/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Linus Groh * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Ali Mohammad Pur * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include RefPtr g_vm; Vector g_repl_statements; JS::Handle g_last_value = JS::make_handle(JS::js_undefined()); class ReplObject final : public JS::GlobalObject { JS_OBJECT(ReplObject, JS::GlobalObject); public: ReplObject(JS::Realm& realm) : GlobalObject(realm) { } virtual void initialize(JS::Realm&) override; virtual ~ReplObject() override = default; private: JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(exit_interpreter); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(repl_help); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(save_to_file); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(load_ini); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(load_json); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(last_value_getter); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(print); }; class ScriptObject final : public JS::GlobalObject { JS_OBJECT(ScriptObject, JS::GlobalObject); public: ScriptObject(JS::Realm& realm) : JS::GlobalObject(realm) { } virtual void initialize(JS::Realm&) override; virtual ~ScriptObject() override = default; private: JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(load_ini); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(load_json); JS_DECLARE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(print); }; static bool s_dump_ast = false; static bool s_as_module = false; static bool s_print_last_result = false; static bool s_strip_ansi = false; static bool s_disable_source_location_hints = false; static RefPtr s_editor; static String s_history_path = String {}; static int s_repl_line_level = 0; static bool s_keep_running_repl = true; static int s_exit_code = 0; static ErrorOr print(JS::Value value, Stream& stream) { JS::PrintContext print_context { .vm = *g_vm, .stream = stream, .strip_ansi = s_strip_ansi }; return JS::print(value, print_context); } enum class PrintTarget { StandardError, StandardOutput, }; static ErrorOr print(JS::Value value, PrintTarget target = PrintTarget::StandardOutput) { auto stream = TRY(target == PrintTarget::StandardError ? Core::File::standard_error() : Core::File::standard_output()); return print(value, *stream); } static ErrorOr prompt_for_level(int level) { static StringBuilder prompt_builder; prompt_builder.clear(); prompt_builder.append("> "sv); for (auto i = 0; i < level; ++i) prompt_builder.append(" "sv); return prompt_builder.to_string(); } static ErrorOr read_next_piece() { StringBuilder piece; auto line_level_delta_for_next_line { 0 }; do { auto line_result = s_editor->get_line(TRY(prompt_for_level(s_repl_line_level)).to_deprecated_string()); line_level_delta_for_next_line = 0; if (line_result.is_error()) { s_keep_running_repl = false; return String {}; } auto& line = line_result.value(); s_editor->add_to_history(line); piece.append(line); piece.append('\n'); auto lexer = JS::Lexer(line); enum { NotInLabelOrObjectKey, InLabelOrObjectKeyIdentifier, InLabelOrObjectKey } label_state { NotInLabelOrObjectKey }; for (JS::Token token = lexer.next(); token.type() != JS::TokenType::Eof; token = lexer.next()) { switch (token.type()) { case JS::TokenType::BracketOpen: case JS::TokenType::CurlyOpen: case JS::TokenType::ParenOpen: label_state = NotInLabelOrObjectKey; s_repl_line_level++; break; case JS::TokenType::BracketClose: case JS::TokenType::CurlyClose: case JS::TokenType::ParenClose: label_state = NotInLabelOrObjectKey; s_repl_line_level--; break; case JS::TokenType::Identifier: case JS::TokenType::StringLiteral: if (label_state == NotInLabelOrObjectKey) label_state = InLabelOrObjectKeyIdentifier; else label_state = NotInLabelOrObjectKey; break; case JS::TokenType::Colon: if (label_state == InLabelOrObjectKeyIdentifier) label_state = InLabelOrObjectKey; else label_state = NotInLabelOrObjectKey; break; default: break; } } if (label_state == InLabelOrObjectKey) { // If there's a label or object literal key at the end of this line, // prompt for more lines but do not change the line level. line_level_delta_for_next_line += 1; } } while (s_repl_line_level + line_level_delta_for_next_line > 0); return piece.to_string(); } static ErrorOr write_to_file(String const& path) { auto file = TRY(Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Write, 