/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Tim Flynn * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class SQLRepl { public: explicit SQLRepl(String const& database_name) : m_loop() { m_editor = Line::Editor::construct(); m_editor->load_history(m_history_path); m_editor->on_display_refresh = [this](Line::Editor& editor) { editor.strip_styles(); int open_indents = m_repl_line_level; auto line = editor.line(); SQL::AST::Lexer lexer(line); bool indenters_starting_line = true; for (SQL::AST::Token token = lexer.next(); token.type() != SQL::AST::TokenType::Eof; token = lexer.next()) { auto start = token.start_position().column - 1; auto end = token.end_position().column - 1; if (indenters_starting_line) { if (token.type() != SQL::AST::TokenType::ParenClose) indenters_starting_line = false; else --open_indents; } switch (token.category()) { case SQL::AST::TokenCategory::Invalid: editor.stylize({ start, end }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Red), Line::Style::Underline }); break; case SQL::AST::TokenCategory::Number: editor.stylize({ start, end }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Magenta) }); break; case SQL::AST::TokenCategory::String: editor.stylize({ start, end }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Green), Line::Style::Bold }); break; case SQL::AST::TokenCategory::Blob: editor.stylize({ start, end }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Magenta), Line::Style::Bold }); break; case SQL::AST::TokenCategory::Keyword: editor.stylize({ start, end }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::Blue), Line::Style::Bold }); break; case SQL::AST::TokenCategory::Identifier: editor.stylize({ start, end }, { Line::Style::Foreground(Line::Style::XtermColor::White), Line::Style::Bold }); break; default: break; } } m_editor->set_prompt(prompt_for_level(open_indents)); }; m_sql_client = SQL::SQLClient::construct(); m_sql_client->on_connected = [this](int connection_id, String const& connected_to_database) { outln("Connected to \033[33;1m{}\033[0m", connected_to_database); m_current_database = connected_to_database; m_pending_database = ""; m_connection_id = connection_id; read_sql(); }; m_sql_client->on_execution_success = [this](int, bool has_results, int updated, int created, int deleted) { if (updated != 0 || created != 0 || deleted != 0) { outln("{} row(s) updated, {} created, {} deleted", updated, created, deleted); } if (!has_results) { read_sql(); } }; m_sql_client->on_next_result = [](int, Vector const& row) { StringBuilder builder; builder.join(", ", row); outln("{}", builder.build()); }; m_sql_client->on_results_exhausted = [this](int, int total_rows) { outln("{} row(s)", total_rows); read_sql(); }; m_sql_client->on_connection_error = [this](int, int code, String const& message) { outln("\033[33;1mConnection error:\033[0m {}", message); m_loop.quit(code); }; m_sql_client->on_execution_error = [this](int, int, String const& message) { outln("\033[33;1mExecution error:\033[0m {}", message); read_sql(); }; m_sql_client->on_disconnected = [this](int) { if (m_pending_database.is_empty()) { outln("Disconnected from \033[33;1m{}\033[0m and terminating", m_current_database); m_loop.quit(0); } else { outln("Disconnected from \033[33;1m{}\033[0m", m_current_database); m_current_database = ""; m_sql_client->connect(m_pending_database); } }; if (!database_name.is_empty()) connect(database_name); } ~SQLRepl() { m_editor->save_history(m_history_path); } void connect(String const& database_name) { if (m_current_database.is_empty()) { m_sql_client->connect(database_name); } else { m_pending_database = database_name; m_sql_client->async_disconnect(m_connection_id); } } void source_file(String file_name) { m_input_file_chain.append(move(file_name)); m_quit_when_files_read = false; } void read_file(String file_name) { m_input_file_chain.append(move(file_name)); m_quit_when_files_read = true; } auto run() { return m_loop.exec(); } private: String m_history_path { String::formatted("{}/.sql-history", Core::StandardPaths::home_directory()) }; RefPtr m_editor { nullptr }; int m_repl_line_level { 0 }; bool m_keep_running { true }; String m_pending_database {}; String m_current_database {}; AK::RefPtr m_sql_client { nullptr }; int m_connection_id { 0 }; Core::EventLoop m_loop; RefPtr m_input_file { nullptr }; bool m_quit_when_files_read { false }; Vector m_input_file_chain {}; Optional get_line() { if (!m_input_file && !m_input_file_chain.is_empty()) { auto file_name = m_input_file_chain.take_first(); auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(file_name, Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (file_or_error.is_error()) { warnln("Input file {} could not be opened: {}", file_name, file_or_error.error()); return {}; } m_input_file = file_or_error.value(); } if (m_input_file) { auto line = m_input_file->read_line(); if (m_input_file->eof()) { m_input_file->close(); m_input_file = nullptr; if (m_quit_when_files_read && m_input_file_chain.is_empty()) return {}; } return line; // If the last file is exhausted but m_quit_when_files_read is false // we fall through to the standard reading from the editor behaviour } auto line_result = m_editor->get_line(prompt_for_level(m_repl_line_level)); if (line_result.is_error()) return {}; return line_result.value(); } String read_next_piece() { StringBuilder piece; do { if (!piece.is_empty()) piece.append('\n'); auto line_maybe = get_line(); if (!line_maybe.has_value()) { m_keep_running = false; return {}; } auto& line = line_maybe.value(); auto lexer = SQL::AST::Lexer(line); m_editor->add_to_history(line); piece.append(line); bool is_first_token = true; bool is_command = false; bool last_token_ended_statement = false; for (SQL::AST::Token token = lexer.next(); token.type() != SQL::AST::TokenType::Eof; token = lexer.next()) { switch (token.type()) { case SQL::AST::TokenType::ParenOpen: ++m_repl_line_level; break; case SQL::AST::TokenType::ParenClose: --m_repl_line_level; break; case SQL::AST::TokenType::SemiColon: last_token_ended_statement = true; break; case SQL::AST::TokenType::Period: if (is_first_token) is_command = true; break; default: last_token_ended_statement = is_command; break; } is_first_token = false; } m_repl_line_level = last_token_ended_statement ? 0 : (m_repl_line_level > 0 ? m_repl_line_level : 1); } while ((m_repl_line_level > 0) || piece.is_empty()); return piece.to_string(); } void read_sql() { String piece = read_next_piece(); // m_keep_running can be set to false when the file we are reading // from is exhausted... if (!m_keep_running) { m_sql_client->async_disconnect(m_connection_id); return; } if (piece.starts_with('.')) { handle_command(piece); } else { auto statement_id = m_sql_client->sql_statement(m_connection_id, piece); m_sql_client->async_statement_execute(statement_id); } // ...But m_keep_running can also be set to false by a command handler. if (!m_keep_running) { m_sql_client->async_disconnect(m_connection_id); return; } }; static String prompt_for_level(int level) { static StringBuilder prompt_builder; prompt_builder.clear(); prompt_builder.append("> "); for (auto i = 0; i < level; ++i) prompt_builder.append(" "); return prompt_builder.build(); } void handle_command(StringView command) { if (command == ".exit" || command == ".quit") { m_keep_running = false; } else if (command.starts_with(".connect ")) { auto parts = command.split_view(' '); if (parts.size() == 2) connect(parts[1]); else outln("\033[33;1mUsage: .connect \033[0m"); } else if (command.starts_with(".read ")) { if (!m_input_file) { auto parts = command.split_view(' '); if (parts.size() == 2) { source_file(parts[1]); } else { outln("\033[33;1mUsage: .read \033[0m"); } } else { outln("\033[33;1mCannot recursively read sql files\033[0m"); } m_loop.deferred_invoke([this]() { read_sql(); }); } else { outln("\033[33;1mUnrecognized command:\033[0m {}", command); } } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { String database_name(getlogin()); String file_to_source; String file_to_read; bool suppress_sqlrc = false; auto sqlrc_path = String::formatted("{}/.sqlrc", Core::StandardPaths::home_directory()); Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.set_general_help("This is a client for the SerenitySQL database server."); args_parser.add_option(database_name, "Database to connect to", "database", 'd', "database"); args_parser.add_option(file_to_read, "File to read", "read", 'r', "file"); args_parser.add_option(file_to_source, "File to source", "source", 's', "file"); args_parser.add_option(suppress_sqlrc, "Don't read ~/.sqlrc", "no-sqlrc", 'n'); args_parser.parse(argc, argv); SQLRepl repl(database_name); if (!suppress_sqlrc && Core::File::exists(sqlrc_path)) repl.source_file(sqlrc_path); if (!file_to_source.is_empty()) repl.source_file(file_to_source); if (!file_to_read.is_empty()) repl.read_file(file_to_read); return repl.run(); }