/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Matthew Olsson * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TOP_LEVEL_TEST_NAME "__$$TOP_LEVEL$$__" RefPtr vm; static bool collect_on_every_allocation = false; static String currently_running_test; struct ParserError { JS::Parser::Error error; String hint; }; struct JSFileResult { String name; Optional error {}; double time_taken { 0 }; // A failed test takes precedence over a skipped test, which both have // precedence over a passed test Test::Result most_severe_test_result { Test::Result::Pass }; Vector suites {}; Vector logged_messages {}; }; class TestRunnerGlobalObject final : public JS::GlobalObject { JS_OBJECT(TestRunnerGlobalObject, JS::GlobalObject); public: TestRunnerGlobalObject(); virtual ~TestRunnerGlobalObject() override; virtual void initialize_global_object() override; private: JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(is_strict_mode); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(can_parse_source); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(run_queued_promise_jobs); }; class TestRunner { public: static TestRunner* the() { return s_the; } TestRunner(String test_root, bool print_times, bool print_progress) : m_test_root(move(test_root)) , m_print_times(print_times) , m_print_progress(print_progress) { VERIFY(!s_the); s_the = this; } virtual ~TestRunner() { s_the = nullptr; }; Test::Counts run(); const Test::Counts& counts() const { return m_counts; } bool is_printing_progress() const { return m_print_progress; } protected: static TestRunner* s_the; virtual Vector get_test_paths() const; virtual JSFileResult run_file_test(const String& test_path); void print_file_result(const JSFileResult& file_result) const; void print_test_results() const; String m_test_root; bool m_print_times; bool m_print_progress; double m_total_elapsed_time_in_ms { 0 }; Test::Counts m_counts; RefPtr m_test_program; }; TestRunner* TestRunner::s_the = nullptr; TestRunnerGlobalObject::TestRunnerGlobalObject() { } TestRunnerGlobalObject::~TestRunnerGlobalObject() { } void TestRunnerGlobalObject::initialize_global_object() { Base::initialize_global_object(); static FlyString global_property_name { "global" }; static FlyString is_strict_mode_property_name { "isStrictMode" }; static FlyString can_parse_source_property_name { "canParseSource" }; static FlyString run_queued_promise_jobs_property_name { "runQueuedPromiseJobs" }; define_property(global_property_name, this, JS::Attribute::Enumerable); define_native_function(is_strict_mode_property_name, is_strict_mode); define_native_function(can_parse_source_property_name, can_parse_source); define_native_function(run_queued_promise_jobs_property_name, run_queued_promise_jobs); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(TestRunnerGlobalObject::is_strict_mode) { return JS::Value(vm.in_strict_mode()); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(TestRunnerGlobalObject::can_parse_source) { auto source = vm.argument(0).to_string(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; auto parser = JS::Parser(JS::Lexer(source)); parser.parse_program(); return JS::Value(!parser.has_errors()); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(TestRunnerGlobalObject::run_queued_promise_jobs) { vm.run_queued_promise_jobs(); return JS::js_undefined(); } static void cleanup_and_exit() { // Clear the taskbar progress. if (TestRunner::the() && TestRunner::the()->is_printing_progress()) warn("\033]9;-1;\033\\"); exit(1); } static void handle_sigabrt(int) { dbgln("test-js: SIGABRT received, cleaning up."); cleanup_and_exit(); } static double get_time_in_ms() { struct timeval tv1; auto return_code = gettimeofday(&tv1, nullptr); VERIFY(return_code >= 0); return static_cast(tv1.tv_sec) * 1000.0 + static_cast(tv1.tv_usec) / 1000.0; } template static void iterate_directory_recursively(const String& directory_path, Callback callback) { Core::DirIterator directory_iterator(directory_path, Core::DirIterator::Flags::SkipDots); while (directory_iterator.has_next()) { auto file_path = directory_iterator.next_full_path(); if (Core::File::is_directory(file_path)) { iterate_directory_recursively(file_path, callback); } else { callback(move(file_path)); } } } Vector TestRunner::get_test_paths() const { Vector paths; iterate_directory_recursively(m_test_root, [&](const String& file_path) { if (!file_path.ends_with("test-common.js")) paths.append(file_path); }); quick_sort(paths); return paths; } Test::Counts TestRunner::run() { size_t progress_counter = 0; auto test_paths = get_test_paths(); for (auto& path : test_paths) { ++progress_counter; print_file_result(run_file_test(path)); if (m_print_progress) warn("\033]9;{};{};\033\\", progress_counter, test_paths.size()); } if (m_print_progress) warn("\033]9;-1;\033\\"); print_test_results(); return m_counts; } static Result, ParserError> parse_file(const String& file_path) { auto file = Core::File::construct(file_path); auto result = file->open(Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (!result) { warnln("Failed to open the following file: \"{}\"", file_path); cleanup_and_exit(); } auto contents = file->read_all(); String test_file_string(reinterpret_cast(contents.data()), contents.size()); file->close(); auto parser = JS::Parser(JS::Lexer(test_file_string)); auto program = parser.parse_program(); if (parser.has_errors()) { auto error = parser.errors()[0]; return Result, ParserError>(ParserError { error, error.source_location_hint(test_file_string) }); } return Result, ParserError>(program); } static Optional get_test_results(JS::Interpreter& interpreter) { auto result = vm->get_variable("__TestResults__", interpreter.global_object()); auto json_string = JS::JSONObject::stringify_impl(interpreter.global_object(), result, JS::js_undefined(), JS::js_undefined()); auto json = JsonValue::from_string(json_string); if (!json.has_value()) return {}; return json.value(); } JSFileResult TestRunner::run_file_test(const String& test_path) { currently_running_test = test_path; double start_time = get_time_in_ms(); auto interpreter = JS::Interpreter::create(*vm); // FIXME: This is a hack while we're refactoring Interpreter/VM stuff. JS::VM::InterpreterExecutionScope scope(*interpreter); interpreter->heap().set_should_collect_on_every_allocation(collect_on_every_allocation); if (!m_test_program) { auto result = parse_file(String::formatted("{}/test-common.js", m_test_root)); if (result.is_error()) { warnln("Unable to parse test-common.js"); warnln("{}", result.error().error.to_string()); warnln("{}", result.error().hint); cleanup_and_exit(); } m_test_program = result.value(); } interpreter->run(interpreter->global_object(), *m_test_program); auto file_program = parse_file(test_path); if (file_program.is_error()) return { test_path, file_program.error() }; interpreter->run(interpreter->global_object(), *file_program.value()); auto test_json = get_test_results(*interpreter); if (!test_json.has_value()) { warnln("Received malformed JSON from test \"{}\"", test_path); cleanup_and_exit(); } JSFileResult file_result { test_path.substring(m_test_root.length() + 1, test_path.length() - m_test_root.length() - 1) }; // Collect logged messages auto& arr = interpreter->vm().get_variable("__UserOutput__", interpreter->global_object()).as_array(); for (auto& entry : arr.indexed_properties()) { auto message = entry.value_and_attributes(&interpreter->global_object()).value; file_result.logged_messages.append(message.to_string_without_side_effects()); } test_json.value().as_object().for_each_member([&](const String& suite_name, const JsonValue& suite_value) { Test::Suite suite { suite_name }; VERIFY(suite_value.is_object()); suite_value.as_object().for_each_member([&](const String& test_name, const JsonValue& test_value) { Test::Case test { test_name, Test::Result::Fail, "" }; VERIFY(test_value.is_object()); VERIFY(test_value.as_object().has("result")); auto result = test_value.as_object().get("result"); VERIFY(result.is_string()); auto result_string = result.as_string(); if (result_string == "pass") { test.result = Test::Result::Pass; m_counts.tests_passed++; } else if (result_string == "fail") { test.result = Test::Result::Fail; m_counts.tests_failed++; suite.most_severe_test_result = Test::Result::Fail; VERIFY(test_value.as_object().has("details")); auto details = test_value.as_object().get("details"); VERIFY(result.is_string()); test.details = details.as_string(); } else { test.result = Test::Result::Skip; if (suite.most_severe_test_result == Test::Result::Pass) suite.most_severe_test_result = Test::Result::Skip; m_counts.tests_skipped++; } suite.tests.append(test); }); if (suite.most_severe_test_result == Test::Result::Fail) { m_counts.suites_failed++; file_result.most_severe_test_result = Test::Result::Fail; } else { if (suite.most_severe_test_result == Test::Result::Skip && file_result.most_severe_test_result == Test::Result::Pass) file_result.most_severe_test_result = Test::Result::Skip; m_counts.suites_passed++; } file_result.suites.append(suite); }); m_counts.files_total++; file_result.time_taken = get_time_in_ms() - start_time; m_total_elapsed_time_in_ms += file_result.time_taken; return file_result; } enum Modifier { BG_RED, BG_GREEN, FG_RED, FG_GREEN, FG_ORANGE, FG_GRAY, FG_BLACK, FG_BOLD, ITALIC, CLEAR, }; static void print_modifiers(Vector modifiers) { for (auto& modifier : modifiers) { auto code = [&] { switch (modifier) { case BG_RED: return "\033[48;2;255;0;102m"; case BG_GREEN: return "\033[48;2;102;255;0m"; case FG_RED: return "\033[38;2;255;0;102m"; case FG_GREEN: return "\033[38;2;102;255;0m"; case FG_ORANGE: return "\033[38;2;255;102;0m"; case FG_GRAY: return "\033[38;2;135;139;148m"; case FG_BLACK: return "\033[30m"; case FG_BOLD: return "\033[1m"; case ITALIC: return "\033[3m"; case CLEAR: return "\033[0m"; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); }(); out("{}", code); } } void TestRunner::print_file_result(const JSFileResult& file_result) const { if (file_result.most_severe_test_result == Test::Result::Fail || file_result.error.has_value()) { print_modifiers({ BG_RED, FG_BLACK, FG_BOLD }); out(" FAIL "); print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } else { if (m_print_times || file_result.most_severe_test_result != Test::Result::Pass) { print_modifiers({ BG_GREEN, FG_BLACK, FG_BOLD }); out(" PASS "); print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } else { return; } } out(" {}", file_result.name); if (m_print_times) { print_modifiers({ CLEAR, ITALIC, FG_GRAY }); if (file_result.time_taken < 1000) { outln(" ({}ms)", static_cast(file_result.time_taken)); } else { outln(" ({:3}s)", file_result.time_taken / 1000.0); } print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } else { outln(); } if (!file_result.logged_messages.is_empty()) { print_modifiers({ FG_GRAY, FG_BOLD }); #ifdef __serenity__ outln(" ℹ Console output:"); #else // This emoji has a second invisible byte after it. The one above does not outln(" ℹ️ Console output:"); #endif print_modifiers({ CLEAR, FG_GRAY }); for (auto& message : file_result.logged_messages) outln(" {}", message); } if (file_result.error.has_value()) { auto test_error = file_result.error.value(); print_modifiers({ FG_RED }); #ifdef __serenity__ outln(" ❌ The file failed to parse"); #else // No invisible byte here, but the spacing still needs to be altered on the host outln(" ❌ The file failed to parse"); #endif outln(); print_modifiers({ FG_GRAY }); for (auto& message : test_error.hint.split('\n', true)) { outln(" {}", message); } print_modifiers({ FG_RED }); outln(" {}", test_error.error.to_string()); outln(); return; } if (file_result.most_severe_test_result != Test::Result::Pass) { for (auto& suite : file_result.suites) { if (suite.most_severe_test_result == Test::Result::Pass) continue; bool failed = suite.most_severe_test_result == Test::Result::Fail; print_modifiers({ FG_GRAY, FG_BOLD }); if (failed) { #ifdef __serenity__ out(" ❌ Suite: "); #else // No invisible byte here, but the spacing still needs to be altered on the host out(" ❌ Suite: "); #endif } else { #ifdef __serenity__ out(" ⚠ Suite: "); #else // This emoji has a second invisible byte after it. The one above does not out(" ⚠️ Suite: "); #endif } print_modifiers({ CLEAR, FG_GRAY }); if (suite.name == TOP_LEVEL_TEST_NAME) { outln(""); } else { outln("{}", suite.name); } print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); for (auto& test : suite.tests) { if (test.result == Test::Result::Pass) continue; print_modifiers({ FG_GRAY, FG_BOLD }); out(" Test: "); if (test.result == Test::Result::Fail) { print_modifiers({ CLEAR, FG_RED }); outln("{} (failed):", test.name); outln(" {}", test.details); } else { print_modifiers({ CLEAR, FG_ORANGE }); outln("{} (skipped)", test.name); } print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } } } } void TestRunner::print_test_results() const { out("\nTest Suites: "); if (m_counts.suites_failed) { print_modifiers({ FG_RED }); out("{} failed, ", m_counts.suites_failed); print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } if (m_counts.suites_passed) { print_modifiers({ FG_GREEN }); out("{} passed, ", m_counts.suites_passed); print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } outln("{} total", m_counts.suites_failed + m_counts.suites_passed); out("Tests: "); if (m_counts.tests_failed) { print_modifiers({ FG_RED }); out("{} failed, ", m_counts.tests_failed); print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } if (m_counts.tests_skipped) { print_modifiers({ FG_ORANGE }); out("{} skipped, ", m_counts.tests_skipped); print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } if (m_counts.tests_passed) { print_modifiers({ FG_GREEN }); out("{} passed, ", m_counts.tests_passed); print_modifiers({ CLEAR }); } outln("{} total", m_counts.tests_failed + m_counts.tests_skipped + m_counts.tests_passed); outln("Files: {} total", m_counts.files_total); out("Time: "); if (m_total_elapsed_time_in_ms < 1000.0) { outln("{}ms", static_cast(m_total_elapsed_time_in_ms)); } else { outln("{:>.3}s", m_total_elapsed_time_in_ms / 1000.0); } outln(); } class Test262ParserTestRunner final : public TestRunner { public: using TestRunner::TestRunner; private: virtual Vector get_test_paths() const override; virtual JSFileResult run_file_test(const String& test_path) override; }; Vector Test262ParserTestRunner::get_test_paths() const { Vector paths; iterate_directory_recursively(m_test_root, [&](const String& file_path) { auto dirname = LexicalPath(file_path).dirname(); if (dirname.ends_with("early") || dirname.ends_with("fail") || dirname.ends_with("pass") || dirname.ends_with("pass-explicit")) paths.append(file_path); }); quick_sort(paths); return paths; } JSFileResult Test262ParserTestRunner::run_file_test(const String& test_path) { currently_running_test = test_path; auto dirname = LexicalPath(test_path).dirname(); bool expecting_file_to_parse; if (dirname.ends_with("early") || dirname.ends_with("fail")) { expecting_file_to_parse = false; } else if (dirname.ends_with("pass") || dirname.ends_with("pass-explicit")) { expecting_file_to_parse = true; } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } auto start_time = get_time_in_ms(); String details = ""; Test::Result test_result; if (test_path.ends_with(".module.js")) { test_result = Test::Result::Skip; m_counts.tests_skipped++; m_counts.suites_passed++; } else { auto parse_result = parse_file(test_path); if (expecting_file_to_parse) { if (!parse_result.is_error()) { test_result = Test::Result::Pass; } else { test_result = Test::Result::Fail; details = parse_result.error().error.to_string(); } } else { if (parse_result.is_error()) { test_result = Test::Result::Pass; } else { test_result = Test::Result::Fail; details = "File was expected to produce a parser error but didn't"; } } } // test262-parser-tests doesn't have "suites" and "tests" in the