LibWeb: Implement the ReadableStreamDefaultTee half of ReadableStreamTee

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Flynn 2024-01-28 10:31:26 -05:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent d8413774df
commit debfe996d7
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-16 23:34:44 +09:00
4 changed files with 371 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
stream1: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
stream1: 0123456789!@#$%^&*()-=_+,<
stream1: Done!
stream2: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
stream2: 0123456789!@#$%^&*()-=_+,<
stream2: Done!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<script src="../include.js"></script>
const CHUNK1 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const CHUNK3 = "0123456789!@#$%^&*()-=_+,<";
const readStream = (stream, name) => {
const reader = stream.getReader();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const processText = ({ done, value }) => {
if (done) {
println(`${name}: Done!`);
println(`${name}: ${value}`);
asyncTest(done => {
const stream = new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
pullCount = 0;
pull(controller) {
if (pullCount == 1) {
} else if (pullCount == 2) {
} else if (pullCount == 3) {
} else {
cancel() {},
const teed = stream.tee();
readStream(teed[0], "stream1").then(() => {
readStream(teed[1], "stream2").then(done);

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Array.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/ArrayBuffer.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/DataView.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/DataViewConstructor.h>
@ -16,6 +17,8 @@
#include <LibJS/Runtime/TypedArray.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/AbortSignal.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/EventLoop/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Scripting/TemporaryExecutionContext.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/StructuredSerialize.h>
#include <LibWeb/Streams/AbstractOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/Streams/QueuingStrategy.h>
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@ bool readable_stream_has_default_reader(ReadableStream const& stream)
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<ReadableStreamPair> readable_stream_tee(JS::Realm& realm, ReadableStream& stream, bool)
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<ReadableStreamPair> readable_stream_tee(JS::Realm& realm, ReadableStream& stream, bool clone_for_branch2)
// 1. Assert: stream implements ReadableStream.
// 2. Assert: cloneForBranch2 is a boolean.
@ -250,7 +253,308 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<ReadableStreamPair> readable_stream_tee(JS::Realm& realm, Re
// 4. Return ? ReadableStreamDefaultTee(stream, cloneForBranch2).
return realm.vm().throw_completion<JS::InternalError>(JS::ErrorType::NotImplemented, "Default stream teeing");
return TRY(readable_stream_default_tee(realm, stream, clone_for_branch2));
struct DefaultStreamTeeParams final : JS::Cell {
JS_CELL(TeeParams, JS::Cell);
virtual void visit_edges(Visitor& visitor) override
bool reading { false };
bool read_again { false };
bool canceled1 { false };
bool canceled2 { false };
JS::Value reason1 { JS::js_undefined() };
JS::Value reason2 { JS::js_undefined() };
JS::GCPtr<ReadableStream> branch1;
JS::GCPtr<ReadableStream> branch2;
JS::GCPtr<PullAlgorithm> pull_algorithm;
class DefaultStreamTeeReadRequest final : public ReadRequest {
JS_CELL(DefaultStreamTeeReadRequest, Cell);
JS::Realm& realm,
JS::NonnullGCPtr<ReadableStream> stream,
JS::NonnullGCPtr<DefaultStreamTeeParams> params,
JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise> cancel_promise,
bool clone_for_branch2)
: m_realm(realm)
, m_stream(stream)
, m_params(params)
, m_cancel_promise(cancel_promise)
, m_clone_for_branch2(clone_for_branch2)
virtual void on_chunk(JS::Value chunk) override
// 1. Queue a microtask to perform the following steps:
HTML::queue_a_microtask(nullptr, [this, chunk]() {
HTML::TemporaryExecutionContext execution_context { Bindings::host_defined_environment_settings_object(m_realm) };
auto controller1 = m_params->branch1->controller()->get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<ReadableStreamDefaultController>>();
auto controller2 = m_params->branch2->controller()->get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<ReadableStreamDefaultController>>();
// 1. Set readAgain to false.
m_params->read_again = false;
// 2. Let chunk1 and chunk2 be chunk.
auto chunk1 = chunk;
auto chunk2 = chunk;
// 3. If canceled2 is false and cloneForBranch2 is true,
if (!m_params->canceled2 && m_clone_for_branch2) {
// 1. Let cloneResult be StructuredClone(chunk2).
auto clone_result = structured_clone(m_realm, chunk2);
// 2. If cloneResult is an abrupt completion,
if (clone_result.is_exception()) {
auto completion = Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(m_realm->vm(), clone_result.release_error());
// 1. Perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(branch1.[[controller]], cloneResult.[[Value]]).
