/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::Layout { void LineBox::add_fragment(Node const& layout_node, int start, int length, float leading_size, float trailing_size, float leading_margin, float trailing_margin, float content_width, float content_height, float border_box_top, float border_box_bottom, LineBoxFragment::Type fragment_type) { bool text_align_is_justify = layout_node.computed_values().text_align() == CSS::TextAlign::Justify; if (!text_align_is_justify && !m_fragments.is_empty() && &m_fragments.last().layout_node() == &layout_node) { // The fragment we're adding is from the last Layout::Node on the line. // Expand the last fragment instead of adding a new one with the same Layout::Node. m_fragments.last().m_length = (start - m_fragments.last().m_start) + length; m_fragments.last().set_width(m_fragments.last().width() + content_width); } else { float x_offset = leading_margin + leading_size + m_width; float y_offset = 0.0f; m_fragments.append(LineBoxFragment { layout_node, start, length, Gfx::FloatPoint(x_offset, y_offset), Gfx::FloatSize(content_width, content_height), border_box_top, border_box_bottom, fragment_type }); } m_width += leading_margin + leading_size + content_width + trailing_size + trailing_margin; } void LineBox::trim_trailing_whitespace() { while (!m_fragments.is_empty() && m_fragments.last().is_justifiable_whitespace()) { auto fragment = m_fragments.take_last(); m_width -= fragment.width(); } if (m_fragments.is_empty()) return; auto& last_fragment = m_fragments.last(); auto last_text = last_fragment.text(); if (last_text.is_null()) return; while (last_fragment.length()) { auto last_character = last_text[last_fragment.length() - 1]; if (!is_ascii_space(last_character)) break; int last_character_width = last_fragment.layout_node().font().glyph_width(last_character); last_fragment.m_length -= 1; last_fragment.set_width(last_fragment.width() - last_character_width); m_width -= last_character_width; } } bool LineBox::is_empty_or_ends_in_whitespace() const { if (m_fragments.is_empty()) return true; return m_fragments.last().ends_in_whitespace(); } }