/* * Copyright (c) 2020, The SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define JPG_INVALID 0X0000 #define JPG_APPN0 0XFFE0 #define JPG_APPN1 0XFFE1 #define JPG_APPN2 0XFFE2 #define JPG_APPN3 0XFFE3 #define JPG_APPN4 0XFFE4 #define JPG_APPN5 0XFFE5 #define JPG_APPN6 0XFFE6 #define JPG_APPN7 0XFFE7 #define JPG_APPN8 0XFFE8 #define JPG_APPN9 0XFFE9 #define JPG_APPNA 0XFFEA #define JPG_APPNB 0XFFEB #define JPG_APPNC 0XFFEC #define JPG_APPND 0XFFED #define JPG_APPNE 0xFFEE #define JPG_APPNF 0xFFEF #define JPG_RESERVED1 0xFFF1 #define JPG_RESERVED2 0xFFF2 #define JPG_RESERVED3 0xFFF3 #define JPG_RESERVED4 0xFFF4 #define JPG_RESERVED5 0xFFF5 #define JPG_RESERVED6 0xFFF6 #define JPG_RESERVED7 0xFFF7 #define JPG_RESERVED8 0xFFF8 #define JPG_RESERVED9 0xFFF9 #define JPG_RESERVEDA 0xFFFA #define JPG_RESERVEDB 0xFFFB #define JPG_RESERVEDC 0xFFFC #define JPG_RESERVEDD 0xFFFD #define JPG_RST0 0xFFD0 #define JPG_RST1 0xFFD1 #define JPG_RST2 0xFFD2 #define JPG_RST3 0xFFD3 #define JPG_RST4 0xFFD4 #define JPG_RST5 0xFFD5 #define JPG_RST6 0xFFD6 #define JPG_RST7 0xFFD7 #define JPG_DHP 0xFFDE #define JPG_EXP 0xFFDF #define JPG_DHT 0XFFC4 #define JPG_DQT 0XFFDB #define JPG_EOI 0xFFD9 #define JPG_RST 0XFFDD #define JPG_SOF0 0XFFC0 #define JPG_SOF2 0xFFC2 #define JPG_SOI 0XFFD8 #define JPG_SOS 0XFFDA #define JPG_COM 0xFFFE namespace Gfx { constexpr static u8 zigzag_map[64] { 0, 1, 8, 16, 9, 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11, 4, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34, 27, 20, 13, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36, 29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46, 53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63 }; using Marker = u16; /** * MCU means group of data units that are coded together. A data unit is an 8x8 * block of component data. In interleaved scans, number of non-interleaved data * units of a component C is Ch * Cv, where Ch and Cv represent the horizontal & * vertical subsampling factors of the component, respectively. A MacroBlock is * an 8x8 block of RGB values before encoding, and 8x8 block of YCbCr values when * we're done decoding the huffman stream. */ struct Macroblock { union { i32 y[64] = { 0 }; i32 r[64]; }; union { i32 cb[64] = { 0 }; i32 g[64]; }; union { i32 cr[64] = { 0 }; i32 b[64]; }; }; struct MacroblockMeta { u32 total { 0 }; u32 padded_total { 0 }; u32 hcount { 0 }; u32 vcount { 0 }; u32 hpadded_count { 0 }; u32 vpadded_count { 0 }; }; struct ComponentSpec { u8 serial_id { 255 }; // In the interval [0, 3). u8 id { 0 }; u8 hsample_factor { 1 }; // Horizontal sampling factor. u8 vsample_factor { 1 }; // Vertical sampling factor. u8 ac_destination_id { 0 }; u8 dc_destination_id { 0 }; u8 qtable_id { 0 }; // Quantization table id. }; struct StartOfFrame { // Of these, only the first 3 are in mainstream use, and refers to SOF0-2. enum class FrameType { Baseline_DCT = 0, Extended_Sequential_DCT = 1, Progressive_DCT = 2, Sequential_Lossless = 3, Differential_Sequential_DCT = 5, Differential_Progressive_DCT = 6, Differential_Sequential_Lossless = 7, Extended_Sequential_DCT_Arithmetic = 9, Progressive_DCT_Arithmetic = 10, Sequential_Lossless_Arithmetic = 11, Differential_Sequential_DCT_Arithmetic = 13, Differential_Progressive_DCT_Arithmetic = 14, Differential_Sequential_Lossless_Arithmetic = 15, }; FrameType type { FrameType::Baseline_DCT }; u8 precision { 0 }; u16 height { 0 }; u16 width { 0 }; }; struct HuffmanTableSpec { u8 type { 0 }; u8 destination_id { 0 }; u8 code_counts[16] = { 0 }; Vector symbols; Vector codes; }; struct HuffmanStreamState { Vector stream; u8 bit_offset { 0 }; size_t byte_offset { 0 }; }; struct JPGLoadingContext { enum State { NotDecoded = 0, Error, FrameDecoded, BitmapDecoded }; State state { State::NotDecoded }; const u8* data { nullptr }; size_t data_size { 0 }; u32 luma_table[64] = { 0 }; u32 chroma_table[64] = { 0 }; StartOfFrame frame; u8 hsample_factor { 0 }; u8 vsample_factor { 0 }; u8 component_count { 0 }; HashMap components; RefPtr bitmap; u16 dc_reset_interval { 0 }; HashMap dc_tables; HashMap ac_tables; HuffmanStreamState huffman_stream; i32 previous_dc_values[3] = { 0 }; MacroblockMeta mblock_meta; }; static void generate_huffman_codes(HuffmanTableSpec& table) { unsigned code = 0; for (auto number_of_codes : table.code_counts) { for (int i = 0; i < number_of_codes; i++) table.codes.append(code++); code <<= 1; } } static Optional read_huffman_bits(HuffmanStreamState& hstream, size_t count = 1) { if (count > (8 * sizeof(size_t))) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "Can't read {} bits at once!", count); return {}; } size_t value = 0; while (count--) { if (hstream.byte_offset >= hstream.stream.size()) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "Huffman stream exhausted. This could be an error!"); return {}; } u8 current_byte = hstream.stream[hstream.byte_offset]; u8 current_bit = 1u & (u32)(current_byte >> (7 - hstream.bit_offset)); // MSB first. hstream.bit_offset++; value = (value << 1) | (size_t)current_bit; if (hstream.bit_offset == 8) { hstream.byte_offset++; hstream.bit_offset = 0; } } return value; } static Optional get_next_symbol(HuffmanStreamState& hstream, const HuffmanTableSpec& table) { unsigned code = 0; size_t code_cursor = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // Codes can't be longer than 16 bits. auto result = read_huffman_bits(hstream); if (!result.has_value()) return {}; code = (code << 1) | (i32)result.release_value(); for (int j = 0; j < table.code_counts[i]; j++) { if (code == table.codes[code_cursor]) return table.symbols[code_cursor]; code_cursor++; } } #if JPG_DEBUG dbgln("If you're seeing this...the jpeg decoder needs to support more kinds of JPEGs!"); #endif return {}; } /** * Build the macroblocks possible by reading single (MCU) subsampled pair of CbCr. * Depending on the sampling factors, we may not see triples of y, cb, cr in that * order. If sample factors differ from one, we'll read more than one block of y- * coefficients before we get to read a cb-cr block. * In the function below, `hcursor` and `vcursor` denote the location of the block * we're building in the macroblock matrix. `vfactor_i` and `hfactor_i` are cursors * that iterate over the vertical and horizontal subsampling factors, respectively. * When we finish one iteration of the innermost loop, we'll have the coefficients * of one of the components of block at position `mb_index`. When the outermost loop * finishes first iteration, we'll have all the luminance coefficients for all the * macroblocks that share the chrominance data. Next two iterations (assuming that * we are dealing with three components) will fill up the blocks with chroma data. */ static bool build_macroblocks(JPGLoadingContext& context, Vector& macroblocks, u32 hcursor, u32 vcursor) { for (auto it = context.components.begin(); it != context.components.end(); ++it) { ComponentSpec& component = it->value; if (component.dc_destination_id >= context.dc_tables.size()) return false; if (component.ac_destination_id >= context.ac_tables.size()) return false; for (u8 vfactor_i = 0; vfactor_i < component.vsample_factor; vfactor_i++) { for (u8 hfactor_i = 0; hfactor_i < component.hsample_factor; hfactor_i++) { u32 mb_index = (vcursor + vfactor_i) * context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count + (hfactor_i + hcursor); Macroblock& block = macroblocks[mb_index]; auto& dc_table = context.dc_tables.find(component.dc_destination_id)->value; auto& ac_table = context.ac_tables.find(component.ac_destination_id)->value; auto symbol_or_error = get_next_symbol(context.huffman_stream, dc_table); if (!symbol_or_error.has_value()) return false; // For DC coefficients, symbol encodes the length of the coefficient. auto dc_length = symbol_or_error.release_value(); if (dc_length > 11) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "DC coefficient too long: {}!", dc_length); return false; } auto coeff_or_error = read_huffman_bits(context.huffman_stream, dc_length); if (!coeff_or_error.has_value()) return false; // DC coefficients are encoded as the difference between previous and current DC values. i32 dc_diff = coeff_or_error.release_value(); // If MSB in diff is 0, the difference is -ve. Otherwise +ve. if (dc_length != 0 && dc_diff < (1 << (dc_length - 1))) dc_diff -= (1 << dc_length) - 1; i32* select_component = component.serial_id == 0 ? block.y : (component.serial_id == 1 ? block.cb : block.cr); auto& previous_dc = context.previous_dc_values[component.serial_id]; select_component[0] = previous_dc += dc_diff; // Compute the AC coefficients. for (int j = 1; j < 64;) { symbol_or_error = get_next_symbol(context.huffman_stream, ac_table); if (!symbol_or_error.has_value()) return false; // AC symbols encode 2 pieces of information, the high 4 bits represent // number of zeroes to be stuffed before reading the coefficient. Low 4 // bits represent the magnitude of the coefficient. auto ac_symbol = symbol_or_error.release_value(); if (ac_symbol == 0) break; // ac_symbol = 0xF0 means we need to skip 16 zeroes. u8 run_length = ac_symbol == 0xF0 ? 