/* * Copyright (c) 2021, the SerenityOS developers. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include namespace GUI { EditingEngine::~EditingEngine() { } void EditingEngine::attach(TextEditor& editor) { VERIFY(!m_editor); m_editor = editor; } void EditingEngine::detach() { VERIFY(m_editor); m_editor = nullptr; } bool EditingEngine::on_key(const KeyEvent& event) { if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Left) { if (!event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->is_valid()) { m_editor->set_cursor(m_editor->selection()->normalized().start()); m_editor->selection()->clear(); m_editor->did_update_selection(); if (!event.ctrl()) { m_editor->update(); return true; } } if (event.ctrl()) { move_to_previous_span(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } return true; } move_one_left(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } return true; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Right) { if (!event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->is_valid()) { m_editor->set_cursor(m_editor->selection()->normalized().end()); m_editor->selection()->clear(); m_editor->did_update_selection(); if (!event.ctrl()) { m_editor->update(); return true; } } if (event.ctrl()) { move_to_next_span(event); return true; } move_one_right(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } return true; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Up) { move_one_up(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } return true; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Down) { move_one_down(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } return true; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_Home) { if (event.ctrl()) { m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); move_to_first_line(); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } } else { move_to_line_beginning(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } } return true; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_End) { if (event.ctrl()) { m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); move_to_last_line(); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } } else { move_to_line_end(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } } return true; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_PageUp) { move_page_up(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } return true; } if (event.key() == KeyCode::Key_PageDown) { move_page_down(event); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } return true; } return false; } void EditingEngine::move_one_left(const KeyEvent& event) { if (m_editor->cursor().column() > 0) { int new_column = m_editor->cursor().column() - 1; m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(m_editor->cursor().line(), new_column); } else if (m_editor->cursor().line() > 0) { int new_line = m_editor->cursor().line() - 1; int new_column = m_editor->lines()[new_line].length(); m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_line, new_column); } } void EditingEngine::move_one_right(const KeyEvent& event) { int new_line = m_editor->cursor().line(); int new_column = m_editor->cursor().column(); if (m_editor->cursor().column() < m_editor->current_line().length()) { new_line = m_editor->cursor().line(); new_column = m_editor->cursor().column() + 1; } else if (m_editor->cursor().line() != m_editor->line_count() - 1) { new_line = m_editor->cursor().line() + 1; new_column = 0; } m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_line, new_column); } void EditingEngine::move_to_previous_span(const KeyEvent& event) { TextPosition new_cursor; if (m_editor->document().has_spans()) { auto span = m_editor->document().first_non_skippable_span_before(m_editor->cursor()); if (span.has_value()) { new_cursor = span.value().range.start(); } else { // No remaining spans, just use word break calculation new_cursor = m_editor->document().first_word_break_before(m_editor->cursor(), true); } } else { new_cursor = m_editor->document().first_word_break_before(m_editor->cursor(), true); } m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); } void EditingEngine::move_to_next_span(const KeyEvent& event) { TextPosition new_cursor; if (m_editor->document().has_spans()) { auto span = m_editor->document().first_non_skippable_span_after(m_editor->cursor()); if (span.has_value()) { new_cursor = span.value().range.start(); } else { // No remaining spans, just use word break calculation new_cursor = m_editor->document().first_word_break_after(m_editor->cursor()); } } else { new_cursor = m_editor->document().first_word_break_after(m_editor->cursor()); } m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); if (event.shift() && m_editor->selection()->start().is_valid()) { m_editor->selection()->set_end(m_editor->cursor()); m_editor->did_update_selection(); } } void