/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Jesse Buhagiar * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (pledge("stdio rpath", nullptr) < 0) { perror("pledge"); return 1; } if (unveil("/sys/bus/usb", "r") < 0) { perror("unveil"); return 1; } if (unveil("/res/usb.ids", "r") < 0) { perror("unveil"); return 1; } if (unveil(nullptr, nullptr) < 0) { perror("unveil"); return 1; } Core::ArgsParser args; args.set_general_help("List USB devices."); args.parse(argc, argv); Core::DirIterator usb_devices("/sys/bus/usb", Core::DirIterator::SkipDots); RefPtr usb_db = USBDB::Database::open(); if (!usb_db) { warnln("Failed to open usb.ids"); } while (usb_devices.has_next()) { auto full_path = LexicalPath(usb_devices.next_full_path()); auto proc_usb_device = Core::File::construct(full_path.string()); if (!proc_usb_device->open(Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly)) { warnln("Failed to open {}: {}", proc_usb_device->name(), proc_usb_device->error_string()); continue; } auto contents = proc_usb_device->read_all(); auto json = JsonValue::from_string(contents).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); json.as_array().for_each([usb_db](auto& value) { auto& device_descriptor = value.as_object(); auto device_address = device_descriptor.get("device_address").to_u32(); auto vendor_id = device_descriptor.get("vendor_id").to_u32(); auto product_id = device_descriptor.get("product_id").to_u32(); StringView vendor_string = usb_db->get_vendor(vendor_id); StringView device_string = usb_db->get_device(vendor_id, product_id); if (device_string.is_empty()) device_string = "Unknown Device"; outln("Device {}: ID {:04x}:{:04x} {} {}", device_address, vendor_id, product_id, vendor_string, device_string); }); } return 0; }