16 : ac_symbol >> 4; j += run_length; if (j >= 64) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "Run-length exceeded boundaries. Cursor: {}, Skipping: {}!", j, run_length); return false; } u8 coeff_length = ac_symbol & 0x0F; if (coeff_length > 10) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "AC coefficient too long: {}!", coeff_length); return false; } if (coeff_length != 0) { coeff_or_error = read_huffman_bits(context.huffman_stream, coeff_length); if (!coeff_or_error.has_value()) return false; i32 ac_coefficient = coeff_or_error.release_value(); if (ac_coefficient < (1 << (coeff_length - 1))) ac_coefficient -= (1 << coeff_length) - 1; select_component[zigzag_map[j++]] = ac_coefficient; } } } } } return true; } static Optional> decode_huffman_stream(JPGLoadingContext& context) { Vector macroblocks; macroblocks.resize(context.mblock_meta.padded_total); if constexpr (JPG_DEBUG) { dbgln("Image width: {}", context.frame.width); dbgln("Image height: {}", context.frame.height); dbgln("Macroblocks in a row: {}", context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count); dbgln("Macroblocks in a column: {}", context.mblock_meta.vpadded_count); dbgln("Macroblock meta padded total: {}", context.mblock_meta.padded_total); } // Compute huffman codes for DC and AC tables. for (auto it = context.dc_tables.begin(); it != context.dc_tables.end(); ++it) generate_huffman_codes(it->value); for (auto it = context.ac_tables.begin(); it != context.ac_tables.end(); ++it) generate_huffman_codes(it->value); for (u32 vcursor = 0; vcursor < context.mblock_meta.vcount; vcursor += context.vsample_factor) { for (u32 hcursor = 0; hcursor < context.mblock_meta.hcount; hcursor += context.hsample_factor) { u32 i = vcursor * context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count + hcursor; if (context.dc_reset_interval > 0) { if (i % context.dc_reset_interval == 0) { context.previous_dc_values[0] = 0; context.previous_dc_values[1] = 0; context.previous_dc_values[2] = 0; // Restart markers are stored in byte boundaries. Advance the huffman stream cursor to // the 0th bit of the next byte. if (context.huffman_stream.byte_offset < context.huffman_stream.stream.size()) { if (context.huffman_stream.bit_offset > 0) { context.huffman_stream.bit_offset = 0; context.huffman_stream.byte_offset++; } // Skip the restart marker (RSTn). context.huffman_stream.byte_offset++; } } } if (!build_macroblocks(context, macroblocks, hcursor, vcursor)) { if constexpr (JPG_DEBUG) { dbgln("Failed to build Macroblock {}", i); dbgln("Huffman stream byte offset {}", context.huffman_stream.byte_offset); dbgln("Huffman stream bit offset {}", context.huffman_stream.bit_offset); } return {}; } } } return macroblocks; } static inline bool bounds_okay(const size_t cursor, const size_t delta, const size_t bound) { return (delta + cursor) < bound; } static inline bool is_valid_marker(const Marker marker) { if (marker >= JPG_APPN0 && marker <= JPG_APPNF) { if (marker != JPG_APPN0) dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{:#04x} not supported yet. The decoder may fail!", marker); return true; } if (marker >= JPG_RESERVED1 && marker <= JPG_RESERVEDD) return true; if (marker >= JPG_RST0 && marker <= JPG_RST7) return true; switch (marker) { case JPG_COM: case JPG_DHP: case JPG_EXP: case JPG_DHT: case JPG_DQT: case JPG_RST: case JPG_SOF0: case JPG_SOI: case JPG_SOS: return true; } if (marker >= 0xFFC0 && marker <= 0xFFCF) { if (marker != 0xFFC4 && marker != 0xFFC8 && marker != 0xFFCC) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "Decoding this frame-type (SOF{}) is not currently supported. Decoder will fail!", marker & 0xf); return false; } } return false; } static inline u16 read_be_word(InputMemoryStream& stream) { BigEndian tmp; stream >> tmp; return tmp; } static inline Marker read_marker_at_cursor(InputMemoryStream& stream) { u16 marker = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return JPG_INVALID; if (is_valid_marker(marker)) return marker; if (marker != 0xFFFF) return JPG_INVALID; u8 next; do { stream >> next; if (stream.handle_any_error() || next == 0x00) return JPG_INVALID; } while (next == 0xFF); marker = 0xFF00 | (u16)next; return is_valid_marker(marker) ? marker : JPG_INVALID; } static bool read_start_of_scan(InputMemoryStream& stream, JPGLoadingContext& context) { if (context.state < JPGLoadingContext::State::FrameDecoded) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: SOS found before reading a SOF!", stream.offset()); return false; } u16 bytes_to_read = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; bytes_to_read -= 2; if (!bounds_okay(stream.offset(), bytes_to_read, context.data_size)) return false; u8 component_count = 0; stream >> component_count; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; if (component_count != context.component_count) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unsupported number of components: {}!", stream.offset(), component_count); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < component_count; i++) { ComponentSpec* component = nullptr; u8 component_id = 0; stream >> component_id; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; auto it = context.components.find(component_id); if (it != context.components.end()) { component = &it->value; if (i != component->serial_id) { dbgln("JPEG decode failed (i != component->serial_id)"); return false; } } else { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unsupported