/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_GTEXTEDITOR namespace GUI { TextEditor::TextEditor(Type type) : m_type(type) { set_background_role(ColorRole::Base); set_foreground_role(ColorRole::BaseText); set_document(TextDocument::create()); set_scrollbars_enabled(is_multi_line()); set_font(FontDatabase::the().get_by_name("Csilla Thin")); // FIXME: Recompute vertical scrollbar step size on font change. vertical_scrollbar().set_step(line_height()); m_cursor = { 0, 0 }; create_actions(); } TextEditor::~TextEditor() { if (m_document) m_document->unregister_client(*this); } void TextEditor::create_actions() { m_undo_action = CommonActions::make_undo_action([&](auto&) { undo(); }, this); m_redo_action = CommonActions::make_redo_action([&](auto&) { redo(); }, this); m_undo_action->set_enabled(false); m_redo_action->set_enabled(false); m_cut_action = CommonActions::make_cut_action([&](auto&) { cut(); }, this); m_copy_action = CommonActions::make_copy_action([&](auto&) { copy(); }, this); m_paste_action = CommonActions::make_paste_action([&](auto&) { paste(); }, this); m_delete_action = CommonActions::make_delete_action([&](auto&) { do_delete(); }, this); if (is_multi_line()) { m_go_to_line_action = Action::create( "Go to line...", { Mod_Ctrl, Key_L }, Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/16x16/go-forward.png"), [this](auto&) { auto input_box = InputBox::construct("Line:", "Go to line", window()); auto result = input_box->exec(); if (result == InputBox::ExecOK) { bool ok; auto line_number = input_box->text_value().to_uint(ok); if (ok) set_cursor(line_number - 1, 0); } }, this); } } void TextEditor::set_text(const StringView& text) { if (is_single_line() && text.length() == line(0).length() && !memcmp(text.characters_without_null_termination(), line(0).characters(), text.length())) return; m_selection.clear(); document().set_text(text); update_content_size(); recompute_all_visual_lines(); if (is_single_line()) set_cursor(0, line(0).length()); else set_cursor(0, 0); did_update_selection(); update(); } void TextEditor::update_content_size() { int content_width = 0; int content_height = 0; for (auto& line : m_line_visual_data) { content_width = max(line.visual_rect.width(), content_width); content_height += line.visual_rect.height(); } content_width += m_horizontal_content_padding * 2; if (is_right_text_alignment(m_text_alignment)) content_width = max(frame_inner_rect().width(), content_width); set_content_size({ content_width, content_height }); set_size_occupied_by_fixed_elements({ ruler_width(), 0 }); } TextPosition TextEditor::text_position_at(const Gfx::Point& a_position) const { auto position = a_position; position.move_by(horizontal_scrollbar().value(), vertical_scrollbar().value()); position.move_by(-(m_horizontal_content_padding + ruler_width()), 0); position.move_by(-frame_thickness(), -frame_thickness()); size_t line_index = 0; if (is_line_wrapping_enabled()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < line_count(); ++i) { auto& rect = m_line_visual_data[i].visual_rect; if (position.y() >= rect.top() && position.y() <= rect.bottom()) { line_index = i; break; } if (position.y() > rect.bottom()) line_index = line_count() - 1; } } else { line_index = (size_t)(position.y() / line_height()); } line_index = max((size_t)0, min(line_index, line_count() - 1)); size_t column_index; switch (m_text_alignment) { case Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft: column_index = (position.x() + glyph_width() / 2) / glyph_width(); if (is_line_wrapping_enabled()) { for_each_visual_line(line_index, [&](const Gfx::Rect& rect, const StringView&, size_t start_of_line) { if (rect.contains_vertically(position.y())) { column_index += start_of_line; return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); } break; case Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterRight: // FIXME: Support right-aligned line wrapping, I guess. ASSERT(!is_line_wrapping_enabled()); column_index = (position.x() - content_x_for_position({ line_index, 0 }) + glyph_width() / 2) / glyph_width(); break; default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } column_index = max((size_t)0, min(column_index, line(line_index).length())); return { line_index, column_index }; } void TextEditor::doubleclick_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.button() != MouseButton::Left) return; // NOTE: This ensures that spans are updated before we look at them. flush_pending_change_notification_if_needed(); m_triple_click_timer.start(); m_in_drag_select = false; auto start = text_position_at(event.position()); auto end = start; auto& line = this->line(start.line()); if (!document().has_spans()) { while (start.column() > 0) { if (isspace(line.characters()[start.column() - 1])) break; start.set_column(start.column() - 1); } while (end.column() < line.length()) { if (isspace(line.characters()[end.column()])) break; end.set_column(end.column() + 1); } } else { for (auto& span : document().spans()) { if (!span.range.contains(start)) continue; start = span.range.start(); end = span.range.end(); end.set_column(end.column() + 1); break; } } m_selection.set(start, end); set_cursor(end); update(); did_update_selection(); } void TextEditor::mousedown_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.button() != MouseButton::Left) { return; } if (m_triple_click_timer.is_valid() && m_triple_click_timer.elapsed() < 250) { m_triple_click_timer = Core::ElapsedTimer(); TextPosition start; TextPosition end; if (is_multi_line()) { // select *current* line start = TextPosition(m_cursor.line(), 0); end = TextPosition(m_cursor.line(), line(m_cursor.line()).length()); } else { // select *whole* line start = TextPosition(0, 0); end = TextPosition(line_count() - 1, line(line_count() - 1).length()); } m_selection.set(start, end); set_cursor(end); return; } if (event.modifiers() & Mod_Shift) { if (!has_selection()) m_selection.set(m_cursor, {}); } else { m_selection.clear(); } m_in_drag_select = true; set_cursor(text_position_at(event.position())); if (!(event.modifiers() & Mod_Shift)) { if (!has_selection()) m_selection.set(m_cursor, {}); } if (m_selection.start().is_valid() && m_selection.start() != m_cursor) m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); // FIXME: Only update the relevant rects. update(); did_update_selection(); } void TextEditor::mouseup_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (event.button() == MouseButton::Left) { if (m_in_drag_select) { m_in_drag_select = false; } return; } } void TextEditor::mousemove_event(MouseEvent& event) { if (m_in_drag_select) { set_cursor(text_position_at(event.position())); m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); update(); return; } } int TextEditor::ruler_width() const { if (!m_ruler_visible) return 0; // FIXME: Resize based on needed space. return 5 * font().glyph_width('x') + 4; } Gfx::Rect TextEditor::ruler_content_rect(size_t line_index) const { if (!m_ruler_visible) return {}; return { 0 - ruler_width() + horizontal_scrollbar().value(), line_content_rect(line_index).y(), ruler_width(), line_content_rect(line_index).height() }; } Gfx::Rect TextEditor::ruler_rect_in_inner_coordinates() const { return { 0, 0, ruler_width(), height() - height_occupied_by_horizontal_scrollbar() }; } Gfx::Rect TextEditor::visible_text_rect_in_inner_coordinates() const { return { m_horizontal_content_padding + (m_ruler_visible ? (ruler_rect_in_inner_coordinates().right() + 1) : 0), 0, frame_inner_rect().width() - (m_horizontal_content_padding * 2) - width_occupied_by_vertical_scrollbar() - ruler_width(), frame_inner_rect().height() - height_occupied_by_horizontal_scrollbar() }; } void TextEditor::paint_event(PaintEvent& event) { Color widget_background_color = palette().color(background_role()); // NOTE: This ensures that spans are updated before we look at them. flush_pending_change_notification_if_needed(); Frame::paint_event(event); Painter painter(*this); painter.add_clip_rect(widget_inner_rect()); painter.add_clip_rect(event.rect()); painter.fill_rect(event.rect(), widget_background_color); painter.translate(frame_thickness(), frame_thickness()); auto ruler_rect = ruler_rect_in_inner_coordinates(); if (m_ruler_visible) { painter.fill_rect(ruler_rect, palette().ruler()); painter.draw_line(ruler_rect.top_right(), ruler_rect.bottom_right(), palette().ruler_border()); } painter.translate(-horizontal_scrollbar().value(), -vertical_scrollbar().value()); if (m_ruler_visible) painter.translate(ruler_width(), 0); size_t first_visible_line = text_position_at(event.rect().top_left()).line(); size_t last_visible_line = text_position_at(event.rect().bottom_right()).line(); auto selection = normalized_selection(); bool has_selection = selection.is_valid(); if (m_ruler_visible) { for (size_t i = first_visible_line; i <= last_visible_line; ++i) { bool is_current_line = i == m_cursor.line(); auto ruler_line_rect = ruler_content_rect(i); painter.draw_text( ruler_line_rect.shrunken(2, 0).translated(0, m_line_spacing / 2), String::number(i + 1), is_current_line ? Gfx::Font::default_bold_font() : font(), Gfx::TextAlignment::TopRight, is_current_line ? palette().ruler_active_text() : palette().ruler_inactive_text()); } } Gfx::Rect text_clip_rect { (m_ruler_visible ? (ruler_rect_in_inner_coordinates().right() + frame_thickness() + 1) : frame_thickness()), frame_thickness(), width() - width_occupied_by_vertical_scrollbar() - ruler_width(), height() - height_occupied_by_horizontal_scrollbar() }; painter.add_clip_rect(text_clip_rect); for (size_t line_index = first_visible_line; line_index <= last_visible_line; ++line_index) { auto& line = this->line(line_index); bool physical_line_has_selection = has_selection && line_index >= selection.start().line() && line_index <= selection.end().line(); size_t first_visual_line_with_selection = 0; size_t last_visual_line_with_selection = 0; if (physical_line_has_selection) { if (selection.start().line() < line_index) first_visual_line_with_selection = 0; else first_visual_line_with_selection = visual_line_containing(line_index, selection.start().column()); if (selection.end().line() > line_index) last_visual_line_with_selection = m_line_visual_data[line_index].visual_line_breaks.size(); else last_visual_line_with_selection = visual_line_containing(line_index, selection.end().column()); } size_t selection_start_column_within_line = selection.start().line() == line_index ? selection.start().column() : 0; size_t selection_end_column_within_line = selection.end().line() == line_index ? selection.end().column() : line.length(); size_t visual_line_index = 0; for_each_visual_line(line_index, [&](const Gfx::Rect& visual_line_rect, const StringView& visual_line_text, size_t start_of_visual_line) { if (is_multi_line() && line_index == m_cursor.line()) painter.fill_rect(visual_line_rect, widget_background_color.darkened(0.9f)); #ifdef DEBUG_GTEXTEDITOR painter.draw_rect(visual_line_rect, Color::Cyan); #endif if (!document().has_spans()) { // Fast-path for plain text auto color = palette().color(is_enabled() ? foreground_role() : Gfx::ColorRole::DisabledText); painter.draw_text(visual_line_rect, visual_line_text, m_text_alignment, color); } else { int advance = font().glyph_width(' ') + font().glyph_spacing(); Gfx::Rect character_rect = { visual_line_rect.location(), { font().glyph_width(' '), line_height() } }; for (size_t i = 0; i < visual_line_text.length(); ++i) { const Gfx::Font* font = &this->font(); Color color; Optional background_color; TextPosition physical_position(line_index, start_of_visual_line + i); // FIXME: This is *horribly* inefficient. for (auto& span : document().spans()) { if (!span.range.contains(physical_position)) continue; color = span.color; if (span.font) font = span.font; background_color = span.background_color; break; } if (background_color.has_value()) painter.fill_rect(character_rect, background_color.value()); painter.draw_text(character_rect, visual_line_text.substring_view(i, 1), *font, m_text_alignment, color); character_rect.move_by(advance, 0); } } bool physical_line_has_selection = has_selection && line_index >= selection.start().line() && line_index <= selection.end().line(); if (physical_line_has_selection) { bool current_visual_line_has_selection = (line_index != selection.start().line() && line_index != selection.end().line()) || (visual_line_index >= first_visual_line_with_selection && visual_line_index <= last_visual_line_with_selection); if (current_visual_line_has_selection) { bool selection_begins_on_current_visual_line = visual_line_index == first_visual_line_with_selection; bool selection_ends_on_current_visual_line = visual_line_index == last_visual_line_with_selection; int selection_left = selection_begins_on_current_visual_line ? content_x_for_position({ line_index, (size_t)selection_start_column_within_line }) : m_horizontal_content_padding; int selection_right = selection_ends_on_current_visual_line ? content_x_for_position({ line_index, (size_t)selection_end_column_within_line }) : visual_line_rect.right() + 1; Gfx::Rect selection_rect { selection_left, visual_line_rect.y(), selection_right - selection_left, visual_line_rect.height() }; Color background_color = is_focused() ? palette().selection() : palette().inactive_selection(); Color text_color = is_focused() ? palette().selection_text() : palette().inactive_selection_text(); painter.fill_rect(selection_rect, background_color); size_t start_of_selection_within_visual_line = (size_t)max(0, (int)selection_start_column_within_line - (int)start_of_visual_line); size_t end_of_selection_within_visual_line = selection_end_column_within_line - start_of_visual_line; StringView visual_selected_text { visual_line_text.characters_without_null_termination() + start_of_selection_within_visual_line, end_of_selection_within_visual_line - start_of_selection_within_visual_line }; painter.draw_text(selection_rect, visual_selected_text, Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft, text_color); } } ++visual_line_index; return IterationDecision::Continue; }); } if (is_focused() && m_cursor_state) painter.fill_rect(cursor_content_rect(), palette().text_cursor()); } void TextEditor::toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(const KeyEvent& event) { if (event.shift() && !m_selection.is_valid()) { m_selection.set(m_cursor, {}); did_update_selection(); update(); return; } if (!event.shift() && m_selection.is_valid()) { m_selection.clear(); did_update_selection(); update(); return; } } void TextEditor::select_all() { TextPosition start_of_document { 0, 0 }; TextPosition end_of_document { line_count() - 1, line(line_count() - 1).length() }; m_selection.set(start_of_document, end_of_document); did_update_selection(); set_cursor(end_of_document); update(); } void TextEditor::get_selection_line_boundaries(size_t& first_line, size_t& last_line) { auto selection = normalized_selection(); if (!selection.is_valid()) { first_line = m_cursor.line(); last_line = m_cursor.line(); return; } first_line = selection.start().line(); last_line = selection.end().line(); if (first_line != last_line && selection.end().column() == 0) last_line -= 1; } void TextEditor::move_selected_lines_up() { size_t first_line; size_t last_line; get_selection_line_boundaries(first_line, last_line); if (first_line == 0) return; auto& lines = document().lines(); lines.insert((int)last_line, lines.take((int)first_line - 1)); m_cursor = { first_line - 1, 0 }; if (has_selection()) { m_selection.set_start({ first_line - 1, 0 }); m_selection.set_end({ last_line - 1, line(last_line - 1).length() }); } did_change(); update(); } void TextEditor::move_selected_lines_down() { size_t first_line; size_t last_line; get_selection_line_boundaries(first_line, last_line); auto& lines = document().lines(); ASSERT(lines.size() != 0); if (last_line >= lines.size() - 1) return; lines.insert((int)first_line, lines.take((int)last_line + 1)); m_cursor = { first_line + 1, 0 }; if (has_selection()) { m_selection.set_start({ first_line + 1, 0 }); m_selection.set_end({ last_line + 1, line(last_line + 1).length() }); } did_change(); update(); } void TextEditor::sort_selected_lines() { if (is_readonly()) return; if (!has_selection()) return; size_t first_line; size_t last_line; get_selection_line_boundaries(first_line, last_line); auto& lines = document().lines(); auto start = lines.begin() + (int)first_line; auto end = lines.begin() + (int)last_line + 1; quick_sort(start, end, [](auto& a, auto& b) { return strcmp(a.characters(), b.characters()) < 0; }); did_change(); update(); } void TextEditor::keydown_event(KeyEvent& event) { if (is_single_line() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Tab) return Widget::keydown_event(event); if (is_single_line() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Return) { if (on_return_pressed) on_return_pressed(); return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Escape) { if (on_escape_pressed) on_escape_pressed(); return; } if (is_multi_line() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Up) { if (m_cursor.line() > 0) { if (event.ctrl() && event.shift()) { move_selected_lines_up(); return; } size_t new_line = m_cursor.line() - 1; size_t new_column = min(m_cursor.column(), line(new_line).length()); toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(new_line, new_column); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } } return; } if (is_multi_line() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Down) { if (m_cursor.line() < (line_count() - 1)) { if (event.ctrl() && event.shift()) { move_selected_lines_down(); return; } size_t new_line = m_cursor.line() + 1; size_t new_column = min(m_cursor.column(), line(new_line).length()); toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(new_line, new_column); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } } return; } if (is_multi_line() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_PageUp) { if (m_cursor.line() > 0) { size_t page_step = (size_t)visible_content_rect().height() / (size_t)line_height(); size_t new_line = m_cursor.line() < page_step ? 0 : m_cursor.line() - page_step; size_t new_column = min(m_cursor.column(), line(new_line).length()); toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(new_line, new_column); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } } return; } if (is_multi_line() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_PageDown) { if (m_cursor.line() < (line_count() - 1)) { int new_line = min(line_count() - 1, m_cursor.line() + visible_content_rect().height() / line_height()); int new_column = min(m_cursor.column(), lines()[new_line].length()); toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(new_line, new_column); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } } return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Left) { if (event.ctrl() && document().has_spans()) { // FIXME: Do something nice when the document has no spans. auto span = document().first_non_skippable_span_before(m_cursor); TextPosition new_cursor = !span.has_value() ? TextPosition(0, 0) : span.value().range.start(); toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(new_cursor); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } return; } if (m_cursor.column() > 0) { int new_column = m_cursor.column() - 1; toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(m_cursor.line(), new_column); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } } else if (m_cursor.line() > 0) { int new_line = m_cursor.line() - 1; int new_column = lines()[new_line].length(); toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(new_line, new_column); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } } return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Right) { if (event.ctrl() && document().has_spans()) { // FIXME: Do something nice when the document has no spans. auto span = document().first_non_skippable_span_after(m_cursor); TextPosition new_cursor = !span.has_value() ? document().spans().last().range.end() : span.value().range.start(); toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(new_cursor); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } return; } int