/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::Layout { FormattingContext::FormattingContext(Type type, FormattingState& state, Box const& context_box, FormattingContext* parent) : m_type(type) , m_parent(parent) , m_context_box(context_box) , m_state(state) { } FormattingContext::~FormattingContext() { } bool FormattingContext::creates_block_formatting_context(const Box& box) { if (box.is_root_element()) return true; if (box.is_floating()) return true; if (box.is_absolutely_positioned()) return true; if (box.is_inline_block()) return true; if (is(box)) return true; CSS::Overflow overflow_x = box.computed_values().overflow_x(); if ((overflow_x != CSS::Overflow::Visible) && (overflow_x != CSS::Overflow::Clip)) return true; CSS::Overflow overflow_y = box.computed_values().overflow_y(); if ((overflow_y != CSS::Overflow::Visible) && (overflow_y != CSS::Overflow::Clip)) return true; auto display = box.computed_values().display(); if (display.is_flow_root_inside()) return true; if (box.parent()) { auto parent_display = box.parent()->computed_values().display(); if (parent_display.is_flex_inside()) { // FIXME: Flex items (direct children of the element with display: flex or inline-flex) if they are neither flex nor grid nor table containers themselves. if (!display.is_flex_inside()) return true; } } // FIXME: table-caption // FIXME: anonymous table cells // FIXME: Elements with contain: layout, content, or paint. // FIXME: grid // FIXME: multicol // FIXME: column-span: all return false; } OwnPtr FormattingContext::create_independent_formatting_context_if_needed(FormattingState& state, Box const& child_box) { if (!child_box.can_have_children()) return {}; auto child_display = child_box.computed_values().display(); if (is(child_box)) return make(state, child_box, this); if (child_display.is_flex_inside()) return make(state, child_box, this); if (creates_block_formatting_context(child_box)) return make(state, verify_cast(child_box), this); if (child_display.is_table_inside()) return make(state, verify_cast(child_box), this); VERIFY(is_block_formatting_context()); if (child_box.children_are_inline()) return make(state, verify_cast(child_box), static_cast(*this)); // The child box is a block container that doesn't create its own BFC. // It will be formatted by this BFC. if (!child_display.is_flow_inside()) { dbgln("FIXME: Child box doesn't create BFC, but inside is also not flow! display={}", child_display.to_string()); // HACK: Instead of crashing, create a dummy formatting context that does nothing. // FIXME: Remove this once it's no longer needed. It currently swallows problem with standalone // table-related boxes that don't get fixed up by CSS anonymous table box generation. struct DummyFormattingContext : public FormattingContext { DummyFormattingContext(FormattingState& state, Box const& box) : FormattingContext(Type::Block, state, box) { } virtual void run(Box const&, LayoutMode) override { } }; return make(state, child_box); } VERIFY(child_box.is_block_container()); VERIFY(child_display.is_flow_inside()); return {}; } OwnPtr FormattingContext::layout_inside(Box const& child_box, LayoutMode layout_mode) { if (!child_box.can_have_children()) return {}; auto independent_formatting_context = create_independent_formatting_context_if_needed(m_state, child_box); if (independent_formatting_context) independent_formatting_context->run(child_box, layout_mode); else run(child_box, layout_mode); return independent_formatting_context; } static float greatest_child_width(FormattingState const& state, Box const& box) { float max_width = 0; if (box.children_are_inline()) { for (auto& child : state.get(verify_cast(box)).line_boxes) { max_width = max(max_width, child.width()); } } else { box.for_each_child_of_type([&](auto& child) { max_width = max(max_width, state.get(child).border_box_width()); }); } return max_width; } FormattingContext::ShrinkToFitResult FormattingContext::calculate_shrink_to_fit_widths(Box const& box) { // Calculate the preferred width by formatting the content without breaking lines // other than where explicit line breaks occur. (void)layout_inside(box, LayoutMode::OnlyRequiredLineBreaks); float preferred_width = greatest_child_width(m_state, box); // Also calculate the preferred minimum width, e.g., by trying all possible line breaks. // CSS 2.2 does not define the exact algorithm. (void)layout_inside(box, LayoutMode::AllPossibleLineBreaks); float preferred_minimum_width = greatest_child_width(m_state, box); return { preferred_width, preferred_minimum_width }; } static Gfx::FloatSize solve_replaced_size_constraint(FormattingState const& state, float w, float h, ReplacedBox const& box) { // 10.4 Minimum and maximum widths: 'min-width' and 'max-width' auto const& containing_block = *box.containing_block(); auto const& containing_block_state = state.get(containing_block); auto width_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_width); auto height_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_height); auto specified_min_width = box.computed_values().min_width().has_value() ? box.computed_values().min_width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box) : 0; auto specified_max_width = box.computed_values().max_width().has_value() ? box.computed_values().max_width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box) : w; auto specified_min_height = box.computed_values().min_height().has_value() ? box.computed_values().min_height()->resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).to_px(box) : 0; auto specified_max_height = box.computed_values().max_height().has_value() ? box.computed_values().max_height()->resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).to_px(box) : h; auto min_width = min(specified_min_width, specified_max_width); auto max_width = max(specified_min_width, specified_max_width); auto min_height = min(specified_min_height, specified_max_height); auto max_height = max(specified_min_height, specified_max_height); if (w > max_width) return { w, max(max_width * h / w, min_height) }; if (w < min_width) return { max_width, min(min_width * h / w, max_height) }; if (h > max_height) return { max(max_height * w / h, min_width), max_height }; if (h < min_height) return { min(min_height * w / h, max_width), min_height }; if ((w > max_width && h > max_height) && (max_width / w < max_height / h)) return { max_width, max(min_height, max_width * h / w) }; if ((w > max_width && h > max_height) && (max_width / w > max_height / h)) return { max(min_width, max_height * w / h), max_height }; if ((w < min_width && h < min_height) && (min_width / w < min_height / h)) return { min(max_width, min_height * w / h), min_height }; if ((w < min_width && h < min_height) && (min_width / w > min_height / h)) return { min_width, min(max_height, min_width * h / w) }; if (w < min_width && h > max_height) return { min_width, max_height }; if (w > max_width && h < min_height) return { max_width, min_height }; return { w, h }; } float FormattingContext::compute_auto_height_for_block_level_element(FormattingState const& state, Box const& box) { if (creates_block_formatting_context(box)) return compute_auto_height_for_block_formatting_context_root(state, verify_cast(box)); auto const& box_state = state.get(box); // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#normal-block // 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible' // The element's height is the distance from its top content edge to the first applicable of the following: // 1. the bottom edge of the last line box, if the box establishes a inline formatting context with one or more lines if (box.children_are_inline() && !box_state.line_boxes.is_empty()) { // Find the top content edge (if negative). float top_content_edge = 0; for (auto const& fragment : box_state.line_boxes.first().fragments()) { float fragment_top_content_edge = fragment.offset().y() - fragment.border_box_top(); if (fragment_top_content_edge < top_content_edge) top_content_edge = fragment_top_content_edge; } return box_state.line_boxes.last().bottom() - top_content_edge; } // 2. the bottom edge of the bottom (possibly collapsed) margin of its last in-flow child, if the child's bottom margin does not collapse with the element's bottom margin // FIXME: 3. the bottom border edge of the last in-flow child whose top margin doesn't collapse with the element's bottom margin if (!box.children_are_inline()) { Optional top; Optional bottom; box.for_each_child_of_type([&](Layout::Box& child_box) { if (child_box.is_absolutely_positioned() || child_box.is_floating()) return; // FIXME: Handle margin collapsing. auto const& child_box_state = state.get(child_box); float child_box_top = child_box_state.offset.y() - child_box_state.border_box_top(); float child_box_bottom = child_box_state.offset.y() + child_box_state.content_height + child_box_state.margin_box_bottom(); if (!top.has_value() || child_box_top < top.value()) top = child_box_top; if (!bottom.has_value() || child_box_bottom > bottom.value()) bottom = child_box_bottom; }); return bottom.value_or(0) - top.value_or(0); } // 4. zero, otherwise return 0; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#root-height float FormattingContext::compute_auto_height_for_block_formatting_context_root(FormattingState const& state, BlockContainer const& root) { // 10.6.7 'Auto' heights for block formatting context roots Optional top; Optional bottom; if (root.children_are_inline()) { // If it only has inline-level children, the height is the distance between // the top content edge and the bottom of the bottommost line box. auto const& line_boxes = state.get(root).line_boxes; top = 0; if (!line_boxes.is_empty()) { // Find the top edge (if negative). for (auto const& fragment : line_boxes.first().fragments()) { float fragment_top_content_edge = fragment.offset().y(); if (!top.has_value() || fragment_top_content_edge < *top) top = fragment_top_content_edge; } // Find the bottom edge. bottom = line_boxes.last().bottom(); } } else { // If it has block-level children, the height is the distance between // the top margin-edge of the topmost block-level child box // and the bottom margin-edge of the bottommost