EditingEngine::move_to_line_beginning(const KeyEvent& event) { TextPosition new_cursor; m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); if (m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { // FIXME: Replicate the first_nonspace_column behavior in wrapping mode. auto home_position = m_editor->cursor_content_rect().location().translated(-m_editor->width(), 0); new_cursor = m_editor->text_position_at_content_position(home_position); } else { size_t first_nonspace_column = m_editor->current_line().first_non_whitespace_column(); if (m_editor->cursor().column() == first_nonspace_column) { new_cursor = { m_editor->cursor().line(), 0 }; } else { new_cursor = { m_editor->cursor().line(), first_nonspace_column }; } } m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); } void EditingEngine::move_to_line_end(const KeyEvent& event) { TextPosition new_cursor; if (m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { auto end_position = m_editor->cursor_content_rect().location().translated(m_editor->width(), 0); new_cursor = m_editor->text_position_at_content_position(end_position); } else { new_cursor = { m_editor->cursor().line(), m_editor->current_line().length() }; } m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); } void EditingEngine::move_one_up(const KeyEvent& event) { if (m_editor->cursor().line() > 0 || m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { if (event.ctrl() && event.shift()) { move_selected_lines_up(); return; } TextPosition new_cursor; if (m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { auto position_above = m_editor->cursor_content_rect().location().translated(0, -m_editor->line_height()); new_cursor = m_editor->text_position_at_content_position(position_above); } else { size_t new_line = m_editor->cursor().line() - 1; size_t new_column = min(m_editor->cursor().column(), m_editor->line(new_line).length()); new_cursor = { new_line, new_column }; } m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); } }; void EditingEngine::move_one_down(const KeyEvent& event) { if (m_editor->cursor().line() < (m_editor->line_count() - 1) || m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { if (event.ctrl() && event.shift()) { move_selected_lines_down(); return; } TextPosition new_cursor; if (m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { auto position_below = m_editor->cursor_content_rect().location().translated(0, m_editor->line_height()); new_cursor = m_editor->text_position_at_content_position(position_below); } else { size_t new_line = m_editor->cursor().line() + 1; size_t new_column = min(m_editor->cursor().column(), m_editor->line(new_line).length()); new_cursor = { new_line, new_column }; } m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); } }; void EditingEngine::move_up(const KeyEvent& event, double page_height_factor) { if (m_editor->cursor().line() > 0 || m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { int pixels = (int)(m_editor->visible_content_rect().height() * page_height_factor); TextPosition new_cursor; if (m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { auto position_above = m_editor->cursor_content_rect().location().translated(0, -pixels); new_cursor = m_editor->text_position_at_content_position(position_above); } else { size_t page_step = (size_t)pixels / (size_t)m_editor->line_height(); size_t new_line = m_editor->cursor().line() < page_step ? 0 : m_editor->cursor().line() - page_step; size_t new_column = min(m_editor->cursor().column(), m_editor->line(new_line).length()); new_cursor = { new_line, new_column }; } m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); } }; void EditingEngine::move_down(const KeyEvent& event, double page_height_factor) { if (m_editor->cursor().line() < (m_editor->line_count() - 1) || m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { int pixels = (int)(m_editor->visible_content_rect().height() * page_height_factor); TextPosition new_cursor; if (m_editor->is_wrapping_enabled()) { auto position_below = m_editor->cursor_content_rect().location().translated(0, pixels); new_cursor = m_editor->text_position_at_content_position(position_below); } else { size_t new_line = min(m_editor->line_count() - 1, m_editor->cursor().line() + pixels / m_editor->line_height()); size_t new_column = min(m_editor->cursor().column(), m_editor->lines()[new_line].length()); new_cursor = { new_line, new_column }; } m_editor->toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(event.shift()); m_editor->set_cursor(new_cursor); }; } void EditingEngine::move_page_up(const KeyEvent& event) { move_up(event, 1); }; void EditingEngine::move_page_down(const KeyEvent& event) { move_down(event, 1); }; void EditingEngine::move_to_first_line() { m_editor->set_cursor(0, 0); }; void