0666)); for (size_t i = 0; i < g_repl_statements.size(); i++) { auto line = g_repl_statements[i].bytes(); if (line.size() > 0 && i != g_repl_statements.size() - 1) { TRY(file->write_until_depleted(line)); } if (i != g_repl_statements.size() - 1) { TRY(file->write_value('\n')); } } file->close(); return {}; } static ErrorOr parse_and_run(JS::Realm& realm, StringView source, StringView source_name) { auto& vm = realm.vm(); JS::ThrowCompletionOr result { JS::js_undefined() }; auto run_script_or_module = [&](auto& script_or_module) { if (s_dump_ast) script_or_module->parse_node().dump(0); result = vm.bytecode_interpreter().run(*script_or_module); }; if (!s_as_module) { auto script_or_error = JS::Script::parse(source, realm, source_name); if (script_or_error.is_error()) { auto error = script_or_error.error()[0]; auto hint = error.source_location_hint(source); if (!hint.is_empty()) outln("{}", hint); auto error_string = TRY(error.to_string()); outln("{}", error_string); result = vm.throw_completion(move(error_string)); } else { run_script_or_module(script_or_error.value()); } } else { auto module_or_error = JS::SourceTextModule::parse(source, realm, source_name); if (module_or_error.is_error()) { auto error = module_or_error.error()[0]; auto hint = error.source_location_hint(source); if (!hint.is_empty()) outln("{}", hint); auto error_string = TRY(error.to_string()); outln("{}", error_string); result = vm.throw_completion(move(error_string)); } else { run_script_or_module(module_or_error.value()); } } auto handle_exception = [&](JS::Value thrown_value) -> ErrorOr { warnln("Uncaught exception: "); TRY(print(thrown_value, PrintTarget::StandardError)); warnln(); if (!thrown_value.is_object() || !is(thrown_value.as_object())) return {}; auto const& traceback = static_cast(thrown_value.as_object()).traceback(); if (traceback.size() > 1) { unsigned repetitions = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < traceback.size(); ++i) { auto const& traceback_frame = traceback[i]; if (i + 1 < traceback.size()) { auto const& next_traceback_frame = traceback[i + 1]; if (next_traceback_frame.function_name == traceback_frame.function_name) { repetitions++; continue; } } if (repetitions > 4) { // If more than 5 (1 + >4) consecutive function calls with the same name, print // the name only once and show the number of repetitions instead. This prevents // printing ridiculously large call stacks of recursive functions. warnln(" -> {}", traceback_frame.function_name); warnln(" {} more calls", repetitions); } else { for (size_t j = 0; j < repetitions + 1; ++j) { warnln(" -> {} ({}:{},{})", traceback_frame.function_name, traceback_frame.source_range().code->filename(), traceback_frame.source_range().start.line, traceback_frame.source_range().start.column); } } repetitions = 0; } } return {}; }; if (!result.is_error()) g_last_value = JS::make_handle(result.value()); if (result.is_error()) { VERIFY(result.throw_completion().value().has_value()); TRY(handle_exception(*result.release_error().value())); return false; } if (s_print_last_result) { TRY(print(result.value())); warnln(); } return true; } static JS::ThrowCompletionOr load_ini_impl(JS::VM& vm) { auto& realm = *vm.current_realm(); auto filename = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_deprecated_string(vm)); auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(filename, Core::File::OpenMode::Read); if (file_or_error.is_error()) return vm.throw_completion(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::formatted("Failed to open '{}': {}", filename, file_or_error.error()))); auto config_file = MUST(Core::ConfigFile::open(filename, file_or_error.release_value())); auto object = JS::Object::create(realm, realm.intrinsics().object_prototype()); for (auto const& group : config_file->groups()) { auto group_object = JS::Object::create(realm, realm.intrinsics().object_prototype()); for (auto const& key : config_file->keys(group)) { auto entry = config_file->read_entry(group, key); group_object->define_direct_property(key, JS::PrimitiveString::create(vm, move(entry)), JS::Attribute::Enumerable | JS::Attribute::Configurable | JS::Attribute::Writable); } object->define_direct_property(group, group_object, JS::Attribute::Enumerable | JS::Attribute::Configurable | JS::Attribute::Writable); } return object; } static JS::ThrowCompletionOr load_json_impl(JS::VM& vm) { auto filename = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_string(vm)); auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(filename, Core::File::OpenMode::Read); if (file_or_error.is_error()) return vm.throw_completion(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::formatted("Failed to open '{}': {}", filename, file_or_error.error()))); auto file_contents_or_error = file_or_error.value()->read_until_eof(); if (file_contents_or_error.is_error()) return vm.throw_completion(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, String::formatted("Failed to read '{}': {}", filename, file_contents_or_error.error()))); auto json = JsonValue::from_string(file_contents_or_error.value()); if (json.is_error()) return vm.throw_completion(JS::ErrorType::JsonMalformed); return JS::JSONObject::parse_json_value(vm, json.value()); } void ReplObject::initialize(JS::Realm& realm) { Base::initialize(realm); define_direct_property("global", this, JS::Attribute::Enumerable); u8 attr = JS::Attribute::Configurable | JS::Attribute::Writable | JS::Attribute::Enumerable; define_native_function(realm, "exit", exit_interpreter, 0, attr); define_native_function(realm, "help", repl_help, 0, attr); define_native_function(realm, "save", save_to_file, 1, attr); define_native_function(realm, "loadINI", load_ini, 1, attr); define_native_function(realm, "loadJSON", load_json, 1, attr); define_native_function(realm, "print", print, 1, attr); define_native_accessor( realm, "_", [](JS::VM&) { return g_last_value.value(); }, [](JS::VM& vm) -> JS::ThrowCompletionOr { auto& global_object = vm.get_global_object(); VERIFY(is(global_object)); outln("Disable writing last value to '_'"); // We must delete first otherwise this setter gets called recursively. TRY(global_object.internal_delete(JS::PropertyKey { "_" })); auto value = vm.argument(0); TRY(global_object.internal_set(JS::PropertyKey { "_" }, value, &global_object)); return value; }, attr); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReplObject::save_to_file) { if (!vm.argument_count()) return JS::Value(false); auto const save_path = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_string(vm)); if (!write_to_file(save_path).is_error()) { return JS::Value(true); } return JS::Value(false); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReplObject::exit_interpreter) { if (vm.argument_count() != 0) s_exit_code = TRY(vm.argument(0).to_number(vm)).as_double(); s_keep_running_repl = false; return JS::js_undefined(); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReplObject::repl_help) { warnln("REPL commands:"); warnln(" exit(code): exit the REPL with specified code. Defaults to 0."); warnln(" help(): display this menu"); warnln(" loadINI(file): load the given file as INI."); warnln(" loadJSON(file): load the given file as JSON."); warnln(" print(value): pretty-print the given JS value."); warnln(" save(file): write REPL input history to the given file. For example: save(\"foo.txt\")"); return JS::js_undefined(); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReplObject::load_ini) { return load_ini_impl(vm); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReplObject::load_json) { return load_json_impl(vm); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ReplObject::print) { auto result = ::print(vm.argument(0)); if (result.is_error()) return g_vm->throw_completion(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(*g_vm, String::formatted("Failed to print value: {}", result.error()))); outln(); return JS::js_undefined(); } void ScriptObject::initialize(JS::Realm& realm) { Base::initialize(realm); define_direct_property("global", this, JS::Attribute::Enumerable); u8 attr = JS::Attribute::Configurable | JS::Attribute::Writable | JS::Attribute::Enumerable; define_native_function(realm, "loadINI", load_ini, 1, attr); define_native_function(realm, "loadJSON", load_json, 1, attr); define_native_function(realm, "print", print, 1, attr); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ScriptObject::load_ini) { return load_ini_impl(vm); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ScriptObject::load_json) { return load_json_impl(vm); } JS_DEFINE_NATIVE_FUNCTION(ScriptObject::print) { auto result = ::print(vm.argument(0)); if (result.is_error()) return g_vm->throw_completion(TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(*g_vm, String::formatted("Failed to print value: {}", result.error()))); outln(); return