block-level child box. root.for_each_child_of_type([&](Layout::Box& child_box) { // Absolutely positioned children are ignored, // and relatively positioned boxes are considered without their offset. // Note that the child box may be an anonymous block box. if (child_box.is_absolutely_positioned()) return IterationDecision::Continue; // FIXME: This doesn't look right. if ((root.computed_values().overflow_y() == CSS::Overflow::Visible) && child_box.is_floating()) return IterationDecision::Continue; auto const& child_box_state = state.get(child_box); float child_box_top = child_box_state.offset.y() - child_box_state.margin_box_top(); float child_box_bottom = child_box_state.offset.y() + child_box_state.content_height + child_box_state.margin_box_bottom(); if (!top.has_value() || child_box_top < top.value()) top = child_box_top; if (!bottom.has_value() || child_box_bottom > bottom.value()) bottom = child_box_bottom; return IterationDecision::Continue; }); // In addition, if the element has any floating descendants // whose bottom margin edge is below the element's bottom content edge, // then the height is increased to include those edges. root.for_each_child_of_type([&](Layout::Box& child_box) { if (!child_box.is_floating()) return IterationDecision::Continue; auto const& child_box_state = state.get(child_box); float child_box_bottom = child_box_state.offset.y() + child_box_state.content_height + child_box_state.margin_box_bottom(); if (!bottom.has_value() || child_box_bottom > bottom.value()) bottom = child_box_bottom; return IterationDecision::Continue; }); } return bottom.value_or(0) - top.value_or(0); } // 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements, https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#inline-replaced-width float FormattingContext::tentative_width_for_replaced_element(FormattingState const& state, ReplacedBox const& box, CSS::Length const& computed_width) { auto const& containing_block = *box.containing_block(); auto height_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(state.get(containing_block).content_height); auto computed_height = box.computed_values().height().has_value() ? box.computed_values().height()->resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); float used_width = computed_width.to_px(box); // If 'height' and 'width' both have computed values of 'auto' and the element also has an intrinsic width, // then that intrinsic width is the used value of 'width'. if (computed_height.is_auto() && computed_width.is_auto() && box.has_intrinsic_width()) return box.intrinsic_width().value(); // If 'height' and 'width' both have computed values of 'auto' and the element has no intrinsic width, // but does have an intrinsic height and intrinsic ratio; // or if 'width' has a computed value of 'auto', // 'height' has some other computed value, and the element does have an intrinsic ratio; then the used value of 'width' is: // // (used height) * (intrinsic ratio) if ((computed_height.is_auto() && computed_width.is_auto() && !box.has_intrinsic_width() && box.has_intrinsic_height() && box.has_intrinsic_aspect_ratio()) || (computed_width.is_auto() && box.has_intrinsic_aspect_ratio())) { return compute_height_for_replaced_element(state, box) * box.intrinsic_aspect_ratio().value(); } // If 'height' and 'width' both have computed values of 'auto' and the element has an intrinsic ratio but no intrinsic height or width, // then the used value of 'width' is undefined in CSS 2.2. However, it is suggested that, if the containing block's width does not itself // depend on the replaced element's width, then the used value of 'width' is calculated from the constraint equation used for block-level, // non-replaced elements in normal flow. // Otherwise, if 'width' has a computed value of 'auto', and the element has an intrinsic width, then that intrinsic width is the used value of 'width'. if (computed_width.is_auto() && box.has_intrinsic_width()) return box.intrinsic_width().value(); // Otherwise, if 'width' has a computed value of 'auto', but none of the conditions above are met, then the used value of 'width' becomes 300px. // If 300px is too wide to fit the device, UAs should use the width of the largest rectangle that has a 2:1 ratio and fits the device instead. if (computed_width.is_auto()) return 300; return used_width; } void FormattingContext::compute_width_for_absolutely_positioned_element(Box const& box) { if (is(box)) compute_width_for_absolutely_positioned_replaced_element(verify_cast(box)); else compute_width_for_absolutely_positioned_non_replaced_element(box); } void FormattingContext::compute_height_for_absolutely_positioned_element(Box const& box) { if (is(box)) compute_height_for_absolutely_positioned_replaced_element(verify_cast(box)); else compute_height_for_absolutely_positioned_non_replaced_element(box); } float FormattingContext::compute_width_for_replaced_element(FormattingState const& state, ReplacedBox const& box) { // 10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow... // 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements auto zero_value = CSS::Length::make_px(0); auto const& containing_block = *box.containing_block(); auto width_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(state.get(containing_block).content_width); auto margin_left = box.computed_values().margin().left.