#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULT_LINE_COUNT 10 int tail_from_pos(CFile& file, off_t startline, bool want_follow) { if (!file.seek(startline + 1)) return 1; while (true) { const auto& b = file.read(4096); if (b.is_empty()) { if (!want_follow) { break; } else { while (!file.can_read()) { // FIXME: would be nice to have access to can_read_from_fd with an infinite timeout usleep(100); } continue; } } if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, b.data(), b.size()) < 0) return 1; } return 0; } off_t find_seek_pos(CFile& file, int wanted_lines) { // Rather than reading the whole file, start at the end and work backwards, // stopping when we've found the number of lines we want. off_t pos = 0; if (!file.seek(0, CIODevice::SeekMode::FromEndPosition, &pos)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find end of file: %s\n", file.error_string()); return 1; } off_t end = pos; int lines = 0; // FIXME: Reading char-by-char is only OK if CIODevice's read buffer // is smart enough to not read char-by-char. Fix it there, or fix it here :) for (; pos >= 0; pos--) { file.seek(pos); const auto& ch = file.read(1); if (ch.is_empty()) { // Presumably the file got truncated? // Keep trying to read backwards... } else { if (*ch.data() == '\n' && (end - pos) > 1) { lines++; if (lines == wanted_lines) break; } } } return pos; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CArgsParser args_parser("tail"); args_parser.add_arg("f", "follow -- appended data is output as it is written to the file"); args_parser.add_arg("n", "lines", "fetch the specified number of lines"); args_parser.add_required_single_value("file"); CArgsParserResult args = args_parser.parse(argc, argv); Vector values = args.get_single_values(); if (values.size() != 1) { args_parser.print_usage(); return 1; } int line_count = 0; if (args.is_present("n")) { line_count = strtol(args.get("n").characters(), NULL, 10); if (errno == EINVAL) { args_parser.print_usage(); return 1; } } else { line_count = DEFAULT_LINE_COUNT; } auto f = CFile::construct(values[0]); if (!f->open(CIODevice::ReadOnly)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s: %s\n", f->filename().characters(), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } bool flag_follow = args.is_present("f"); auto pos = find_seek_pos(*f, line_count); return tail_from_pos(*f, pos, flag_follow); }