This currently returns a JS::Array of elements matching a selector.
The more correct behavior would be to return a static NodeList, but as
we don't have NodeLists right now, that'll be a task for the future.
Getting the innerHTML property will recurse through the subtree inside
the element and serialize it into a string as it goes.
Setting it will parse the set value as an HTML fragment. It will then
remove all current children of the element and replace them with all
the children inside the parsed fragment.
Setting element.innerHTML will currently force a complete rebuild of
the document's layout tree.
This is pretty neat! :^)
This patch adds the Event base class, along with a MouseEvent subclass.
We now dispatch MouseEvent objects for mousedown, mouseup and mousemove
and these objects have the .offsetX and .offsetY properties.
Both of those properties are hard-coded at the moment. This will be
fixed in the next patch. :^)
This patch adds HTMLCanvasElement along with a LayoutCanvas object.
The DOM and layout parts are very similar to <img> elements.
The <canvas> element holds a Gfx::Bitmap which is sized according to
the "width" and "height" attributes on the element.
Calling .getContext("2d") on a <canvas> element gives you a context
object that draws into the underlying Gfx::Bitmap of the <canvas>.
The context weakly points to the <canvas> which allows it to outlive
the canvas element if needed.
This is really quite cool. :^)
This patch adds the EventTarget class and makes Node inherit from it.
You can register event listeners on an EventTarget, and when you call
dispatch_event() on it, the event listeners will get invoked.
An event listener is basically a wrapper around a JS::Function*.
This is pretty far from how DOM events should eventually work, but it's
a place to start and we'll build more on top of this. :^)
This patch introduces the Wrapper and Wrappable classes.
Node now inherits from Wrappable, and can be wrapped in a GC-allocated
Bindings::NodeWrapper object. The only property we expose right now is
the very simple nodeName property.
When a Document's JS::Interpreter is first instantiated, we add a
"document" property with a DocumentWrapper object to the global object.
This is pretty cool! :^)