readable_stream_default_controller_error(controller1, completion.value().value());
// 2. Perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(branch2.[[controller]], cloneResult.[[Value]]).
readable_stream_default_controller_error(controller2, completion.value().value());
// 3. Resolve cancelPromise with ! ReadableStreamCancel(stream, cloneResult.[[Value]]).
auto cancel_result = MUST(readable_stream_cancel(m_stream, completion.value().value()));
JS::NonnullGCPtr cancel_value = verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*cancel_result->promise().ptr());
WebIDL::resolve_promise(m_realm, m_cancel_promise, cancel_value);
// 4. Return.
// 3. Otherwise, set chunk2 to cloneResult.[[Value]].
chunk2 = clone_result.release_value();
// 4. If canceled1 is false, perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(branch1.[[controller]], chunk1).
if (!m_params->canceled1) {
MUST(readable_stream_default_controller_enqueue(controller1, chunk1));
// 5. If canceled2 is false, perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultControllerEnqueue(branch2.[[controller]], chunk2).
if (!m_params->canceled2) {
MUST(readable_stream_default_controller_enqueue(controller2, chunk2));
// 6. Set reading to false.
m_params->reading = false;
// 7. If readAgain is true, perform pullAlgorithm.
if (m_params->read_again) {
// NOTE: The microtask delay here is necessary because it takes at least a microtask to detect errors, when we
// use reader.[[closedPromise]] below. We want errors in stream to error both branches immediately, so we
// cannot let successful synchronously-available reads happen ahead of asynchronously-available errors.
virtual void on_close() override
auto controller1 = m_params->branch1->controller()->get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<ReadableStreamDefaultController>>();
auto controller2 = m_params->branch2->controller()->get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<ReadableStreamDefaultController>>();
// 1. Set reading to false.
m_params->reading = false;
// 2. If canceled1 is false, perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClose(branch1.[[controller]]).
if (!m_params->canceled1) {
// 3. If canceled2 is false, perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultControllerClose(branch2.[[controller]]).
if (!m_params->canceled2) {
// 4. If canceled1 is false or canceled2 is false, resolve cancelPromise with undefined.
if (!m_params->canceled1 || !m_params->canceled2) {
WebIDL::resolve_promise(m_realm, m_cancel_promise, JS::js_undefined());
virtual void on_error(JS::Value) override
// 1. Set reading to false.
m_params->reading = false;
virtual void visit_edges(Visitor& visitor) override
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Realm> m_realm;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<ReadableStream> m_stream;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<DefaultStreamTeeParams> m_params;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise> m_cancel_promise;
bool m_clone_for_branch2 { false };
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<ReadableStreamPair> readable_stream_default_tee(JS::Realm& realm, ReadableStream& stream, bool clone_for_branch2)
// 1. Assert: stream implements ReadableStream.
// 2. Assert: cloneForBranch2 is a boolean.
// 3. Let reader be ? AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader(stream).
auto reader = TRY(acquire_readable_stream_default_reader(stream));
// 4. Let reading be false.
// 5. Let readAgain be false.
// 6. Let canceled1 be false.
// 7. Let canceled2 be false.
// 8. Let reason1 be undefined.
// 9. Let reason2 be undefined.
// 10. Let branch1 be undefined.
// 11. Let branch2 be undefined.
auto params = realm.heap().allocate<DefaultStreamTeeParams>(realm);
// 12. Let cancelPromise be a new promise.
auto cancel_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 13. Let pullAlgorithm be the following steps:
auto pull_algorithm = JS::create_heap_function(realm.heap(), [&realm, &stream, reader, params, cancel_promise, clone_for_branch2]() -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise>> {
// 1. If reading is true,
if (params->reading) {
// 1. Set readAgain to true.
params->read_again = true;
// 2. Return a promise resolved with undefined.
return WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, JS::js_undefined());
// 2. Set reading to true.
params->reading = true;
// 3. Let readRequest be a read request with the following items:
auto read_request = realm.heap().allocate_without_realm<DefaultStreamTeeReadRequest>(realm, stream, params, cancel_promise, clone_for_branch2);
// 4. Perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultReaderRead(reader, readRequest).