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box); auto margin_right = box.computed_values().margin().right.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box); // A computed value of 'auto' for 'margin-left' or 'margin-right' becomes a used value of '0'. if (margin_left.is_auto()) margin_left = zero_value; if (margin_right.is_auto()) margin_right = zero_value; auto specified_width = box.computed_values().width().has_value() ? box.computed_values().width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); // 1. The tentative used width is calculated (without 'min-width' and 'max-width') auto used_width = tentative_width_for_replaced_element(state, box, specified_width); // 2. The tentative used width is greater than 'max-width', the rules above are applied again, // but this time using the computed value of 'max-width' as the computed value for 'width'. auto specified_max_width = box.computed_values().max_width().has_value() ? box.computed_values().max_width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); if (!specified_max_width.is_auto()) { if (used_width > specified_max_width.to_px(box)) { used_width = tentative_width_for_replaced_element(state, box, specified_max_width); } } // 3. If the resulting width is smaller than 'min-width', the rules above are applied again, // but this time using the value of 'min-width' as the computed value for 'width'. auto specified_min_width = box.computed_values().min_width().has_value() ? box.computed_values().min_width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); if (!specified_min_width.is_auto()) { if (used_width < specified_min_width.to_px(box)) { used_width = tentative_width_for_replaced_element(state, box, specified_min_width); } } return used_width; } // 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow, 'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#inline-replaced-height float FormattingContext::tentative_height_for_replaced_element(FormattingState const& state, ReplacedBox const& box, CSS::Length const& computed_height) { auto const& containing_block = *box.containing_block(); auto width_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(state.get(containing_block).content_width); auto computed_width = box.computed_values().width().has_value() ? box.computed_values().width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); // If 'height' and 'width' both have computed values of 'auto' and the element also has // an intrinsic height, then that intrinsic height is the used value of 'height'. if (computed_width.is_auto() && computed_height.is_auto() && box.has_intrinsic_height()) return box.intrinsic_height().value(); // Otherwise, if 'height' has a computed value of 'auto', and the element has an intrinsic ratio then the used value of 'height' is: // // (used width) / (intrinsic ratio) if (computed_height.is_auto() && box.has_intrinsic_aspect_ratio()) return compute_width_for_replaced_element(state, box) / box.intrinsic_aspect_ratio().value(); // Otherwise, if 'height' has a computed value of 'auto', and the element has an intrinsic height, then that intrinsic height is the used value of 'height'. if (computed_height.is_auto() && box.has_intrinsic_height()) return box.intrinsic_height().value(); // Otherwise, if 'height' has a computed value of 'auto', but none of the conditions above are met, // then the used value of 'height' must be set to the height of the largest rectangle that has a 2:1 ratio, has a height not greater than 150px, // and has a width not greater than the device width. if (computed_height.is_auto()) return 150; return computed_height.to_px(box); } float FormattingContext::compute_height_for_replaced_element(FormattingState const& state, ReplacedBox const& box) { // 10.6.2 Inline replaced elements, block-level replaced elements in normal flow, // 'inline-block' replaced elements in normal flow and floating replaced elements auto const& containing_block = *box.containing_block(); auto const& containing_block_state = state.get(containing_block); auto width_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_width); auto height_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_height); auto specified_width = box.computed_values().width().has_value() ? box.computed_values().width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); auto specified_height = box.computed_values().height().has_value() ? box.computed_values().height()->resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); float used_height = tentative_height_for_replaced_element(state, box, specified_height); if (specified_width.is_auto() && specified_height.is_auto() && box.has_intrinsic_aspect_ratio()) { float w = tentative_width_for_replaced_element(state, box, specified_width); float h = used_height; used_height = solve_replaced_size_constraint(state, w, h, box).height(); } return used_height; } void FormattingContext::compute_width_for_absolutely_positioned_non_replaced_element(Box const& box) { auto& containing_block_state = m_state.get(*box.containing_block()); auto& box_state = m_state.get_mutable(box); auto width_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_width); auto& computed_values = box.computed_values(); auto zero_value = CSS::Length::make_px(0); auto margin_left = CSS::Length::make_auto(); auto margin_right = CSS::Length::make_auto(); const auto border_left = computed_values.border_left().width; const auto border_right = computed_values.border_right().width; const auto padding_left = computed_values.padding().left.