/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Max Wipfli * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include static String random_dirname() { return String::formatted("/tmp/test_mkdir_{:04x}", (u16)rand()); } TEST_SETUP { srand(time(NULL)); } TEST_CASE(basic) { auto dirname = random_dirname(); int res = mkdir(dirname.characters(), 0755); EXPECT(res == 0); res = mkdir(dirname.characters(), 0755); int cached_errno = errno; EXPECT(res < 0); EXPECT_EQ(cached_errno, EEXIST); } TEST_CASE(insufficient_permissions) { VERIFY(getuid() != 0); int res = mkdir("/root/foo", 0755); int cached_errno = errno; EXPECT(res < 0); EXPECT_EQ(cached_errno, EACCES); } TEST_CASE(nonexistent_parent) { auto parent = random_dirname(); auto child = String::formatted("{}/foo", parent); int res = mkdir(child.characters(), 0755); int cached_errno = errno; EXPECT(res < 0); EXPECT_EQ(cached_errno, ENOENT); } TEST_CASE(parent_is_file) { int res = mkdir("/etc/passwd/foo", 0755); int cached_errno = errno; EXPECT(res < 0); EXPECT_EQ(cached_errno, ENOTDIR); } TEST_CASE(pledge) { int res = pledge("stdio cpath", nullptr); EXPECT(res == 0); auto dirname = random_dirname(); res = mkdir(dirname.characters(), 0755); EXPECT(res == 0); // FIXME: Somehow also check that mkdir() stops working when removing the cpath promise. This is currently // not possible because this would prevent the unveil test case from properly working. } TEST_CASE(unveil) { int res = unveil("/tmp", "rwc"); EXPECT(res == 0); auto dirname = random_dirname(); res = mkdir(dirname.characters(), 0755); EXPECT(res == 0); res = unveil("/tmp", "rw"); EXPECT(res == 0); dirname = random_dirname(); res = mkdir(dirname.characters(), 0755); int cached_errno = errno; EXPECT(res < 0); EXPECT_EQ(cached_errno, EACCES); res = unveil("/tmp", ""); EXPECT(res == 0); dirname = random_dirname(); res = mkdir(dirname.characters(), 0755); cached_errno = errno; EXPECT(res < 0); EXPECT_EQ(cached_errno, ENOENT); res = unveil(nullptr, nullptr); EXPECT(res == 0); }