usual sense, it just has files // and an expectation whether they should parse or not. We add one suite with one test nonetheless: // // - This makes interpreting skipped test easier as their file is shown as "PASS" // - That way we can show additional information such as "file parsed but shouldn't have" or // parser errors for files that should parse respectively Test::Case test { expecting_file_to_parse ? "file should parse" : "file should not parse", test_result, details }; Test::Suite suite { "Parse file", test_result, { test } }; JSFileResult file_result { test_path.substring(m_test_root.length() + 1, test_path.length() - m_test_root.length() - 1), {}, get_time_in_ms() - start_time, test_result, { suite } }; if (test_result == Test::Result::Fail) { m_counts.tests_failed++; m_counts.suites_failed++; } else { m_counts.tests_passed++; m_counts.suites_passed++; } m_counts.files_total++; m_total_elapsed_time_in_ms += file_result.time_taken; return file_result; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct sigaction act; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDWAIT; act.sa_handler = handle_sigabrt; int rc = sigaction(SIGABRT, &act, nullptr); if (rc < 0) { perror("sigaction"); return 1; } #ifdef SIGINFO signal(SIGINFO, [](int) { static char buffer[4096]; auto& counts = TestRunner::the()->counts(); int len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Pass: %d, Fail: %d, Skip: %d\nCurrent test: %s\n", counts.tests_passed, counts.tests_failed, counts.tests_skipped, currently_running_test.characters()); write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, len); }); #endif bool print_times = false; bool print_progress = #ifdef __serenity__ true; // Use OSC 9 to print progress #else false; #endif bool test262_parser_tests = false; const char* specified_test_root = nullptr; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(print_times, "Show duration of each test", "show-time", 't'); args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .requires_argument = true, .help_string = "Show progress with OSC 9 (true, false)", .long_name = "show-progress", .short_name = 'p', .accept_value = [&](auto* str) { if (StringView { "true" } == str) print_progress = true; else if (StringView { "false" } == str) print_progress = false; else return false; return true; }, }); args_parser.add_option(collect_on_every_allocation, "Collect garbage after every allocation", "collect-often", 'g'); args_parser.add_option(test262_parser_tests, "Run test262 parser tests", "test262-parser-tests", 0); args_parser.add_positional_argument(specified_test_root, "Tests root directory", "path", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(argc, argv); if (test262_parser_tests) { if (collect_on_every_allocation) { warnln("--collect-often and --test262-parser-tests options must not be used together"); return 1; } if (!specified_test_root) { warnln("Test root is required with --test262-parser-tests"); return 1; } } if (getenv("DISABLE_DBG_OUTPUT")) { AK::set_debug_enabled(false); } String test_root; if (specified_test_root) { test_root = String { specified_test_root }; } else { #ifdef __serenity__ test_root = "/home/anon/js-tests"; #else char* serenity_source_dir = getenv("SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR"); if (!serenity_source_dir) { warnln("No test root given, test-js requires the SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR environment variable to be set"); return 1; } test_root = String::formatted("{}/Userland/Libraries/LibJS/Tests", serenity_source_dir); #endif } if (!Core::File::is_directory(test_root)) { warnln("Test root is not a directory: {}", test_root); return 1; } vm = JS::VM::create(); Test::Counts result_counts; if (test262_parser_tests) result_counts = Test262ParserTestRunner(test_root, print_times, print_progress).run(); else result_counts = TestRunner(test_root, print_times, print_progress).run(); vm = nullptr; return result_counts.tests_failed > 0 ? 1 : 0; }