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synced 2025-01-06 02:55:49 +03:00
LibWeb: Implement navigation.{traverseTo, back, forward}
The proper abstract operations on Navigable and TraversableNavigable are not quite ready to call from Navigation. With this commit all of the user-facing APIs of Navigation are in place, and the stage should be set to implement the parts of the navigation and traversal AOs that need to interact with the Navigation object.
This commit is contained in:
2024-07-17 00:47:29 +09:00
Author: https://github.com/ADKaster Commit: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/commit/b1f06e42ce Pull-request: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/20780 Reviewed-by: https://github.com/awesomekling ✅ Reviewed-by: https://github.com/kalenikaliaksandr
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationHistoryEntry.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationTransition.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TraversableNavigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Window.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
@ -328,6 +329,63 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::reload(NavigationReloadOptions
return navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(api_method_tracker);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-traverseto
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::traverse_to(String key, NavigationOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// The traverseTo(key, options) method steps are:
// 1. If this's current entry index is −1, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (m_current_entry_index == -1)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Cannot traverseTo: no current session history entry"));
// 2. If this's entry list does not contain a NavigationHistoryEntry whose session history entry's navigation API key equals key,
// then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
auto it = m_entry_list.find_if([&key](auto const& entry) {
return entry->session_history_entry().navigation_api_key == key;
if (it == m_entry_list.end())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Cannot traverseTo: key not found in session history list"));
// 3. Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
return perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(key, options);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#performing-a-navigation-api-traversal
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::back(NavigationOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// The back(options) method steps are:
// 1. If this's current entry index is −1 or 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (m_current_entry_index == -1 || m_current_entry_index == 0)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Cannot navigate back: no previous session history entry"));
// 2. Let key be this's entry list[this's current entry index − 1]'s session history entry's navigation API key.
auto key = m_entry_list[m_current_entry_index - 1]->session_history_entry().navigation_api_key;
// 3. Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
return perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(key, options);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#dom-navigation-forward
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::forward(NavigationOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// The forward(options) method steps are:
// 1. If this's current entry index is −1 or is equal to this's entry list's size − 1,
// then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (m_current_entry_index == -1 || m_current_entry_index == static_cast<i64>(m_entry_list.size() - 1))
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Cannot navigate forward: no next session history entry"));
// 2. Let key be this's entry list[this's current entry index + 1]'s session history entry's navigation API key.
auto key = m_entry_list[m_current_entry_index + 1]->session_history_entry().navigation_api_key;
// 3. Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
return perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(key, options);
void Navigation::set_onnavigate(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::navigate, event_handler);
@ -496,4 +554,148 @@ JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> Navigation::maybe_set_the_upcoming_
return api_method_tracker;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#add-an-upcoming-traverse-api-method-tracker
JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> Navigation::add_an_upcoming_traverse_api_method_tracker(String destination_key, JS::Value info)
auto& vm = this->vm();
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
// To add an upcoming traverse API method tracker given a Navigation navigation, a string destinationKey, and a JavaScript value info:
// 1. Let committedPromise and finishedPromise be new promises created in navigation's relevant realm.
auto committed_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
auto finished_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 2. Mark as handled finishedPromise.
// NOTE: See the previous discussion about why this is done
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#note-mark-as-handled-navigation-api-finished
// 3. Let apiMethodTracker be a new navigation API method tracker with:
// navigation object: navigation
// key: destinationKey
// info: info
// serialized state: null
// comitted-to entry: null
// comitted promise: committedPromise
// finished promise: finishedPromise
auto api_method_tracker = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<NavigationAPIMethodTracker>(
/* .navigation = */ *this,
/* .key = */ destination_key,
/* .info = */ info,
/* .serialized_state = */ OptionalNone {},
/* .commited_to_entry = */ nullptr,
/* .committed_promise = */ committed_promise,
/* .finished_promise = */ finished_promise);
// 4. Set navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key] to apiMethodTracker.
// FIXME: Fix spec typo key --> destinationKey
m_upcoming_traverse_api_method_trackers.set(destination_key, api_method_tracker);
// 5. Return apiMethodTracker.
return api_method_tracker;
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#performing-a-navigation-api-traversal
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(String key, NavigationOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
// To perform a navigation API traversal given a Navigation navigation, a string key, and a NavigationOptions options:
// 1. Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document.
auto& document = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document();
// 2. If document is not fully active, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (!document.is_fully_active())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document is not fully active"));
// 3. If document's unload counter is greater than 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (document.unload_counter() > 0)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document already unloaded"));
// 4. Let current be the current entry of navigation.
auto current = current_entry();
// 5. If key equals current's session history entry's navigation API key, then return
// «[ "committed" → a promise resolved with current, "finished" → a promise resolved with current ]».