JS::js_undefined(); } static ErrorOr repl(JS::Realm& realm) { while (s_keep_running_repl) { auto const piece = TRY(read_next_piece()); if (Utf8View { piece }.trim(JS::whitespace_characters).is_empty()) continue; g_repl_statements.append(piece); TRY(parse_and_run(realm, piece, "REPL"sv)); } return {}; } static Function interrupt_interpreter; static void sigint_handler() { interrupt_interpreter(); } class ReplConsoleClient final : public JS::ConsoleClient { public: ReplConsoleClient(JS::Console& console) : ConsoleClient(console) { } virtual void clear() override { out("\033[3J\033[H\033[2J"); m_group_stack_depth = 0; fflush(stdout); } virtual void end_group() override { if (m_group_stack_depth > 0) m_group_stack_depth--; } // 2.3. Printer(logLevel, args[, options]), https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#printer virtual JS::ThrowCompletionOr printer(JS::Console::LogLevel log_level, PrinterArguments arguments) override { auto indent = TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(*g_vm, String::repeated(' ', m_group_stack_depth * 2)); if (log_level == JS::Console::LogLevel::Trace) { auto trace = arguments.get(); StringBuilder builder; if (!trace.label.is_empty()) builder.appendff("{}\033[36;1m{}\033[0m\n", indent, trace.label); for (auto& function_name : trace.stack) builder.appendff("{}-> {}\n", indent, function_name); outln("{}", builder.string_view()); return JS::js_undefined(); } if (log_level == JS::Console::LogLevel::Group || log_level == JS::Console::LogLevel::GroupCollapsed) { auto group = arguments.get(); outln("{}\033[36;1m{}\033[0m", indent, group.label); m_group_stack_depth++; return JS::js_undefined(); } auto output = TRY(generically_format_values(arguments.get>())); #ifdef AK_OS_SERENITY m_console.output_debug_message(log_level, output); #endif switch (log_level) { case JS::Console::LogLevel::Debug: outln("{}\033[36;1m{}\033[0m", indent, output); break; case JS::Console::LogLevel::Error: case JS::Console::LogLevel::Assert: outln("{}\033[31;1m{}\033[0m", indent, output); break; case JS::Console::LogLevel::Info: outln("{}(i) {}", indent, output); break; case JS::Console::LogLevel::Log: outln("{}{}", indent, output); break; case JS::Console::LogLevel::Warn: case JS::Console::LogLevel::CountReset: outln("{}\033[33;1m{}\033[0m", indent, output); break; default: outln("{}{}", indent, output); break; } return JS::js_undefined(); } private: int m_group_stack_depth { 0 }; }; ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath tty sigaction")); bool gc_on_every_allocation = false; bool disable_syntax_highlight = false; bool disable_debug_printing = false; bool use_test262_global = false; StringView evaluate_script; Vector script_paths; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.set_general_help("This is a JavaScript interpreter."); args_parser.add_option(s_dump_ast, "Dump the AST", "dump-ast", 'A'); args_parser.add_option(JS::Bytecode::g_dump_bytecode, "Dump the bytecode", "dump-bytecode", 'd'); args_parser.add_option(s_as_module, "Treat as module", "as-module", 'm'); args_parser.add_option(s_print_last_result, "Print last result", "print-last-result", 'l'); args_parser.add_option(s_strip_ansi, "Disable ANSI colors", "disable-ansi-colors", 'i'); args_parser.add_option(s_disable_source_location_hints, "Disable source location hints", "disable-source-location-hints", 'h'); args_parser.add_option(gc_on_every_allocation, "GC on every allocation", "gc-on-every-allocation", 'g'); args_parser.add_option(disable_syntax_highlight, "Disable live syntax highlighting", "no-syntax-highlight", 's'); args_parser.add_option(disable_debug_printing, "Disable debug output", "disable-debug-output", {}); args_parser.add_option(evaluate_script, "Evaluate argument as a script", "evaluate", 'c', "script"); args_parser.add_option(use_test262_global, "Use test262 global ($262)", "use-test262-global", {}); args_parser.add_positional_argument(script_paths, "Path to script files", "scripts", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(arguments); bool syntax_highlight = !disable_syntax_highlight; AK::set_debug_enabled(!disable_debug_printing); s_history_path = TRY(String::formatted("{}/.js-history", Core::StandardPaths::home_directory())); g_vm = TRY(JS::VM::create()); g_vm->enable_default_host_import_module_dynamically_hook(); if (!disable_debug_printing) { // NOTE: These will print out both warnings