/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Dex♪ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace GUI { static bool s_initialized = false; static Vector s_common_locations; static void initialize_if_needed() { if (s_initialized) return; auto user_config = String::formatted("{}/CommonLocations.json", Core::StandardPaths::config_directory()); if (Core::File::exists(user_config)) { CommonLocationsProvider::load_from_json(user_config); return; } // Fallback : If the user doesn't have custom locations, use some default ones. s_common_locations.append({ "Root", "/" }); s_common_locations.append({ "Home", Core::StandardPaths::home_directory() }); s_common_locations.append({ "Downloads", Core::StandardPaths::downloads_directory() }); s_initialized = true; } void CommonLocationsProvider::load_from_json(String const& json_path) { auto file = Core::File::construct(json_path); if (!file->open(Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly)) { dbgln("Unable to open {}", file->filename()); return; } auto json = JsonValue::from_string(file->read_all()); if (json.is_error()) { dbgln("Common locations file {} is not a valid JSON file.", file->filename()); return; } if (!json.value().is_array()) { dbgln("Common locations file {} should contain a JSON array.", file->filename()); return; } s_common_locations.clear(); auto const& contents = json.value().as_array(); for (size_t i = 0; i < contents.size(); ++i) { auto entry_value = contents.at(i); if (!entry_value.is_object()) continue; auto entry = entry_value.as_object(); auto name = entry.get("name"sv).to_string(); auto path = entry.get("path"sv).to_string(); s_common_locations.append({ name, path }); } s_initialized = true; } Vector const& CommonLocationsProvider::common_locations() { initialize_if_needed(); return s_common_locations; } }