/* * Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum class StringOffsetFormat { None = 0, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal }; // NOTE: This is similar to how the cat utility works in the sense of aggregating // data in 32K buffer. static constexpr size_t buffer_read_size = 32768; static bool should_print_characters(Vector const& characters) { for (u8 ch : characters) { if (is_ascii_printable(ch) && !is_ascii_space(ch)) return true; } return false; } static void print_characters(Vector const& characters, StringOffsetFormat string_offset_format, size_t string_offset_position) { switch (string_offset_format) { case StringOffsetFormat::Decimal: out("{:>7d} ", string_offset_position); break; case StringOffsetFormat::Octal: out("{:>7o} ", string_offset_position); break; case StringOffsetFormat::Hexadecimal: out("{:>7x} ", string_offset_position); break; default: break; } outln("{:s}", characters.span()); } static int process_characters_in_span(Vector& characters, ReadonlyBytes span) { int processed_characters = 0; for (u8 ch : span) { ++processed_characters; if (is_ascii_printable(ch) || ch == '\t') characters.append(ch); else break; } return processed_characters; } static ErrorOr process_strings_in_file(StringView path, bool show_paths, StringOffsetFormat string_offset_format, size_t minimum_string_length) { Array buffer; Vector output_characters; auto file = TRY(Core::Stream::File::open_file_or_standard_stream(path, Core::Stream::OpenMode::Read)); size_t processed_characters = 0; size_t string_offset_position = 0; bool did_show_path = false; while (!file->is_eof()) { auto buffer_span = TRY(file->read(buffer)); while (!buffer_span.is_empty()) { string_offset_position += processed_characters; processed_characters = process_characters_in_span(output_characters, buffer_span); if (show_paths && !did_show_path) { outln("path {}:", path); did_show_path = true; } if (output_characters.size() >= minimum_string_length && should_print_characters(output_characters)) { print_characters(output_characters, string_offset_format, string_offset_position); } buffer_span = buffer_span.slice(processed_characters); output_characters.clear(); } } return {}; } ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath")); Vector paths; size_t minimum_string_length = 4; bool show_paths = false; StringOffsetFormat string_offset_format { StringOffsetFormat::None }; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(minimum_string_length, "Specify the minimum string length.", nullptr, 'n', "number"); args_parser.add_option(show_paths, "Display the path for each matched file.", nullptr, 'p'); args_parser.add_option({ Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required, "Write offset relative to start of each file in (d)ec, (o)ct, or he(x) format.", nullptr, 't', "format", [&string_offset_format](char const* s) { StringView value = { s, strlen(s) }; if (value == "d") { string_offset_format = StringOffsetFormat::Decimal; } else if (value == "o") { string_offset_format = StringOffsetFormat::Octal; } else if (value == "x") { string_offset_format = StringOffsetFormat::Hexadecimal; } else { return false; } return true; } }); args_parser.set_general_help("Write the sequences of printable characters in files or pipes to stdout."); args_parser.add_positional_argument(paths, "File path", "path", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(arguments); if (minimum_string_length < 1) { warnln("Invalid minimum string length {}", minimum_string_length); return 1; } if (paths.is_empty()) paths.append("-"sv); for (auto const& path : paths) TRY(process_strings_in_file(path, show_paths, string_offset_format, minimum_string_length)); return 0; }