when using something like Promise.reject().catch(...) - // which is, as far as I can tell, correct - a promise is created, rejected without handler, and a // handler then attached to it. The Node.js REPL doesn't warn in this case, so it's something we // might want to revisit at a later point and disable warnings for promises created this way. g_vm->on_promise_unhandled_rejection = [](auto& promise) { warn("WARNING: A promise was rejected without any handlers"); warn(" (result: "); (void)print(promise.result(), PrintTarget::StandardError); warnln(")"); }; g_vm->on_promise_rejection_handled = [](auto& promise) { warn("WARNING: A handler was added to an already rejected promise"); warn(" (result: "); (void)print(promise.result(), PrintTarget::StandardError); warnln(")"); }; } // FIXME: Figure out some way to interrupt the interpreter now that vm.exception() is gone. if (evaluate_script.is_empty() && script_paths.is_empty()) { s_print_last_result = true; auto root_execution_context = JS::create_simple_execution_context(*g_vm); auto& realm = *root_execution_context->realm; auto& console_object = *realm.intrinsics().console_object(); ReplConsoleClient console_client(console_object.console()); console_object.console().set_client(console_client); g_vm->heap().set_should_collect_on_every_allocation(gc_on_every_allocation); auto& global_environment = realm.global_environment(); s_editor = Line::Editor::construct(); s_editor->load_history(s_history_path.to_deprecated_string()); signal(SIGINT, [](int) { if (!s_editor->is_editing()) sigint_handler(); s_editor->save_history(s_history_path.to_deprecated_string()); }); s_editor->on_display_refresh = [syntax_highlight](Line::Editor& editor) { auto stylize = [&](Line::Span span, Line::Style styles) { if (syntax_highlight) editor.stylize(span, styles); }; editor.strip_styles(); size_t open_indents = s_repl_line_level; auto line = editor.line(); JS::Lexer lexer(line); bool indenters_starting_line = true; for (JS::Token token = lexer.next(); token.type() != JS::TokenType::Eof; token = lexer.next()) { auto length = Utf8View { token.value() }.length(); auto start = token.offset(); auto end = start + length; if (indenters_starting_line) { if (token.type() != JS::TokenType::ParenClose && token.type() != JS::TokenType::BracketClose && token.type() != JS::TokenType::CurlyClose) { indenters_starting_line = false; } else { --open_indents; } } switch (token.category()) { case JS::TokenCategory::Invalid: stylize({ start, end, Line::Span::CodepointOriented }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Red), Line::Style::Underline }); break; case JS::TokenCategory::Number: stylize({ start, end, Line::Span::CodepointOriented }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Magenta) }); break; case JS::TokenCategory::String: stylize({ start, end, Line::Span::CodepointOriented }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Green), Line::Style::Bold }); break; case JS::TokenCategory::Punctuation: break; case JS::TokenCategory::Operator: break; case JS::TokenCategory::Keyword: switch (token.type()) { case JS::TokenType::BoolLiteral: case JS::TokenType::NullLiteral: stylize({ start, end, Line::Span::CodepointOriented }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Yellow), Line::Style::Bold }); break; default: stylize({ start, end, Line::Span::CodepointOriented }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Blue), Line::Style::Bold }); break; } break; case JS::TokenCategory::ControlKeyword: stylize({ start, end, Line::Span::CodepointOriented }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Cyan), Line::Style::Italic }); break; case JS::TokenCategory::Identifier: stylize({ start, end, Line::Span::CodepointOriented }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::White), Line::Style::Bold }); break; default: break; } } editor.set_prompt(prompt_for_level(open_indents).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors().to_deprecated_string()); }; auto complete = [&realm, &global_environment](Line::Editor const& editor) -> Vector { auto line = editor.line(editor.cursor()); JS::Lexer lexer { line }; enum { Initial, CompleteVariable, CompleteNullProperty, CompleteProperty, } mode { Initial }; StringView variable_name; StringView property_name; // we're only going to complete either // - // where N is part of the name of a variable // - .

