LibWeb: Implement navigation.navigate()

The implementation is incomplete, because our Navigable::navigate
implementation is missing the navigationAPIState parameter. We also
don't have Navigables hooked up completely enough to guarantee that a
fully active document that is not being unloaded always has a Navigable.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kaster 2023-08-24 16:20:38 -06:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent 34ea470d4f
commit f8e5df7a99
Notes: sideshowbarker 2024-07-17 00:27:16 +09:00
3 changed files with 268 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -6,9 +6,12 @@
#include <LibJS/Heap/Heap.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Realm.h>
#include <LibJS/Runtime/VM.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/ExceptionOrUtils.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/Intrinsics.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/NavigationPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigateEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/Navigation.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationHistoryEntry.h>
@ -17,6 +20,35 @@
namespace Web::HTML {
static NavigationResult navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> api_method_tracker);
NavigationAPIMethodTracker::NavigationAPIMethodTracker(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Navigation> navigation,
Optional<String> key,
JS::Value info,
Optional<SerializationRecord> serialized_state,
JS::GCPtr<NavigationHistoryEntry> commited_to_entry,
JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise> committed_promise,
JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise> finished_promise)
: navigation(navigation)
, key(move(key))
, info(info)
, serialized_state(move(serialized_state))
, commited_to_entry(commited_to_entry)
, committed_promise(committed_promise)
, finished_promise(finished_promise)
void NavigationAPIMethodTracker::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor)
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Navigation> Navigation::create(JS::Realm& realm)
return realm.heap().allocate<Navigation>(realm, realm);
@ -41,6 +73,11 @@ void Navigation::visit_edges(JS::Cell::Visitor& visitor)
for (auto& entry : m_entry_list)
for (auto& key_and_tracker : m_upcoming_traverse_api_method_trackers)
@ -137,6 +174,98 @@ bool Navigation::can_go_forward() const
return (m_current_entry_index != static_cast<i64>(m_entry_list.size()));
static HistoryHandlingBehavior to_history_handling_behavior(Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior b)
switch (b) {
case Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Auto:
return HistoryHandlingBehavior::Default;
case Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Push:
return HistoryHandlingBehavior::Push;
case Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Replace:
return HistoryHandlingBehavior::Replace;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> Navigation::navigate(String url, NavigationNavigateOptions const& options)
auto& realm = this->realm();
auto& vm = this->vm();
// The navigate(options) method steps are:
// 1. Parse url relative to this's relevant settings object.
// If that returns failure, then return an early error result for a "SyntaxError" DOMException.
// Otherwise, let urlRecord be the resulting URL record.
auto url_record = relevant_settings_object(*this).parse_url(url);
if (!url_record.is_valid())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::SyntaxError::create(realm, "Cannot navigate to Invalid URL"));
// 2. Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document.
auto& document = verify_cast<HTML::Window>(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document();
// 3. If options["history"] is "push", and the navigation must be a replace given urlRecord and document,
// then return an early error result for a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.
if (options.history == Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Push && navigation_must_be_a_replace(url_record, document))
return early_error_result(WebIDL::NotSupportedError::create(realm, "Navigation must be a replace, but push was requested"));
// 4. Let state be options["state"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
auto state = options.state.value_or(JS::js_undefined());
// 5. Let serializedState be StructuredSerializeForStorage(state).
// If this throws an exception, then return an early error result for that exception.
// FIXME: Fix this spec grammaro in the note
// NOTE: It is importantly to perform this step early, since serialization can invoke web developer code,
// which in turn might change various things we check in later steps.
auto serialized_state_or_error = structured_serialize_for_storage(vm, state);
if (serialized_state_or_error.is_error()) {
return early_error_result(serialized_state_or_error.release_error());
auto serialized_state = serialized_state_or_error.release_value();
// 6. If document is not fully active, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (!document.is_fully_active())
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document is not fully active"));
// 7. If document's unload counter is greater than 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.
if (document.unload_counter() > 0)
return early_error_result(WebIDL::InvalidStateError::create(realm, "Document already unloaded"));
// 8. Let info be options["info"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
auto info =;
// 9. Let apiMethodTracker be the result of maybe setting the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker for this
// given info and serializedState.
auto api_method_tracker = maybe_set_the_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker(info, serialized_state);
// 10. Navigate document's node navigable to urlRecord using document,
// with historyHandling set to options["history"] and navigationAPIState set to serializedState.
