/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Ali Mohammad Pur * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include RefPtr g_line_editor; static auto g_stdout = Core::OutputFileStream::standard_error(); static Wasm::Printer g_printer { g_stdout }; static bool g_continue { false }; static void (*old_signal)(int); static Wasm::DebuggerBytecodeInterpreter g_interpreter; static void sigint_handler(int) { if (!g_continue) { signal(SIGINT, old_signal); kill(getpid(), SIGINT); } g_continue = false; } static bool post_interpret_hook(Wasm::Configuration&, Wasm::InstructionPointer& ip, Wasm::Instruction const& instr, Wasm::Interpreter const& interpreter) { if (interpreter.did_trap()) { g_continue = false; warnln("Trapped when executing ip={}", ip); g_printer.print(instr); warnln("Trap reason: {}", interpreter.trap_reason()); const_cast(interpreter).clear_trap(); } return true; } static bool pre_interpret_hook(Wasm::Configuration& config, Wasm::InstructionPointer& ip, Wasm::Instruction const& instr) { static bool always_print_stack = false; static bool always_print_instruction = false; if (always_print_stack) config.dump_stack(); if (always_print_instruction) { g_stdout.write(String::formatted("{:0>4} ", ip.value()).bytes()); g_printer.print(instr); } if (g_continue) return true; g_stdout.write(String::formatted("{:0>4} ", ip.value()).bytes()); g_printer.print(instr); String last_command = ""; for (;;) { auto result = g_line_editor->get_line("> "); if (result.is_error()) { return false; } auto str = result.release_value(); g_line_editor->add_to_history(str); if (str.is_empty()) str = last_command; else last_command = str; auto args = str.split_view(' '); if (args.is_empty()) continue; auto& cmd = args[0]; if (cmd.is_one_of("h", "help")) { warnln("Wasm shell commands"); warnln("Toplevel:"); warnln("- [s]tep Run one instruction"); warnln("- next Alias for step"); warnln("- [c]ontinue Execute until a trap or the program exit point"); warnln("- [p]rint Print various things (see section on print)"); warnln("- call Call the function with the given arguments"); warnln("- set Set shell option (see section on settings)"); warnln("- unset Unset shell option (see section on settings)"); warnln("- [h]elp Print this help"); warnln(); warnln("Print:"); warnln("- print [s]tack Print the contents of the stack, including frames and labels"); warnln("- print [[m]em]ory Print the contents of the memory identified by "); warnln("- print [[i]nstr]uction Print the current instruction"); warnln("- print [[f]unc]tion Print the function identified by "); warnln(); warnln("Settings:"); warnln("- set print stack Make the shell print the stack on every instruction executed"); warnln("- set print [instr]uction Make the shell print the instruction that will be executed next"); warnln(); continue; } if (cmd.is_one_of("s", "step", "next")) { return true; } if (cmd.is_one_of("p", "print")) { if (args.size() < 2) { warnln("Print what?"); continue; } auto& what = args[1]; if (what.is_one_of("s", "stack")) { config.dump_stack(); continue; } if (what.is_one_of("m", "mem", "memory")) { if (args.size() < 3) { warnln("print what memory?"); continue; } auto value = args[2].to_uint(); if (!value.has_value()) { warnln("invalid memory index {}", args[2]); continue; } auto mem = config.store().get(Wasm::MemoryAddress(value.value())); if (!mem) { warnln("invalid memory index {} (not found)", args[2]); continue; } warnln("{:>32hex-dump}", mem->data().bytes()); continue; } if (what.is_one_of("i", "instr", "instruction")) { g_printer.print(instr); continue; } if (what.is_one_of("f", "func", "function")) { if (args.size() < 3) { warnln("print what function?"); continue; } auto value = args[2].to_uint(); if (!value.has_value()) { warnln("invalid function index {}", args[2]); continue; } auto fn = config.store().get(Wasm::FunctionAddress(value.value())); if (!fn) { warnln("invalid function index {} (not found)", args[2]); continue; } if (auto* fn_value = fn->get_pointer()) { warnln("Host function at {:p}", &fn_value->function()); continue; } if (auto* fn_value = fn->get_pointer()) { g_printer.print(fn_value->code()); continue; } } } if (cmd == "call"sv) { if (args.size() < 2) { warnln("call what?"); continue; } Optional address; auto index = args[1].to_uint(); if (index.has_value()) { address = config.frame().module().functions()[index.value()]; } else { auto& name = args[1]; for (auto& export_ : config.frame().module().exports()) { if (export_.name() == name) { if (auto addr = export_.value().get_pointer()) { address = *addr; break; } } } } if (!address.has_value()) { failed_to_find:; warnln("Could not find a function {}", args[1]); continue; } auto fn = config.store().get(*address); if (!fn) goto failed_to_find; auto type = fn->visit([&](auto& value) { return