LibWeb: Implement '5.1. Headers class' from the Fetch API :^)

This commit is contained in:
Linus Groh 2022-07-19 00:19:24 +01:00
parent b5ab1f6b4a
commit ed49b66f25
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 08:49:07 +09:00
9 changed files with 516 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -235,6 +235,8 @@
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HTMLUnknownElementPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HTMLVideoElementConstructor.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HTMLVideoElementPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HeadersConstructor.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HeadersPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HistoryConstructor.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HistoryPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/IdleDeadlineConstructor.h>
@ -420,6 +422,7 @@

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@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ set(SOURCES

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@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HeadersWrapper.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Headers.h>
namespace Web::Fetch {
DOM::ExceptionOr<NonnullRefPtr<Headers>> Headers::create(Optional<HeadersInit> const& init)
// The new Headers(init) constructor steps are:
auto headers = adopt_ref(*new Headers());
// 1. Set thiss guard to "none".
headers->m_guard = Guard::None;
// 2. If init is given, then fill this with init.
if (init.has_value())
return headers;
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> Headers::append(String const& name_string, String const& value_string)
// The append(name, value) method steps are to append (name, value) to this.
auto header = Infrastructure::Header {
.name = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(name_string.bytes())),
.value = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(value_string.bytes())),
return {};
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> Headers::delete_(String const& name_string)
// The delete(name) method steps are:
auto name = name_string.bytes();
// 1. If name is not a header name, then throw a TypeError.
if (!Infrastructure::is_header_name(name))
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid header name" };
// 2. If thiss guard is "immutable", then throw a TypeError.
if (m_guard == Guard::Immutable)
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Headers object is immutable" };
// 3. Otherwise, if thiss guard is "request" and name is a forbidden header name, return.
if (m_guard == Guard::Request && Infrastructure::is_forbidden_header_name(name))
return {};
// 4. Otherwise, if thiss guard is "request-no-cors", name is not a no-CORS-safelisted request-header name, and name is not a privileged no-CORS request-header name, return.
if (m_guard == Guard::RequestNoCORS && !Infrastructure::is_no_cors_safelisted_request_header_name(name) && !Infrastructure::is_privileged_no_cors_request_header_name(name))
return {};
// 5. Otherwise, if thiss guard is "response" and name is a forbidden response-header name, return.
if (m_guard == Guard::Response && Infrastructure::is_forbidden_response_header_name(name))
return {};
// 6. If thiss header list does not contain name, then return.
if (!m_header_list.contains(name))
return {};
// 7. Delete name from thiss header list.
// 8. If thiss guard is "request-no-cors", then remove privileged no-CORS request headers from this.
if (m_guard == Guard::RequestNoCORS)
return {};
DOM::ExceptionOr<String> Headers::get(String const& name_string)
// The get(name) method steps are:
auto name = name_string.bytes();
// 1. If name is not a header name, then throw a TypeError.
if (!Infrastructure::is_header_name(name))
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid header name" };
// 2. Return the result of getting name from thiss header list.
auto byte_buffer = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(m_header_list.get(name));
// FIXME: Teach WrapperGenerator about Optional<String>
return byte_buffer.has_value() ? String { byte_buffer->span() } : String {};
DOM::ExceptionOr<bool> Headers::has(String const& name_string)
// The has(name) method steps are:
auto name = name_string.bytes();
// 1. If name is not a header name, then throw a TypeError.
if (!Infrastructure::is_header_name(name))
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid header name" };
// 2. Return true if thiss header list contains name; otherwise false.
return m_header_list.contains(name);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> Headers::set(String const& name_string, String const& value_string)
// The set(name, value) method steps are:
auto name = name_string.bytes();
auto value = value_string.bytes();
// 1. Normalize value.
auto normalized_value = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(Infrastructure::normalize_header_value(value));
auto header = Infrastructure::Header {
.name = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(name)),
.value = move(normalized_value),
// 2. If name is not a header name or value is not a header value, then throw a TypeError.
if (!Infrastructure::is_header_name(name))
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid header name" };
if (!Infrastructure::is_header_value(value))
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid header value" };
// 3. If thiss guard is "immutable", then throw a TypeError.
if (m_guard == Guard::Immutable)
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Headers object is immutable" };
// 4. Otherwise, if thiss guard is "request" and name is a forbidden header name, return.
if (m_guard == Guard::Request && Infrastructure::is_forbidden_header_name(name))
return {};
// 5. Otherwise, if thiss guard is "request-no-cors" and name/value is not a no-CORS-safelisted request-header, return.