component id: {}!", stream.offset(), component_id); return false; } u8 table_ids = 0; stream >> table_ids; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; component->dc_destination_id = table_ids >> 4; component->ac_destination_id = table_ids & 0x0F; if (context.dc_tables.size() != context.ac_tables.size()) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: DC & AC table count mismatch!", stream.offset()); return false; } if (!context.dc_tables.contains(component->dc_destination_id)) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "DC table (id: {}) does not exist!", component->dc_destination_id); return false; } if (!context.ac_tables.contains(component->ac_destination_id)) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "AC table (id: {}) does not exist!", component->ac_destination_id); return false; } } u8 spectral_selection_start = 0; stream >> spectral_selection_start; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; u8 spectral_selection_end = 0; stream >> spectral_selection_end; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; u8 successive_approximation = 0; stream >> successive_approximation; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; // The three values should be fixed for baseline JPEGs utilizing sequential DCT. if (spectral_selection_start != 0 || spectral_selection_end != 63 || successive_approximation != 0) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: ERROR! Start of Selection: {}, End of Selection: {}, Successive Approximation: {}!", stream.offset(), spectral_selection_start, spectral_selection_end, successive_approximation); return false; } return true; } static bool read_reset_marker(InputMemoryStream& stream, JPGLoadingContext& context) { u16 bytes_to_read = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; bytes_to_read -= 2; if (bytes_to_read != 2) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Malformed reset marker found!", stream.offset()); return false; } context.dc_reset_interval = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; return true; } static bool read_huffman_table(InputMemoryStream& stream, JPGLoadingContext& context) { i32 bytes_to_read = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; if (!bounds_okay(stream.offset(), bytes_to_read, context.data_size)) return false; bytes_to_read -= 2; while (bytes_to_read > 0) { HuffmanTableSpec table; u8 table_info = 0; stream >> table_info; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; u8 table_type = table_info >> 4; u8 table_destination_id = table_info & 0x0F; if (table_type > 1) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unrecognized huffman table: {}!", stream.offset(), table_type); return false; } if (table_destination_id > 1) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Invalid huffman table destination id: {}!", stream.offset(), table_destination_id); return false; } table.type = table_type; table.destination_id = table_destination_id; u32 total_codes = 0; // Read code counts. At each index K, the value represents the number of K+1 bit codes in this header. for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { u8 count = 0; stream >> count; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; total_codes += count; table.code_counts[i] = count; } table.codes.ensure_capacity(total_codes); // Read symbols. Read X bytes, where X is the sum of the counts of codes read in the previous step. for (u32 i = 0; i < total_codes; i++) { u8 symbol = 0; stream >> symbol; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; table.symbols.append(symbol); } if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; auto& huffman_table = table.type == 0 ? context.dc_tables : context.ac_tables; huffman_table.set(table.destination_id, table); VERIFY(huffman_table.size() <= 2); bytes_to_read -= 1 + 16 + total_codes; } if (bytes_to_read != 0) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Extra bytes detected in huffman header!", stream.offset()); return false; } return true; } static inline bool validate_luma_and_modify_context(const ComponentSpec& luma, JPGLoadingContext& context) { if ((luma.hsample_factor == 1 || luma.hsample_factor == 2) && (luma.vsample_factor == 1 || luma.vsample_factor == 2)) { context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count += luma.hsample_factor == 1 ? 0 : context.mblock_meta.hcount % 2; context.mblock_meta.vpadded_count += luma.vsample_factor == 1 ? 