/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace GUI { class TextEditor : public ScrollableWidget , public TextDocument::Client , public Syntax::HighlighterClient { C_OBJECT(TextEditor); public: enum Type { MultiLine, SingleLine }; enum Mode { Editable, ReadOnly, DisplayOnly }; enum WrappingMode { NoWrap, WrapAnywhere, WrapAtWords }; virtual ~TextEditor() override; const TextDocument& document() const { return *m_document; } TextDocument& document() { return *m_document; } virtual void set_document(TextDocument&); const String& placeholder() const { return m_placeholder; } void set_placeholder(const StringView& placeholder) { m_placeholder = placeholder; } TextDocumentLine& current_line() { return line(m_cursor.line()); } const TextDocumentLine& current_line() const { return line(m_cursor.line()); } void set_visualize_trailing_whitespace(bool); bool visualize_trailing_whitespace() const { return m_visualize_trailing_whitespace; } virtual bool is_automatic_indentation_enabled() const final { return m_automatic_indentation_enabled; } void set_automatic_indentation_enabled(bool enabled) { m_automatic_indentation_enabled = enabled; } virtual int soft_tab_width() const final { return m_soft_tab_width; } WrappingMode wrapping_mode() const { return m_wrapping_mode; } bool is_wrapping_enabled() const { return m_wrapping_mode != WrappingMode::NoWrap; } void set_wrapping_mode(WrappingMode); Gfx::TextAlignment text_alignment() const { return m_text_alignment; } void set_text_alignment(Gfx::TextAlignment); Type type() const { return m_type; } bool is_single_line() const { return m_type == SingleLine; } bool is_multi_line() const { return m_type == MultiLine; } Mode mode() const { return m_mode; } bool is_editable() const { return m_mode == Editable; } bool is_readonly() const { return m_mode == ReadOnly; } bool is_displayonly() const { return m_mode == DisplayOnly; } void set_mode(const Mode); bool is_ruler_visible() const { return m_ruler_visible; } void set_ruler_visible(bool b) { m_ruler_visible = b; } void set_icon(const Gfx::Bitmap*); const Gfx::Bitmap* icon() const { return m_icon; } Function on_cursor_change; Function on_selection_change; Function on_focusin; Function on_focusout; void set_text(const StringView&); void scroll_cursor_into_view(); void scroll_position_into_view(const TextPosition&); size_t line_count() const { return document().line_count(); } TextDocumentLine& line(size_t index) { return document().line(index); } const TextDocumentLine& line(size_t index) const { return document().line(index); } NonnullOwnPtrVector& lines() { return document().lines(); } const NonnullOwnPtrVector& lines() const { return document().lines(); } int line_spacing() const { return m_line_spacing; } int line_height() const; TextPosition cursor() const { return m_cursor; } TextRange normalized_selection() const { return m_selection.normalized(); } void insert_at_cursor_or_replace_selection(const StringView&); bool write_to_file(const String& path); bool has_selection() const { return m_selection.is_valid(); } String selected_text() const; void set_selection(const TextRange&); void clear_selection(); bool can_undo() const { return document().can_undo(); } bool can_redo() const { return document().can_redo(); } String text() const; void clear(); void cut(); void copy(); void paste(); void do_delete(); void delete_current_line(); void select_all(); virtual void undo() { document().undo(); } virtual void redo() { document().redo(); } Function on_change; Function on_mousedown; Function on_return_pressed; Function on_escape_pressed; Function on_up_pressed; Function on_down_pressed; Function on_pageup_pressed; Function on_pagedown_pressed; Action& undo_action() { return *m_undo_action; } Action& redo_action() { return *m_redo_action; } Action& cut_action() { return *m_cut_action; } Action& copy_action() { return *m_copy_action; } Action& paste_action() { return *m_paste_action; } Action& delete_action() { return *m_delete_action; } Action& go_to_line_action() { return *m_go_to_line_action; } Action& select_all_action() { return *m_select_all_action; } void add_custom_context_menu_action(Action&); void set_cursor_and_focus_line(size_t line, size_t column); void set_cursor(size_t line, size_t column); virtual void set_cursor(const TextPosition&); const Syntax::Highlighter* syntax_highlighter() const; void set_syntax_highlighter(OwnPtr); const AutocompleteProvider* autocomplete_provider() const; void set_autocomplete_provider(OwnPtr&&); const EditingEngine* editing_engine() const; void set_editing_engine(OwnPtr); bool should_autocomplete_automatically() const { return m_autocomplete_timer; } void set_should_autocomplete_automatically(bool); bool is_in_drag_select() const { return m_in_drag_select; } TextRange* selection() { return &m_selection; }; void did_update_selection(); void did_change(); void update_cursor(); void add_code_point(u32 code_point); void reset_cursor_blink(); void toggle_selection_if_needed_for_event(bool is_selecting); int number_of_visible_lines() const; Gfx::IntRect cursor_content_rect() const; TextPosition text_position_at_content_position(const Gfx::IntPoint&) const; void delete_text_range(TextRange); protected: