/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Maxwell Trussell * Copyright (c) 2023, Tim Ledbetter * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments args) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio proc rpath")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/sys/kernel/processes", "r")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/etc/group", "r")); TRY(Core::System::unveil("/etc/passwd", "r")); TRY(Core::System::unveil(nullptr, nullptr)); bool display_number_of_matches = false; bool case_insensitive = false; bool echo = false; bool exact_match = false; bool newest_only = false; bool oldest_only = false; Optional display_if_older_than; StringView pattern; HashTable uids_to_filter_by; int signal = SIGTERM; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(display_number_of_matches, "Display the number of matching processes", "count", 'c'); args_parser.add_option(case_insensitive, "Make matches case-insensitive", "ignore-case", 'i'); args_parser.add_option(echo, "Display what is killed", "echo", 'e'); args_parser.add_option(newest_only, "Kill the most recently created process only", "newest", 'n'); args_parser.add_option(oldest_only, "Kill the least recently created process only", "oldest", 'o'); args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required, .help_string = "Kill only processes older than the specified number of seconds", .long_name = "older", .short_name = 'O', .value_name = "seconds", .accept_value = [&display_if_older_than](StringView seconds_string) { auto number = seconds_string.to_number(); if (number.has_value() && number.value() <= NumericLimits::max()) { auto now_time = UnixDateTime::now(); display_if_older_than = now_time - Duration::from_seconds(static_cast(number.value())); } return display_if_older_than.has_value(); }, }); args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required, .help_string = "Signal number to send. A signal name or number may be used", .long_name = "signal", .short_name = 's', .value_name = "signame", .accept_value = [&signal](StringView signal_string) { if (signal_string.is_empty()) return false; if (is_ascii_alpha(signal_string[0])) signal = getsignalbyname(&signal_string[0]); else if (auto maybe_signal = signal_string.to_number(); maybe_signal.has_value()) signal = maybe_signal.value(); if (signal <= 0 || signal >= NSIG) return false; return true; }, }); args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option { .argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required, .help_string = "Select only processes whose UID is in the given comma-separated list. Login name or numerical user ID may be used", .long_name = "uid", .short_name = 'U', .value_name = "uid-list", .accept_value = [&uids_to_filter_by](StringView comma_separated_users) { for (auto user_string : comma_separated_users.split_view(',')) { auto maybe_uid = user_string.to_number(); if (maybe_uid.has_value()) { uids_to_filter_by.set(maybe_uid.value()); } else { auto maybe_account = Core::Account::from_name(user_string, Core::Account::Read::PasswdOnly); if (maybe_account.is_error()) { warnln("Could not find user '{}': {}", user_string, maybe_account.error()); return false; } uids_to_filter_by.set(maybe_account.release_value().uid()); } } return true; }, }); args_parser.add_option(exact_match, "Select only processes whose names match the given pattern exactly", "exact", 'x'); args_parser.add_positional_argument(pattern, "Process name to search for", "process-name"); args_parser.parse(args); if (newest_only && oldest_only) { warnln("The -n and -o options are mutually exclusive"); args_parser.print_usage(stderr, args.strings[0]); return 1; } auto all_processes = TRY(Core::ProcessStatisticsReader::get_all()); PosixOptions options {}; if (case_insensitive) { options |= PosixFlags::Insensitive; } StringBuilder exact_pattern_builder; if (exact_match) { exact_pattern_builder.appendff("^({})$", pattern); pattern = exact_pattern_builder.string_view(); } Regex re(pattern, options); if (re.parser_result.error != regex::Error::NoError) { return 1; } Vector matched_processes; for (auto& process : all_processes.processes) { auto result = re.match(process.name, PosixFlags::Global); if (result.success) { if (!uids_to_filter_by.is_empty() && !uids_to_filter_by.contains(process.uid)) continue; if (display_if_older_than.has_value() && process.creation_time >= display_if_older_than.value()) continue; matched_processes.append(process); } } if (!matched_processes.is_empty()) { quick_sort(matched_processes, [](auto const& a, auto const& b) { return a.creation_time < b.creation_time; }); if (newest_only) matched_processes = { matched_processes.last() }; else if (oldest_only) matched_processes = { matched_processes.first() }; for (auto& process : matched_processes) { auto result = Core::System::kill(process.pid, signal); if (result.is_error()) warnln("Killing pid {} failed. {}", process.pid, result.release_error()); else if (echo) outln("{} killed (pid {})", process.name, process.pid); } } if (display_number_of_matches) outln("{}", matched_processes.size()); return matched_processes.is_empty() ? 1 : 0; }