/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include "Engine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include class ChessWidget final : public GUI::Frame { C_OBJECT(ChessWidget); public: virtual ~ChessWidget() override = default; virtual void paint_event(GUI::PaintEvent&) override; virtual void mousedown_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override; virtual void mouseup_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override; virtual void mousemove_event(GUI::MouseEvent&) override; virtual void keydown_event(GUI::KeyEvent&) override; Chess::Board& board() { return m_board; }; Chess::Board const& board() const { return m_board; }; Chess::Board& board_playback() { return m_board_playback; }; Chess::Board const& board_playback() const { return m_board_playback; }; Chess::Color side() const { return m_side; }; void set_side(Chess::Color side) { m_side = side; }; void set_piece_set(StringView set); String const& piece_set() const { return m_piece_set; }; Chess::Square mouse_to_square(GUI::MouseEvent& event) const; bool drag_enabled() const { return m_drag_enabled; } void set_drag_enabled(bool e) { m_drag_enabled = e; } RefPtr get_piece_graphic(Chess::Piece const& piece) const; bool show_available_moves() const { return m_show_available_moves; } void set_show_available_moves(bool e) { m_show_available_moves = e; } String get_fen() const; void import_pgn(Core::File&); void export_pgn(Core::File&) const; int resign(); void flip_board(); void reset(); struct BoardTheme { String name; Color dark_square_color; Color light_square_color; }; BoardTheme const& board_theme() const { return m_board_theme; } void set_board_theme(BoardTheme const& theme) { m_board_theme = theme; } void set_board_theme(StringView name); enum class PlaybackDirection { First, Backward, Forward, Last }; void playback_move(PlaybackDirection); void set_engine(RefPtr engine) { m_engine = engine; } void input_engine_move(); bool want_engine_move(); void set_coordinates(bool coordinates) { m_coordinates = coordinates; } bool coordinates() const { return m_coordinates; } struct BoardMarking { Chess::Square from { 50, 50 }; Chess::Square to { 50, 50 }; bool alternate_color { false }; bool secondary_color { false }; enum class Type { Square, Arrow, None }; Type type() const { if (from.in_bounds() && to.in_bounds() && from != to) return Type::Arrow; else if ((from.in_bounds() && !to.in_bounds()) || (from.in_bounds() && to.in_bounds() && from == to)) return Type::Square; return Type::None; } bool operator==(BoardMarking const& other) const { return from == other.from && to == other.to; } }; private: ChessWidget(); Chess::Board m_board; Chess::Board m_board_playback; bool m_playback { false }; size_t m_playback_move_number { 0 }; BoardMarking m_current_marking; Vector m_board_markings; BoardTheme m_board_theme { "Beige", Color::from_rgb(0xb58863), Color::from_rgb(0xf0d9b5) }; Color m_move_highlight_color { Color::from_argb(0x66ccee00) }; Color m_marking_primary_color { Color::from_argb(0x66ff0000) }; Color m_marking_alternate_color { Color::from_argb(0x66ffaa00) }; Color m_marking_secondary_color { Color::from_argb(0x6655dd55) }; Chess::Color m_side { Chess::Color::White }; HashMap> m_pieces; String m_piece_set; Chess::Square m_moving_square { 50, 50 }; Gfx::IntPoint m_drag_point; bool m_dragging_piece { false }; bool m_drag_enabled { true }; bool m_show_available_moves { true }; Vector m_available_moves; RefPtr m_engine; bool m_coordinates { true }; };