/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include namespace IPC { struct CoreEventLoopDeferredInvoker final : public DeferredInvoker { virtual ~CoreEventLoopDeferredInvoker() = default; virtual void schedule(Function callback) override { Core::deferred_invoke(move(callback)); } }; ConnectionBase::ConnectionBase(IPC::Stub& local_stub, NonnullOwnPtr socket, u32 local_endpoint_magic) : m_local_stub(local_stub) , m_socket(move(socket)) , m_local_endpoint_magic(local_endpoint_magic) , m_deferred_invoker(make()) { m_responsiveness_timer = Core::Timer::create_single_shot(3000, [this] { may_have_become_unresponsive(); }).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } void ConnectionBase::set_deferred_invoker(NonnullOwnPtr deferred_invoker) { m_deferred_invoker = move(deferred_invoker); } void ConnectionBase::set_fd_passing_socket(NonnullOwnPtr socket) { m_fd_passing_socket = move(socket); } Core::LocalSocket& ConnectionBase::fd_passing_socket() { if (m_fd_passing_socket) return *m_fd_passing_socket; return *m_socket; } ErrorOr ConnectionBase::post_message(Message const& message) { return post_message(TRY(message.encode())); } ErrorOr ConnectionBase::post_message(MessageBuffer buffer) { // NOTE: If this connection is being shut down, but has not yet been destroyed, // the socket will be closed. Don't try to send more messages. if (!m_socket->is_open()) return Error::from_string_literal("Trying to post_message during IPC shutdown"); // Prepend the message size. uint32_t message_size = buffer.data.size(); TRY(buffer.data.try_prepend(reinterpret_cast(&message_size), sizeof(message_size))); for (auto& fd : buffer.fds) { if (auto result = fd_passing_socket().send_fd(fd->value()); result.is_error()) { shutdown_with_error(result.error()); return result; } } ReadonlyBytes bytes_to_write { buffer.data.span() }; int writes_done = 0; size_t initial_size = bytes_to_write.size(); while (!bytes_to_write.is_empty()) { auto maybe_nwritten = m_socket->write_some(bytes_to_write); writes_done++; if (maybe_nwritten.is_error()) { auto error = maybe_nwritten.release_error(); if (error.is_errno()) { // FIXME: This is a hacky way to at least not crash on large messages // The limit of 100 writes is arbitrary, and there to prevent indefinite spinning on the EventLoop if (error.code() == EAGAIN && writes_done < 100) { sched_yield(); continue; } shutdown_with_error(error); switch (error.code()) { case EPIPE: return Error::from_string_literal("IPC::Connection::post_message: Disconnected from peer"); case EAGAIN: return Error::from_string_literal("IPC::Connection::post_message: Peer buffer overflowed"); default: return Error::from_syscall("IPC::Connection::post_message write"sv, -error.code()); } } else { return error; } } bytes_to_write = bytes_to_write.slice(maybe_nwritten.value()); } if (writes_done > 1) { dbgln("LibIPC::Connection FIXME Warning, needed {} writes needed to send message of size {}B, this is pretty bad, as it spins on the EventLoop", writes_done, initial_size); } m_responsiveness_timer->start(); return {}; } void ConnectionBase::shutdown() { m_socket->close(); die(); } void ConnectionBase::shutdown_with_error(Error const& error) { dbgln("IPC::ConnectionBase ({:p}) had an error ({}), disconnecting.", this, error); shutdown(); } void ConnectionBase::handle_messages() { auto messages = move(m_unprocessed_messages); for (auto& message : messages) { if (message->endpoint_magic() == m_local_endpoint_magic) { auto handler_result = m_local_stub.handle(*message); if (handler_result.is_error()) { dbgln("IPC::ConnectionBase::handle_messages: {}", handler_result.error()); continue; } if (auto response = handler_result.release_value()) { if (auto post_result = post_message(*response); post_result.is_error()) { dbgln("IPC::ConnectionBase::handle_messages: {}", post_result.error()); } } } } } void ConnectionBase::wait_for_socket_to_become_readable() { auto maybe_did_become_readable = m_socket->can_read_without_blocking(-1); if (maybe_did_become_readable.is_error()) { dbgln("ConnectionBase::wait_for_socket_to_become_readable: {}", maybe_did_become_readable.error()); warnln("ConnectionBase::wait_for_socket_to_become_readable: {}", maybe_did_become_readable.error()); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } VERIFY(maybe_did_become_readable.value()); } ErrorOr> ConnectionBase::read_as_much_as_possible_from_socket_without_blocking() { Vector bytes; if (!m_unprocessed_bytes.is_empty()) { bytes.append(m_unprocessed_bytes.data(), m_unprocessed_bytes.size()); m_unprocessed_bytes.clear(); } u8 buffer[4096]; bool should_shut_down = false; auto schedule_shutdown = [this, &should_shut_down]() { should_shut_down = true; m_deferred_invoker->schedule([strong_this = NonnullRefPtr(*this)] { strong_this->shutdown(); }); }; while (m_socket->is_open()) { auto maybe_bytes_read = m_socket->read_without_waiting({ buffer, 4096 }); if (maybe_bytes_read.is_error()) { auto error = maybe_bytes_read.release_error(); if (error.is_syscall() && error.code() == EAGAIN) { break; } if (error.is_syscall() && error.code() == ECONNRESET) { schedule_shutdown(); break; } dbgln("ConnectionBase::read_as_much_as_possible_from_socket_without_blocking: {}", error); warnln("ConnectionBase::read_as_much_as_possible_from_socket_without_blocking: {}", error); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } auto bytes_read = maybe_bytes_read.release_value(); if (bytes_read.is_empty()) { schedule_shutdown(); break; } bytes.append(bytes_read.data(), bytes_read.size()); } if (!bytes.is_empty()) { m_responsiveness_timer->stop(); did_become_responsive(); } else if (should_shut_down) { return Error::from_string_literal("IPC connection EOF"); } return bytes; } ErrorOr ConnectionBase::drain_messages_from_peer() { auto bytes = TRY(read_as_much_as_possible_from_socket_without_blocking()); size_t index = 0; try_parse_messages(bytes, index); if (index < bytes.size()) { // Sometimes we might receive a partial message. That's okay, just stash away // the unprocessed bytes and we'll prepend them to the next incoming message // in the next run of this function. auto remaining_bytes = TRY(ByteBuffer::copy(bytes.span().slice(index))); if (!m_unprocessed_bytes.is_empty()) { shutdown(); return Error::from_string_literal("drain_messages_from_peer: Already have unprocessed bytes"); } m_unprocessed_bytes = move(remaining_bytes); } if (!m_unprocessed_messages.is_empty()) { m_deferred_invoker->schedule([strong_this = NonnullRefPtr(*this)] { strong_this->handle_messages(); }); } return {}; } OwnPtr ConnectionBase::wait_for_specific_endpoint_message_impl(u32 endpoint_magic, int message_id) { for (;;) { // Double check we don't already have the event waiting for us. // Otherwise we might end up blocked for a while for no reason. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_unprocessed_messages.size(); ++i) { auto& message = m_unprocessed_messages[i]; if (message->endpoint_magic() != endpoint_magic) continue; if (message->message_id() == message_id) return m_unprocessed_messages.take(i); } if (!m_socket->is_open()) break; wait_for_socket_to_become_readable(); if (drain_messages_from_peer().is_error()) break; } return {}; } }