/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Peter Elliott * Copyright (c) 2021, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { if (geteuid() != 0) { warnln("Not running as root :^("); return 1; } TRY(Core::System::setegid(0)); TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio wpath rpath cpath fattr tty")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/etc", "rwc")); TRY(Core::System::unveil(nullptr, nullptr)); bool del = false; bool lock = false; bool unlock = false; // FIXME: Replace with StringView once Core::Account::from_name stops taking a char const*. String username {}; auto args_parser = Core::ArgsParser(); args_parser.set_general_help("Modify an account password."); args_parser.add_option(del, "Delete password", "delete", 'd'); args_parser.add_option(lock, "Lock password", "lock", 'l'); args_parser.add_option(unlock, "Unlock password", "unlock", 'u'); args_parser.add_positional_argument(username, "Username", "username", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(arguments); uid_t current_uid = getuid(); // target_account is the account we are changing the password of. auto target_account = TRY(!username.is_empty() ? Core::Account::from_name(username.characters()) : Core::Account::from_uid(current_uid)); setpwent(); if (current_uid != 0 && current_uid != target_account.uid()) { warnln("You can't modify passwd for {}", username); return 1; } if (del) { target_account.delete_password(); } else if (lock) { target_account.set_password_enabled(false); } else if (unlock) { target_account.set_password_enabled(true); } else { if (current_uid != 0) { auto current_password = TRY(Core::get_password("Current password: "sv)); if (!target_account.authenticate(current_password)) { warnln("Incorrect or disabled password."); warnln("Password for user {} unchanged.", target_account.username()); return 1; } } auto new_password = TRY(Core::get_password("New password: "sv)); auto new_password_retype = TRY(Core::get_password("Retype new password: "sv)); if (new_password.is_empty() && new_password_retype.is_empty()) { warnln("No password supplied."); warnln("Password for user {} unchanged.", target_account.username()); return 1; } if (new_password.view() != new_password_retype.view()) { warnln("Sorry, passwords don't match."); warnln("Password for user {} unchanged.", target_account.username()); return 1; } target_account.set_password(new_password); } TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio wpath rpath cpath fattr")); TRY(target_account.sync()); outln("Password for user {} successfully updated.", target_account.username()); return 0; }