/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Andrew Kaster * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Test { TestRunner* TestRunner::s_the = nullptr; } using Test::get_time_in_ms; using Test::print_modifiers; struct FileResult { LexicalPath file_path; double time_taken { 0 }; Test::Result result { Test::Result::Pass }; int stdout_err_fd { -1 }; }; String g_currently_running_test; class TestRunner : public ::Test::TestRunner { public: TestRunner(String test_root, Regex exclude_regex, NonnullRefPtr config, Regex skip_regex, bool print_progress, bool print_json, bool print_all_output, bool print_times = true) : ::Test::TestRunner(move(test_root), print_times, print_progress, print_json) , m_exclude_regex(move(exclude_regex)) , m_config(move(config)) , m_skip_regex(move(skip_regex)) , m_print_all_output(print_all_output) { m_skip_directories = m_config->read_entry("Global", "SkipDirectories", "").split(' '); m_skip_files = m_config->read_entry("Global", "SkipTests", "").split(' '); } virtual ~TestRunner() = default; protected: virtual void do_run_single_test(const String& test_path, size_t current_text_index, size_t num_tests) override; virtual Vector get_test_paths() const override; virtual const Vector* get_failed_test_names() const override { return &m_failed_test_names; } virtual FileResult run_test_file(const String& test_path); bool should_skip_test(const LexicalPath& test_path); Regex m_exclude_regex; NonnullRefPtr m_config; Vector m_skip_directories; Vector m_skip_files; Vector m_failed_test_names; Regex m_skip_regex; bool m_print_all_output { false }; }; Vector TestRunner::get_test_paths() const { Vector paths; Test::iterate_directory_recursively(m_test_root, [&](const String& file_path) { if (access(file_path.characters(), R_OK | X_OK) != 0) return; auto result = m_exclude_regex.match(file_path, PosixFlags::Global); if (!result.success) // must NOT match the regex to be a valid test file paths.append(file_path); }); quick_sort(paths); return paths; } bool TestRunner::should_skip_test(const LexicalPath& test_path) { for (const String& dir : m_skip_directories) { if (test_path.dirname().contains(dir)) return true; } for (const String& file : m_skip_files) { if (test_path.basename().contains(file)) return true; } auto result = m_skip_regex.match(test_path.basename(), PosixFlags::Global); if (result.success) return true; return false; } void TestRunner::do_run_single_test(const String& test_path, size_t current_test_index, size_t num_tests) { g_currently_running_test = test_path; auto test_relative_path = LexicalPath::relative_path(test_path, m_test_root); outln(" START {} ({}/{})", test_relative_path, current_test_index, num_tests); fflush(stdout); // we really want to see the start text in case the test hangs auto test_result = run_test_file(test_path); switch (test_result.result) { case Test::Result::Pass: ++m_counts.tests_passed; break; case Test::Result::Skip: ++m_counts.tests_skipped; break; case Test::Result::Fail: ++m_counts.tests_failed; break; case Test::Result::Crashed: ++m_counts.tests_failed; // FIXME: tests_crashed break; } if (test_result.result != Test::Result::Skip) ++m_counts.files_total; m_total_elapsed_time_in_ms += test_result.time_taken; bool crashed_or_failed = test_result.result == Test::Result::Fail || test_result.result == Test::Result::Crashed; bool print_stdout_stderr = crashed_or_failed || m_print_all_output; if (crashed_or_failed) { m_failed_test_names.append(test_path); print_modifiers({ Test::BG_RED, Test::FG_BLACK, Test::FG_BOLD }); out("{}", test_result.result == Test::Result::Fail ? " FAIL " : "CRASHED"); print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR }); } else { print_modifiers({ Test::BG_GREEN, Test::FG_BLACK, Test::FG_BOLD }); out(" PASS "); print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR }); } out(" {}", test_relative_path); print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR, Test::ITALIC, Test::FG_GRAY }); if (test_result.time_taken < 1000) { outln(" ({}ms)", static_cast(test_result.time_taken)); } else { outln(" ({:3}s)", test_result.time_taken / 1000.0); } print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR }); if (test_result.result != Test::Result::Pass) { print_modifiers({ Test::FG_GRAY, Test::FG_BOLD }); out(" Test: "); if (crashed_or_failed) { print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR, Test::FG_RED }); outln("{} ({})", test_result.file_path.basename(), test_result.result == Test::Result::Fail ? "failed" : "crashed"); } else { print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR, Test::FG_ORANGE }); outln("{} (skipped)", test_result.file_path.basename()); } print_modifiers({ Test::CLEAR }); } // Make sure our clear modifiers goes through before we dump file output via write(2) fflush(stdout); if (print_stdout_stderr && test_result.stdout_err_fd > 0) { int ret = lseek(test_result.stdout_err_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); VERIFY(ret == 0); for (;;) { char buf[32768]; ssize_t nread = read(test_result.stdout_err_fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (nread == 0) break; if (nread < 0) { perror("read"); break; } size_t already_written = 0; while (already_written < (size_t)nread) { ssize_t nwritten = write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf + already_written, nread - already_written); if (nwritten < 0) { perror("write"); break; } already_written += nwritten; } } } close(test_result.stdout_err_fd); } FileResult TestRunner::run_test_file(const String& test_path) { double start_time = get_time_in_ms(); auto path_for_test = LexicalPath(test_path); if (should_skip_test(path_for_test)) { return