Shell: Add 'if' expressions

if foo bar baz {
} else if foobar || whatever {
    echo I ran out of example words
} else {
    exit 2
This commit is contained in:
AnotherTest 2020-08-11 12:05:46 +04:30 committed by Andreas Kling
parent c2be38e50f
commit b90eb5c9ba
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-19 03:17:30 +09:00
4 changed files with 210 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1119,6 +1119,108 @@ Execute::~Execute()
void IfCond::dump(int level) const
print_indented("Condition", ++level);
m_condition->dump(level + 1);
print_indented("True Branch", level);
if (m_true_branch)
m_true_branch->dump(level + 1);
print_indented("(empty)", level + 1);
print_indented("False Branch", level);
if (m_false_branch)
m_false_branch->dump(level + 1);
print_indented("(empty)", level + 1);
RefPtr<Value> IfCond::run(RefPtr<Shell> shell)
auto cond = m_condition->run(shell)->resolve_without_cast(shell);
auto cond_job_value = static_cast<const JobValue*>(cond.ptr());
auto cond_job = cond_job_value->job();
if (cond_job->signaled())
return create<ListValue>({}); // Exit early.
if (cond_job->exit_code() == 0) {
if (m_true_branch)
return m_true_branch->run(shell);
} else {
if (m_false_branch)
return m_false_branch->run(shell);
return create<ListValue>({});
void IfCond::highlight_in_editor(Line::Editor& editor, Shell& shell, HighlightMetadata metadata)
metadata.is_first_in_list = true;
editor.stylize({ m_position.start_offset, m_position.start_offset + 2 }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Yellow) });
if (m_else_position.has_value())
editor.stylize({ m_else_position.value().start_offset, m_else_position.value().start_offset + 4 }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Yellow) });
m_condition->highlight_in_editor(editor, shell, metadata);
if (m_true_branch)
m_true_branch->highlight_in_editor(editor, shell, metadata);
if (m_false_branch)
m_false_branch->highlight_in_editor(editor, shell, metadata);
HitTestResult IfCond::hit_test_position(size_t offset)
if (!position().contains(offset))
return {};
if (auto result = m_condition->hit_test_position(offset); result.matching_node)
return result;
if (m_true_branch) {
if (auto result = m_true_branch->hit_test_position(offset); result.matching_node)
return result;
if (m_false_branch) {
if (auto result = m_false_branch->hit_test_position(offset); result.matching_node)
return result;
return {};
IfCond::IfCond(Position position, Optional<Position> else_position, RefPtr<Node> condition, RefPtr<Node> true_branch, RefPtr<Node> false_branch)
: Node(move(position))
, m_condition(move(condition))
, m_true_branch(move(true_branch))
, m_false_branch(move(false_branch))
, m_else_position(move(else_position))
if (m_condition->is_syntax_error())
else if (m_true_branch && m_true_branch->is_syntax_error())
else if (m_false_branch && m_false_branch->is_syntax_error())
m_condition = create<AST::Execute>(m_condition->position(), m_condition);
if (m_true_branch)
m_true_branch = create<AST::Execute>(m_true_branch->position(), m_true_branch);
if (m_false_branch)
m_false_branch = create<AST::Execute>(m_false_branch->position(), m_false_branch);
void Join::dump(int level) const

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@ -675,6 +675,26 @@ private:
bool m_capture_stdout { false };
class IfCond final : public Node {
IfCond(Position, Optional<Position> else_position, RefPtr<AST::Node> cond_expr, RefPtr<AST::Node> true_branch, RefPtr<AST::Node> false_branch);
virtual ~IfCond();
virtual void dump(int level) const override;
virtual RefPtr<Value> run(RefPtr<Shell>) override;
virtual void highlight_in_editor(Line::Editor&, Shell&, HighlightMetadata = {}) override;
virtual HitTestResult hit_test_position(size_t) override;
virtual String class_name() const override { return "IfCond"; }
virtual bool would_execute() const override { return true; }
RefPtr<AST::Node> m_condition;
RefPtr<AST::Node> m_true_branch;
RefPtr<AST::Node> m_false_branch;
Optional<Position> m_else_position;
class Join final : public Node {
Join(Position, RefPtr<Node>, RefPtr<Node>);

