/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Luke Wilde * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::HTML { JS_DEFINE_ALLOCATOR(DOMParser); WebIDL::ExceptionOr> DOMParser::construct_impl(JS::Realm& realm) { return realm.heap().allocate(realm, realm); } DOMParser::DOMParser(JS::Realm& realm) : PlatformObject(realm) { } DOMParser::~DOMParser() = default; void DOMParser::initialize(JS::Realm& realm) { Base::initialize(realm); WEB_SET_PROTOTYPE_FOR_INTERFACE(DOMParser); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dynamic-markup-insertion.html#dom-domparser-parsefromstring JS::NonnullGCPtr DOMParser::parse_from_string(StringView string, Bindings::DOMParserSupportedType type) { // 1. Let document be a new Document, whose content type is type and url is this's relevant global object's associated Document's URL. JS::GCPtr document; // 2. Switch on type: if (type == Bindings::DOMParserSupportedType::Text_Html) { // -> "text/html" // 1. Set document's type to "html". document = HTML::HTMLDocument::create(realm(), verify_cast(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document().url()); document->set_content_type(Bindings::idl_enum_to_string(type)); document->set_document_type(DOM::Document::Type::HTML); // 2. Create an HTML parser parser, associated with document. // 3. Place string into the input stream for parser. The encoding confidence is irrelevant. // FIXME: We don't have the concept of encoding confidence yet. auto parser = HTMLParser::create(*document, string, "UTF-8"sv); // 4. Start parser and let it run until it has consumed all the characters just inserted into the input stream. // FIXME: This is to match the default URL. Instead, pass in this's relevant global object's associated Document's URL. parser->run("about:blank"sv); } else { // -> Otherwise document = DOM::XMLDocument::create(realm(), verify_cast(relevant_global_object(*this)).associated_document().url()); document->set_content_type(Bindings::idl_enum_to_string(type)); document->set_document_type(DOM::Document::Type::XML); // 1. Create an XML parser parse, associated with document, and with XML scripting support disabled. XML::Parser parser(string, { .resolve_external_resource = resolve_xml_resource }); XMLDocumentBuilder builder { *document, XMLScriptingSupport::Disabled }; // 2. Parse string using parser. auto result = parser.parse_with_listener(builder); // 3. If the previous step resulted in an XML well-formedness or XML namespace well-formedness error, then: if (result.is_error() || builder.has_error()) { // NOTE: The XML parsing can produce nodes before it hits an error, just remove them. // 1. Assert: document has no child nodes. document->remove_all_children(true); // 2. Let root be the result of creating an element given document, "parsererror", and "http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/parsererror.xml". auto root = DOM::create_element(*document, "parsererror"_fly_string, "http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/parsererror.xml"_fly_string).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); // FIXME: 3. Optionally, add attributes or children to root to describe the nature of the parsing error. // 4. Append root to document. MUST(document->append_child(*root)); } } // 3. Return document. return *document; } }