FileResult { move(path_for_test), 0.0, Test::Result::Skip, -1 }; } // FIXME: actual error handling, mark test as :yaksplode: if any are bad instead of VERIFY posix_spawn_file_actions_t file_actions; posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&file_actions); char child_out_err_path[] = "/tmp/run-tests.XXXXXX"; int child_out_err_file = mkstemp(child_out_err_path); VERIFY(child_out_err_file >= 0); String dirname = path_for_test.dirname(); String basename = path_for_test.basename(); (void)posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, child_out_err_file, STDOUT_FILENO); (void)posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions, child_out_err_file, STDERR_FILENO); (void)posix_spawn_file_actions_addchdir(&file_actions, dirname.characters()); Vector argv; argv.append(basename.characters()); auto extra_args = m_config->read_entry(path_for_test.basename(), "Arguments", "").split(' '); for (auto& arg : extra_args) argv.append(arg.characters()); argv.append(nullptr); pid_t child_pid = -1; // FIXME: Do we really want to copy test runner's entire env? int ret = posix_spawn(&child_pid, test_path.characters(), &file_actions, nullptr, const_cast(argv.data()), environ); VERIFY(ret == 0); VERIFY(child_pid > 0); int wstatus; Test::Result test_result = Test::Result::Fail; for (size_t num_waits = 0; num_waits < 2; ++num_waits) { ret = waitpid(child_pid, &wstatus, 0); // intentionally not setting WCONTINUED if (ret != child_pid) break; // we'll end up with a failure if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) { if (wstatus == 0) { test_result = Test::Result::Pass; } break; } else if (WIFSIGNALED(wstatus)) { test_result = Test::Result::Crashed; break; } else if (WIFSTOPPED(wstatus)) { outln("{} was stopped unexpectedly, sending SIGCONT", test_path); kill(child_pid, SIGCONT); } } // Remove the child's stdout from /tmp. This does cause the temp file to be observable // while the test is executing, but if it hangs that might even be a bonus :) ret = unlink(child_out_err_path); VERIFY(ret == 0); return FileResult { move(path_for_test), get_time_in_ms() - start_time, test_result, child_out_err_file }; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { auto program_name = LexicalPath::basename(argv[0]); #ifdef SIGINFO signal(SIGINFO, [](int) { static char buffer[4096]; auto& counts = ::Test::TestRunner::the()->counts(); int len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Pass: %d, Fail: %d, Skip: %d\nCurrent test: %s\n", counts.tests_passed, counts.tests_failed, counts.tests_skipped, g_currently_running_test.characters()); write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, len); }); #endif bool print_progress = #ifdef __serenity__ true; // Use OSC 9 to print progress #else false; #endif bool print_json = false; bool print_all_output = false; const char* specified_test_root = nullptr; String test_glob; String exclude_pattern; String config_file; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .requires_argument = true, .help_string = "Show progress with OSC 9 (true, false)", .long_name = "show-progress", .short_name = 'p', .accept_value = [&](auto* str) { if ("true"sv == str) print_progress = true; else if ("false"sv == str) print_progress = false; else return false; return true; }, }); args_parser.add_option(print_json, "Show results as JSON", "json", 'j'); args_parser.add_option(print_all_output, "Show all test output", "verbose", 'v'); args_parser.add_option(test_glob, "Only run tests matching the given glob", "filter", 'f', "glob"); args_parser.add_option(exclude_pattern, "Regular expression to use to exclude paths from being considered tests", "exclude-pattern", 'e', "pattern"); args_parser.add_option(config_file, "Configuration file to use", "config-file", 'c', "filename"); args_parser.add_positional_argument(specified_test_root, "Tests root directory", "path", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(argc, argv); test_glob = String::formatted("*{}*", test_glob); if (getenv("DISABLE_DBG_OUTPUT")) { AK::set_debug_enabled(false); } String test_root; if (specified_test_root) { test_root = String { specified_test_root }; } else { test_root = "/usr/Tests"; } if (!Core::File::is_directory(test_root)) { warnln("Test root is not a directory: {}", test_root); return 1; } test_root = Core::File::real_path_for(test_root); if (chdir(test_root.characters()) < 0) { auto saved_errno = errno; warnln("chdir failed: {}", strerror(saved_errno)); return 1; } auto config = config_file.is_empty() ? Core::ConfigFile::open_for_app("Tests") : Core::ConfigFile::open(config_file); if (config->num_groups() == 0) warnln("Empty configuration file ({}) loaded!", config_file.is_empty() ? "User config for Tests" : config_file.characters()); if (exclude_pattern.is_empty()) exclude_pattern = config->read_entry("Global", "NotTestsPattern", "$^"); // default is match nothing (aka match end then beginning) Regex exclude_regex(exclude_pattern, {}); if (exclude_regex.parser_result.error != regex::Error::NoError) { warnln("Exclude pattern \"{}\" is invalid", exclude_pattern); return 1; } // we need to preconfigure this, because we can't autoinitialize Regex types // in the Testrunner auto skip_regex_pattern = config->read_entry("Global", "SkipRegex", "$^"); Regex skip_regex { skip_regex_pattern, {} }; if (skip_regex.parser_result.error != regex::Error::NoError) { warnln("SkipRegex pattern \"{}\" is invalid", skip_regex_pattern); return 1; } TestRunner test_runner(test_root, move(exclude_regex), move(config), move(skip_regex), print_progress, print_json, print_all_output); test_runner.run(test_glob); return test_runner.counts().tests_failed; }