/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Sahan Fernando * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int opt_interval = 2; static bool flag_noheader = false; static bool flag_beep_on_fail = false; static int volatile exit_code = 0; static volatile pid_t child_pid = -1; static DeprecatedString build_header_string(Vector const& command, Duration const& interval) { StringBuilder builder; auto interval_seconds = interval.to_truncated_seconds(); auto interval_fractional_seconds = (interval.to_truncated_milliseconds() % 1000) / 100; builder.appendff("Every {}.{}s: \x1b[1m", interval_seconds, interval_fractional_seconds); builder.join(' ', command); builder.append("\x1b[0m"sv); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } static DeprecatedString build_header_string(Vector const& command, Vector const& filenames) { StringBuilder builder; builder.appendff("Every time any of {} changes: \x1b[1m", filenames); builder.join(' ', command); builder.append("\x1b[0m"sv); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } static void handle_signal(int signal) { if (child_pid > 0) { if (kill(child_pid, signal) < 0) { perror("kill"); } int status; if (waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0) < 0) { perror("waitpid"); } else if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { exit_code = 1; } } exit(exit_code); } static int run_command(Vector const& command) { Vector argv; argv.ensure_capacity(command.size() + 1); for (auto& arg : command) argv.unchecked_append(arg.characters()); argv.unchecked_append(nullptr); if ((errno = posix_spawnp(const_cast(&child_pid), argv[0], nullptr, nullptr, const_cast(argv.data()), environ))) { exit_code = 1; perror("posix_spawn"); return errno; } // Wait for the child to terminate, then return its exit code. int status; pid_t exited_pid; do { exited_pid = waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0); } while (exited_pid < 0 && errno == EINTR); VERIFY(exited_pid == child_pid); child_pid = -1; if (exited_pid < 0) { perror("waitpid"); return 1; } if (WIFEXITED(status)) { return WEXITSTATUS(status); } else { return 1; } } ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::signal(SIGINT, handle_signal)); TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio proc exec rpath")); Vector files_to_watch; Vector command; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.set_stop_on_first_non_option(true); args_parser.set_general_help("Execute a command repeatedly, and watch its output over time."); args_parser.add_option(opt_interval, "Amount of time between updates", "interval", 'n', "seconds"); args_parser.add_option(flag_noheader, "Turn off the header describing the command and interval", "no-title", 't'); args_parser.add_option(flag_beep_on_fail, "Beep if the command has a non-zero exit code", "beep", 'b'); Core::ArgsParser::Option file_arg { .argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required, .help_string = "Run command whenever this file changes. Can be used multiple times.", .long_name = "file", .short_name = 'f', .value_name = "file", .accept_value = [&files_to_watch](auto filename) { files_to_watch.append(filename); return true; } }; args_parser.add_option(move(file_arg)); args_parser.add_positional_argument(command, "Command to run", "command"); args_parser.parse(arguments); DeprecatedString header; auto watch_callback = [&] { // Clear the screen, then reset the cursor position to the top left. warn("\033[H\033[2J"); // Print the header. if (!flag_noheader) { warnln("{}", header); warnln(); } else { fflush(stderr); } if (run_command(command) != 0) { exit_code = 1; if (flag_beep_on_fail) { warnln("\a"); fflush(stderr); } } }; if (!files_to_watch.is_empty()) { header = build_header_string(command, files_to_watch); auto file_watcher = Core::BlockingFileWatcher(); for (auto const& file : files_to_watch) { if (!FileSystem::exists(file)) { warnln("Cannot watch '{}', it does not exist.", file); return 1; } if (!file_watcher.is_watching(file)) { auto could_add_to_watch = TRY(file_watcher.add_watch(file, Core::FileWatcherEvent::Type::MetadataModified)); if (!could_add_to_watch) { warnln("Could not add '{}' to watch list.", file); return 1; } } } watch_callback(); while (true) { auto maybe_event = file_watcher.wait_for_event(); if (maybe_event.has_value()) { watch_callback(); } } } else { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio proc exec")); Duration interval; if (opt_interval <= 0) { interval = Duration::from_milliseconds(100); } else { interval = Duration::from_seconds(opt_interval); } auto now = MonotonicTime::now(); auto next_run_time = now; header = build_header_string(command, interval); while (true) { auto duration_to_sleep = (next_run_time - now).to_timespec(); timespec remaining_sleep {}; do { clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, &duration_to_sleep, &remaining_sleep); } while (remaining_sleep.tv_sec || remaining_sleep.tv_nsec); watch_callback(); now = MonotonicTime::now(); next_run_time = next_run_time + interval; if (next_run_time < now) { // The next execution is overdue, so we set next_run_time to now to prevent drift. next_run_time = now; } } } }