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); const auto padding_right = computed_values.padding().right.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); auto try_compute_width = [&](const auto& a_width) { margin_left = computed_values.margin().left.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box); margin_right = computed_values.margin().right.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box); auto left = computed_values.offset().left.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box); auto right = computed_values.offset().right.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box); auto width = a_width; auto solve_for_left = [&] { return CSS::Length(containing_block_state.content_width - margin_left.to_px(box) - border_left - padding_left - width.to_px(box) - padding_right - border_right - margin_right.to_px(box) - right.to_px(box), CSS::Length::Type::Px); }; auto solve_for_width = [&] { return CSS::Length(containing_block_state.content_width - left.to_px(box) - margin_left.to_px(box) - border_left - padding_left - padding_right - border_right - margin_right.to_px(box) - right.to_px(box), CSS::Length::Type::Px); }; auto solve_for_right = [&] { return CSS::Length(containing_block_state.content_width - left.to_px(box) - margin_left.to_px(box) - border_left - padding_left - width.to_px(box) - padding_right - border_right - margin_right.to_px(box), CSS::Length::Type::Px); }; // If all three of 'left', 'width', and 'right' are 'auto': if (left.is_auto() && width.is_auto() && right.is_auto()) { // First set any 'auto' values for 'margin-left' and 'margin-right' to 0. if (margin_left.is_auto()) margin_left = CSS::Length::make_px(0); if (margin_right.is_auto()) margin_right = CSS::Length::make_px(0); // Then, if the 'direction' property of the element establishing the static-position containing block // is 'ltr' set 'left' to the static position and apply rule number three below; // otherwise, set 'right' to the static position and apply rule number one below. // FIXME: This is very hackish. left = CSS::Length::make_px(0); goto Rule3; } if (!left.is_auto() && !width.is_auto() && !right.is_auto()) { // FIXME: This should be solved in a more complicated way. return width; } if (margin_left.is_auto()) margin_left = CSS::Length::make_px(0); if (margin_right.is_auto()) margin_right = CSS::Length::make_px(0); // 1. 'left' and 'width' are 'auto' and 'right' is not 'auto', // then the width is shrink-to-fit. Then solve for 'left' if (left.is_auto() && width.is_auto() && !right.is_auto()) { auto result = calculate_shrink_to_fit_widths(box); solve_for_left(); auto available_width = solve_for_width(); width = CSS::Length(min(max(result.preferred_minimum_width, available_width.to_px(box)), result.preferred_width), CSS::Length::Type::Px); } // 2. 'left' and 'right' are 'auto' and 'width' is not 'auto', // then if the 'direction' property of the element establishing // the static-position containing block is 'ltr' set 'left' // to the static position, otherwise set 'right' to the static position. // Then solve for 'left' (if 'direction is 'rtl') or 'right' (if 'direction' is 'ltr'). else if (left.is_auto() && right.is_auto() && !width.is_auto()) { // FIXME: Check direction // FIXME: Use the static-position containing block left = zero_value; right = solve_for_right(); } // 3. 'width' and 'right' are 'auto' and 'left' is not 'auto', // then the width is shrink-to-fit. Then solve for 'right' else if (width.is_auto() && right.is_auto() && !left.is_auto()) { Rule3: auto result = calculate_shrink_to_fit_widths(box); auto available_width = solve_for_width(); width = CSS::Length(min(max(result.preferred_minimum_width, available_width.to_px(box)), result.preferred_width), CSS::Length::Type::Px); right = solve_for_right(); } // 4. 'left' is 'auto', 'width' and 'right' are not 'auto', then solve for 'left' else if (left.is_auto() && !width.is_auto() && !right.is_auto()) { left = solve_for_left(); } // 5. 'width' is 'auto', 'left' and 'right' are not 'auto', then solve for 'width' else if (width.is_auto() && !left.is_auto() && !right.is_auto()) { width = solve_for_width(); } // 6. 