value.type(); }); if (type.parameters().size() + 2 != args.size()) { warnln("Expected {} arguments for call, but found only {}", type.parameters().size(), args.size() - 2); continue; } Vector values_to_push; Vector values; for (size_t index = 2; index < args.size(); ++index) values_to_push.append(args[index].to_uint().value_or(0)); for (auto& param : type.parameters()) values.append(Wasm::Value { param, values_to_push.take_last() }); Wasm::Result result { Wasm::Trap {} }; { Wasm::BytecodeInterpreter::CallFrameHandle handle { g_interpreter, config }; result = config.call(g_interpreter, *address, move(values)); } if (result.is_trap()) warnln("Execution trapped: {}", result.trap().reason); if (!result.values().is_empty()) warnln("Returned:"); for (auto& value : result.values()) { g_stdout.write(" -> "sv.bytes()); g_printer.print(value); } continue; } if (cmd.is_one_of("set", "unset")) { auto value = !cmd.starts_with('u'); if (args.size() < 3) { warnln("(un)set what (to what)?"); continue; } if (args[1] == "print"sv) { if (args[2] == "stack"sv) always_print_stack = value; else if (args[2].is_one_of("instr", "instruction")) always_print_instruction = value; else warnln("Unknown print category '{}'", args[2]); continue; } warnln("Unknown set category '{}'", args[1]); continue; } if (cmd.is_one_of("c", "continue")) { g_continue = true; return true; } warnln("Command not understood: {}", cmd); } } static Optional parse(StringView const& filename) { auto result = Core::File::open(filename, Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (result.is_error()) { warnln("Failed to open {}: {}", filename, result.error()); return {}; } auto stream = Core::InputFileStream(result.release_value()); auto parse_result = Wasm::Module::parse(stream); if (parse_result.is_error()) { warnln("Something went wrong, either the file is invalid, or there's a bug with LibWasm!"); warnln("The parse error was {}", Wasm::parse_error_to_string(parse_result.error())); return {}; } return parse_result.release_value(); } static void print_link_error(Wasm::LinkError const& error) { for (auto const& missing : error.missing_imports) warnln("Missing import '{}'", missing); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char const* filename = nullptr; bool print = false; bool attempt_instantiate = false; bool debug = false; bool export_all_imports = false; bool shell_mode = false; String exported_function_to_execute; Vector values_to_push; Vector modules_to_link_in; Core::ArgsParser parser; parser.add_positional_argument(filename, "File name to parse", "file"); parser.add_option(debug, "Open a debugger", "debug", 'd'); parser.add_option(print, "Print the parsed module", "print", 'p'); parser.add_option(attempt_instantiate, "Attempt to instantiate the module", "instantiate", 'i'); parser.add_option(exported_function_to_execute, "Attempt to execute the named exported function from the module (implies -i)", "execute", 'e', "name"); parser.add_option(export_all_imports, "Export noop functions corresponding to imports", "export-noop", 0); parser.add_option(shell_mode, "Launch a REPL in the module's context (implies -i)", "shell", 's'); parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .requires_argument = true, .help_string = "Extra modules to link with, use to resolve imports", .long_name = "link", .short_name = 'l', .value_name = "file", .accept_value = [&](char const* str) { if (auto v = StringView { str }; !v.is_empty()) { modules_to_link_in.append(v); return true; } return false; }, }); parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .requires_argument = true, .help_string = "Supply arguments to the function (default=0) (expects u64, casts to required type)", .long_name = "arg", .short_name = 0, .value_name = "u64", .accept_value = [&](char const* str) -> bool { if (auto v = StringView { str }.to_uint(); v.has_value()) { values_to_push.append(v.value()); return true; } return false; }, }); parser.parse(argc, argv); if (shell_mode) { debug = true; attempt_instantiate = true; } if (!shell_mode && debug && exported_function_to_execute.is_empty()) { warnln("Debug what? (pass -e fn)"); return 1; } if (debug || shell_mode) { old_signal = signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); } if (!exported_function_to_execute.is_empty()) attempt_instantiate = true; auto parse_result = parse(filename); if (!parse_result.has_value()) return 1; if (print && !attempt_instantiate) { auto out_stream = Core::OutputFileStream::standard_output(); Wasm::Printer printer(out_stream); printer.print(parse_result.value()); } if (attempt_instantiate) { Wasm::AbstractMachine machine; Core::EventLoop main_loop; if (debug) { g_line_editor = Line::Editor::construct(); g_interpreter.pre_interpret_hook = pre_interpret_hook; g_interpreter.post_interpret_hook = post_interpret_hook; } // First, resolve the linked modules NonnullOwnPtrVector linked_instances; Vector linked_modules; for (auto& name : modules_to_link_in) { auto parse_result = parse(name); if (!parse_result.has_value()) { warnln("Failed to parse linked module '{}'", name); return 1; } linked_modules.append(parse_result.release_value()); Wasm::Linker linker { linked_modules.last() }; for (auto& instance : linked_instances) linker.link(instance); auto link_result = linker.finish(); if (link_result.is_error()) { warnln("Linking imported module '{}' failed", name); print_link_error(link_result.error()); return 1; } auto instantiation_result = machine.instantiate(linked_modules.last(), link_result.release_value()); if (instantiation_result.is_error()) { warnln("Instantiation of imported module '{}' failed: {}", name, instantiation_result.error().error); return 1; } linked_instances.append(instantiation_result.release_value()); } Wasm::Linker linker { parse_result.value() }; for (auto& instance : linked_instances) linker.link(instance); if (export_all_imports) { HashMap exports; for (auto& entry : linker.unresolved_imports()) { if (!entry.type.has()) continue; auto type = parse_result.value().type(entry.type.get()); auto address = machine.store().allocate(Wasm::HostFunction( [name = entry.name, type = type](auto&, auto& arguments) -> Wasm::Result { StringBuilder argument_builder; bool first = true; for (auto& argument : arguments) { DuplexMemoryStream stream; Wasm::Printer { stream }.print(argument); if (first) first = false; else argument_builder.append(", "sv); ByteBuffer buffer = stream.copy_into_contiguous_buffer(); argument_builder.append(StringView(buffer).trim_whitespace()); } dbgln("[wasm runtime] Stub function {} was called with the following arguments: {}", name, argument_builder.to_string()); Vector result; result.ensure_capacity(type.results().size()); for (auto& result_type : type.results()) result.append(Wasm::Value { result_type, 0ull }); return Wasm::Result { move(result) }; }, type)); exports.set(entry, *address); } linker.link(exports); } auto link_result = linker.finish(); if (link_result.is_error()) { warnln("Linking main module failed"); print_link_error(link_result.error()); return 1; } auto result = machine.instantiate(parse_result.value(), link_result.release_value()); if (result.is_error()) { warnln("Module instantiation failed: {}", result.error().error); return 1; } auto module_instance = result.release_value(); auto launch_repl = [&] { Wasm::Configuration config { machine.store() }; Wasm::Expression expression { {} }; config.set_frame(Wasm::Frame { *module_instance, Vector {}, expression, 0, }); Wasm::Instruction instr { Wasm::Instructions::nop }; Wasm::InstructionPointer ip { 0 }; g_continue = false; pre_interpret_hook(config, ip, instr); }; auto stream = Core::OutputFileStream::standard_output(); auto print_func = [&](auto const& address) { Wasm::FunctionInstance* fn = machine.store().get(address); stream.write(String::formatted("- Function with address {}, ptr = {}\n", address.value(), fn).bytes()); if (fn) { stream.write(String::formatted(" wasm function? {}\n", fn->has()).bytes()); fn->visit( [&](Wasm::WasmFunction const& func) { Wasm::Printer printer { stream, 3 }; stream.write(" type:\n"sv.bytes()); printer.print(func.type()); stream.write(" code:\n"sv.bytes()); printer.print(func.code()); }, [](Wasm::HostFunction const&) {}); } }; if (print) { // Now, let's dump the functions! for (auto& address : module_instance->functions()) { print_func(address); } } if (shell_mode) { launch_repl(); return 0; } if (!exported_function_to_execute.is_empty()) { Optional run_address; Vector values; for (auto& entry : module_instance->exports()) { if (entry.name() == exported_function_to_execute) { if (auto addr = entry.value().get_pointer()) run_address = *addr; } } if (!run_address.has_value()) { warnln("No such exported function, sorry :("); return 1; } auto instance = machine.store().get(*run_address); VERIFY(instance); if (instance->has()) { warnln("Exported function is a host function, cannot run that yet"); return 1; } for (auto& param : instance->get().type().parameters()) { if (values_to_push.is_empty()) values.append(Wasm::Value { param, 0ull }); else values.append(Wasm::Value { param, values_to_push.take_last() }); } if (print) { outln("Executing "); print_func(*run_address); outln(); } auto result = machine.invoke(g_interpreter, run_address.value(), move(values)); if (debug) launch_repl(); if (result.is_trap()) { warnln("Execution trapped: {}", result.trap().reason); } else { if (!result.values().is_empty()) warnln("Returned:"); for (auto& value : result.values()) { Wasm::Printer printer { stream }; g_stdout.write(" -> "sv.bytes()); g_printer.print(value); } } } } return 0; }