LibJS: Add spec comments to RegExp.prototype [ @@split ]

In doing so, this caught another erroneous ToObject invocation.
This commit is contained in:
Timothy Flynn 2021-12-17 15:08:24 -05:00 committed by Linus Groh
parent cb901f70af
commit c6e2b03073
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 22:30:38 +09:00

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@ -703,87 +703,157 @@ JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(RegExpPrototype::symbol_search)
// RegExp.prototype [ @@split ] ( string, limit ),
// 1. Let rx be the this value.
// 2. If Type(rx) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
auto* regexp_object = TRY(this_object(global_object));
auto string = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_utf16_string(global_object));
auto string_view = string.view();
// 3. Let S be ? ToString(string).
auto string = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_utf16_string(global_object));
// 4. Let C be ? SpeciesConstructor(rx, %RegExp%).
auto* constructor = TRY(species_constructor(global_object, *regexp_object, *global_object.regexp_constructor()));
// 5. Let flags be ? ToString(? Get(rx, "flags")).
auto flags_value = TRY(regexp_object->get(vm.names.flags));
auto flags = TRY(flags_value.to_string(global_object));
bool unicode = flags.find('u').has_value();
// 6. If flags contains "u", let unicodeMatching be true.
// 7. Else, let unicodeMatching be false.
bool unicode_matching = flags.find('u').has_value();
// 8. If flags contains "y", let newFlags be flags.
// 9. Else, let newFlags be the string-concatenation of flags and "y".
auto new_flags = flags.find('y').has_value() ? move(flags) : String::formatted("{}y", flags);
// 10. Let splitter be ? Construct(C, « rx, newFlags »).
MarkedValueList arguments(vm.heap());
arguments.append(js_string(vm, move(new_flags)));
auto* splitter = TRY(construct(global_object, *constructor, move(arguments)));
// 11. Let A be ! ArrayCreate(0).
auto* array = MUST(Array::create(global_object, 0));
// 12. Let lengthA be 0.
size_t array_length = 0;
// 13. If limit is undefined, let lim be 2^32 - 1; else let lim be (? ToUint32(limit)).
auto limit = NumericLimits<u32>::max();
if (!vm.argument(1).is_undefined())
limit = TRY(vm.argument(1).to_u32(global_object));
// 14. If lim is 0, return A.
if (limit == 0)
return array;
// 15. Let size be the length of S.
// 16. If size is 0, then
if (string.is_empty()) {
// a. Let z be ? RegExpExec(splitter, S).
auto result = TRY(regexp_exec(global_object, *splitter, string));
// b. If z is not null, return A.
if (!result.is_null())
return array;
// c. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, "0", S).
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(0, js_string(vm, move(string))));
// d. Return A.
return array;
size_t last_match_end = 0; // 'p' in the spec.
size_t next_search_from = 0; // 'q' in the spec.
// 17. Let p be 0.
size_t last_match_end = 0;
while (next_search_from < string_view.length_in_code_units()) {
// 18. Let q be p.
size_t next_search_from = 0;
// 19. Repeat, while q < size,
while (next_search_from < string.length_in_code_units()) {
// a. Perform ? Set(splitter, "lastIndex", 𝔽(q), true).
TRY(splitter->set(vm.names.lastIndex, Value(next_search_from), Object::ShouldThrowExceptions::Yes));
// b. Let z be ? RegExpExec(splitter, S).
auto result = TRY(regexp_exec(global_object, *splitter, string));
// c. If z is null, set q to AdvanceStringIndex(S, q, unicodeMatching).
if (result.is_null()) {
next_search_from = advance_string_index(string_view, next_search_from, unicode);
next_search_from = advance_string_index(string.view(), next_search_from, unicode_matching);
// d. Else,
// i. Let e be (? ToLength(? Get(splitter, "lastIndex"))).
auto last_index_value = TRY(splitter->get(vm.names.lastIndex));
auto last_index = TRY(last_index_value.to_length(global_object)); // 'e' in the spec.
last_index = min(last_index, string_view.length_in_code_units());
auto last_index = TRY(last_index_value.to_length(global_object));
// ii. Set e to min(e, size).
last_index = min(last_index, string.length_in_code_units());
// iii. If e = p, set q to AdvanceStringIndex(S, q, unicodeMatching).
if (last_index == last_match_end) {
next_search_from = advance_string_index(string_view, next_search_from, unicode);
next_search_from = advance_string_index(string.view(), next_search_from, unicode_matching);
auto substring = string_view.substring_view(last_match_end, next_search_from - last_match_end);
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(array_length, js_string(vm, move(substring))));
// iv. Else,
if (++array_length == limit)
// 1. Let T be the substring of S from p to q.
auto substring = string.substring_view(last_match_end, next_search_from - last_match_end);
// 2. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, ! ToString(𝔽(lengthA)), T).
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(array_length, js_string(vm, substring)));
// 3. Set lengthA to lengthA + 1.
// 4. If lengthA = lim, return A.
if (array_length == limit)
return array;
auto* result_object = TRY(result.to_object(global_object));
auto number_of_captures = TRY(length_of_array_like(global_object, *result_object));
// 5. Set p to e.
last_match_end = last_index;
// 6. Let numberOfCaptures be ? LengthOfArrayLike(z).
auto number_of_captures = TRY(length_of_array_like(global_object, result.as_object()));
// 7. Set numberOfCaptures to max(numberOfCaptures - 1, 0).
if (number_of_captures > 0)
// 8. Let i be 1.
// 9. Repeat, while i ≤ numberOfCaptures,
for (size_t i = 1; i <= number_of_captures; ++i) {
auto next_capture = TRY(result_object->get(i));
// a. Let nextCapture be ? Get(z, ! ToString(𝔽(i))).
auto next_capture = TRY(result.get(global_object, i));
// b. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, ! ToString(𝔽(lengthA)), nextCapture).
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(array_length, next_capture));
if (++array_length == limit)
// c. Set i to i + 1.
// d. Set lengthA to lengthA + 1.
// e. If lengthA = lim, return A.
if (array_length == limit)
return array;
last_match_end = last_index;
next_search_from = last_index;
// 10. Set q to p.
next_search_from = last_match_end;
auto substring = string_view.substring_view(last_match_end);
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(array_length, js_string(vm, move(substring))));
// 20. Let T be the substring of S from p to size.
auto substring = string.substring_view(last_match_end);
// 21. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(A, ! ToString(𝔽(lengthA)), T).
MUST(array->create_data_property_or_throw(array_length, js_string(vm, substring)));
// 22. Return A.
return array;