// where N is the complete name of a variable and // P is part of the name of one of its properties auto js_token = lexer.next(); for (; js_token.type() != JS::TokenType::Eof; js_token = lexer.next()) { switch (mode) { case CompleteVariable: switch (js_token.type()) { case JS::TokenType::Period: // ... mode = CompleteNullProperty; break; default: // not a dot, reset back to initial mode = Initial; break; } break; case CompleteNullProperty: if (js_token.is_identifier_name()) { // ... mode = CompleteProperty; property_name = js_token.value(); } else { mode = Initial; } break; case CompleteProperty: // something came after the property access, reset to initial case Initial: if (js_token.type() == JS::TokenType::Identifier) { // ...... mode = CompleteVariable; variable_name = js_token.value(); } else { mode = Initial; } break; } } bool last_token_has_trivia = js_token.trivia().length() > 0; if (mode == CompleteNullProperty) { mode = CompleteProperty; property_name = ""sv; last_token_has_trivia = false; // [tab] is sensible to complete. } if (mode == Initial || last_token_has_trivia) return {}; // we do not know how to complete this Vector results; Function list_all_properties = [&results, &list_all_properties](JS::Shape const& shape, auto property_pattern) { for (auto const& descriptor : shape.property_table()) { if (!descriptor.key.is_string()) continue; auto key = descriptor.key.as_string(); if (key.view().starts_with(property_pattern)) { Line::CompletionSuggestion completion { key, Line::CompletionSuggestion::ForSearch }; if (!results.contains_slow(completion)) { // hide duplicates results.append(DeprecatedString(key)); results.last().invariant_offset = property_pattern.length(); } } } if (auto const* prototype = shape.prototype()) { list_all_properties(prototype->shape(), property_pattern); } }; switch (mode) { case CompleteProperty: { auto reference_or_error = g_vm->resolve_binding(variable_name, &global_environment); if (reference_or_error.is_error()) return {}; auto value_or_error = reference_or_error.value().get_value(*g_vm); if (value_or_error.is_error()) return {}; auto variable = value_or_error.value(); VERIFY(!variable.is_empty()); if (!variable.is_object()) break; auto const object = MUST(variable.to_object(*g_vm)); auto const& shape = object->shape(); list_all_properties(shape, property_name); break; } case CompleteVariable: { auto const& variable = realm.global_object(); list_all_properties(variable.shape(), variable_name); for (auto const& name : global_environment.declarative_record().bindings()) { if (name.starts_with(variable_name)) { results.empend(name); results.last().invariant_offset = variable_name.length(); } } break; } default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } return results; }; s_editor->on_tab_complete = move(complete); TRY(repl(realm)); s_editor->save_history(s_history_path.to_deprecated_string()); } else { OwnPtr root_execution_context; if (use_test262_global) root_execution_context = JS::create_simple_execution_context(*g_vm); else root_execution_context = JS::create_simple_execution_context(*g_vm); auto& realm = *root_execution_context->realm; auto& console_object = *realm.intrinsics().console_object(); ReplConsoleClient console_client(console_object.console()); console_object.console().set_client(console_client); g_vm->heap().set_should_collect_on_every_allocation(gc_on_every_allocation); signal(SIGINT, [](int) { sigint_handler(); }); StringBuilder builder; StringView source_name; if (evaluate_script.is_empty()) { if (script_paths.size() > 1) warnln("Warning: Multiple files supplied, this will concatenate the sources and resolve modules as if it was the first file"); for (auto& path : script_paths) { auto file = TRY(Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read)); auto file_contents = TRY(file->read_until_eof()); auto source = StringView { file_contents }; if (Utf8View { file_contents }.validate()) { builder.append(source); } else { auto decoder = TextCodec::decoder_for("windows-1252"sv); VERIFY(decoder.has_value()); auto utf8_source = TRY(TextCodec::convert_input_to_utf8_using_given_decoder_unless_there_is_a_byte_order_mark(*decoder, source)); builder.append(utf8_source); } } source_name = script_paths[0]; } else { builder.append(evaluate_script); source_name = "eval"sv; } // We resolve modules as if it is the first file if (!TRY(parse_and_run(realm, builder.string_view(), source_name))) return 1; } return s_exit_code; }