EditingEngine::move_to_last_line() { m_editor->set_cursor(m_editor->line_count() - 1, m_editor->lines()[m_editor->line_count() - 1].length()); }; void EditingEngine::get_selection_line_boundaries(size_t& first_line, size_t& last_line) { auto selection = m_editor->normalized_selection(); if (!selection.is_valid()) { first_line = m_editor->cursor().line(); last_line = m_editor->cursor().line(); return; } first_line = selection.start().line(); last_line = selection.end().line(); if (first_line != last_line && selection.end().column() == 0) last_line -= 1; } TextPosition EditingEngine::find_beginning_of_next_word() { /* The rules that have been coded in: * Jump to the next punct or alnum after any whitespace * Jump to the next non-consecutive punct regardless of whitespace * Jump to the next alnum if started on punct regardless of whitespace * If the end of the input is reached, jump there */ auto vim_isalnum = [](int c) { return c == '_' || isalnum(c); }; auto vim_ispunct = [](int c) { return c != '_' && ispunct(c); }; bool started_on_punct = vim_ispunct(m_editor->current_line().to_utf8().characters()[m_editor->cursor().column()]); bool has_seen_whitespace = false; bool is_first_line = true; auto& lines = m_editor->lines(); auto cursor = m_editor->cursor(); for (size_t line_index = cursor.line(); line_index < lines.size(); line_index++) { auto& line = lines.at(line_index); if (line.is_empty() && !is_first_line) { return { line_index, 0 }; } else if (line.is_empty()) { has_seen_whitespace = true; } is_first_line = false; for (size_t column_index = 0; column_index < lines.at(line_index).length(); column_index++) { if (line_index == cursor.line() && column_index < cursor.column()) continue; const u32* line_chars = line.view().code_points(); const u32 current_char = line_chars[column_index]; if (started_on_punct && vim_isalnum(current_char)) { return { line_index, column_index }; } if (vim_ispunct(current_char) && !started_on_punct) { return { line_index, column_index }; } if (isspace(current_char)) has_seen_whitespace = true; if (has_seen_whitespace && (vim_isalnum(current_char) || vim_ispunct(current_char))) { return { line_index, column_index }; } if (line_index == lines.size() - 1 && column_index == line.length() - 1) { return { line_index, column_index }; } // Implicit newline if (column_index == line.length() - 1) has_seen_whitespace = true; } } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void EditingEngine::move_to_beginning_of_next_word() { m_editor->set_cursor(find_beginning_of_next_word()); } TextPosition EditingEngine::find_end_of_next_word() { /* The rules that have been coded in: * If the current_char is alnum and the next is whitespace or punct * If the current_char is punct and the next is whitespace or alnum * If the end of the input is reached, jump there */ auto vim_isalnum = [](int c) { return c == '_' || isalnum(c); }; auto vim_ispunct = [](int c) { return c != '_' && ispunct(c); }; bool is_first_line = true; bool is_first_iteration = true; auto& lines = m_editor->lines(); auto cursor = m_editor->cursor(); if ((lines.at(cursor.line()).length() - cursor.column()) <= 1) return { cursor.line(), cursor.column() }; for (size_t line_index = cursor.line(); line_index < lines.size(); line_index++) { auto& line = lines.at(line_index); if (line.is_empty() && !is_first_line) { return { line_index, 0 }; } is_first_line = false; for (size_t column_index = 0; column_index < lines.at(line_index).length(); column_index++) { if (line_index == cursor.line() && column_index < cursor.column()) continue; const u32* line_chars = line.view().code_points(); const u32 current_char = line_chars[column_index]; if (column_index == lines.at(line_index).length() - 1 && !is_first_iteration && (vim_isalnum(current_char) || vim_ispunct(current_char))) return { line_index, column_index }; else if (column_index == lines.at(line_index).length() - 1) { is_first_iteration = false; continue; } const u32 next_char = line_chars[column_index + 1]; if (!is_first_iteration && vim_isalnum(current_char) && (isspace(next_char) || vim_ispunct(next_char))) return { line_index, column_index }; if (!is_first_iteration && vim_ispunct(current_char) && (isspace(next_char) || vim_isalnum(next_char))) return { line_index, column_index }; if (line_index == lines.size() - 1 && column_index == line.length() - 1) { return { line_index, column_index }; } is_first_iteration = false; } } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void EditingEngine::move_to_end_of_next_word() { m_editor->set_cursor(find_end_of_next_word()); } TextPosition EditingEngine::find_end_of_previous_word() { auto vim_isalnum = [](int c) { return c == '_' || isalnum(c); }; auto vim_ispunct = [](int c) { return c != '_' && ispunct(c); }; bool started_on_punct = vim_ispunct(m_editor->current_line().to_utf8().characters()[m_editor->cursor().column()]); bool