/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include namespace { constexpr u32 ctrl(char c) { return c & 0x3f; } } namespace Line { void KeyCallbackMachine::register_key_input_callback(Vector keys, Function callback) { m_key_callbacks.set(keys, make(move(callback))); } void KeyCallbackMachine::key_pressed(Editor& editor, Key key) { dbgln_if(CALLBACK_MACHINE_DEBUG, "Key<{}, {}> pressed, seq_length={}, {} things in the matching vector", key.key, key.modifiers, m_sequence_length, m_current_matching_keys.size()); if (m_sequence_length == 0) { VERIFY(m_current_matching_keys.is_empty()); for (auto& it : m_key_callbacks) { if (it.key.first() == key) m_current_matching_keys.append(it.key); } if (m_current_matching_keys.is_empty()) { m_should_process_this_key = true; return; } } ++m_sequence_length; Vector> old_macthing_keys; swap(m_current_matching_keys, old_macthing_keys); for (auto& okey : old_macthing_keys) { if (okey.size() < m_sequence_length) continue; if (okey[m_sequence_length - 1] == key) m_current_matching_keys.append(okey); } if (m_current_matching_keys.is_empty()) { // Insert any keys that were captured if (!old_macthing_keys.is_empty()) { auto& keys = old_macthing_keys.first(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_sequence_length - 1; ++i) editor.insert(keys[i].key); } m_sequence_length = 0; m_should_process_this_key = true; return; } if constexpr (CALLBACK_MACHINE_DEBUG) { dbgln("seq_length={}, matching vector:", m_sequence_length); for (auto& key : m_current_matching_keys) { for (auto& k : key) dbgln(" {}, {}", k.key, k.modifiers); dbgln(""); } } m_should_process_this_key = false; for (auto& key : m_current_matching_keys) { if (key.size() == m_sequence_length) { m_should_process_this_key = m_key_callbacks.get(key).value()->callback(editor); m_sequence_length = 0; m_current_matching_keys.clear(); return; } } } void KeyCallbackMachine::interrupted(Editor& editor) { m_sequence_length = 0; m_current_matching_keys.clear(); if (auto callback = m_key_callbacks.get({ ctrl('C') }); callback.has_value()) m_should_process_this_key = callback.value()->callback(editor); else m_should_process_this_key = true; } }