explicit TextEditor(Type = Type::MultiLine); virtual void did_change_font() override; virtual void paint_event(PaintEvent&) override; virtual void mousedown_event(MouseEvent&) override; virtual void mouseup_event(MouseEvent&) override; virtual void mousemove_event(MouseEvent&) override; virtual void doubleclick_event(MouseEvent&) override; virtual void keydown_event(KeyEvent&) override; virtual void focusin_event(FocusEvent&) override; virtual void focusout_event(FocusEvent&) override; virtual void timer_event(Core::TimerEvent&) override; virtual void enter_event(Core::Event&) override; virtual void leave_event(Core::Event&) override; virtual void context_menu_event(ContextMenuEvent&) override; virtual void resize_event(ResizeEvent&) override; virtual void theme_change_event(ThemeChangeEvent&) override; virtual void cursor_did_change() { } Gfx::IntRect ruler_content_rect(size_t line) const; TextPosition text_position_at(const Gfx::IntPoint&) const; bool ruler_visible() const { return m_ruler_visible; } Gfx::IntRect content_rect_for_position(const TextPosition&) const; int ruler_width() const; private: friend class TextDocumentLine; // ^TextDocument::Client virtual void document_did_append_line() override; virtual void document_did_insert_line(size_t) override; virtual void document_did_remove_line(size_t) override; virtual void document_did_remove_all_lines() override; virtual void document_did_change() override; virtual void document_did_set_text() override; virtual void document_did_set_cursor(const TextPosition&) override; // ^Syntax::HighlighterClient virtual Vector& spans() final { return document().spans(); } virtual const Vector& spans() const final { return document().spans(); } virtual void highlighter_did_set_spans(Vector spans) final { document().set_spans(move(spans)); } virtual void set_span_at_index(size_t index, TextDocumentSpan span) final { document().set_span_at_index(index, move(span)); } virtual void highlighter_did_request_update() final { update(); } virtual String highlighter_did_request_text() const final { return text(); } virtual GUI::TextDocument& highlighter_did_request_document() final { return document(); } virtual GUI::TextPosition highlighter_did_request_cursor() const final { return m_cursor; } void create_actions(); void paint_ruler(Painter&); void update_content_size(); int fixed_glyph_width() const; void defer_reflow(); void undefer_reflow(); void try_show_autocomplete(); int icon_size() const { return 16; } int icon_padding() const { return 2; } class ReflowDeferrer { public: ReflowDeferrer(TextEditor& editor) : m_editor(editor) { m_editor.defer_reflow(); } ~ReflowDeferrer() { m_editor.undefer_reflow(); } private: TextEditor& m_editor; }; Gfx::IntRect line_content_rect(size_t item_index) const; Gfx::IntRect line_widget_rect(size_t line_index) const; void delete_selection(); int content_x_for_position(const TextPosition&) const; Gfx::IntRect ruler_rect_in_inner_coordinates() const; Gfx::IntRect visible_text_rect_in_inner_coordinates() const; void recompute_all_visual_lines(); void ensure_cursor_is_valid(); void flush_pending_change_notification_if_needed(); size_t visual_line_containing(size_t line_index, size_t column) const; void recompute_visual_lines(size_t line_index); void automatic_selection_scroll_timer_fired(); template inline void execute(Args&&... args) { auto command = make(*m_document, forward(args)...); command->perform_formatting(*this); on_edit_action(*command); command->execute_from(*this); m_document->add_to_undo_stack(move(command)); } virtual void on_edit_action(const Command&) { } Type m_type { MultiLine }; Mode m_mode { Editable }; TextPosition m_cursor; Gfx::TextAlignment m_text_alignment { Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft }; bool m_cursor_state { true }; bool m_in_drag_select { false }; bool m_ruler_visible { false }; bool m_has_pending_change_notification { false }; bool m_automatic_indentation_enabled { false }; WrappingMode m_wrapping_mode { WrappingMode::NoWrap }; bool m_visualize_trailing_whitespace { true }; int m_line_spacing { 4 }; size_t m_soft_tab_width { 4 }; int m_horizontal_content_padding { 3 }; TextRange m_selection; RefPtr m_context_menu; RefPtr m_undo_action; RefPtr m_redo_action; RefPtr m_cut_action; RefPtr m_copy_action; RefPtr m_paste_action; RefPtr m_delete_action; RefPtr m_go_to_line_action; RefPtr m_select_all_action; Core::ElapsedTimer m_triple_click_timer; NonnullRefPtrVector m_custom_context_menu_actions; size_t m_reflow_deferred { 0 }; bool m_reflow_requested { false }; bool is_visual_data_up_to_date() const { return !m_reflow_requested; } RefPtr m_document; String m_placeholder { "" }; template void for_each_visual_line(size_t line_index, Callback) const; struct LineVisualData { Vector visual_line_breaks; Gfx::IntRect visual_rect; }; NonnullOwnPtrVector m_line_visual_data; OwnPtr m_highlighter; OwnPtr m_autocomplete_provider; OwnPtr m_autocomplete_box; bool m_should_keep_autocomplete_box { false }; size_t m_automatic_autocomplete_delay_ms { 800 }; RefPtr m_automatic_selection_scroll_timer; RefPtr m_autocomplete_timer; OwnPtr m_editing_engine; Gfx::IntPoint m_last_mousemove_position; RefPtr m_icon; }; }