is_first_line = true; bool has_seen_whitespace = false; auto& lines = m_editor->lines(); auto cursor = m_editor->cursor(); for (size_t line_index = cursor.line(); (int)line_index >= 0; line_index--) { auto& line = lines.at(line_index); if (line.is_empty() && !is_first_line) { return { line_index, 0 }; } else if (line.is_empty()) { has_seen_whitespace = true; } is_first_line = false; size_t line_length = lines.at(line_index).length(); for (size_t column_index = line_length - 1; (int)column_index >= 0; column_index--) { if (line_index == cursor.line() && column_index > cursor.column()) continue; const u32* line_chars = line.view().code_points(); const u32 current_char = line_chars[column_index]; if (started_on_punct && vim_isalnum(current_char)) { return { line_index, column_index }; } if (vim_ispunct(current_char) && !started_on_punct) { return { line_index, column_index }; } if (isspace(current_char)) { has_seen_whitespace = true; } if (has_seen_whitespace && (vim_isalnum(current_char) || vim_ispunct(current_char))) { return { line_index, column_index }; } if (line_index == 0 && column_index == 0) { return { line_index, column_index }; } // Implicit newline when wrapping back up to the end of the previous line. if (column_index == 0) has_seen_whitespace = true; } } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void EditingEngine::move_to_end_of_previous_word() { m_editor->set_cursor(find_end_of_previous_word()); } TextPosition EditingEngine::find_beginning_of_previous_word() { auto vim_isalnum = [](int c) { return c == '_' || isalnum(c); }; auto vim_ispunct = [](int c) { return c != '_' && ispunct(c); }; bool is_first_iterated_line = true; bool is_first_iteration = true; auto& lines = m_editor->lines(); auto cursor = m_editor->cursor(); if ((lines.at(cursor.line()).length() - cursor.column()) <= 1) return { cursor.line(), cursor.column() }; for (size_t line_index = cursor.line(); (int)line_index >= 0; line_index--) { auto& line = lines.at(line_index); if (line.is_empty() && !is_first_iterated_line) { return { line_index, 0 }; } is_first_iterated_line = false; size_t line_length = lines.at(line_index).length(); for (size_t column_index = line_length; (int)column_index >= 0; column_index--) { if (line_index == cursor.line() && column_index > cursor.column()) continue; if (column_index == line_length) { is_first_iteration = false; continue; } const u32* line_chars = line.view().code_points(); const u32 current_char = line_chars[column_index]; if (column_index == 0 && !is_first_iteration && (vim_isalnum(current_char) || vim_ispunct(current_char))) { return { line_index, column_index }; } else if (line_index == 0 && column_index == 0) { return { line_index, column_index }; } else if (column_index == 0 && is_first_iteration) { is_first_iteration = false; continue; } const u32 next_char = line_chars[column_index - 1]; if (!is_first_iteration && vim_isalnum(current_char) && (isspace(next_char) || vim_ispunct(next_char))) return { line_index, column_index }; if (!is_first_iteration && vim_ispunct(current_char) && (isspace(next_char) || vim_isalnum(next_char))) return { line_index, column_index }; is_first_iteration = false; } } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void EditingEngine::move_to_beginning_of_previous_word() { m_editor->set_cursor(find_beginning_of_previous_word()); } void EditingEngine::move_selected_lines_up() { if (!m_editor->is_editable()) return; size_t first_line; size_t last_line; get_selection_line_boundaries(first_line, last_line); if (first_line == 0) return; auto& lines = m_editor->document().lines(); lines.insert((int)last_line, lines.take((int)first_line - 1)); m_editor->set_cursor({ first_line - 1, 0 }); if (m_editor->has_selection()) { m_editor->selection()->set_start({ first_line - 1, 0 }); m_editor->selection()->set_end({ last_line - 1, m_editor->line(last_line - 1).length() }); } m_editor->did_change(); m_editor->update(); } void EditingEngine::move_selected_lines_down() { if (!m_editor->is_editable()) return; size_t first_line; size_t last_line; get_selection_line_boundaries(first_line, last_line); auto& lines = m_editor->document().lines(); VERIFY(lines.size() != 0); if (last_line >= lines.size() - 1) return; lines.insert((int)first_line, lines.take((int)last_line + 1)); m_editor->set_cursor({ first_line + 1, 0 }); if (m_editor->has_selection()) { m_editor->selection()->set_start({ first_line + 1, 0 }); m_editor->selection()->set_end({ last_line + 1, m_editor->line(last_line + 1).length() }); } m_editor->did_change(); m_editor->update(); } void EditingEngine::delete_char() { if (!m_editor->is_editable()) return; m_editor->do_delete(); }; void EditingEngine::delete_line() { if (!m_editor->is_editable()) return; m_editor->delete_current_line(); }; }