'right' is 'auto', 'left' and 'width' are not 'auto', then solve for 'right' else if (right.is_auto() && !left.is_auto() && !width.is_auto()) { right = solve_for_right(); } return width; }; auto specified_width = computed_values.width().has_value() ? computed_values.width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); // 1. The tentative used width is calculated (without 'min-width' and 'max-width') auto used_width = try_compute_width(specified_width); // 2. The tentative used width is greater than 'max-width', the rules above are applied again, // but this time using the computed value of 'max-width' as the computed value for 'width'. auto specified_max_width = computed_values.max_width().has_value() ? computed_values.max_width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); if (!specified_max_width.is_auto()) { if (used_width.to_px(box) > specified_max_width.to_px(box)) { used_width = try_compute_width(specified_max_width); } } // 3. If the resulting width is smaller than 'min-width', the rules above are applied again, // but this time using the value of 'min-width' as the computed value for 'width'. auto specified_min_width = computed_values.min_width().has_value() ? computed_values.min_width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); if (!specified_min_width.is_auto()) { if (used_width.to_px(box) < specified_min_width.to_px(box)) { used_width = try_compute_width(specified_min_width); } } box_state.content_width = used_width.to_px(box); box_state.margin_left = margin_left.to_px(box); box_state.margin_right = margin_right.to_px(box); box_state.border_left = border_left; box_state.border_right = border_right; box_state.padding_left = padding_left; box_state.padding_right = padding_right; } void FormattingContext::compute_width_for_absolutely_positioned_replaced_element(ReplacedBox const& box) { // 10.3.8 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements // The used value of 'width' is determined as for inline replaced elements. // FIXME: This const_cast is gross. const_cast(box).prepare_for_replaced_layout(); m_state.get_mutable(box).content_width = compute_width_for_replaced_element(m_state, box); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS22/visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-height void FormattingContext::compute_height_for_absolutely_positioned_non_replaced_element(Box const& box) { // 10.6.4 Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements // FIXME: The section below is partly on-spec, partly ad-hoc. auto& computed_values = box.computed_values(); auto const& containing_block = *box.containing_block(); auto const& containing_block_state = m_state.get(containing_block); auto& box_state = m_state.get_mutable(box); auto width_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_width); auto height_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_height); CSS::Length specified_top = computed_values.offset().top.resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).resolved(box); CSS::Length specified_bottom = computed_values.offset().bottom.resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).resolved(box); CSS::Length specified_height = CSS::Length::make_auto(); if (computed_values.height().has_value() && computed_values.height()->is_percentage() && !(containing_block.computed_values().height().has_value() && containing_block.computed_values().height()->is_length() && containing_block.computed_values().height()->length().is_absolute())) { // specified_height is already auto } else { specified_height = computed_values.height().has_value() ? computed_values.height()->resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); } auto specified_max_height = computed_values.max_height().has_value() ? computed_values.max_height()->resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); auto specified_min_height = computed_values.min_height().has_value() ? computed_values.min_height()->resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); box_state.margin_top = computed_values.margin().top.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.margin_bottom = computed_values.margin().bottom.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.border_top = computed_values.border_top().width; box_state.border_bottom = computed_values.border_bottom().width; box_state.padding_top = computed_values.padding().top.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.padding_bottom = computed_values.padding().bottom.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); if (specified_height.is_auto() && specified_top.is_auto() && specified_bottom.is_auto()) { specified_height = CSS::Length(compute_auto_height_for_block_level_element(m_state, box), CSS::Length::Type::Px); } else if (specified_height.is_auto() && !specified_top.is_auto() && specified_bottom.is_auto()) { specified_height = CSS::Length(compute_auto_height_for_block_level_element(m_state, box), CSS::Length::Type::Px); box_state.offset_bottom = containing_block_state.content_height - specified_height.to_px(box) - specified_top.to_px(box) - box_state.margin_top - box_state.padding_top - box_state.border_top - box_state.margin_bottom - box_state.padding_bottom - box_state.border_bottom; } else if (specified_height.is_auto() && !specified_top.is_auto() && !specified_bottom.is_auto()) { specified_height = CSS::Length(containing_block_state.content_height - specified_top.to_px(box) - box_state.margin_top - box_state.padding_top - box_state.border_top - specified_bottom.to_px(box) - box_state.margin_bottom - box_state.padding_bottom - box_state.border_bottom, CSS::Length::Type::Px); } if (!specified_height.is_auto()) { float used_height = specified_height.to_px(box); if (!specified_max_height.is_auto()) used_height = min(used_height, specified_max_height.to_px(box)); if (!specified_min_height.is_auto()) used_height = max(used_height, specified_min_height.to_px(box)); box_state.content_height = used_height; } } void FormattingContext::layout_absolutely_positioned_element(Box const& box) { auto const& containing_block_state = m_state.get(*box.containing_block()); auto width_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_width); auto height_of_containing_block = CSS::Length::make_px(containing_block_state.content_height); auto& box_state = m_state.get_mutable(box); auto specified_width = box.computed_values().width().has_value() ? box.computed_values().width()->resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).resolved(box) : CSS::Length::make_auto(); compute_width_for_absolutely_positioned_element(box); auto independent_formatting_context = layout_inside(box, LayoutMode::Default); compute_height_for_absolutely_positioned_element(box); box_state.margin_left = box.computed_values().margin().left.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.margin_top = box.computed_values().margin().top.resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.margin_right = box.computed_values().margin().right.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.margin_bottom = box.computed_values().margin().bottom.resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.border_left = box.computed_values().border_left().width; box_state.border_right = box.computed_values().border_right().width; box_state.border_top = box.computed_values().border_top().width; box_state.border_bottom = box.computed_values().border_bottom().width; box_state.offset_left = box.computed_values().offset().left.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.offset_top = box.computed_values().offset().top.resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.offset_right = box.computed_values().offset().right.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block).to_px(box); box_state.offset_bottom = box.computed_values().offset().bottom.resolved(box, height_of_containing_block).to_px(box); auto is_auto = [](auto const& length_percentage) { return length_percentage.is_length() && length_percentage.length().is_auto(); }; if (is_auto(box.computed_values().offset().left) && specified_width.is_auto() && is_auto(box.computed_values().offset().right)) { if (is_auto(box.computed_values().margin().left)) box_state.margin_left = 0; if (is_auto(box.computed_values().margin().right)) box_state.margin_right = 0; } Gfx::FloatPoint used_offset; if (!is_auto(box.computed_values().offset().left)) { float x_offset = box_state.offset_left + box_state.border_box_left(); used_offset.set_x(x_offset + box_state.margin_left); } else if (!is_auto(box.computed_values().offset().right)) { float x_offset = 0 - box_state.offset_right - box_state.border_box_right(); used_offset.set_x(containing_block_state.content_width + x_offset - box_state.content_width - box_state.margin_right); } else { float x_offset = box_state.margin_box_left(); used_offset.set_x(x_offset); } if (!is_auto(box.computed_values().offset().top)) { float y_offset = box_state.offset_top + box_state.border_box_top(); used_offset.set_y(y_offset + box_state.margin_top); } else if (!is_auto(box.computed_values().offset().bottom)) { float y_offset = 0 - box_state.offset_bottom - box_state.border_box_bottom(); used_offset.set_y(containing_block_state.content_height + y_offset - box_state.content_height - box_state.margin_bottom); } else { float y_offset = box_state.margin_box_top(); used_offset.set_y(y_offset); } box_state.offset = used_offset; if (independent_formatting_context) independent_formatting_context->parent_context_did_dimension_child_root_box(); } void FormattingContext::compute_height_for_absolutely_positioned_replaced_element(ReplacedBox const& box) { // 10.6.5 Absolutely positioned, replaced elements // The used value of 'height' is determined as for inline replaced elements. m_state.get_mutable(box).content_height = compute_height_for_replaced_element(m_state, box); } void FormattingContext::compute_position(Box const& box) { // 9.4.3 Relative positioning // Once a box has been laid out according to the normal flow or floated, it may be shifted relative to this position. if (box.computed_values().position() != CSS::Position::Relative) return; auto& box_state = m_state.get_mutable(box); auto const& computed_values = box.computed_values(); float width_of_containing_block = m_state.get(*box.containing_block()).content_width; auto width_of_containing_block_as_length = CSS::Length::make_px(width_of_containing_block); auto specified_left = computed_values.offset().left.