/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // FIXME: Move this somewhere else when it's needed (e.g. in the Browser) class ContentDispositionParser { public: ContentDispositionParser(const StringView& value) { GenericLexer lexer(value); lexer.ignore_while(isspace); if (lexer.consume_specific("inline")) { m_kind = Kind::Inline; if (!lexer.is_eof()) m_might_be_wrong = true; return; } if (lexer.consume_specific("attachment")) { m_kind = Kind::Attachment; if (lexer.consume_specific(";")) { lexer.ignore_while(isspace); if (lexer.consume_specific("filename=")) { // RFC 2183: "A short (length <= 78 characters) // parameter value containing only non-`tspecials' characters SHOULD be // represented as a single `token'." // Some people seem to take this as generic advice of "if it doesn't have special characters, // it's safe to specify as a single token" // So let's just be as lenient as possible. if (lexer.next_is('"')) m_filename = lexer.consume_quoted_string(); else m_filename = lexer.consume_until(is_any_of("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?= ")); } else { m_might_be_wrong = true; } } return; } if (lexer.consume_specific("form-data")) { m_kind = Kind::FormData; while (lexer.consume_specific(";")) { lexer.ignore_while(isspace); if (lexer.consume_specific("name=")) { m_name = lexer.consume_quoted_string(); } else if (lexer.consume_specific("filename=")) { if (lexer.next_is('"')) m_filename = lexer.consume_quoted_string(); else m_filename = lexer.consume_until(is_any_of("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?= ")); } else { m_might_be_wrong = true; } } return; } // FIXME: Support 'filename*' m_might_be_wrong = true; } enum class Kind { Inline, Attachment, FormData, }; const StringView& filename() const { return m_filename; } const StringView& name() const { return m_name; } Kind kind() const { return m_kind; } bool might_be_wrong() const { return m_might_be_wrong; } private: StringView m_filename; StringView m_name; Kind m_kind { Kind::Inline }; bool m_might_be_wrong { false }; }; template class ConditionalOutputFileStream final : public OutputFileStream { public: template ConditionalOutputFileStream(ConditionT&& condition, Args... args) : OutputFileStream(args...) , m_condition(condition) { } ~ConditionalOutputFileStream() { if (!m_condition()) return; if (!m_buffer.is_empty()) { OutputFileStream::write(m_buffer); m_buffer.clear(); } } private: size_t write(ReadonlyBytes bytes) override { if (!m_condition()) { write_to_buffer:; if (!m_buffer.try_append(bytes.data(), bytes.size())) return 0; return bytes.size(); } if (!m_buffer.is_empty()) { auto size = OutputFileStream::write(m_buffer); m_buffer = m_buffer.slice(size, m_buffer.size() - size); } if (!m_buffer.is_empty()) goto write_to_buffer; return OutputFileStream::write(bytes); } ConditionT m_condition; ByteBuffer m_buffer; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { const char* url_str = nullptr; bool save_at_provided_name = false; const char* data = nullptr; String method = "GET"; HashMap request_headers; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.set_general_help( "Request a file from an arbitrary URL. This command uses RequestServer, " "and thus supports at least http, https, and gemini."); args_parser.add_option(save_at_provided_name, "Write to a file named as the remote file", nullptr, 'O'); args_parser.add_option(data, "(HTTP only) Send the provided data via an HTTP POST request", "data", 'd', "data"); args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .requires_argument = true, .help_string = "Add a header entry to the request", .long_name = "header", .short_name = 'H', .value_name = "header-value", .accept_value = [&](auto* s) { StringView header { s }; auto split = header.find(':'); if (!split.has_value()) return false; request_headers.set(header.substring_view(0, split.value()), header.substring_view(split.value() + 1)); return true; } }); args_parser.add_positional_argument(url_str, "URL to download from", "url"); args_parser.parse(argc, argv); if (data) { method = "POST"; // FIXME: Content-Type? } URL url(url_str); if (!url.is_valid()) { warnln("'{}' is not a valid URL", url_str); return 1; } Core::EventLoop loop; auto protocol_client = Protocol::RequestClient::construct(); auto request = protocol_client->start_request(method, url, request_headers, data ? StringView { data }.bytes() : ReadonlyBytes {}); if (!request) { warnln("Failed to start request for '{}'", url_str); return 1; } u32 previous_downloaded_size { 0 }; u32 previous_midpoint_downloaded_size { 0 }; timeval prev_time, prev_midpoint_time, current_time, time_diff; static constexpr auto download_speed_rolling_average_time_in_ms = 4000; gettimeofday(&prev_time, nullptr); bool received_actual_headers = false; request->on_progress = [&](Optional maybe_total_size, u32 downloaded_size) { warn("\r\033[2K"); if (maybe_total_size.has_value()) { warn("\033]9;{};{};\033\\", downloaded_size, maybe_total_size.value()); warn("Download progress: {} / {}", human_readable_size(downloaded_size), human_readable_size(maybe_total_size.value())); } else { warn("Download progress: {} / ???", human_readable_size(downloaded_size)); } gettimeofday(¤t_time, nullptr); timersub(¤t_time, &prev_time, &time_diff); auto time_diff_ms = time_diff.tv_sec * 1000 + time_diff.tv_usec / 1000; auto size_diff = downloaded_size - previous_downloaded_size; warn(" at {}/s", human_readable_size(((float)size_diff / (float)time_diff_ms) * 1000)); if (time_diff_ms >= download_speed_rolling_average_time_in_ms) { previous_downloaded_size = previous_midpoint_downloaded_size; prev_time = prev_midpoint_time; } else if (time_diff_ms >= download_speed_rolling_average_time_in_ms / 2) { previous_midpoint_downloaded_size = downloaded_size; prev_midpoint_time = current_time; } }; if (save_at_provided_name) { request->on_headers_received = [&](auto& response_headers, auto status_code) { if (received_actual_headers) return; dbgln("Received headers! response code = {}", status_code.value_or(0)); received_actual_headers = true; // And not trailers! String output_name; if (auto content_disposition = response_headers.get("Content-Disposition"); content_disposition.has_value()) { auto& value = content_disposition.value(); ContentDispositionParser parser(value); output_name = parser.filename(); } if (output_name.is_empty()) output_name = url.path(); LexicalPath path { output_name }; output_name = path.basename(); // The URL didn't have a name component, e.g. 'serenityos.org' if (output_name.is_empty() || output_name == "/") { int i = -1; do { output_name = url.host(); if (i > -1) output_name = String::formatted("{}.{}", output_name, i); ++i; } while (Core::File::exists(output_name)); } if (freopen(output_name.characters(), "w", stdout) == nullptr) { perror("freopen"); loop.quit(1); return; } }; } request->on_finish = [&](bool success, auto) { warn("\033]9;-1;\033\\"); warnln(); if (!success) warnln("Request failed :("); loop.quit(0); }; auto output_stream = ConditionalOutputFileStream { [&] { return save_at_provided_name ? received_actual_headers : true; }, stdout }; request->stream_into(output_stream); dbgln("started request with id {}", request->id()); auto rc = loop.exec(); // FIXME: This shouldn't be needed. fclose(stdout); return rc; }