/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Andrew Kaster * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include // https://open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG14/www/docs/n2912.pdf // Section 7.4.1 Character classification functions // The isalnum function // The isalnum function tests for any character for which isalpha or isdigit is true. TEST_CASE(test_isalnum) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= '0' && i <= '9') || (i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z') || (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z')) EXPECT_NE(isalnum(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isalnum(i), 0); } } // The isalpha function // The isalpha function tests for any character for which isupper or islower is true, or any character // that is one of a locale-specific set of alphabetic characters for which none of iscntrl, isdigit, // ispunct, or isspace is true. In the "C" locale, isalpha returns true only for the characters for // which isupper or islower is true. TEST_CASE(test_isalpha) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z') || (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z')) EXPECT_NE(isalpha(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isalpha(i), 0); } } // The isblank function // The isblank function tests for any character that is a standard blank character or is one of a locale- // specific set of characters for which isspace is true and that is used to separate words within a line // of text. The standard blank characters are the following: space (’ ’ ), and horizontal tab (’\t’ ). In // the "C" locale, isblank returns true only for the standard blank characters. TEST_CASE(test_isblank) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i == ' ') || (i == '\t')) EXPECT_NE(isblank(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isblank(i), 0); } } // The iscntrl function // The iscntrl function tests for any control character TEST_CASE(test_iscntrl) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i < ' ') || (i == '\x7F')) // 7F is DEL EXPECT_NE(iscntrl(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(iscntrl(i), 0); } } // The isdigit function // The isdigit function tests for any decimal-digit character (as defined in 5.2.1) TEST_CASE(test_isdigit) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= '0' && i <= '9')) EXPECT_NE(isdigit(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isdigit(i), 0); } } // The isgraph function // The isgraph function tests for any printing character except space (’ ’). TEST_CASE(test_isgraph) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i > ' ' && i <= '~')) EXPECT_NE(isgraph(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isgraph(i), 0); } } // The islower function // The islower function tests for any character that is a lowercase letter or is one of a locale-specific set // of characters for which none of iscntrl, isdigit, ispunct, or isspace is true. In the "C" locale, // islower returns true only for the lowercase letters (as defined in 5.2.1 TEST_CASE(test_islower) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= 'a' && i <= 'z')) EXPECT_NE(islower(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(islower(i), 0); } } // The isprint function // The isprint function tests for any printing character including space (’ ’). TEST_CASE(test_isprint) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= ' ' && i <= '~')) EXPECT_NE(isprint(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isprint(i), 0); } } // The ispunct function // The ispunct function tests for any printing character that is one of a locale-specific set of punctuation // characters for which neither isspace nor isalnum is true. In the "C" locale, ispunct returns true // for every printing character for which neither isspace nor isalnum is true TEST_CASE(test_ispunct) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i > ' ' && i < '0') || (i > '9' && i < 'A') || (i > 'Z' && i < 'a') || (i > 'z' && i < '\x7F')) EXPECT_NE(ispunct(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(ispunct(i), 0); } } // The isspace function // The isspace function tests for any character that is a standard white-space character or is one of // a locale-specific set of characters for which isalnum is false. The standard white-space characters // are the following: space (’ ’ ), form feed (’\f’ ), new-line (’\n’ ), carriage return (’\r’ ), horizontal // tab (’\t’ ), and vertical tab (’\v’ ). In the "C" locale, isspace returns true only for the standard // white-space characters. TEST_CASE(test_isspace) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i == ' ') || (i == '\f') || (i == '\n') || (i == '\r') || (i == '\t') || (i == '\v')) EXPECT_NE(isspace(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isspace(i), 0); } } // The isupper function // The isupper function tests for any character that is an uppercase letter or is one of a locale-specific // set of characters for which none of iscntrl, isdigit, ispunct, or isspace is true. In the "C" locale, // isupper returns true only for the uppercase letters (as defined in 5.2.1) TEST_CASE(test_isupper) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z')) EXPECT_NE(isupper(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isupper(i), 0); } } // The isxdigit function // The isxdigit function tests for any hexadecimal-digit character (as defined in TEST_CASE(test_isxdigit) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= '0' && i <= '9') || (i >= 'A' && i <= 'F') || (i >= 'a' && i <= 'f')) EXPECT_NE(isxdigit(i), 0); else EXPECT_EQ(isxdigit(i), 0); } } // The tolower function // The tolower function converts an uppercase letter to a corresponding lowercase letter TEST_CASE(test_tolower) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z')) EXPECT_EQ(tolower(i), i + 0x20); else EXPECT_EQ(tolower(i), i); } } // The toupper function // The toupper function converts an lowercase letter to a corresponding uppercase letter TEST_CASE(test_toupper) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if ((i >= 'a' && i <= 'z')) EXPECT_EQ(toupper(i), i - 0x20); else EXPECT_EQ(toupper(i), i); } }