// FIXME: Fix spec typo here
// NOTE: Unlike location.assign() and friends, which are exposed across origin-domain boundaries,
// navigation.navigate() can only be accessed by code with direct synchronous access to the
/// window.navigation property. Thus, we avoid the complications about attributing the source document
// of the navigation, and we don't need to deal with the allowed by sandboxing to navigate check and its
// acccompanying exceptionsEnabled flag. We just treat all navigations as if they come from the Document
// corresponding to this Navigation object itself (i.e., document).
[[maybe_unused]] auto history_handling_behavior = to_history_handling_behavior(options.history);
// FIXME: Actually call navigate once Navigables are implemented enough to guarantee a node navigable on
// an active document that's not being unloaded.
// document.navigable().navigate(url, document, history behavior, state)
// 11. If this's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is apiMethodTracker, then:
// NOTE: If the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is still apiMethodTracker, this means that the navigate
// algorithm bailed out before ever getting to the inner navigate event firing algorithm which would promote
// that upcoming API method tracker to ongoing.
if (m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker == api_method_tracker) {
m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker = nullptr;
return early_error_result(WebIDL::AbortError::create(realm, "Navigation aborted"));
// 12. Return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for apiMethodTracker.
return navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(api_method_tracker);
void Navigation::set_onnavigate(WebIDL::CallbackType* event_handler)
set_event_handler_attribute(HTML::EventNames::navigate, event_handler);
@ -223,4 +352,86 @@ i64 Navigation::get_the_navigation_api_entry_index(SessionHistoryEntry const& sh
return -1;
NavigationResult Navigation::early_error_result(AnyException e)
auto& vm = this->vm();
// An early error result for an exception e is a NavigationResult dictionary instance given by
// «[ "committed" → a promise rejected with e, "finished" → a promise rejected with e ]».
auto throw_completion = Bindings::dom_exception_to_throw_completion(vm, e);
return {
.committed = WebIDL::create_rejected_promise(realm(), *throw_completion.value())->promise(),
.finished = WebIDL::create_rejected_promise(realm(), *throw_completion.value())->promise(),
NavigationResult navigation_api_method_tracker_derived_result(JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> api_method_tracker)
// A navigation API method tracker-derived result for a navigation API method tracker is a NavigationResult
/// dictionary instance given by «[ "committed" apiMethodTracker's committed promise, "finished" → apiMethodTracker's finished promise ]».
return {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> Navigation::maybe_set_the_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker(JS::Value info, Optional<SerializationRecord> serialized_state)
auto& realm = relevant_realm(*this);
auto& vm = this->vm();
// To maybe set the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker given a Navigation navigation,
// a JavaScript value info, and a serialized state-or-null serializedState:
// 1. Let committedPromise and finishedPromise be new promises created in navigation's relevant realm.
auto committed_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
auto finished_promise = WebIDL::create_promise(realm);
// 2. Mark as handled finishedPromise.
// NOTE: The web developer doesnt necessarily care about finishedPromise being rejected:
// - They might only care about committedPromise.
// - They could be doing multiple synchronous navigations within the same task,
// in which case all but the last will be aborted (causing their finishedPromise to reject).
// This could be an application bug, but also could just be an emergent feature of disparate
// parts of the application overriding each others' actions.
// - They might prefer to listen to other transition-failure signals instead of finishedPromise, e.g.,
// the navigateerror event, or the navigation.transition.finished promise.
// As such, we mark it as handled to ensure that it never triggers unhandledrejection events.
// 3. Let apiMethodTracker be a new navigation API method tracker with:
// navigation object: navigation
// key: null
// info: info
// serialized state: serializedState
// comitted-to entry: null
// comitted promise: committedPromise
// finished promise: finishedPromise
auto api_method_tracker = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm<NavigationAPIMethodTracker>(
/* .navigation = */ *this,
/* .key = */ OptionalNone {},
/* .info = */ info,
/* .serialized_state = */ move(serialized_state),
/* .commited_to_entry = */ nullptr,
/* .committed_promise = */ committed_promise,
/* .finished_promise = */ finished_promise);
// 4. Assert: navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is null.
VERIFY(m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker == nullptr);
// 5. If navigation does not have entries and events disabled,
// then set navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker to apiMethodTracker.