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block_as_length).resolved(box); auto specified_right = computed_values.offset().right.resolved(box, width_of_containing_block_as_length).resolved(box); if (specified_left.is_auto() && specified_right.is_auto()) { // If both 'left' and 'right' are 'auto' (their initial values), the used values are '0' (i.e., the boxes stay in their original position). box_state.offset_left = 0; box_state.offset_right = 0; } else if (specified_left.is_auto()) { // If 'left' is 'auto', its used value is minus the value of 'right' (i.e., the boxes move to the left by the value of 'right'). box_state.offset_right = specified_right.to_px(box); box_state.offset_left = 0 - box_state.offset_right; } else if (specified_right.is_auto()) { // If 'right' is specified as 'auto', its used value is minus the value of 'left'. box_state.offset_left = specified_left.to_px(box); box_state.offset_right = 0 - box_state.offset_left; } else { // If neither 'left' nor 'right' is 'auto', the position is over-constrained, and one of them has to be ignored. // If the 'direction' property of the containing block is 'ltr', the value of 'left' wins and 'right' becomes -'left'. // If 'direction' of the containing block is 'rtl', 'right' wins and 'left' is ignored. // FIXME: Check direction (assuming 'ltr' for now). box_state.offset_left = specified_left.to_px(box); box_state.offset_right = 0 - box_state.offset_left; } } FormattingState::IntrinsicSizes FormattingContext::calculate_intrinsic_sizes(Layout::Box const& box) const { // If we have cached intrinsic sizes for this box, use them. auto it = m_state.intrinsic_sizes.find(&box); if (it != m_state.intrinsic_sizes.end()) return it->value; // Nothing cached, perform two throwaway layouts to determine the intrinsic sizes. // FIXME: This should handle replaced elements with "native" intrinsic size properly! auto& cached_box_sizes = m_state.intrinsic_sizes.ensure(&box); auto const& containing_block = *box.containing_block(); { FormattingState throwaway_state(&m_state); throwaway_state.get_mutable(containing_block).content_width = INFINITY; throwaway_state.get_mutable(containing_block).content_height = INFINITY; auto independent_formatting_context = const_cast(this)->create_independent_formatting_context_if_needed(throwaway_state, box); VERIFY(independent_formatting_context); independent_formatting_context->run(box, LayoutMode::OnlyRequiredLineBreaks); cached_box_sizes.max_content_size.set_width(greatest_child_width(throwaway_state, box)); cached_box_sizes.max_content_size.set_height(BlockFormattingContext::compute_theoretical_height(throwaway_state, box)); } { FormattingState throwaway_state(&m_state); throwaway_state.get_mutable(containing_block).content_width = 0; throwaway_state.get_mutable(containing_block).content_height = 0; auto independent_formatting_context = const_cast(this)->create_independent_formatting_context_if_needed(throwaway_state, box); VERIFY(independent_formatting_context); independent_formatting_context->run(box, LayoutMode::AllPossibleLineBreaks); cached_box_sizes.min_content_size.set_width(greatest_child_width(throwaway_state, box)); cached_box_sizes.min_content_size.set_height(BlockFormattingContext::compute_theoretical_height(throwaway_state, box)); } return cached_box_sizes; } FormattingContext::MinAndMaxContentSize FormattingContext::calculate_min_and_max_content_width(Layout::Box const& box) const { auto const& sizes = calculate_intrinsic_sizes(box); return { sizes.min_content_size.width(), sizes.max_content_size.width() }; } FormattingContext::MinAndMaxContentSize FormattingContext::calculate_min_and_max_content_height(Layout::Box const& box) const { auto const& sizes = calculate_intrinsic_sizes(box); return { sizes.min_content_size.height(), sizes.max_content_size.height() }; } float FormattingContext::calculate_fit_content_size(float min_content_size, float max_content_size, Optional available_space) const { // If the available space in a given axis is definite, equal to clamp(min-content size, stretch-fit size, max-content size) // (i.e. max(min-content size, min(max-content size, stretch-fit size))). if (available_space.has_value()) { // FIXME: Compute the real stretch-fit size. auto stretch_fit_size = *available_space; auto s = max(min_content_size, min(max_content_size, stretch_fit_size)); return s; } // FIXME: When sizing under a min-content constraint, equal to the min-content size. // Otherwise, equal to the max-content size in that axis. return max_content_size; } float FormattingContext::calculate_fit_content_width(Layout::Box const& box, Optional available_space) const { auto [min_content_size, max_content_size] = calculate_min_and_max_content_width(box); return calculate_fit_content_size(min_content_size, max_content_size, available_space); } float FormattingContext::calculate_fit_content_height(Layout::Box const& box, Optional available_space) const { auto [min_content_size, max_content_size] = calculate_min_and_max_content_height(box); return calculate_fit_content_size(min_content_size, max_content_size, available_space); } }