0 : context.mblock_meta.vcount % 2; context.mblock_meta.padded_total = context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count * context.mblock_meta.vpadded_count; // For easy reference to relevant sample factors. context.hsample_factor = luma.hsample_factor; context.vsample_factor = luma.vsample_factor; if constexpr (JPG_DEBUG) { dbgln("Horizontal Subsampling Factor: {}", luma.hsample_factor); dbgln("Vertical Subsampling Factor: {}", luma.vsample_factor); } return true; } return false; } static inline void set_macroblock_metadata(JPGLoadingContext& context) { context.mblock_meta.hcount = (context.frame.width + 7) / 8; context.mblock_meta.vcount = (context.frame.height + 7) / 8; context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count = context.mblock_meta.hcount; context.mblock_meta.vpadded_count = context.mblock_meta.vcount; context.mblock_meta.total = context.mblock_meta.hcount * context.mblock_meta.vcount; } static bool read_start_of_frame(InputMemoryStream& stream, JPGLoadingContext& context) { if (context.state == JPGLoadingContext::FrameDecoded) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: SOF repeated!", stream.offset()); return false; } i32 bytes_to_read = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; bytes_to_read -= 2; if (!bounds_okay(stream.offset(), bytes_to_read, context.data_size)) return false; stream >> context.frame.precision; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; if (context.frame.precision != 8) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: SOF precision != 8!", stream.offset()); return false; } context.frame.height = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; context.frame.width = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; if (!context.frame.width || !context.frame.height) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: ERROR! Image height: {}, Image width: {}!", stream.offset(), context.frame.height, context.frame.width); return false; } if (context.frame.width > maximum_width_for_decoded_images || context.frame.height > maximum_height_for_decoded_images) { dbgln("This JPEG is too large for comfort: {}x{}", context.frame.width, context.frame.height); return false; } set_macroblock_metadata(context); stream >> context.component_count; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; if (context.component_count != 1 && context.component_count != 3) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unsupported number of components in SOF: {}!", stream.offset(), context.component_count); return false; } for (u8 i = 0; i < context.component_count; i++) { ComponentSpec component; component.serial_id = i; stream >> component.id; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; u8 subsample_factors = 0; stream >> subsample_factors; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; component.hsample_factor = subsample_factors >> 4; component.vsample_factor = subsample_factors & 0x0F; if (component.serial_id == 0) { // By convention, downsampling is applied only on chroma components. So we should // hope to see the maximum sampling factor in the luma component. if (!validate_luma_and_modify_context(component, context)) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unsupported luma subsampling factors: horizontal: {}, vertical: {}", stream.offset(), component.hsample_factor, component.vsample_factor); return false; } } else { if (component.hsample_factor != 1 || component.vsample_factor != 1) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unsupported chroma subsampling factors: horizontal: {}, vertical: {}", stream.offset(), component.hsample_factor, component.vsample_factor); return false; } } stream >> component.qtable_id; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; if (component.qtable_id > 1) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unsupported quantization table id: {}!", stream.offset(), component.qtable_id); return false; } context.components.set(component.id, component); } return true; } static bool read_quantization_table(InputMemoryStream& stream, JPGLoadingContext& context) { i32 bytes_to_read = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; bytes_to_read -= 2; if (!bounds_okay(stream.offset(), bytes_to_read, context.data_size)) return false; while (bytes_to_read > 0) { u8 info_byte = 0; stream >> info_byte; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; u8 element_unit_hint = info_byte >> 4; if (element_unit_hint > 1) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unsupported unit hint in quantization table: {}!", stream.offset(), element_unit_hint); return false; } u8 table_id = info_byte & 0x0F; if (table_id > 1) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unsupported quantization table id: {}!", stream.offset(), table_id); return false; } u32* table = table_id == 0 ? context.luma_table : context.chroma_table; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (element_unit_hint == 0) { u8 tmp = 0; stream >> tmp; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; table[zigzag_map[i]] = tmp; } else { table[zigzag_map[i]] = read_be_word(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; } } if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; bytes_to_read -= 1 + (element_unit_hint == 0 ? 