/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Matthew Olsson * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include TEST_ROOT("Userland/Libraries/LibJS/Tests"); TESTJS_PROGRAM_FLAG(test262_parser_tests, "Run test262 parser tests", "test262-parser-tests", 0); TESTJS_GLOBAL_FUNCTION(is_strict_mode, isStrictMode, 0) { return JS::Value(vm.in_strict_mode()); } TESTJS_GLOBAL_FUNCTION(can_parse_source, canParseSource) { auto source = vm.argument(0).to_string(global_object); if (vm.exception()) return {}; auto parser = JS::Parser(JS::Lexer(source)); parser.parse_program(); return JS::Value(!parser.has_errors()); } TESTJS_GLOBAL_FUNCTION(run_queued_promise_jobs, runQueuedPromiseJobs) { vm.run_queued_promise_jobs(); return JS::js_undefined(); } TESTJS_GLOBAL_FUNCTION(get_weak_set_size, getWeakSetSize) { auto* object = vm.argument(0).to_object(global_object); if (!object) return {}; if (!is(object)) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, JS::ErrorType::NotA, "WeakSet"); return {}; } auto* weak_set = static_cast(object); return JS::Value(weak_set->values().size()); } TESTJS_GLOBAL_FUNCTION(get_weak_map_size, getWeakMapSize) { auto* object = vm.argument(0).to_object(global_object); if (!object) return {}; if (!is(object)) { vm.throw_exception(global_object, JS::ErrorType::NotA, "WeakMap"); return {}; } auto* weak_map = static_cast(object); return JS::Value(weak_map->values().size()); } TESTJS_RUN_FILE_FUNCTION(const String& test_file, JS::Interpreter&) { if (!test262_parser_tests) return Test::JS::RunFileHookResult::RunAsNormal; auto start_time = Test::get_time_in_ms(); LexicalPath path(test_file); auto& dirname = path.dirname(); enum { Early, Fail, Pass, ExplicitPass, } expectation { Pass }; if (dirname.ends_with("early")) expectation = Early; else if (dirname.ends_with("fail")) expectation = Fail; else if (dirname.ends_with("pass-explicit")) expectation = ExplicitPass; else if (dirname.ends_with("pass")) expectation = Pass; else return Test::JS::RunFileHookResult::SkipFile; auto parse_result = Test::JS::parse_file(test_file); bool test_passed = true; String message; String expectation_string; switch (expectation) { case Early: case Fail: expectation_string = "File should not parse"; test_passed = parse_result.is_error(); if (!test_passed) message = "Expected the file to fail parsing, but it did not"; break; case Pass: case ExplicitPass: expectation_string = "File should parse"; test_passed = !parse_result.is_error(); if (!test_passed) message = "Expected the file to parse, but it did not"; break; } auto test_result = test_passed ? Test::Result::Pass : Test::Result::Fail; return Test::JS::JSFileResult { LexicalPath::relative_path(test_file, Test::JS::g_test_root), {}, Test::get_time_in_ms() - start_time, test_result, { Test::Suite { "Parse file", test_result, { { expectation_string, test_result, message } } } } }; }