if (m_guard == Guard::RequestNoCORS && !Infrastructure::is_no_cors_safelisted_request_header(header))
return {};
// 6. Otherwise, if thiss guard is "response" and name is a forbidden response-header name, return.
if (m_guard == Guard::Response && Infrastructure::is_forbidden_response_header_name(name))
return {};
// 7. Set (name, value) in thiss header list.
// 8. If thiss guard is "request-no-cors", then remove privileged no-CORS request headers from this.
if (m_guard == Guard::RequestNoCORS)
return {};
//, Step 4
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<void> Headers::for_each(ForEachCallback callback)
auto& global_object = wrapper()->global_object();
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// The value pairs to iterate over are the return value of running sort and combine with thiss header list.
auto value_pairs_to_iterate_over = [&]() -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<Vector<Fetch::Infrastructure::Header>> {
auto headers_or_error = m_header_list.sort_and_combine();
if (headers_or_error.is_error())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::InternalError>(global_object, JS::ErrorType::NotEnoughMemoryToAllocate);
return headers_or_error.release_value();
// 1-5. Are done in the generated wrapper code.
// 6. Let pairs be idlObjects list of value pairs to iterate over.
auto pairs = TRY(value_pairs_to_iterate_over());
// 7. Let i be 0.
size_t i = 0;
// 8. While i < pairss size:
while (i < pairs.size()) {
// 1. Let pair be pairs[i].
auto const& pair = pairs[i];
// 2. Invoke idlCallback with « pairs value, pairs key, idlObject » and with thisArg as the callback this value.
TRY(callback(StringView { }, StringView { pair.value }));
// 3. Set pairs to idlObjects current list of value pairs to iterate over. (It might have changed.)
pairs = TRY(value_pairs_to_iterate_over());
// 4. Set i to i + 1.
return {};
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> Headers::append(Infrastructure::Header header)
// To append a header (name, value) to a Headers object headers, run these steps:
auto& [name, value] = header;
// 1. Normalize value.
value = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(Infrastructure::normalize_header_value(value));
// 2. If name is not a header name or value is not a header value, then throw a TypeError.
if (!Infrastructure::is_header_name(name))
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid header name" };
if (!Infrastructure::is_header_value(value))
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Invalid header value" };
// 3. If headerss guard is "immutable", then throw a TypeError.
if (m_guard == Guard::Immutable)
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Headers object is immutable" };
// 4. Otherwise, if headerss guard is "request" and name is a forbidden header name, return.
if (m_guard == Guard::Request && Infrastructure::is_forbidden_header_name(name))
return {};
// 5. Otherwise, if headerss guard is "request-no-cors":
if (m_guard == Guard::RequestNoCORS) {
// 1. Let temporaryValue be the result of getting name from headerss header list.
auto temporary_value = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(m_header_list.get(name));
// 2. If temporaryValue is null, then set temporaryValue to value.
if (!temporary_value.has_value()) {
temporary_value = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(value));
// 3. Otherwise, set temporaryValue to temporaryValue, followed by 0x2C 0x20, followed by value.
else {
auto temporary_header = Infrastructure::Header {
.name = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(name)),
.value = temporary_value.release_value(),
// 4. If name/temporaryValue is not a no-CORS-safelisted request-header, then return.
if (!Infrastructure::is_no_cors_safelisted_request_header(temporary_header))
return {};
// 6. Otherwise, if headerss guard is "response" and name is a forbidden response-header name, return.
if (m_guard == Guard::Response && Infrastructure::is_forbidden_response_header_name(name))
return {};
// 7. Append (name, value) to headerss header list.
// 8. If headerss guard is "request-no-cors", then remove privileged no-CORS request headers from headers.
if (m_guard == Guard::RequestNoCORS)
return {};
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> Headers::fill(HeadersInit const& object)
// To fill a Headers object headers with a given object object, run these steps:
return object.visit(
// 1. If object is a sequence, then for each header in object:
[this](Vector<Vector<String>> const& object) -> DOM::ExceptionOr<void> {
for (auto const& entry : object) {
// 1. If header does not contain exactly two items, then throw a TypeError.
if (entry.size() != 2)
return DOM::SimpleException { DOM::SimpleExceptionType::TypeError, "Array must contain header key/value pair" };
// 2. Append (headers first item, headers second item) to headers.
auto header = Fetch::Infrastructure::Header {
.name = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(entry[0].bytes())),
.value = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(entry[0].bytes())),
return {};
// 2. Otherwise, object is a record, then for each key → value in object, append (key, value) to headers.
[this](OrderedHashMap<String, String> const& object) -> DOM::ExceptionOr<void> {
for (auto const& entry : object) {
auto header = Fetch::Infrastructure::Header {
.name = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(entry.key.bytes())),
.value = TRY_OR_RETURN_OOM(ByteBuffer::copy(entry.value.bytes())),
return {};
void Headers::remove_privileged_no_cors_headers()
// To remove privileged no-CORS request headers from a Headers object (headers), run these steps:
static constexpr Array privileged_no_cors_request_header_names = {
// 1. For each headerName of privileged no-CORS request-header names:
