/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Sam Atkins * Copyright (c) 2022, MacDue * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::Painting { // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-backgrounds-3/#backgrounds void paint_background(PaintContext& context, Layout::NodeWithStyleAndBoxModelMetrics const& layout_node, Gfx::FloatRect const& border_rect, Color background_color, CSS::ImageRendering image_rendering, Vector const* background_layers, BorderRadiiData const& border_radii) { auto& painter = context.painter(); struct BackgroundBox { Gfx::FloatRect rect; BorderRadiiData radii; inline void shrink(float top, float right, float bottom, float left) { rect.shrink(top, right, bottom, left); radii.shrink(top, right, bottom, left); } }; BackgroundBox border_box { border_rect, border_radii }; auto get_box = [&](CSS::BackgroundBox box_clip) { auto box = border_box; switch (box_clip) { case CSS::BackgroundBox::ContentBox: { auto& padding = layout_node.box_model().padding; box.shrink(padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom, padding.left); [[fallthrough]]; } case CSS::BackgroundBox::PaddingBox: { auto& border = layout_node.box_model().border; box.shrink(border.top, border.right, border.bottom, border.left); [[fallthrough]]; } case CSS::BackgroundBox::BorderBox: default: return box; } }; auto color_box = border_box; if (background_layers && !background_layers->is_empty()) color_box = get_box(background_layers->last().clip); auto layer_is_paintable = [&](auto& layer) { return layer.background_image && layer.background_image->is_paintable(); }; bool has_paintable_layers = false; if (background_layers) { for (auto& layer : *background_layers) { if (layer_is_paintable(layer)) { has_paintable_layers = true; break; } } } Gfx::AntiAliasingPainter aa_painter { painter }; aa_painter.fill_rect_with_rounded_corners(color_box.rect.to_rounded(), background_color, color_box.radii.top_left.as_corner(), color_box.radii.top_right.as_corner(), color_box.radii.bottom_right.as_corner(), color_box.radii.bottom_left.as_corner()); if (!has_paintable_layers) return; struct { int top { 0 }; int bottom { 0 }; int left { 0 }; int right { 0 }; } clip_shrink; auto border_top = layout_node.computed_values().border_top(); auto border_bottom = layout_node.computed_values().border_bottom(); auto border_left = layout_node.computed_values().border_left(); auto border_right = layout_node.computed_values().border_right(); if (border_top.color.alpha() == 255 && border_bottom.color.alpha() == 255 && border_left.color.alpha() == 255 && border_right.color.alpha() == 255) { clip_shrink.top = border_top.width; clip_shrink.bottom = border_bottom.width; clip_shrink.left = border_left.width; clip_shrink.right = border_right.width; } // Note: Background layers are ordered front-to-back, so we paint them in reverse for (auto& layer : background_layers->in_reverse()) { if (!layer_is_paintable(layer)) continue; Gfx::PainterStateSaver state { painter }; // Clip auto clip_box = get_box(layer.clip); auto clip_rect = clip_box.rect.to_rounded(); painter.add_clip_rect(clip_rect); ScopedCornerRadiusClip corner_clip { painter, clip_rect, clip_box.radii }; if (layer.clip == CSS::BackgroundBox::BorderBox) { // Shrink the effective clip rect if to account for the bits the borders will definitely paint over // (if they all have alpha == 255). clip_rect.shrink(clip_shrink.top, clip_shrink.right, clip_shrink.bottom, clip_shrink.left); } auto& image = *layer.background_image; Gfx::FloatRect background_positioning_area; // Attachment and Origin switch (layer.attachment) { case CSS::BackgroundAttachment::Fixed: background_positioning_area = layout_node.root().browsing_context().viewport_rect().to_type(); break; case CSS::BackgroundAttachment::Local: case CSS::BackgroundAttachment::Scroll: background_positioning_area = get_box(layer.origin).rect; break; } // FIXME: Implement proper default sizing algorithm: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images/#default-sizing auto natural_image_width = image.natural_width().value_or(background_positioning_area.width()); auto natural_image_height = image.natural_height().value_or(background_positioning_area.height()); // If any of these are zero, the NaNs will pop up in the painting code. if (background_positioning_area.is_empty() || natural_image_height <= 0 || natural_image_width <= 0) continue; // Size Gfx::FloatRect image_rect; switch (layer.size_type) { case CSS::BackgroundSize::Contain: { float max_width_ratio = background_positioning_area.width() / natural_image_width; float max_height_ratio = background_positioning_area.height() / natural_image_height; float ratio = min(max_width_ratio, max_height_ratio); image_rect.set_size(natural_image_width * ratio, natural_image_height * ratio); break; } case CSS::BackgroundSize::Cover: { float max_width_ratio = background_positioning_area.width() / natural_image_width; float max_height_ratio = background_positioning_area.height() / natural_image_height; float ratio = max(max_width_ratio, max_height_ratio); image_rect.set_size(natural_image_width * ratio, natural_image_height * ratio); break; } case CSS::BackgroundSize::LengthPercentage: { float width; float height; bool x_is_auto = layer.size_x.is_auto(); bool y_is_auto = layer.size_y.is_auto(); if (x_is_auto && y_is_auto) { width = natural_image_width; height = natural_image_height; } else if (x_is_auto) { height = layer.size_y.resolved(layout_node, CSS::Length::make_px(background_positioning_area.height())).to_px(layout_node); width = natural_image_width * (height / natural_image_height); } else if (y_is_auto) { width = layer.size_x.resolved(layout_node, CSS::Length::make_px(background_positioning_area.width())).to_px(layout_node); height = natural_image_height * (width / natural_image_width); } else { width = layer.size_x.resolved(layout_node, CSS::Length::make_px(background_positioning_area.width())).to_px(layout_node); height = layer.size_y.resolved(layout_node, CSS::Length::make_px(background_positioning_area.height())).to_px(layout_node); } image_rect.set_size(width, height); break; } } // If after sizing we have a 0px image, we're done. Attempting to paint this would be an infinite loop. if (image_rect.is_empty()) continue; // If background-repeat is round for one (or both) dimensions, there is a second step. // The UA must scale the image in that dimension (or both dimensions) so that it fits a // whole number of times in the background positioning area. if (layer.repeat_x == CSS::Repeat::Round || layer.repeat_y == CSS::Repeat::Round) { // If X ≠ 0 is the width of the image after step one and W is the width of the // background positioning area, then the rounded width X' = W / round(W / X) // where round() is a function that returns the nearest natural number // (integer greater than zero). if (layer.repeat_x == CSS::Repeat::Round) { image_rect.set_width(background_positioning_area.width() / roundf(background_positioning_area.width() / image_rect.width())); } if (layer.repeat_y == CSS::Repeat::Round) { image_rect.set_height(background_positioning_area.height() / roundf(background_positioning_area.height() / image_rect.height())); } // If background-repeat is round for one dimension only and if background-size is auto // for the other dimension, then there is a third step: that other dimension is scaled // so that the original aspect ratio is restored. if (layer.repeat_x != layer.repeat_y) { if (layer.size_x.is_auto()) { image_rect.set_width(natural_image_width * (image_rect.height() / natural_image_height)); } if (layer.size_y.is_auto()) { image_rect.set_height(natural_image_height * (image_rect.width() / natural_image_width)); } } } float space_x = background_positioning_area.width() - image_rect.width(); float space_y = background_positioning_area.height() - image_rect.height(); // Position float offset_x = layer.position_offset_x.resolved(layout_node, CSS::Length::make_px(space_x)).to_px(layout_node); if (layer.position_edge_x == CSS::PositionEdge::Right) { image_rect.set_right_without_resize(background_positioning_area.right() - offset_x); } else { image_rect.set_left(background_positioning_area.left() + offset_x); } float offset_y = layer.position_offset_y.resolved(layout_node, CSS::Length::make_px(space_y)).to_px(layout_node); if (layer.position_edge_y == CSS::PositionEdge::Bottom) { image_rect.set_bottom_without_resize(background_positioning_area.bottom() - offset_y); } else { image_rect.set_top(background_positioning_area.top() + offset_y); } // Repetition bool repeat_x = false; bool repeat_y = false; float x_step = 0; float y_step = 0; switch (layer.repeat_x) { case CSS::Repeat::Round: x_step = image_rect.width(); repeat_x = true; break; case CSS::Repeat::Space: { int whole_images = background_positioning_area.width() / image_rect.width(); if (whole_images <= 1) { x_step = image_rect.width(); repeat_x = false; } else { float space = fmodf(background_positioning_area.width(), image_rect.width()); x_step = image_rect.width() + ((float)space / (float)(whole_images - 1)); repeat_x = true; } break; } case CSS::Repeat::Repeat: x_step = image_rect.width(); repeat_x = true; break; case CSS::Repeat::NoRepeat: repeat_x = false; break; } // Move image_rect to the left-most tile position that is still visible if (repeat_x && image_rect.x() > clip_rect.x()) { auto x_delta = floorf(x_step * ceilf((image_rect.x() - clip_rect.x()) / x_step)); image_rect.set_x(image_rect.x() - x_delta); } switch (layer.repeat_y) { case CSS::Repeat::Round: y_step = image_rect.height(); repeat_y = true; break; case CSS::Repeat::Space: { int whole_images = background_positioning_area.height() / image_rect.height(); if (whole_images <= 1) { y_step = image_rect.height(); repeat_y = false; } else { float space = fmodf(background_positioning_area.height(), image_rect.height()); y_step = image_rect.height() + ((float)space / (float)(whole_images - 1)); repeat_y = true; } break; } case CSS::Repeat::Repeat: y_step = image_rect.height(); repeat_y = true; break; case CSS::Repeat::NoRepeat: repeat_y = false; break; } // Move image_rect to the top-most tile position that is still visible if (repeat_y && image_rect.y() > clip_rect.y()) { auto y_delta = floorf(y_step * ceilf((image_rect.y() - clip_rect.y()) / y_step)); image_rect.set_y(image_rect.y() - y_delta); } float initial_image_x = image_rect.x(); float image_y = image_rect.y(); Optional last_int_image_rect; image.resolve_for_size(layout_node, image_rect.size()); while (image_y < clip_rect.bottom()) { image_rect.set_y(image_y); float image_x = initial_image_x; while (image_x < clip_rect.right()) { image_rect.set_x(image_x); auto int_image_rect = image_rect.to_rounded(); if (int_image_rect != last_int_image_rect && int_image_rect.intersects(context.viewport_rect())) image.paint(context, int_image_rect, image_rendering); last_int_image_rect = int_image_rect; if (!repeat_x) break; image_x += x_step; } if (!repeat_y) break; image_y += y_step; } } } }