// NOTE: If navigation has entries and events disabled, then committedPromise and finishedPromise will never fulfill
// (since we never create a NavigationHistoryEntry object for such Documents, and so we have nothing to resolve them with);
// there is no NavigationHistoryEntry to apply serializedState to; and there is no navigate event to include info with.
// So, we don't need to track this API method call after all.
if (!has_entries_and_events_disabled())
m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker = api_method_tracker;
// 6. Return apiMethodTracker.
return api_method_tracker;

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <LibJS/Runtime/Promise.h>
#include <LibWeb/Bindings/NavigationPrototype.h>
#include <LibWeb/DOM/EventTarget.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/StructuredSerialize.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
@ -19,24 +20,48 @@ struct NavigationUpdateCurrentEntryOptions {
struct NavigationOptions {
JS::Value info;
Optional<JS::Value> info;
struct NavigationNavigateOptions : public NavigationOptions {
JS::Value state;
Optional<JS::Value> state;
Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior history = Bindings::NavigationHistoryBehavior::Auto;
struct NavigationReloadOptions : public NavigationOptions {
JS::Value state;
Optional<JS::Value> state;
struct NavigationResult {
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> committed;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Promise> finished;
// FIXME: Are we supposed to return a PromiseCapability (WebIDL::Promise) here?
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Object> committed;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<JS::Object> finished;
struct NavigationAPIMethodTracker final : public JS::Cell {
JS_CELL(NavigationAPIMethodTracker, JS::Cell);
NavigationAPIMethodTracker(JS::NonnullGCPtr<Navigation> navigation,
Optional<String> key,
JS::Value info,
Optional<SerializationRecord> serialized_state,
JS::GCPtr<NavigationHistoryEntry> commited_to_entry,
JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise> committed_promise,
JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise> finished_promise);
virtual void visit_edges(Cell::Visitor&) override;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<Navigation> navigation;
Optional<String> key;
JS::Value info;
Optional<SerializationRecord> serialized_state;
JS::GCPtr<NavigationHistoryEntry> commited_to_entry;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise> committed_promise;
JS::NonnullGCPtr<WebIDL::Promise> finished_promise;
@ -53,6 +78,8 @@ public:
bool can_go_back() const;
bool can_go_forward() const;
WebIDL::ExceptionOr<NavigationResult> navigate(String url, NavigationNavigateOptions const&);
JS::GCPtr<NavigationTransition> transition() const { return m_transition; }
@ -81,6 +108,11 @@ private:
virtual void initialize(JS::Realm&) override;
virtual void visit_edges(Visitor&) override;
using AnyException = decltype(declval<WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void>>().exception());
NavigationResult early_error_result(AnyException);
JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> maybe_set_the_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker(JS::Value info, Optional<SerializationRecord>);
// Each Navigation has an associated entry list, a list of NavigationHistoryEntry objects, initially empty.
Vector<JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationHistoryEntry>> m_entry_list;
@ -92,6 +124,24 @@ private:
// Each Navigation has a transition, which is a NavigationTransition or null, initially null.
JS::GCPtr<NavigationTransition> m_transition { nullptr };
JS::GCPtr<NavigateEvent> m_ongoing_navigate_event { nullptr };
bool m_focus_changed_during_ongoing_navigation { false };
bool m_suppress_scroll_restoration_during_ongoing_navigation { false };
JS::GCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> m_ongoing_api_method_tracker = nullptr;
JS::GCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker> m_upcoming_non_traverse_api_method_tracker = nullptr;
HashMap<String, JS::NonnullGCPtr<NavigationAPIMethodTracker>> m_upcoming_traverse_api_method_trackers;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#import <HTML/NavigationTransition.idl>
[Exposed=Window, UseNewAKString]
interface Navigation : EventTarget {
sequence<NavigationHistoryEntry> entries();
readonly attribute NavigationHistoryEntry? currentEntry;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ interface Navigation : EventTarget {
readonly attribute boolean canGoForward;
// TODO: Actually implement navigation algorithms
// NavigationResult navigate(USVString url, optional NavigationNavigateOptions options = {});
NavigationResult navigate(USVString url, optional NavigationNavigateOptions options = {});
// NavigationResult reload(optional NavigationReloadOptions options = {});
// NavigationResult traverseTo(DOMString key, optional NavigationOptions options = {});