/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web { class Document; namespace CSS { enum class ValueID { Invalid, VendorSpecificLink, VendorSpecificPaletteDesktopBackground, VendorSpecificPaletteActiveWindowBorder1, VendorSpecificPaletteActiveWindowBorder2, VendorSpecificPaletteActiveWindowTitle, VendorSpecificPaletteInactiveWindowBorder1, VendorSpecificPaletteInactiveWindowBorder2, VendorSpecificPaletteInactiveWindowTitle, VendorSpecificPaletteMovingWindowBorder1, VendorSpecificPaletteMovingWindowBorder2, VendorSpecificPaletteMovingWindowTitle, VendorSpecificPaletteHighlightWindowBorder1, VendorSpecificPaletteHighlightWindowBorder2, VendorSpecificPaletteHighlightWindowTitle, VendorSpecificPaletteMenuStripe, VendorSpecificPaletteMenuBase, VendorSpecificPaletteMenuBaseText, VendorSpecificPaletteMenuSelection, VendorSpecificPaletteMenuSelectionText, VendorSpecificPaletteWindow, VendorSpecificPaletteWindowText, VendorSpecificPaletteButton, VendorSpecificPaletteButtonText, VendorSpecificPaletteBase, VendorSpecificPaletteBaseText, VendorSpecificPaletteThreedHighlight, VendorSpecificPaletteThreedShadow1, VendorSpecificPaletteThreedShadow2, VendorSpecificPaletteHoverHighlight, VendorSpecificPaletteSelection, VendorSpecificPaletteSelectionText, VendorSpecificPaletteInactiveSelection, VendorSpecificPaletteInactiveSelectionText, VendorSpecificPaletteRubberBandFill, VendorSpecificPaletteRubberBandBorder, VendorSpecificPaletteLink, VendorSpecificPaletteActiveLink, VendorSpecificPaletteVisitedLink, VendorSpecificPaletteRuler, VendorSpecificPaletteRulerBorder, VendorSpecificPaletteRulerActiveText, VendorSpecificPaletteRulerInactiveText, VendorSpecificPaletteTextCursor, VendorSpecificPaletteFocusOutline, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxComment, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxNumber, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxString, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxType, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxPunctuation, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxOperator, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxKeyword, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxControlKeyword, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxIdentifier, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxPreprocessorStatement, VendorSpecificPaletteSyntaxPreprocessorValue, Center, Left, Right, Justify, }; enum class Position { Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky, }; } class StyleValue : public RefCounted { public: virtual ~StyleValue(); enum class Type { Invalid, Inherit, Initial, String, Length, Percentage, Color, Identifier, Image, Position, }; Type type() const { return m_type; } bool is_inherit() const { return type() == Type::Inherit; } bool is_initial() const { return type() == Type::Initial; } bool is_color() const { return type() == Type::Color; } bool is_identifier() const { return type() == Type::Identifier; } bool is_image() const { return type() == Type::Image; } bool is_string() const { return type() == Type::String; } bool is_length() const { return type() == Type::Length; } bool is_percentage() const { return type() == Type::Percentage; } bool is_position() const { return type() == Type::Position; } virtual String to_string() const = 0; virtual Length to_length() const { return {}; } virtual Color to_color(const Document&) const { return {}; } virtual bool is_auto() const { return false; } protected: explicit StyleValue(Type); private: Type m_type { Type::Invalid }; }; class StringStyleValue : public StyleValue { public: static NonnullRefPtr create(const String& string) { return adopt(*new StringStyleValue(string)); } virtual ~StringStyleValue() override { } String to_string() const override { return m_string; } private: explicit StringStyleValue(const String& string) : StyleValue(Type::String) , m_string(string) { } String m_string; }; class LengthStyleValue : public StyleValue { public: static NonnullRefPtr create(const Length& length) { return adopt(*new LengthStyleValue(length)); } virtual ~LengthStyleValue() override { } virtual String to_string() const override { return m_length.to_string(); } virtual Length to_length() const override { return m_length; } const Length& length() const { return m_length; } virtual bool is_auto() const override { return m_length.is_auto(); } private: explicit LengthStyleValue(const Length& length) : StyleValue(Type::Length) , m_length(length) { } Length m_length; }; class PercentageStyleValue : public StyleValue { public: static NonnullRefPtr create(float percentage) { return adopt(*new PercentageStyleValue(percentage)); } virtual ~PercentageStyleValue() override { } virtual String to_string() const override { return String::format("%g%%", m_percentage); } Length to_length(float reference) const { return Length((m_percentage / 100.0f) * reference, Length::Type::Absolute); } private: virtual Length to_length() const override { return {}; } virtual bool is_auto() const override { return false; } explicit PercentageStyleValue(float percentage) : StyleValue(Type::Percentage) , m_percentage(percentage) { } float m_percentage { 0 }; }; class InitialStyleValue final : public StyleValue { public: static NonnullRefPtr create() { return adopt(*new InitialStyleValue); } virtual ~InitialStyleValue() override { } String to_string() const override { return "initial"; } private: InitialStyleValue() : StyleValue(Type::Initial) { } }; class InheritStyleValue final : public StyleValue { public: static NonnullRefPtr create() { return adopt(*new InheritStyleValue); } virtual ~InheritStyleValue() override { } String to_string() const override { return "inherit"; } private: InheritStyleValue() : StyleValue(Type::Inherit) { } }; class ColorStyleValue : public StyleValue { public: static NonnullRefPtr create(Color color) { return adopt(*new ColorStyleValue(color)); } virtual ~ColorStyleValue() override { } Color color() const { return m_color; } String to_string() const override { return m_color.to_string(); } Color to_color(const Document&) const override { return m_color; } private: explicit ColorStyleValue(Color color) : StyleValue(Type::Color) , m_color(color) { } Color m_color; }; class IdentifierStyleValue final : public StyleValue { public: static NonnullRefPtr create(CSS::ValueID id) { return adopt(*new IdentifierStyleValue(id)); } virtual ~IdentifierStyleValue() override { } CSS::ValueID id() const { return m_id; } virtual String to_string() const override; virtual Color to_color(const Document&) const override; private: explicit IdentifierStyleValue(CSS::ValueID id) : StyleValue(Type::Identifier) , m_id(id) { } CSS::ValueID m_id { CSS::ValueID::Invalid }; }; class ImageStyleValue final : public StyleValue , public ResourceClient { public: static NonnullRefPtr create(const URL& url, Document& document) { return adopt(*new ImageStyleValue(url, document)); } virtual ~ImageStyleValue() override { } String to_string() const override { return String::format("Image{%s}", m_url.to_string().characters()); } const Gfx::Bitmap* bitmap() const { return m_bitmap; } private: ImageStyleValue(const URL&, Document&); // ^ResourceClient virtual void resource_did_load() override; URL m_url; WeakPtr m_document; RefPtr m_bitmap; }; }