64 : 128); } if (bytes_to_read != 0) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Invalid length for one or more quantization tables!", stream.offset()); return false; } return true; } static bool skip_marker_with_length(InputMemoryStream& stream) { u16 bytes_to_skip = read_be_word(stream); bytes_to_skip -= 2; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; stream.discard_or_error(bytes_to_skip); return !stream.handle_any_error(); } static void dequantize(JPGLoadingContext& context, Vector& macroblocks) { for (u32 vcursor = 0; vcursor < context.mblock_meta.vcount; vcursor += context.vsample_factor) { for (u32 hcursor = 0; hcursor < context.mblock_meta.hcount; hcursor += context.hsample_factor) { for (auto it = context.components.begin(); it != context.components.end(); ++it) { auto& component = it->value; const u32* table = component.qtable_id == 0 ? context.luma_table : context.chroma_table; for (u32 vfactor_i = 0; vfactor_i < component.vsample_factor; vfactor_i++) { for (u32 hfactor_i = 0; hfactor_i < component.hsample_factor; hfactor_i++) { u32 mb_index = (vcursor + vfactor_i) * context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count + (hfactor_i + hcursor); Macroblock& block = macroblocks[mb_index]; int* block_component = component.serial_id == 0 ? block.y : (component.serial_id == 1 ? block.cb : block.cr); for (u32 k = 0; k < 64; k++) block_component[k] *= table[k]; } } } } } } static void inverse_dct(const JPGLoadingContext& context, Vector& macroblocks) { static const float m0 = 2.0 * cos(1.0 / 16.0 * 2.0 * M_PI); static const float m1 = 2.0 * cos(2.0 / 16.0 * 2.0 * M_PI); static const float m3 = 2.0 * cos(2.0 / 16.0 * 2.0 * M_PI); static const float m5 = 2.0 * cos(3.0 / 16.0 * 2.0 * M_PI); static const float m2 = m0 - m5; static const float m4 = m0 + m5; static const float s0 = cos(0.0 / 16.0 * M_PI) / sqrt(8); static const float s1 = cos(1.0 / 16.0 * M_PI) / 2.0; static const float s2 = cos(2.0 / 16.0 * M_PI) / 2.0; static const float s3 = cos(3.0 / 16.0 * M_PI) / 2.0; static const float s4 = cos(4.0 / 16.0 * M_PI) / 2.0; static const float s5 = cos(5.0 / 16.0 * M_PI) / 2.0; static const float s6 = cos(6.0 / 16.0 * M_PI) / 2.0; static const float s7 = cos(7.0 / 16.0 * M_PI) / 2.0; for (u32 vcursor = 0; vcursor < context.mblock_meta.vcount; vcursor += context.vsample_factor) { for (u32 hcursor = 0; hcursor < context.mblock_meta.hcount; hcursor += context.hsample_factor) { for (auto it = context.components.begin(); it != context.components.end(); ++it) { auto& component = it->value; for (u8 vfactor_i = 0; vfactor_i < component.vsample_factor; vfactor_i++) { for (u8 hfactor_i = 0; hfactor_i < component.hsample_factor; hfactor_i++) { u32 mb_index = (vcursor + vfactor_i) * context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count + (hfactor_i + hcursor); Macroblock& block = macroblocks[mb_index]; i32* block_component = component.serial_id == 0 ? block.y : (component.serial_id == 1 ? block.cb : block.cr); for (u32 k = 0; k < 8; ++k) { const float g0 = block_component[0 * 8 + k] * s0; const float g1 = block_component[4 * 8 + k] * s4; const float g2 = block_component[2 * 8 + k] * s2; const float g3 = block_component[6 * 8 + k] * s6; const float g4 = block_component[5 * 8 + k] * s5; const float g5 = block_component[1 * 8 + k] * s1; const float g6 = block_component[7 * 8 + k] * s7; const float g7 = block_component[3 * 8 + k] * s3; const float f0 = g0; const float f1 = g1; const float f2 = g2; const float f3 = g3; const float f4 = g4 - g7; const float f5 = g5 + g6; const float f6 = g5 - g6; const float f7 = g4 + g7; const float e0 = f0; const float e1 = f1; const float e2 = f2 - f3; const float e3 = f2 + f3; const float e4 = f4; const float e5 = f5 - f7; const float e6 = f6; const float e7 = f5 + f7; const float e8 = f4 + f6; const float d0 = e0; const float d1 = e1; const float d2 = e2 * m1; const float d3 = e3; const float d4 = e4 * m2; const float d5 = e5 * m3; const float d6 = e6 * m4; const float d7 = e7; const float d8 = e8 * m5; const float c0 = d0 + d1; const float c1 = d0 - d1; const float c2 = d2 - d3; const float c3 = d3; const float c4 = d4 + d8; const float c5 = d5 + d7; const float c6 = d6 - d8; const float c7 = d7; const float c8 = c5 - c6; const float b0 = c0 + c3; const float b1 = c1 + c2; const float b2 = c1 - c2; const float b3 = c0 - c3; const float b4 = c4 - c8; const float b5 = c8; const float b6 = c6 - c7; const float b7 = c7; block_component[0 * 8 + k] = b0 + b7; block_component[1 * 8 + k] = b1 + b6; block_component[2 * 8 + k] = b2 + b5; block_component[3 * 8 + k] = b3 + b4; block_component[4 * 8 + k] = b3 - b4; block_component[5 * 8 + k] = b2 - b5; block_component[6 * 8 + k] = b1 - b6; block_component[7 * 8 + k] = b0 - b7; } for (u32 l = 0; l < 8; ++l) { const float g0 = block_component[l * 8 + 0] * s0; const float g1 = block_component[l * 8 + 4] * s4; const