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@ -364,6 +364,9 @@ RefPtr<AST::Node> Parser::parse_control_structure()
if (auto for_loop = parse_for_loop())
return for_loop;
if (auto if_expr = parse_if_expr())
return if_expr;
return nullptr;
@ -431,6 +434,83 @@ RefPtr<AST::Node> Parser::parse_for_loop()
return create<AST::ForLoop>(move(variable_name), move(iterated_expression), move(body), move(in_start_position)); // ForLoop Var Iterated Block
RefPtr<AST::Node> Parser::parse_if_expr()
auto rule_start = push_start();
if (!expect("if")) {
m_offset = rule_start->offset;
return nullptr;
if (consume_while(is_any_of(" \t\n")).is_empty()) {
m_offset = rule_start->offset;
return nullptr;
RefPtr<AST::Node> condition;
auto cond_error_start = push_start();
condition = parse_or_logical_sequence();
if (!condition) {
auto syntax_error = create<AST::SyntaxError>("Expected a logical sequence after 'if'");
return create<AST::IfCond>(Optional<AST::Position> {}, move(syntax_error), nullptr, nullptr);
auto parse_braced_toplevel = [&]() -> RefPtr<AST::Node> {
auto obrace_error_start = push_start();
if (!expect('{')) {
auto syntax_error = create<AST::SyntaxError>("Expected an open brace '{' to start an 'if' true branch");
return syntax_error;
auto body = parse_toplevel();
auto cbrace_error_start = push_start();
if (!expect('}')) {
auto error_start = push_start();
RefPtr<AST::SyntaxError> syntax_error = create<AST::SyntaxError>("Expected a close brace '}' to end an 'if' true branch");
if (body)
body = syntax_error;
return body;
auto true_branch = parse_braced_toplevel();
if (true_branch && true_branch->is_syntax_error())
return create<AST::IfCond>(Optional<AST::Position> {}, move(condition), move(true_branch), nullptr); // If expr syntax_error
Optional<AST::Position> else_position;
auto else_start = push_start();
if (expect("else"))
else_position = AST::Position { else_start->offset, m_offset };
if (else_position.has_value()) {
if (peek() == '{') {
auto false_branch = parse_braced_toplevel();
return create<AST::IfCond>(else_position, move(condition), move(true_branch), move(false_branch)); // If expr true_branch Else false_branch
auto else_if_branch = parse_if_expr();
return create<AST::IfCond>(else_position, move(condition), move(true_branch), move(else_if_branch)); // If expr true_branch Else If ...
return create<AST::IfCond>(else_position, move(condition), move(true_branch), nullptr); // If expr true_branch
RefPtr<AST::Node> Parser::parse_redirection()
auto rule_start = push_start();

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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ private:
RefPtr<AST::Node> parse_command();
RefPtr<AST::Node> parse_control_structure();
RefPtr<AST::Node> parse_for_loop();
RefPtr<AST::Node> parse_if_expr();
RefPtr<AST::Node> parse_redirection();
RefPtr<AST::Node> parse_list_expression();
RefPtr<AST::Node> parse_expression();
@ -125,9 +126,14 @@ variable_decls :: identifier '=' expression (' '+ variable_decls)? ' '*
pipe_sequence :: command '|' pipe_sequence
| command
control_structure :: for_loop
control_structure :: for_expr
| if_expr
for_expr :: 'for' ws+ (identifier ' '+ 'in' ws*)? expression ws+ '{' toplevel '}'
for_loop :: 'for' ws+ (identifier ' '+ 'in' ws*)? expression ws+ '{' toplevel '}'
if_expr :: 'if' ws+ or_logical_sequence ws+ '{' toplevel '}' else_clause?
else_clause :: else '{' toplevel '}'
| else if_expr
command :: redirection command
| list_expression command?