new_line = m_cursor.line(); int new_column = m_cursor.column(); if (m_cursor.column() < current_line().length()) { new_line = m_cursor.line(); new_column = m_cursor.column() + 1; } else if (m_cursor.line() != line_count() - 1) { new_line = m_cursor.line() + 1; new_column = 0; } toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(new_line, new_column); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } return; } if (!event.ctrl() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Home) { size_t first_nonspace_column = current_line().first_non_whitespace_column(); toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); if (m_cursor.column() == first_nonspace_column) set_cursor(m_cursor.line(), 0); else set_cursor(m_cursor.line(), first_nonspace_column); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } return; } if (!event.ctrl() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_End) { toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(m_cursor.line(), current_line().length()); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } return; } if (event.ctrl() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Home) { toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(0, 0); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } return; } if (event.ctrl() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_End) { toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event); set_cursor(line_count() - 1, lines()[line_count() - 1].length()); if (event.shift() && m_selection.start().is_valid()) { m_selection.set_end(m_cursor); did_update_selection(); } return; } if (event.modifiers() == Mod_Ctrl && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_A) { select_all(); return; } if (event.alt() && event.shift() && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_S) { sort_selected_lines(); return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Backspace) { if (is_readonly()) return; if (has_selection()) { delete_selection(); did_update_selection(); return; } if (m_cursor.column() > 0) { int erase_count = 1; if (current_line().first_non_whitespace_column() >= m_cursor.column()) { int new_column; if (m_cursor.column() % m_soft_tab_width == 0) new_column = m_cursor.column() - m_soft_tab_width; else new_column = (m_cursor.column() / m_soft_tab_width) * m_soft_tab_width; erase_count = m_cursor.column() - new_column; } // Backspace within line TextRange erased_range({ m_cursor.line(), m_cursor.column() - erase_count }, m_cursor); auto erased_text = document().text_in_range(erased_range); execute(erased_text, erased_range); return; } if (m_cursor.column() == 0 && m_cursor.line() != 0) { // Backspace at column 0; merge with previous line size_t previous_length = line(m_cursor.line() - 1).length(); TextRange erased_range({ m_cursor.line() - 1, previous_length }, m_cursor); execute("\n", erased_range); return; } return; } if (event.modifiers() == Mod_Shift && event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Delete) { if (is_readonly()) return; delete_current_line(); return; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Delete) { if (is_readonly()) return; do_delete(); return; } if (!is_readonly() && !event.ctrl() && !event.alt() && !event.text().is_empty()) { insert_at_cursor_or_replace_selection(event.text()); return; } event.ignore(); } void TextEditor::delete_current_line() { if (has_selection()) return delete_selection(); TextPosition start; TextPosition end; if (m_cursor.line() == 0 && line_count() == 1) { start = { 0, 0 }; end = { 0, line(0).length() }; } else if (m_cursor.line() == line_count() - 1) { start = { m_cursor.line() - 1, line(m_cursor.line()).length() }; end = { m_cursor.line(), line(m_cursor.line()).length() }; } else { start = { m_cursor.line(), 0 }; end = { m_cursor.line() + 1, 0 }; } TextRange erased_range(start, end); execute(document().text_in_range(erased_range), erased_range); } void TextEditor::do_delete() { if (is_readonly()) return; if (has_selection()) return delete_selection(); if (m_cursor.column() < current_line().length()) { // Delete within line TextRange erased_range(m_cursor, { m_cursor.line(), m_cursor.column() + 1 }); execute(document().text_in_range(erased_range), erased_range); return; } if (m_cursor.column() == current_line().length() && m_cursor.line() != line_count() - 1) { // Delete at end of line; merge with next line TextRange erased_range(m_cursor, { m_cursor.line() + 1, 0 }); execute(document().text_in_range(erased_range), erased_range); return; } } int TextEditor::content_x_for_position(const TextPosition& position) const { auto& line = this->line(position.line()); int x_offset = -1; switch (m_text_alignment) { case Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft: for_each_visual_line(position.line(), [&](const Gfx::Rect&, const StringView& view, size_t start_of_visual_line) { if (position.column() >= start_of_visual_line && ((position.column() - start_of_visual_line) <= view.length())) { x_offset = (position.column() - start_of_visual_line) * glyph_width(); return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); return m_horizontal_content_padding + x_offset; case Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterRight: // FIXME ASSERT(!is_line_wrapping_enabled()); return content_width() - m_horizontal_content_padding - (line.length() * glyph_width()) + (position.column() * glyph_width()); default: ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } Gfx::Rect TextEditor::content_rect_for_position(const TextPosition& position) const { if (!position.is_valid()) return {}; ASSERT(!lines().is_empty()); ASSERT(position.column() <= (current_line().length() + 1)); int x = content_x_for_position(position); if (is_single_line()) { Gfx::Rect rect { x, 0, 1, font().glyph_height() + 2 }; rect.center_vertically_within({ {}, frame_inner_rect().size() }); return rect; } Gfx::Rect rect; for_each_visual_line(position.line(), [&](const Gfx::Rect& visual_line_rect, const StringView& view, size_t start_of_visual_line) { if (position.column() >= start_of_visual_line && ((position.column() - start_of_visual_line) <= view.length())) { // NOTE: We have to subtract the horizontal padding here since it's part of the visual line rect // *and* included in what we get from content_x_for_position(). rect = { visual_line_rect.x() + x - (m_horizontal_content_padding), visual_line_rect.y(), 1, line_height() }; return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; }); return rect; } Gfx::Rect TextEditor::cursor_content_rect() const { return content_rect_for_position(m_cursor); } Gfx::Rect TextEditor::line_widget_rect(size_t line_index) const { auto rect = line_content_rect(line_index); rect.set_x(frame_thickness()); rect.set_width(frame_inner_rect().width()); rect.move_by(0, -(vertical_scrollbar().value())); rect.move_by(0, frame_thickness()); rect.intersect(frame_inner_rect()); return rect; } void TextEditor::scroll_position_into_view(const TextPosition& position) { auto rect = content_rect_for_position(position); if (position.column() == 0) rect.set_x(content_x_for_position({ position.line(), 0 }) - 2); else if (position.column() == line(position.line()).length()) rect.set_x(content_x_for_position({ position.line(), line(position.line()).length() }) + 2); scroll_into_view(rect, true, true); } void TextEditor::scroll_cursor_into_view() { scroll_position_into_view(m_cursor); } Gfx::Rect TextEditor::line_content_rect(size_t line_index) const { auto& line = this->line(line_index); if (is_single_line()) { Gfx::Rect line_rect = { content_x_for_position({ line_index, 0 }), 0, (int)line.length() * glyph_width(), font().glyph_height() + 2 }; line_rect.center_vertically_within({ {}, frame_inner_rect().size() }); return line_rect; } if (is_line_wrapping_enabled()) return m_line_visual_data[line_index].visual_rect; return { content_x_for_position({ line_index, 0 }), (int)line_index * line_height(), (int)line.length() * glyph_width(), line_height() }; } void TextEditor::update_cursor() { update(line_widget_rect(m_cursor.line())); } void TextEditor::set_cursor(size_t line, size_t column) { set_cursor({ line, column }); } void TextEditor::set_cursor(const TextPosition& a_position) { ASSERT(!lines().is_empty()); TextPosition position = a_position; if (position.line() >= line_count()) position.set_line(line_count() - 1); if (position.column() > lines()[position.line()].length()) position.set_column(lines()[position.line()].length()); if (m_cursor != position) { // NOTE: If the old cursor is no longer valid, repaint everything just in case. auto old_cursor_line_rect = m_cursor.line() < line_count() ? line_widget_rect(m_cursor.line()) : rect(); m_cursor = position; m_cursor_state = true; scroll_cursor_into_view(); update(old_cursor_line_rect); update_cursor(); } cursor_did_change(); if (on_cursor_change) on_cursor_change(); if (m_highlighter) m_highlighter->cursor_did_change(); } void TextEditor::focusin_event(Core::Event&) { update_cursor(); start_timer(500); } void TextEditor::focusout_event(Core::Event&) { stop_timer(); } void TextEditor::timer_event(Core::TimerEvent&) { m_cursor_state = !m_cursor_state; if (is_focused()) update_cursor(); } bool TextEditor::write_to_file(const StringView& path) { int fd = open_with_path_length(path.characters_without_null_termination(), path.length(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd < 0) { perror("open"); return false; } // Compute the final file size and ftruncate() to make writing fast. // FIXME: Remove this once the kernel is smart enough to do this instead. off_t file_size = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < line_count(); ++i) file_size += line(i).length(); file_size += line_count() - 1; int rc = ftruncate(fd, file_size); if (rc < 0) { perror("ftruncate"); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < line_count(); ++i) { auto& line = this->line(i); if (line.length()) { ssize_t nwritten = write(fd, line.characters(), line.length()); if (nwritten < 