float g2 = block_component[l * 8 + 2] * s2; const float g3 = block_component[l * 8 + 6] * s6; const float g4 = block_component[l * 8 + 5] * s5; const float g5 = block_component[l * 8 + 1] * s1; const float g6 = block_component[l * 8 + 7] * s7; const float g7 = block_component[l * 8 + 3] * s3; const float f0 = g0; const float f1 = g1; const float f2 = g2; const float f3 = g3; const float f4 = g4 - g7; const float f5 = g5 + g6; const float f6 = g5 - g6; const float f7 = g4 + g7; const float e0 = f0; const float e1 = f1; const float e2 = f2 - f3; const float e3 = f2 + f3; const float e4 = f4; const float e5 = f5 - f7; const float e6 = f6; const float e7 = f5 + f7; const float e8 = f4 + f6; const float d0 = e0; const float d1 = e1; const float d2 = e2 * m1; const float d3 = e3; const float d4 = e4 * m2; const float d5 = e5 * m3; const float d6 = e6 * m4; const float d7 = e7; const float d8 = e8 * m5; const float c0 = d0 + d1; const float c1 = d0 - d1; const float c2 = d2 - d3; const float c3 = d3; const float c4 = d4 + d8; const float c5 = d5 + d7; const float c6 = d6 - d8; const float c7 = d7; const float c8 = c5 - c6; const float b0 = c0 + c3; const float b1 = c1 + c2; const float b2 = c1 - c2; const float b3 = c0 - c3; const float b4 = c4 - c8; const float b5 = c8; const float b6 = c6 - c7; const float b7 = c7; block_component[l * 8 + 0] = b0 + b7; block_component[l * 8 + 1] = b1 + b6; block_component[l * 8 + 2] = b2 + b5; block_component[l * 8 + 3] = b3 + b4; block_component[l * 8 + 4] = b3 - b4; block_component[l * 8 + 5] = b2 - b5; block_component[l * 8 + 6] = b1 - b6; block_component[l * 8 + 7] = b0 - b7; } } } } } } } static void ycbcr_to_rgb(const JPGLoadingContext& context, Vector& macroblocks) { for (u32 vcursor = 0; vcursor < context.mblock_meta.vcount; vcursor += context.vsample_factor) { for (u32 hcursor = 0; hcursor < context.mblock_meta.hcount; hcursor += context.hsample_factor) { const u32 chroma_block_index = vcursor * context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count + hcursor; const Macroblock& chroma = macroblocks[chroma_block_index]; // Overflows are intentional. for (u8 vfactor_i = context.vsample_factor - 1; vfactor_i < context.vsample_factor; --vfactor_i) { for (u8 hfactor_i = context.hsample_factor - 1; hfactor_i < context.hsample_factor; --hfactor_i) { u32 mb_index = (vcursor + vfactor_i) * context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count + (hcursor + hfactor_i); i32* y = macroblocks[mb_index].y; i32* cb = macroblocks[mb_index].cb; i32* cr = macroblocks[mb_index].cr; for (u8 i = 7; i < 8; --i) { for (u8 j = 7; j < 8; --j) { const u8 pixel = i * 8 + j; const u32 chroma_pxrow = (i / context.vsample_factor) + 4 * vfactor_i; const u32 chroma_pxcol = (j / context.hsample_factor) + 4 * hfactor_i; const u32 chroma_pixel = chroma_pxrow * 8 + chroma_pxcol; int r = y[pixel] + 1.402f * chroma.cr[chroma_pixel] + 128; int g = y[pixel] - 0.344f * chroma.cb[chroma_pixel] - 0.714f * chroma.cr[chroma_pixel] + 128; int b = y[pixel] + 1.772f * chroma.cb[chroma_pixel] + 128; y[pixel] = r < 0 ? 0 : (r > 255 ? 255 : r); cb[pixel] = g < 0 ? 0 : (g > 255 ? 255 : g); cr[pixel] = b < 0 ? 0 : (b > 255 ? 255 : b); } } } } } } } static bool compose_bitmap(JPGLoadingContext& context, const Vector& macroblocks) { context.bitmap = Bitmap::create_purgeable(BitmapFormat::BGRx8888, { context.frame.width, context.frame.height }); if (!context.bitmap) return false; for (u32 y = context.frame.height - 1; y < context.frame.height; y--) { const u32 block_row = y / 8; const u32 pixel_row = y % 8; for (u32 x = 0; x < context.frame.width; x++) { const u32 block_column = x / 8; auto& block = macroblocks[block_row * context.mblock_meta.hpadded_count + block_column]; const u32 pixel_column = x % 8; const u32 pixel_index = pixel_row * 8 + pixel_column; const Color color { (u8)block.y[pixel_index], (u8)block.cb[pixel_index], (u8)block.cr[pixel_index] }; context.bitmap->set_pixel(x, y, color); } } return true; } static bool parse_header(InputMemoryStream& stream, JPGLoadingContext& context) { auto marker = read_marker_at_cursor(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; if (marker != JPG_SOI) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: SOI not found: {:x}!", stream.offset(), marker); return false; } for (;;) { marker = read_marker_at_cursor(stream); if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; // Set frame type if the marker marks a new frame. if (marker >= 0xFFC0 && marker <= 0xFFCF) { // Ignore interleaved markers. if (marker != 0xFFC4 && marker != 0xFFC8 && marker != 0xFFCC) { context.frame.type = static_cast(marker & 0xF); } } switch (marker) { case JPG_INVALID: case JPG_RST0: case JPG_RST1: case JPG_RST2: case JPG_RST3: case JPG_RST4: case JPG_RST5: case JPG_RST6: case JPG_RST7: case JPG_SOI: case JPG_EOI: dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Unexpected marker {:x}!", stream.offset(), marker); return false; case JPG_SOF0: if (!read_start_of_frame(stream, context)) return false; context.state = JPGLoadingContext::FrameDecoded; break; case JPG_DQT: if (!read_quantization_table(stream, context)) return false; break; case JPG_RST: if (!read_reset_marker(stream, context)) return false; break; case JPG_DHT: if (!read_huffman_table(stream, context)) return false; break; case JPG_SOS: return read_start_of_scan(stream, context); default: if (!skip_marker_with_length(stream)) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Error skipping marker: {:x}!", stream.offset(), marker); return false; } break; } } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } static bool scan_huffman_stream(InputMemoryStream& stream, JPGLoadingContext& context) { u8 last_byte; u8 current_byte = 0; stream >> current_byte; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; for (;;) { last_byte = current_byte; stream >> current_byte; if (stream.handle_any_error()) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: EOI not found!", stream.offset()); return false; } if (last_byte == 0xFF) { if (current_byte == 0xFF) continue; if (current_byte == 0x00) { stream >> current_byte; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; context.huffman_stream.stream.append(last_byte); continue; } Marker marker = 0xFF00 | current_byte; if (marker == JPG_EOI) return true; if (marker >= JPG_RST0 && marker <= JPG_RST7) { context.huffman_stream.stream.append(marker); stream >> current_byte; if (stream.handle_any_error()) return false; continue; } dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Invalid marker: {:x}!", stream.offset(), marker); return false; } else { context.huffman_stream.stream.append(last_byte); } } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } static bool decode_jpg(JPGLoadingContext& context) { InputMemoryStream stream { { context.data, context.data_size } }; if (!parse_header(stream, context)) return false; if (!scan_huffman_stream(stream, context)) return false; auto result = decode_huffman_stream(context); if (!result.has_value()) { dbgln_if(JPG_DEBUG, "{}: Failed to decode Macroblocks!", stream.offset()); return false; } auto macroblocks = result.release_value(); dequantize(context, macroblocks); inverse_dct(context, macroblocks); ycbcr_to_rgb(context, macroblocks); if (!compose_bitmap(context, macroblocks)) return false; return true; } static RefPtr load_jpg_impl(const u8* data, size_t data_size) { JPGLoadingContext context; context.data = data; context.data_size = data_size; if (!decode_jpg(context)) return nullptr; return context.bitmap; } RefPtr load_jpg(String const& path) { auto file_or_error = MappedFile::map(path); if (file_or_error.is_error()) return nullptr; auto bitmap = load_jpg_impl((const u8*)file_or_error.value()->data(), file_or_error.value()->size()); if (bitmap) bitmap->set_mmap_name(String::formatted("Gfx::Bitmap [{}] - Decoded JPG: {}", bitmap->size(), LexicalPath::canonicalized_path(path))); return bitmap; } RefPtr load_jpg_from_memory(const u8* data, size_t length) { auto bitmap = load_jpg_impl(data, length); if (bitmap) bitmap->set_mmap_name(String::formatted("Gfx::Bitmap [{}] - Decoded jpg: ", bitmap->size())); return bitmap; } JPGImageDecoderPlugin::JPGImageDecoderPlugin(const u8* data, size_t size) { m_context = make(); m_context->data = data; m_context->data_size = size; m_context->huffman_stream.stream.ensure_capacity(50 * KiB); } JPGImageDecoderPlugin::~JPGImageDecoderPlugin() { } IntSize JPGImageDecoderPlugin::size() { if (m_context->state == JPGLoadingContext::State::Error) return {}; if (m_context->state >= JPGLoadingContext::State::FrameDecoded) return { m_context->frame.width, m_context->frame.height }; return {}; } RefPtr JPGImageDecoderPlugin::bitmap() { if (m_context->state == JPGLoadingContext::State::Error) return nullptr; if (m_context->state < JPGLoadingContext::State::BitmapDecoded) { if (!decode_jpg(*m_context)) { m_context->state = JPGLoadingContext::State::Error; return nullptr; } m_context->state = JPGLoadingContext::State::BitmapDecoded; } return m_context->bitmap; } void JPGImageDecoderPlugin::set_volatile() { if (m_context->bitmap) m_context->bitmap->set_volatile(); } bool JPGImageDecoderPlugin::set_nonvolatile() { if (!m_context->bitmap) return false; return m_context->bitmap->set_nonvolatile(); } bool JPGImageDecoderPlugin::sniff() { return m_context->data_size > 3 && m_context->data[0] == 0xFF && m_context->data[1] == 0xD8 && m_context->data[2] == 0xFF; } bool JPGImageDecoderPlugin::is_animated() { return false; } size_t JPGImageDecoderPlugin::loop_count() { return 0; } size_t JPGImageDecoderPlugin::frame_count() { return 1; } ImageFrameDescriptor JPGImageDecoderPlugin::frame(size_t i) { if (i > 0) { return { bitmap(), 0 }; } return {}; } }