MUST(readable_stream_default_reader_read(reader, read_request));
// 5. Return a promise resolved with undefined.
return WebIDL::create_resolved_promise(realm, JS::js_undefined());
// AD-HOC: The read request within the pull algorithm must be able to re-invoke the pull algorithm, so cache it here.
params->pull_algorithm = pull_algorithm;
// 14. Let cancel1Algorithm be the following steps, taking a reason argument:
auto cancel1_algorithm = JS::create_heap_function(realm.heap(), [&realm, &stream, params, cancel_promise](JS::Value reason) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise>> {
// 1. Set canceled1 to true.
params->canceled1 = true;
// 2. Set reason1 to reason.
params->reason1 = reason;
// 3. If canceled2 is true,
if (params->canceled2) {
// 1. Let compositeReason be ! CreateArrayFromList(« reason1, reason2 »).
auto composite_reason = JS::Array::create_from(realm, AK::Array { params->reason1, params->reason2 });
// 2. Let cancelResult be ! ReadableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason).
auto cancel_result = MUST(readable_stream_cancel(stream, composite_reason));
// 3. Resolve cancelPromise with cancelResult.
JS::NonnullGCPtr cancel_value = verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*cancel_result->promise().ptr());
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, cancel_promise, cancel_value);
// 4. Return cancelPromise.
return cancel_promise;
// 15. Let cancel2Algorithm be the following steps, taking a reason argument:
auto cancel2_algorithm = JS::create_heap_function(realm.heap(), [&realm, &stream, params, cancel_promise](JS::Value reason) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise>> {
// 1. Set canceled2 to true.
params->canceled2 = true;
// 2. Set reason2 to reason.
params->reason2 = reason;
// 3. If canceled1 is true,
if (params->canceled1) {
// 1. Let compositeReason be ! CreateArrayFromList(« reason1, reason2 »).
auto composite_reason = JS::Array::create_from(realm, AK::Array { params->reason1, params->reason2 });
// 2. Let cancelResult be ! ReadableStreamCancel(stream, compositeReason).
auto cancel_result = MUST(readable_stream_cancel(stream, composite_reason));
// 3. Resolve cancelPromise with cancelResult.
JS::NonnullGCPtr cancel_value = verify_cast<JS::Promise>(*cancel_result->promise().ptr());
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, cancel_promise, cancel_value);
// 4. Return cancelPromise.
return cancel_promise;
// 16. Let startAlgorithm be an algorithm that returns undefined.
auto start_algorithm = JS::create_heap_function(realm.heap(), []() -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::Value> {
return JS::js_undefined();
// 17. Set branch1 to ! CreateReadableStream(startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancel1Algorithm).
params->branch1 = MUST(create_readable_stream(realm, start_algorithm, pull_algorithm, cancel1_algorithm));
// 18. Set branch2 to ! CreateReadableStream(startAlgorithm, pullAlgorithm, cancel2Algorithm).
params->branch2 = MUST(create_readable_stream(realm, start_algorithm, pull_algorithm, cancel2_algorithm));
// 19. Upon rejection of reader.[[closedPromise]] with reason r,
WebIDL::upon_rejection(*reader->closed_promise_capability(), [&realm, params, cancel_promise](auto reason) -> WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::Value> {
auto controller1 = params->branch1->controller()->get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<ReadableStreamDefaultController>>();
auto controller2 = params->branch2->controller()->get<JS::NonnullGCPtr<ReadableStreamDefaultController>>();
// 1. Perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(branch1.[[controller]], r).
readable_stream_default_controller_error(controller1, reason);
// 2. Perform ! ReadableStreamDefaultControllerError(branch2.[[controller]], r).
readable_stream_default_controller_error(controller2, reason);
// 3. If canceled1 is false or canceled2 is false, resolve cancelPromise with undefined.
if (!params->canceled1 || !params->canceled2) {
WebIDL::resolve_promise(realm, cancel_promise, JS::js_undefined());
return JS::js_undefined();
// 20. Return « branch1, branch2 ».
return ReadableStreamPair { *params->branch1, *params->branch2 };

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ bool readable_stream_has_byob_reader(ReadableStream const&);
bool readable_stream_has_default_reader(ReadableStream const&);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<ReadableStreamPair> readable_stream_tee(JS::Realm&, ReadableStream&, bool clone_for_branch2);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<ReadableStreamPair> readable_stream_default_tee(JS::Realm& realm, ReadableStream& stream, bool clone_for_branch2);
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise>> readable_stream_reader_generic_cancel(ReadableStreamGenericReaderMixin&, JS::Value reason);
void readable_stream_reader_generic_initialize(ReadableStreamReader, ReadableStream&);