/* * Copyright (c) 2023, Preston Taylor <95388976+PrestonLTaylor@users.noreply.github.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::SVG { JS_DEFINE_ALLOCATOR(SVGUseElement); SVGUseElement::SVGUseElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name) : SVGGraphicsElement(document, qualified_name) { } void SVGUseElement::initialize(JS::Realm& realm) { Base::initialize(realm); set_prototype(&Bindings::ensure_web_prototype(realm, "SVGUseElement"_fly_string)); // The shadow tree is open (inspectable by script), but read-only. auto shadow_root = heap().allocate(realm, document(), *this, Bindings::ShadowRootMode::Open); // The user agent must create a use-element shadow tree whose host is the ‘use’ element itself set_shadow_root(shadow_root); m_document_observer = realm.heap().allocate(realm, realm, document()); m_document_observer->set_document_completely_loaded([this]() { clone_element_tree_as_our_shadow_tree(referenced_element()); }); } void SVGUseElement::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor) { Base::visit_edges(visitor); visitor.visit(m_document_observer); } void SVGUseElement::attribute_changed(FlyString const& name, Optional const& value) { Base::attribute_changed(name, value); // https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/struct.html#UseLayout if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::x) { m_x = AttributeParser::parse_coordinate(value.value_or(String {})); } else if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::y) { m_y = AttributeParser::parse_coordinate(value.value_or(String {})); } else if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::href) { // FIXME: Support the xlink:href attribute as a fallback m_referenced_id = parse_id_from_href(value.value_or(String {}).to_byte_string()); clone_element_tree_as_our_shadow_tree(referenced_element()); } } Optional SVGUseElement::parse_id_from_href(ByteString const& href) { auto id_seperator = href.find('#'); if (!id_seperator.has_value()) { return {}; } auto id = href.substring_view(id_seperator.value() + 1); return MUST(FlyString::from_utf8(id)); } Gfx::AffineTransform SVGUseElement::element_transform() const { // The x and y properties define an additional transformation (translate(x,y), where x and y represent the computed value of the corresponding property) // to be applied to the ‘use’ element, after any transformations specified with other properties return Base::element_transform().translate(m_x.value_or(0), m_y.value_or(0)); } void SVGUseElement::inserted() { Base::inserted(); } void SVGUseElement::svg_element_changed(SVGElement& svg_element) { auto to_clone = referenced_element(); if (!to_clone) { return; } // NOTE: We need to check the ancestor because attribute_changed of a child doesn't call children_changed on the parent(s) if (to_clone == &svg_element || to_clone->is_ancestor_of(svg_element)) { clone_element_tree_as_our_shadow_tree(to_clone); } } void SVGUseElement::svg_element_removed(SVGElement& svg_element) { if (!m_referenced_id.has_value()) { return; } if (svg_element.deprecated_attribute("id"sv).matches(m_referenced_id.value())) { shadow_root()->remove_all_children(); } } JS::GCPtr SVGUseElement::referenced_element() { if (!m_referenced_id.has_value()) { return nullptr; } // FIXME: Support loading of external svg documents return document().get_element_by_id(m_referenced_id.value()); } // https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/struct.html#UseShadowTree void SVGUseElement::clone_element_tree_as_our_shadow_tree(Element* to_clone) const { shadow_root()->remove_all_children(); if (to_clone && is_valid_reference_element(to_clone)) { // The ‘use’ element references another element, a copy of which is rendered in place of the ‘use’ in the document. auto cloned_reference_node = to_clone->clone_node(nullptr, true); shadow_root()->append_child(cloned_reference_node).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } } bool SVGUseElement::is_valid_reference_element(Element* reference_element) const { // If the referenced element that results from resolving the URL is not an SVG element, then the reference is invalid and the ‘use’ element is in error. // If the referenced element is a (shadow-including) ancestor of the ‘use’ element, then this is an invalid circular reference and the ‘use’ element is in error. return reference_element->is_svg_element() && !reference_element->is_ancestor_of(*this); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElementXAttribute JS::NonnullGCPtr SVGUseElement::x() const { // FIXME: Populate the unit type when it is parsed (0 here is "unknown"). // FIXME: Create a proper animated value when animations are supported. auto base_length = SVGLength::create(realm(), 0, m_x.value_or(0)); auto anim_length = SVGLength::create(realm(), 0, m_x.value_or(0)); return SVGAnimatedLength::create(realm(), move(base_length), move(anim_length)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElementYAttribute JS::NonnullGCPtr SVGUseElement::y() const { // FIXME: Populate the unit type when it is parsed (0 here is "unknown"). // FIXME: Create a proper animated value when animations are supported. auto base_length = SVGLength::create(realm(), 0, m_y.value_or(0)); auto anim_length = SVGLength::create(realm(), 0, m_y.value_or(0)); return SVGAnimatedLength::create(realm(), move(base_length), move(anim_length)); } JS::NonnullGCPtr SVGUseElement::width() const { TODO(); } JS::NonnullGCPtr SVGUseElement::height() const { TODO(); } // https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/struct.html#TermInstanceRoot JS::GCPtr SVGUseElement::instance_root() const { return shadow_root()->first_child_of_type(); } JS::GCPtr SVGUseElement::animated_instance_root() const { return instance_root(); } JS::GCPtr SVGUseElement::create_layout_node(NonnullRefPtr style) { return heap().allocate_without_realm(document(), this, move(style)); } }