This commit un-deprecates DeprecatedString, and repurposes it as a byte
As the null state has already been removed, there are no other
particularly hairy blockers in repurposing this type as a byte string
(what it _really_ is).
This commit is auto-generated:
$ xs=$(ack -l \bDeprecatedString\b\|deprecated_string AK Userland \
Meta Ports Ladybird Tests Kernel)
$ perl -pie 's/\bDeprecatedString\b/ByteString/g;
s/deprecated_string/byte_string/g' $xs
$ clang-format --style=file -i \
$(git diff --name-only | grep \.cpp\|\.h)
$ gn format $(git ls-files '*.gn' '*.gni')
Since we may redirect stdout, stderr, or both to the file description
referring to the nohup.out file, there is no need to keep the fd that
created that file description around.