0) { perror("write"); close(fd); return false; } } if (i != line_count() - 1) { char ch = '\n'; ssize_t nwritten = write(fd, &ch, 1); if (nwritten != 1) { perror("write"); close(fd); return false; } } } close(fd); return true; } String TextEditor::text() const { StringBuilder builder; for (size_t i = 0; i < line_count(); ++i) { auto& line = this->line(i); builder.append(line.characters(), line.length()); if (i != line_count() - 1) builder.append('\n'); } return builder.to_string(); } void TextEditor::clear() { document().remove_all_lines(); document().append_line(make(document())); m_selection.clear(); did_update_selection(); set_cursor(0, 0); update(); } String TextEditor::selected_text() const { if (!has_selection()) return {}; return document().text_in_range(m_selection); } void TextEditor::delete_selection() { auto selection = normalized_selection(); execute(selected_text(), selection); m_selection.clear(); did_update_selection(); did_change(); set_cursor(selection.start()); update(); } void TextEditor::insert_at_cursor_or_replace_selection(const StringView& text) { ASSERT(!is_readonly()); if (has_selection()) delete_selection(); execute(text, m_cursor); } void TextEditor::cut() { if (is_readonly()) return; auto selected_text = this->selected_text(); printf("Cut: \"%s\"\n", selected_text.characters()); Clipboard::the().set_data(selected_text); delete_selection(); } void TextEditor::copy() { auto selected_text = this->selected_text(); printf("Copy: \"%s\"\n", selected_text.characters()); Clipboard::the().set_data(selected_text); } void TextEditor::paste() { if (is_readonly()) return; auto paste_text = Clipboard::the().data(); printf("Paste: \"%s\"\n", paste_text.characters()); TemporaryChange change(m_automatic_indentation_enabled, false); insert_at_cursor_or_replace_selection(paste_text); } void TextEditor::enter_event(Core::Event&) { ASSERT(window()); window()->set_override_cursor(StandardCursor::IBeam); } void TextEditor::leave_event(Core::Event&) { ASSERT(window()); window()->set_override_cursor(StandardCursor::None); } void TextEditor::did_change() { update_content_size(); recompute_all_visual_lines(); m_undo_action->set_enabled(can_undo()); m_redo_action->set_enabled(can_redo()); if (!m_has_pending_change_notification) { m_has_pending_change_notification = true; deferred_invoke([this](auto&) { if (!m_has_pending_change_notification) return; if (on_change) on_change(); if (m_highlighter) m_highlighter->rehighlight(); m_has_pending_change_notification = false; }); } } void TextEditor::set_readonly(bool readonly) { if (m_readonly == readonly) return; m_readonly = readonly; m_cut_action->set_enabled(!is_readonly() && has_selection()); m_delete_action->set_enabled(!is_readonly()); m_paste_action->set_enabled(!is_readonly()); } void TextEditor::did_update_selection() { m_cut_action->set_enabled(!is_readonly() && has_selection()); m_copy_action->set_enabled(has_selection()); if (on_selection_change) on_selection_change(); if (is_line_wrapping_enabled()) { // FIXME: Try to repaint less. update(); } } void TextEditor::context_menu_event(ContextMenuEvent& event) { if (!m_context_menu) { m_context_menu = Menu::construct(); m_context_menu->add_action(undo_action()); m_context_menu->add_action(redo_action()); m_context_menu->add_separator(); m_context_menu->add_action(cut_action()); m_context_menu->add_action(copy_action()); m_context_menu->add_action(paste_action()); m_context_menu->add_action(delete_action()); if (is_multi_line()) { m_context_menu->add_separator(); m_context_menu->add_action(go_to_line_action()); } if (!m_custom_context_menu_actions.is_empty()) { m_context_menu->add_separator(); for (auto& action : m_custom_context_menu_actions) { m_context_menu->add_action(action); } } } m_context_menu->popup(event.screen_position()); } void TextEditor::set_text_alignment(Gfx::TextAlignment alignment) { if (m_text_alignment == alignment) return; m_text_alignment = alignment; update(); } void TextEditor::resize_event(ResizeEvent& event) { ScrollableWidget::resize_event(event); update_content_size(); recompute_all_visual_lines(); } void TextEditor::set_selection(const TextRange& selection) { if (m_selection == selection) return; m_selection = selection; set_cursor(m_selection.end()); scroll_position_into_view(normalized_selection().start()); update(); } void TextEditor::clear_selection() { if (!has_selection()) return; m_selection.clear(); update(); } void TextEditor::recompute_all_visual_lines() { int y_offset = 0; for (size_t line_index = 0; line_index < line_count(); ++line_index) { recompute_visual_lines(line_index); m_line_visual_data[line_index].visual_rect.set_y(y_offset); y_offset += m_line_visual_data[line_index].visual_rect.height(); } update_content_size(); } void TextEditor::ensure_cursor_is_valid() { auto new_cursor = m_cursor; if (new_cursor.line() >= line_count()) new_cursor.set_line(line_count() - 1); if (new_cursor.column() > line(new_cursor.line()).length()) new_cursor.set_column(line(new_cursor.line()).length()); if (m_cursor != new_cursor) set_cursor(new_cursor); } size_t TextEditor::visual_line_containing(size_t line_index, size_t column) const { size_t visual_line_index = 0; for_each_visual_line(line_index, [&](const Gfx::Rect&, const StringView& view, size_t start_of_visual_line) { if (column >= start_of_visual_line && ((column - start_of_visual_line) < view.length())) return IterationDecision::Break; ++visual_line_index; return IterationDecision::Continue; }); return visual_line_index; } void TextEditor::recompute_visual_lines(size_t line_index) { auto& line = document().line(line_index); auto& visual_data = m_line_visual_data[line_index]; visual_data.visual_line_breaks.clear_with_capacity(); int available_width = visible_text_rect_in_inner_coordinates().width(); if (is_line_wrapping_enabled()) { int line_width_so_far = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < line.length(); ++i) { auto ch = line.characters()[i]; auto glyph_width = font().glyph_width(ch); if ((line_width_so_far + glyph_width) > available_width) { visual_data.visual_line_breaks.append(i); line_width_so_far = glyph_width; continue; } line_width_so_far += glyph_width; } } visual_data.visual_line_breaks.append(line.length()); if (is_line_wrapping_enabled()) visual_data.visual_rect = { m_horizontal_content_padding, 0, available_width, static_cast(visual_data.visual_line_breaks.size()) * line_height() }; else visual_data.visual_rect = { m_horizontal_content_padding, 0, font().width(line.view()), line_height() }; } template void TextEditor::for_each_visual_line(size_t line_index, Callback callback) const { auto editor_visible_text_rect = visible_text_rect_in_inner_coordinates(); size_t start_of_line = 0; size_t visual_line_index = 0; auto& line = document().line(line_index); auto& visual_data = m_line_visual_data[line_index]; for (auto visual_line_break : visual_data.visual_line_breaks) { auto visual_line_view = StringView(line.characters() + start_of_line, visual_line_break - start_of_line); Gfx::Rect visual_line_rect { visual_data.visual_rect.x(), visual_data.visual_rect.y() + ((int)visual_line_index * line_height()), font().width(visual_line_view), line_height() }; if (is_right_text_alignment(text_alignment())) visual_line_rect.set_right_without_resize(editor_visible_text_rect.right()); if (!is_multi_line()) visual_line_rect.center_vertically_within(editor_visible_text_rect); if (callback(visual_line_rect, visual_line_view, start_of_line) == IterationDecision::Break) break; start_of_line = visual_line_break; ++visual_line_index; } } void TextEditor::set_line_wrapping_enabled(bool enabled) { if (m_line_wrapping_enabled == enabled) return; m_line_wrapping_enabled = enabled; horizontal_scrollbar().set_visible(!m_line_wrapping_enabled); update_content_size(); recompute_all_visual_lines(); update(); } void TextEditor::add_custom_context_menu_action(Action& action) { m_custom_context_menu_actions.append(action); } void TextEditor::did_change_font() { vertical_scrollbar().set_step(line_height()); recompute_all_visual_lines(); update(); Widget::did_change_font(); } void TextEditor::document_did_append_line() { m_line_visual_data.append(make()); recompute_all_visual_lines(); update(); } void TextEditor::document_did_remove_line(size_t line_index) { m_line_visual_data.remove(line_index); recompute_all_visual_lines(); update(); } void TextEditor::document_did_remove_all_lines() { m_line_visual_data.clear(); recompute_all_visual_lines(); update(); } void TextEditor::document_did_insert_line(size_t line_index) { m_line_visual_data.insert(line_index, make()); recompute_all_visual_lines(); update(); } void TextEditor::document_did_change() { did_change(); update(); } void TextEditor::document_did_set_text() { m_line_visual_data.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_document->line_count(); ++i) m_line_visual_data.append(make()); document_did_change(); } void TextEditor::document_did_set_cursor(const TextPosition& position) { set_cursor(position); } void TextEditor::set_document(TextDocument& document) { if (m_document.ptr() == &document) return; if (m_document) m_document->unregister_client(*this); m_document = document; m_line_visual_data.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_document->line_count(); ++i) { m_line_visual_data.append(make()); } m_cursor = { 0, 0 }; if (has_selection()) m_selection.clear(); recompute_all_visual_lines(); update(); m_document->register_client(*this); } void TextEditor::flush_pending_change_notification_if_needed() { if (!m_has_pending_change_notification) return; if (on_change) on_change(); if (m_highlighter) m_highlighter->rehighlight(); m_has_pending_change_notification = false; } void TextEditor::set_syntax_highlighter(OwnPtr highlighter) { if (m_highlighter) m_highlighter->detach(); m_highlighter = move(highlighter); if (m_highlighter) { m_highlighter->attach(*this); m_highlighter->rehighlight(); } } int TextEditor::line_height() const { return font().glyph_height() + m_line_spacing; } int TextEditor::glyph_width() const { return font().glyph_width('x'); } }