 6.4.8. If the result of this decoding is OOB
// then the last symbol instance of the strip has been decoded; proceed to step 3 d). Otherwise, let
// IDS be the decoded value. Set:
// Implementor's note: The spec means "proceed to step 4 d)" in 4c ii).
if (is_first_symbol) {
i32 delta_first_s = read_first_s();
first_s += delta_first_s;
cur_s = first_s;
is_first_symbol = false;
} else {
auto subsequent_s = read_subsequent_s();
if (!subsequent_s.has_value())
i32 instance_delta_s = subsequent_s.value();
cur_s += instance_delta_s + inputs.delta_s_offset;
// "iii) Decode the symbol instance's T coordinate as described in 6.4.9. Let CURT be the decoded value. Set:
i32 cur_t = read_instance_t();
i32 t_instance = strip_t + cur_t;
// "iv) Decode the symbol instance's symbol ID as described in 6.4.10. Let IDI be the decoded value."
u32 id = read_id();
// "v) Determine the symbol instance's bitmap IBI as described in 6.4.11. The width and height of this
// bitmap shall be denoted as WI and HI respectively."
if (id >= inputs.symbols.size())
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Symbol ID out of range");
auto const& symbol = inputs.symbols[id]->bitmap();
// "vi) Update CURS as follows:
// CURS = CURS + WI 1
// CURS = CURS + HI 1
// • Otherwise, do not change CURS in this step."
using enum TextRegionDecodingInputParameters::Corner;
if (!inputs.is_transposed && (inputs.reference_corner == TopRight || inputs.reference_corner == BottomRight))
cur_s += symbol.width() - 1;
if (inputs.is_transposed && (inputs.reference_corner == BottomLeft || inputs.reference_corner == BottomRight))
cur_s += symbol.height() - 1;
// "vii) Set:
// SI = CURS"
auto s_instance = cur_s;
// "viii) Determine the location of the symbol instance bitmap with respect to SBREG as follows:
// • If TRANSPOSED is 0, then:
// If REFCORNER is TOPLEFT then the top left pixel of the symbol instance bitmap
// IBI shall be placed at SBREG[SI, TI].
// If REFCORNER is TOPRIGHT then the top right pixel of the symbol instance
// bitmap IBI shall be placed at SBREG[SI, TI].
// If REFCORNER is BOTTOMLEFT then the bottom left pixel of the symbol
// instance bitmap IBI shall be placed at SBREG[SI, TI].
// If REFCORNER is BOTTOMRIGHT then the bottom right pixel of the symbol
// instance bitmap IBI shall be placed at SBREG[SI, TI].
// • If TRANSPOSED is 1, then:
// If REFCORNER is TOPLEFT then the top left pixel of the symbol instance bitmap
// IBI shall be placed at SBREG[TI, SI].
// If REFCORNER is TOPRIGHT then the top right pixel of the symbol instance
// bitmap IBI shall be placed at SBREG[TI, SI].
// If REFCORNER is BOTTOMLEFT then the bottom left pixel of the symbol
// instance bitmap IBI shall be placed at SBREG[TI, SI].
// If REFCORNER is BOTTOMRIGHT then the bottom right pixel of the symbol
// instance bitmap IBI shall be placed at SBREG[TI, SI].
// If any part of IBI, when placed at this location, lies outside the bounds of SBREG, then ignore
// this part of IBI in step 3 c) ix)."
// Implementor's note: The spec means "ignore this part of IBI in step 3 c) x)" in 3c viii)'s last sentence.
// FIXME: Support all reference corners and transpose values.
if (!inputs.is_transposed) {
switch (inputs.reference_corner) {
case TopLeft:
case TopRight:
s_instance -= symbol.width() - 1;
case BottomLeft:
t_instance -= symbol.height() - 1;
case BottomRight:
s_instance -= symbol.width() - 1;
t_instance -= symbol.height() - 1;
} else {
// "ix) If COLEXTFLAG is 1, set the colour specified by SBCOLS[SBFGCOLID[NINSTANCES]]
// to the foreground colour of the symbol instance bitmap IBI."
// FIXME: Implement support for colors one day.
// "x) Draw IBI into SBREG. Combine each pixel of IBI with the current value of the corresponding
// pixel in SBREG, using the combination operator specified by SBCOMBOP. Write the results
// of each combination into that pixel in SBREG."
composite_bitbuffer(*result, symbol, { s_instance, t_instance }, inputs.operator_);
// "xi) Update CURS as follows:
// CURS = CURS + WI 1
// CURS = CURS + HI 1
// • Otherwise, do not change CURS in this step."
if (!inputs.is_transposed && (inputs.reference_corner == TopLeft || inputs.reference_corner == BottomLeft))
cur_s += symbol.width() - 1;
if (inputs.is_transposed && (inputs.reference_corner == TopLeft || inputs.reference_corner == TopRight))
cur_s += symbol.height() - 1;
// "xii) Set:
// "d) When the strip has been completely decoded, decode the next strip."
// (Done in the next loop iteration.)