for (auto const& header_name : privileged_no_cors_request_header_names) {
// 1. Delete headerName from headerss header list.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/NonnullRefPtr.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Wrappable.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/ExceptionOr.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Infrastructure/HTTP/Headers.h>
namespace Web::Fetch {
using HeadersInit = Variant<Vector<Vector<String>>, OrderedHashMap<String, String>>;
class Headers
: public Bindings::Wrappable
, public RefCounted<Headers> {
using WrapperType = Bindings::HeadersWrapper;
enum class Guard {
static DOM::ExceptionOr<NonnullRefPtr<Headers>> create(Optional<HeadersInit> const&);
static DOM::ExceptionOr<NonnullRefPtr<Headers>> create_with_global_object(Bindings::WindowObject&, Optional<HeadersInit> const& init)
return create(init);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> append(Infrastructure::Header);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> append(String const& name, String const& value);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> delete_(String const& name);
DOM::ExceptionOr<String> get(String const& name);
DOM::ExceptionOr<bool> has(String const& name);
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> set(String const& name, String const& value);
using ForEachCallback = Function<JS::ThrowCompletionOr<void>(String const&, String const&)>;
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<void> for_each(ForEachCallback);
friend class HeadersIterator;
Headers() = default;
DOM::ExceptionOr<void> fill(HeadersInit const&);
void remove_privileged_no_cors_headers();
// A Headers object has an associated header list (a header list), which is initially empty.
Infrastructure::HeaderList m_header_list;
// A Headers object also has an associated guard, which is a headers guard. A headers guard is "immutable", "request", "request-no-cors", "response" or "none".
Guard m_guard { Guard::None };
namespace Web::Bindings {
HeadersWrapper* wrap(JS::GlobalObject&, Fetch::Headers&);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
typedef (sequence<sequence<ByteString>> or record<ByteString, ByteString>) HeadersInit;
interface Headers {
constructor(optional HeadersInit init);
undefined append(ByteString name, ByteString value);
undefined delete(ByteString name);
ByteString? get(ByteString name);
boolean has(ByteString name);
undefined set(ByteString name, ByteString value);
iterable<ByteString, ByteString>;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Array.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/IteratorOperations.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/HeadersIteratorWrapper.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Wrapper.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/HeadersIterator.h>
namespace Web::Fetch {
//, Step 2
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Object*> HeadersIterator::next()
auto& global_object = wrapper()->global_object();
auto& vm = global_object.vm();
// The value pairs to iterate over are the return value of running sort and combine with thiss header list.
auto value_pairs_to_iterate_over = [&]() -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr<Vector<Fetch::Infrastructure::Header>> {
auto headers_or_error = m_headers.m_header_list.sort_and_combine();
if (headers_or_error.is_error())
return vm.throw_completion<JS::InternalError>(global_object, JS::ErrorType::NotEnoughMemoryToAllocate);
return headers_or_error.release_value();
auto pairs = TRY(value_pairs_to_iterate_over());
if (m_index >= pairs.size())
return create_iterator_result_object(global_object, JS::js_undefined(), true);
auto const& pair = pairs[m_index++];
switch (m_iteration_kind) {
case JS::Object::PropertyKind::Key:
return create_iterator_result_object(global_object, JS::js_string(vm, StringView { }), false);
case JS::Object::PropertyKind::Value:
return create_iterator_result_object(global_object, JS::js_string(vm, StringView { pair.value }), false);
case JS::Object::PropertyKind::KeyAndValue: {
auto* array = JS::Array::create_from(global_object, { JS::js_string(vm, StringView { }), JS::js_string(vm, StringView { pair.value }) });
return create_iterator_result_object(global_object, array, false);
void HeadersIterator::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022, Linus Groh <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Wrappable.h>
#include <LibWeb/Fetch/Headers.h>
namespace Web::Fetch {
class HeadersIterator
: public Bindings::Wrappable
, public RefCounted<HeadersIterator> {
using WrapperType = Bindings::HeadersIteratorWrapper;
static NonnullRefPtr<HeadersIterator> create(Headers const& headers, JS::Object::PropertyKind iteration_kind)
return adopt_ref(*new HeadersIterator(headers, iteration_kind));
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Object*> next();
void visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor&);
HeadersIterator(Headers const& headers, JS::Object::PropertyKind iteration_kind)
: m_headers(headers)
, m_iteration_kind(iteration_kind)
Headers const& m_headers;
JS::Object::PropertyKind m_iteration_kind;
size_t m_index { 0 };
namespace Web::Bindings {
HeadersIteratorWrapper* wrap(JS::GlobalObject&, Fetch::HeadersIterator&);

View File

@ -170,6 +170,11 @@ namespace Web::Encoding {
class TextEncoder;
namespace Web::Fetch {
class Headers;
class HeadersIterator;
namespace Web::Fetch::Infrastructure {
class Body;
struct Header;
@ -470,6 +475,8 @@ class EventListenerWrapper;
class EventTargetWrapper;
class EventWrapper;
class FocusEventWrapper;
class HeadersWrapper;
class HeadersIteratorWrapper;
class HistoryWrapper;
class HTMLAnchorElementWrapper;
class HTMLAreaElementWrapper;

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ libweb_js_wrapper(DOM/TreeWalker)
libweb_js_wrapper(Fetch/Headers ITERABLE)