#include #include Lockable>>& shared_buffers() { static Lockable>>* map; if (!map) map = new Lockable>>; return *map; } void SharedBuffer::sanity_check(const char* what) { LOCKER(shared_buffers().lock()); unsigned found_refs = 0; for (const auto& ref : m_refs) found_refs += ref.count; if (found_refs != m_total_refs) { dbgprintf("%s sanity -- SharedBuffer{%p} id: %d has total refs %d but we found %d\n", what, this, m_shared_buffer_id, m_total_refs, found_refs); for (const auto& ref : m_refs) { dbgprintf(" ref from pid %d: refcnt %d\n", ref.pid, ref.count); } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } } bool SharedBuffer::is_shared_with(pid_t peer_pid) { LOCKER(shared_buffers().lock()); if (m_global) return true; for (auto& ref : m_refs) { if (ref.pid == peer_pid) { return true; } } return false; } void* SharedBuffer::ref_for_process_and_get_address(Process& process) { LOCKER(shared_buffers().lock()); ASSERT(is_shared_with(process.pid())); if (m_global) { bool found = false; for (auto& ref : m_refs) { if (ref.pid == process.pid()) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) m_refs.append(Reference(process.pid())); } for (auto& ref : m_refs) { if (ref.pid == process.pid()) { ref.count++; m_total_refs++; if (ref.region == nullptr) { ref.region = process.allocate_region_with_vmo(VirtualAddress(), size(), m_vmobject, 0, "SharedBuffer", PROT_READ | (m_writable ? PROT_WRITE : 0)); ref.region->set_shared(true); } sanity_check("ref_for_process_and_get_address"); return ref.region->vaddr().as_ptr(); } } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } void SharedBuffer::share_with(pid_t peer_pid) { LOCKER(shared_buffers().lock()); for (auto& ref : m_refs) { if (ref.pid == peer_pid) { // don't increment the reference count yet; let them get_shared_buffer it first. sanity_check("share_with (old ref)"); return; } } m_refs.append(Reference(peer_pid)); sanity_check("share_with (new ref)"); } void SharedBuffer::deref_for_process(Process& process) { LOCKER(shared_buffers().lock()); for (int i = 0; i < m_refs.size(); ++i) { auto& ref = m_refs[i]; if (ref.pid == process.pid()) { ref.count--; m_total_refs--; if (ref.count == 0) { #ifdef SHARED_BUFFER_DEBUG dbgprintf("Releasing shared buffer reference on %d of size %d by PID %d\n", m_shared_buffer_id, size(), process.pid()); #endif process.deallocate_region(*ref.region); m_refs.remove(i); #ifdef SHARED_BUFFER_DEBUG dbgprintf("Released shared buffer reference on %d of size %d by PID %d\n", m_shared_buffer_id, size(), process.pid()); #endif sanity_check("deref_for_process"); destroy_if_unused(); return; } return; } } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } void SharedBuffer::disown(pid_t pid) { LOCKER(shared_buffers().lock()); for (int i = 0; i < m_refs.size(); ++i) { auto& ref = m_refs[i]; if (ref.pid == pid) { #ifdef SHARED_BUFFER_DEBUG dbgprintf("Disowning shared buffer %d of size %d by PID %d\n", m_shared_buffer_id, size(), pid); #endif m_total_refs -= ref.count; m_refs.remove(i); #ifdef SHARED_BUFFER_DEBUG dbgprintf("Disowned shared buffer %d of size %d by PID %d\n", m_shared_buffer_id, size(), pid); #endif destroy_if_unused(); return; } } } void SharedBuffer::destroy_if_unused() { LOCKER(shared_buffers().lock()); sanity_check("destroy_if_unused"); if (m_total_refs == 0) { #ifdef SHARED_BUFFER_DEBUG kprintf("Destroying unused SharedBuffer{%p} id: %d\n", this, m_shared_buffer_id); #endif auto count_before = shared_buffers().resource().size(); shared_buffers().resource().remove(m_shared_buffer_id); ASSERT(count_before != shared_buffers().resource().size()); } } void SharedBuffer::seal() { LOCKER(shared_buffers().lock()); m_writable = false; for (auto& ref : m_refs) { if (ref.region) { ref.region->set_writable(false); MM.remap_region(*ref.region->page_directory(), *ref.region); } } }