// "5) After all the strips have been decoded, the current contents of SBREG are the results that shall be
// obtained by every decoder, whether it performs this exact sequence of steps or not."
return result;
// 6.5.2 Input parameters
// Table 13 Parameters for the symbol dictionary decoding procedure
struct SymbolDictionaryDecodingInputParameters {
@ -1291,9 +1562,107 @@ static ErrorOr<void> decode_intermediate_text_region(JBIG2LoadingContext&, Segme
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode intermediate text region yet");
static ErrorOr<void> decode_immediate_text_region(JBIG2LoadingContext&, SegmentData const&)
static ErrorOr<void> decode_immediate_text_region(JBIG2LoadingContext& context, SegmentData const& segment)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode immediate text region yet");
// 7.4.3 Text region segment syntax
auto data =;
auto information_field = TRY(decode_region_segment_information_field(data));
data = data.slice(sizeof(information_field));
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Text region: width={}, height={}, x={}, y={}, flags={:#x}", information_field.width, information_field.height, information_field.x_location, information_field.y_location, information_field.flags);
FixedMemoryStream stream(data);
// Text region segment flags
u16 text_region_segment_flags = TRY(stream.read_value<BigEndian<u16>>());
bool uses_huffman_encoding = (text_region_segment_flags & 1) != 0; // "SBHUFF" in spec.
bool uses_refinement_coding = (text_region_segment_flags >> 1) & 1; // "SBREFINE" in spec.
u8 log_strip_size = (text_region_segment_flags >> 2) & 3; // "LOGSBSTRIPS" in spec.
u8 strip_size = 1u << log_strip_size;
u8 reference_corner = (text_region_segment_flags >> 4) & 3; // "REFCORNER"
bool is_transposed = (text_region_segment_flags >> 6) & 1; // "TRANSPOSED" in spec.
u8 combination_operator = (text_region_segment_flags >> 7) & 3; // "SBCOMBOP" in spec.
if (combination_operator > 4)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid text region combination operator");
u8 default_pixel_value = (text_region_segment_flags >> 9) & 1; // "SBDEFPIXEL" in spec.
u8 delta_s_offset_value = (text_region_segment_flags >> 10) & 0x1f; // "SBDSOFFSET" in spec.
i8 delta_s_offset = delta_s_offset_value;
if (delta_s_offset_value & 0x10) {
// This is converting a 5-bit two's complement number ot i8.
// FIXME: There's probably a simpler way to do this? Probably just sign-extend by or-ing in the top 3 bits?
delta_s_offset_value = (~delta_s_offset_value + 1) & 0x1f;
delta_s_offset = -delta_s_offset_value;
u8 refinement_template = (text_region_segment_flags >> 15) != 0; // "SBRTEMPLATE" in spec.
if (!uses_refinement_coding && refinement_template != 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid refinement_template");
// Text region segment Huffman flags
// "This field is only present if SBHUFF is 1."
// FIXME: Support this eventually.
if (uses_huffman_encoding)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode huffman text regions yet");
// Text region refinement AT flags
// "This field is only present if SBREFINE is 1 and SBRTEMPLATE is 0."
// FIXME: Support this eventually.
if (uses_refinement_coding && refinement_template == 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode text region refinement AT flags yet");
// Number of symbol instances (SBNUMINSTANCES)
u32 number_of_symbol_instances = TRY(stream.read_value<BigEndian<u32>>());
// Text region segment symbol ID Huffman decoding table
// "It is only present if SBHUFF is 1."
// FIXME: Support this eventually.
// Decoding a text region segment
// "1) Interpret its header, as described in"
// Done!
// "2) Decode (or retrieve the results of decoding) any referred-to symbol dictionary and tables segments."
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Symbol>> symbols;
for (auto referred_to_segment_number : segment.header.referred_to_segment_numbers) {
auto opt_referred_to_segment = context.segments_by_number.get(referred_to_segment_number);
if (!opt_referred_to_segment.has_value())
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Text segment refers to non-existent segment");
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Text segment refers to segment id {} index {}", referred_to_segment_number, opt_referred_to_segment.value());
auto const& referred_to_segment = context.segments[opt_referred_to_segment.value()];
if (!referred_to_segment.symbols.has_value())
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Text segment referred-to segment without symbols");
// "3) As described in E.3.7, reset all the arithmetic coding statistics to zero."
// "4) Invoke the text region decoding procedure described in 6.4, with the parameters to the text region decoding procedure set as shown in Table 34."
TextRegionDecodingInputParameters inputs;
inputs.uses_huffman_encoding = uses_huffman_encoding;
inputs.uses_refinement_coding = uses_refinement_coding;
inputs.default_pixel = default_pixel_value;
inputs.operator_ = static_cast<CombinationOperator>(combination_operator);
inputs.is_transposed = is_transposed;
inputs.reference_corner = static_cast<TextRegionDecodingInputParameters::Corner>(reference_corner);
inputs.delta_s_offset = delta_s_offset;
inputs.region_width = information_field.width;
inputs.region_height = information_field.height;
inputs.number_of_instances = number_of_symbol_instances;
inputs.size_of_symbol_instance_strips = strip_size;
inputs.id_symbol_code_length = ceil(log2(symbols.size()));
inputs.symbols = move(symbols);
// FIXME: Huffman tables.
inputs.refinement_template = refinement_template;
// FIXME: inputs.refinement_adaptive_template_pixels;
auto result = TRY(text_region_decoding_procedure(inputs, data.slice(TRY(stream.tell()))));
composite_bitbuffer(*, *result, { information_field.x_location, information_field.y_location }, information_field.external_combination_operator());
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> decode_immediate_lossless_text_region(JBIG2LoadingContext&, SegmentData const&)