/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Jesse Buhagiar * Copyright (c) 2021, Brandon Pruitt * Copyright (c) 2022, Umut İnan Erdoğan * Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Ledbetter * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include constexpr uid_t BASE_UID = 1000; constexpr gid_t USERS_GID = 100; constexpr auto DEFAULT_SHELL = "/bin/sh"sv; static Optional group_string_to_gid(StringView group) { auto maybe_gid = group.to_number(); auto maybe_group_or_error = maybe_gid.has_value() ? Core::System::getgrgid(maybe_gid.value()) : Core::System::getgrnam(group); if (maybe_group_or_error.is_error()) { warnln("Error resolving group '{}': {}", group, maybe_group_or_error.release_error()); return {}; } auto maybe_group = maybe_group_or_error.release_value(); if (!maybe_group.has_value()) { warnln("Group '{}' does not exist", group); return {}; } return maybe_group->gr_gid; } ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio wpath rpath cpath chown")); StringView home_path; uid_t uid = 0; gid_t gid = USERS_GID; bool create_home_dir = false; ByteString password = ""; ByteString shell = DEFAULT_SHELL; ByteString gecos = ""; ByteString username; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(home_path, "Home directory for the new user", "home-dir", 'd', "path"); args_parser.add_option(uid, "User ID (uid) for the new user", "uid", 'u', "uid"); args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required, .help_string = "Group name or number (gid) for the new user", .long_name = "gid", .short_name = 'g', .value_name = "group", .accept_value = [&gid](StringView group) { auto maybe_gid = group_string_to_gid(group); if (maybe_gid.has_value()) gid = maybe_gid.value(); return maybe_gid.has_value(); }, }); args_parser.add_option(password, "Encrypted password of the new user", "password", 'p', "password"); args_parser.add_option(create_home_dir, "Create home directory if it does not exist", "create-home", 'm'); args_parser.add_option(shell, "Path to the default shell binary for the new user", "shell", 's', "path-to-shell"); args_parser.add_option(gecos, "GECOS name of the new user", "gecos", 'n', "general-info"); args_parser.add_positional_argument(username, "Login user identity (username)", "login"); if (!args_parser.parse(arguments, Core::ArgsParser::FailureBehavior::Ignore)) { args_parser.print_usage(stderr, arguments.strings[0]); return 3; } // Let's run a quick sanity check on username if (username.find_any_of("\\/!@#$%^&*()~+=`:\n"sv, ByteString::SearchDirection::Forward).has_value()) { warnln("invalid character in username, {}", username); return 1; } // Disallow names starting with _ and - if (username[0] == '_' || username[0] == '-' || !is_ascii_alpha(username[0])) { warnln("invalid username, {}", username); return 1; } auto passwd = TRY(Core::System::getpwnam(username)); if (passwd.has_value()) { warnln("user {} already exists!", username); return 1; } // First, let's sort out the uid for the user if (uid > 0) { auto pwd = TRY(Core::System::getpwuid(static_cast(uid))); if (pwd.has_value()) { warnln("uid {} already exists!", uid); return 4; } } else { for (uid = BASE_UID;; uid++) { auto pwd = TRY(Core::System::getpwuid(static_cast(uid))); if (!pwd.has_value()) break; } } FILE* pwfile = fopen("/etc/passwd", "a"); if (!pwfile) { perror("failed to open /etc/passwd"); return 1; } FILE* spwdfile = fopen("/etc/shadow", "a"); if (!spwdfile) { perror("failed to open /etc/shadow"); return 1; } ByteString home; if (home_path.is_empty()) home = ByteString::formatted("/home/{}", username); else home = home_path; if (create_home_dir) { auto mkdir_error = Core::System::mkdir(home, 0700); if (mkdir_error.is_error()) { int code = mkdir_error.release_error().code(); warnln("Failed to create directory {}: {}", home, strerror(code)); return 12; } auto chown_error = Core::System::chown(home, static_cast(uid), static_cast(gid)); if (chown_error.is_error()) { int code = chown_error.release_error().code(); warnln("Failed to change owner of {} to {}:{}: {}", home, uid, gid, strerror(code)); if (rmdir(home.characters()) < 0) { warnln("Failed to remove directory {}: {}", home, strerror(errno)); } return 12; } } auto get_salt = []() -> ErrorOr { char random_data[12]; fill_with_random({ random_data, sizeof(random_data) }); StringBuilder builder; builder.append("$5$"sv); builder.append(TRY(encode_base64({ random_data, sizeof(random_data) }))); return builder.to_byte_string(); }; char* hash = crypt(password.characters(), TRY(get_salt()).characters()); struct passwd p; p.pw_name = const_cast(username.characters()); p.pw_passwd = const_cast("!"); p.pw_dir = const_cast(home.characters()); p.pw_uid = static_cast(uid); p.pw_gid = static_cast(gid); p.pw_shell = const_cast(shell.characters()); p.pw_gecos = const_cast(gecos.characters()); struct spwd s; s.sp_namp = const_cast(username.characters()); s.sp_pwdp = const_cast(hash); s.sp_lstchg = 18727; s.sp_min = 0; s.sp_max = 99999; s.sp_warn = -1; s.sp_inact = -1; s.sp_expire = -1; s.sp_flag = -1; if (putpwent(&p, pwfile) < 0) { perror("putpwent"); return 1; } if (putspent(&s, spwdfile) < 0) { perror("putspent"); return 1; } fclose(pwfile); fclose(spwdfile); return 0; }