/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include bool run_command(Vector&& child_argv, bool verbose, bool is_stdin, int devnull_fd); enum Decision { Unget, Continue, Stop, }; bool read_items(FILE* fp, char entry_separator, Function); class ParsedInitialArguments { public: ParsedInitialArguments(Vector&, StringView placeholder); void for_each_joined_argument(StringView, Function) const; size_t size() const { return m_all_parts.size(); } private: Vector> m_all_parts; }; ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments main_arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath proc exec", nullptr)); const char* placeholder = nullptr; bool split_with_nulls = false; const char* specified_delimiter = "\n"; Vector arguments; bool verbose = false; const char* file_to_read = "-"; int max_lines_for_one_command = 0; int max_bytes_for_one_command = ARG_MAX; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.set_stop_on_first_non_option(true); args_parser.set_general_help("Read arguments from stdin and interpret them as command-line arguments for another program. See also: 'man xargs'."); args_parser.add_option(placeholder, "Placeholder string to be replaced in arguments", "replace", 'I', "placeholder"); args_parser.add_option(split_with_nulls, "Split input items with the null character instead of newline", "null", '0'); args_parser.add_option(specified_delimiter, "Split the input items with the specified character", "delimiter", 'd', "delim"); args_parser.add_option(verbose, "Display each command before executing it", "verbose", 'v'); args_parser.add_option(file_to_read, "Read arguments from the specified file instead of stdin", "arg-file", 'a', "file"); args_parser.add_option(max_lines_for_one_command, "Use at most max-lines lines to create a command", "line-limit", 'L', "max-lines"); args_parser.add_option(max_bytes_for_one_command, "Use at most max-chars characters to create a command", "char-limit", 's', "max-chars"); args_parser.add_positional_argument(arguments, "Command and any initial arguments for it", "command", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(main_arguments); size_t max_bytes = min(ARG_MAX, max_bytes_for_one_command); size_t max_lines = max(max_lines_for_one_command, 0); if (!split_with_nulls && strlen(specified_delimiter) > 1) { warnln("xargs: the delimiter must be a single byte"); return 1; } char entry_separator = split_with_nulls ? '\0' : *specified_delimiter; StringView placeholder_view { placeholder }; if (!placeholder_view.is_empty()) max_lines = 1; if (arguments.is_empty()) arguments.append("echo"); ParsedInitialArguments initial_arguments(arguments, placeholder_view); FILE* fp = stdin; bool is_stdin = true; if ("-"sv != file_to_read) { // A file was specified, try to open it. fp = fopen(file_to_read, "re"); if (!fp) { perror("fopen"); return 1; } is_stdin = false; } StringBuilder builder; Vector child_argv; int devnull_fd = 0; if (is_stdin) { devnull_fd = TRY(Core::System::open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); } size_t total_command_length = 0; size_t items_used_for_this_command = 0; auto fail = read_items(fp, entry_separator, [&](StringView item) { if (item.ends_with('\n')) item = item.substring_view(0, item.length() - 1); if (item.is_empty()) return Continue; // The first item is processed differently, as all the initial-arguments are processed _with_ that item // as their substitution target (assuming that substitution is enabled). // Note that if substitution is not enabled, we manually insert a substitution target at the end of initial-arguments, // so this item has a place to go. if (items_used_for_this_command == 0) { child_argv.ensure_capacity(initial_arguments.size()); initial_arguments.for_each_joined_argument(item, [&](const String& string) { total_command_length += string.length(); child_argv.append(strdup(string.characters())); }); ++items_used_for_this_command; } else { if ((max_lines > 0 && items_used_for_this_command + 1 > max_lines) || total_command_length + item.length() + 1 >= max_bytes) { // Note: This `move' does not actually move-construct a new Vector at the callsite, it only allows perfect-forwarding // and does not invalidate `child_argv' in this scope. // The same applies for the one below. if (!run_command(move(child_argv), verbose, is_stdin, devnull_fd)) return Stop; items_used_for_this_command = 0; total_command_length = 0; return Unget; } else { child_argv.append(strndup(item.characters_without_null_termination(), item.length())); total_command_length += item.length(); ++items_used_for_this_command; } } return Continue; }); if (!fail && !child_argv.is_empty()) fail = !run_command(move(child_argv), verbose, is_stdin, devnull_fd); if (!is_stdin) fclose(fp); return fail ? 1 : 0; } bool read_items(FILE* fp, char entry_separator, Function callback) { bool fail = false; for (;;) { char* item = nullptr; size_t buffer_size = 0; auto item_size = getdelim(&item, &buffer_size, entry_separator, fp); if (item_size < 0) { // getdelim() will return -1 and set errno to 0 on EOF. if (errno != 0) { perror("getdelim"); fail = true; } free(item); break; } Decision decision; do { decision = callback(item); if (decision == Stop) { free(item); return true; } } while (decision == Unget); free(item); } return fail; } bool run_command(Vector&& child_argv, bool verbose, bool is_stdin, int devnull_fd) { child_argv.append(nullptr); if (verbose) { StringBuilder builder; builder.join(" ", child_argv); warnln("xargs: {}", builder.to_string()); } auto pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { perror("fork"); return false; } if (pid == 0) { if (is_stdin) dup2(devnull_fd, STDIN_FILENO); execvp(child_argv[0], child_argv.data()); exit(1); } for (auto* ptr : child_argv) free(ptr); child_argv.clear_with_capacity(); int wstatus = 0; if (waitpid(pid, &wstatus, 0) < 0) { perror("waitpid"); return false; } if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) { if (WEXITSTATUS(wstatus) != 0) return false; } else { return false; } return true; } ParsedInitialArguments::ParsedInitialArguments(Vector& arguments, StringView placeholder) { m_all_parts.ensure_capacity(arguments.size()); bool some_argument_has_placeholder = false; for (auto argument : arguments) { StringView arg { argument }; if (placeholder.is_empty()) { m_all_parts.append({ arg }); } else { auto parts = arg.split_view(placeholder, true); some_argument_has_placeholder = some_argument_has_placeholder || parts.size() > 1; m_all_parts.append(move(parts)); } } // Append an implicit placeholder at the end if no argument has any placeholders. if (!some_argument_has_placeholder) { Vector parts; parts.append(""); parts.append(""); m_all_parts.append(move(parts)); } } void ParsedInitialArguments::for_each_joined_argument(StringView separator, Function callback) const { StringBuilder builder; for (auto& parts : m_all_parts) { builder.clear(); builder.join(separator, parts); callback(builder.to_string()); } }