if (key == current->session_history_entry().navigation_api_key) {
return NavigationResult {
.committed = WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, current)->promise(),
.finished = WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, current)->promise()
// 6. If navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key] exists,
// then return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key].
if (auto maybe_tracker = m_upcoming_traverse_api_method_trackers.get(key); maybe_tracker.has_value())
return navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(maybe_tracker.value());
// 7. Let info be options["info"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
auto info = options.info.value_or(JS::js_undefined());
// 8. Let apiMethodTracker be the result of adding an upcoming traverse API method tracker for navigation given key and info.
auto api_method_tracker = add_an_upcoming_traverse_api_method_tracker(key, info);
// 9. Let navigable be document's node navigable.
auto navigable = document.navigable();
// 10. Let traversable be navigable's traversable navigable.
auto traversable = navigable->traversable_navigable();
// 11. Let sourceSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting source snapshot params given document.
auto source_snapshot_params = document.snapshot_source_snapshot_params();
// 12. Append the following session history traversal steps to traversable:
traversable->append_session_history_traversal_steps([key, api_method_tracker, navigable, source_snapshot_params, this] {
// 1. Let navigableSHEs be the result of getting session history entries given navigable.
auto navigable_shes = navigable->get_session_history_entries();
// 2. Let targetSHE be the session history entry in navigableSHEs whose navigation API key is key. If no such entry exists, then:
auto it = navigable_shes.find_if([&key](auto const& entry) {
return entry->navigation_api_key == key;
if (it == navigable_shes.end()) {
// NOTE: This path is taken if navigation's entry list was outdated compared to navigableSHEs,
// which can occur for brief periods while all the relevant threads and processes are being synchronized in reaction to a history change.
// 1. Queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigation's relevant global object
// to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
queue_global_task(HTML::Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, relevant_global_object(*this), [this, api_method_tracker] {
auto& reject_realm = relevant_realm(*this);
WebIDL::reject_promise(reject_realm, api_method_tracker->finished_promise,
WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(reject_realm, "Cannot traverse with stale session history entry"));
// 2. Abort these steps.
auto target_she = *it;
// 3. If targetSHE is navigable's active session history entry, then abort these steps.
// NOTE: This can occur if a previously queued traversal already took us to this session history entry.
// In that case the previous traversal will have dealt with apiMethodTracker already.
if (target_she == navigable->active_session_history_entry())
// FIXME: 4. Let result be the result of applying the traverse history step given by targetSHE's step to traversable,
// given sourceSnapshotParams, navigable, and "none".
// NOTE: When result is "canceled-by-beforeunload" or "initiator-disallowed", the navigate event was never fired,
// aborting the ongoing navigation would not be correct; it would result in a navigateerror event without a
// preceding navigate event. In the "canceled-by-navigate" case, navigate is fired, but the inner navigate event
// firing algorithm will take care of aborting the ongoing navigation.
// FIXME: 5. If result is "canceled-by-beforeunload", then queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source
// given navigation's relevant global object to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with a
// new "AbortError"DOMException created in navigation's relevant realm.
// FIXME: 6. If result is "initiator-disallowed", then queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source
// given navigation's relevant global object to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with a
// new "SecurityError" DOMException created in navigation's relevant realm.
// 13. Return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for apiMethodTracker.
return navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(api_method_tracker);
@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ public:
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> navigate(String url, NavigationNavigateOptions const&);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> reload(NavigationReloadOptions const&);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> traverse_to(String key, NavigationOptions const&);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> back(NavigationOptions const&);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> forward(NavigationOptions const&);
// Event Handlers
void set_onnavigate(WebIDL::CallbackType*);
WebIDL::CallbackType* onnavigate();
@ -114,6 +118,8 @@ private:
NavigationResult early_error_result(AnyException);
JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> maybe_set_the_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker(JS::Value info, Optional<SerializationRecord>);
JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> add_an_upcoming_traverse_api_method_tracker(String destination_key, JS::Value info);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> perform_a_navigation_api_traversal(String key, NavigationOptions const&);
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/nav-history-apis.html#navigation-entry-list
// Each Navigation has an associated entry list, a list of NavigationHistoryEntry objects, initially empty.
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ interface Navigation : EventTarget {
NavigationResult navigate(USVString url, optional NavigationNavigateOptions options = {});
NavigationResult reload(optional NavigationReloadOptions options = {});
// NavigationResult traverseTo(DOMString key, optional NavigationOptions options = {});
// NavigationResult back(optional NavigationOptions options = {});
// NavigationResult forward(optional NavigationOptions options = {});
NavigationResult traverseTo(DOMString key, optional NavigationOptions options = {});
NavigationResult back(optional NavigationOptions options = {});
NavigationResult forward(optional NavigationOptions options = {});
attribute EventHandler onnavigate;
attribute EventHandler onnavigatesuccess;
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