/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { static FILE* s_stream = nullptr; static unsigned s_line_number = 0; static struct passwd s_passwd_entry; static String s_name; static String s_passwd; static String s_gecos; static String s_dir; static String s_shell; void setpwent() { s_line_number = 0; if (s_stream) { rewind(s_stream); } else { s_stream = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r"); if (!s_stream) { perror("open /etc/passwd"); } } } void endpwent() { s_line_number = 0; if (s_stream) { fclose(s_stream); s_stream = nullptr; } } struct passwd* getpwuid(uid_t uid) { setpwent(); ScopeGuard guard = [] { endpwent(); }; while (auto* pw = getpwent()) { if (pw->pw_uid == uid) return pw; } return nullptr; } struct passwd* getpwnam(char const* name) { setpwent(); ScopeGuard guard = [] { endpwent(); }; while (auto* pw = getpwent()) { if (!strcmp(pw->pw_name, name)) return pw; } return nullptr; } static bool parse_pwddb_entry(String const& line) { auto parts = line.split_view(':', true); if (parts.size() != 7) { dbgln("getpwent(): Malformed entry on line {}", s_line_number); return false; } s_name = parts[0]; s_passwd = parts[1]; auto& uid_string = parts[2]; auto& gid_string = parts[3]; s_gecos = parts[4]; s_dir = parts[5]; s_shell = parts[6]; auto uid = uid_string.to_uint(); if (!uid.has_value()) { dbgln("getpwent(): Malformed UID on line {}", s_line_number); return false; } auto gid = gid_string.to_uint(); if (!gid.has_value()) { dbgln("getpwent(): Malformed GID on line {}", s_line_number); return false; } s_passwd_entry.pw_name = const_cast(s_name.characters()); s_passwd_entry.pw_passwd = const_cast(s_passwd.characters()); s_passwd_entry.pw_uid = uid.value(); s_passwd_entry.pw_gid = gid.value(); s_passwd_entry.pw_gecos = const_cast(s_gecos.characters()); s_passwd_entry.pw_dir = const_cast(s_dir.characters()); s_passwd_entry.pw_shell = const_cast(s_shell.characters()); return true; } struct passwd* getpwent() { if (!s_stream) setpwent(); while (true) { if (!s_stream || feof(s_stream)) return nullptr; if (ferror(s_stream)) { dbgln("getpwent(): Read error: {}", strerror(ferror(s_stream))); return nullptr; } char buffer[1024]; ++s_line_number; char* s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), s_stream); // Silently tolerate an empty line at the end. if ((!s || !s[0]) && feof(s_stream)) return nullptr; String line(s, Chomp); if (parse_pwddb_entry(line)) return &s_passwd_entry; // Otherwise, proceed to the next line. } } static void construct_pwd(struct passwd* pwd, char* buf, struct passwd** result) { auto* buf_name = &buf[0]; auto* buf_passwd = &buf[s_name.length() + 1]; auto* buf_gecos = &buf[s_name.length() + 1 + s_gecos.length() + 1]; auto* buf_dir = &buf[s_gecos.length() + 1 + s_name.length() + 1 + s_gecos.length() + 1]; auto* buf_shell = &buf[s_dir.length() + 1 + s_gecos.length() + 1 + s_name.length() + 1 + s_gecos.length() + 1]; bool ok = true; ok = ok && s_name.copy_characters_to_buffer(buf_name, s_name.length() + 1); ok = ok && s_passwd.copy_characters_to_buffer(buf_passwd, s_passwd.length() + 1); ok = ok && s_gecos.copy_characters_to_buffer(buf_gecos, s_gecos.length() + 1); ok = ok && s_dir.copy_characters_to_buffer(buf_dir, s_dir.length() + 1); ok = ok && s_shell.copy_characters_to_buffer(buf_shell, s_shell.length() + 1); VERIFY(ok); *result = pwd; pwd->pw_name = buf_name; pwd->pw_passwd = buf_passwd; pwd->pw_gecos = buf_gecos; pwd->pw_dir = buf_dir; pwd->pw_shell = buf_shell; } int getpwnam_r(char const* name, struct passwd* pwd, char* buf, size_t buflen, struct passwd** result) { // FIXME: This is a HACK! TemporaryChange name_change { s_name, {} }; TemporaryChange passwd_change { s_passwd, {} }; TemporaryChange gecos_change { s_gecos, {} }; TemporaryChange dir_change { s_dir, {} }; TemporaryChange shell_change { s_shell, {} }; setpwent(); bool found = false; while (auto* pw = getpwent()) { if (!strcmp(pw->pw_name, name)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { *result = nullptr; return 0; } auto const total_buffer_length = s_name.length() + s_passwd.length() + s_gecos.length() + s_dir.length() + s_shell.length() + 5; if (buflen < total_buffer_length) return ERANGE; construct_pwd(pwd, buf, result); return 0; } int getpwuid_r(uid_t uid, struct passwd* pwd, char* buf, size_t buflen, struct passwd** result) { // FIXME: This is a HACK! TemporaryChange name_change { s_name, {} }; TemporaryChange passwd_change { s_passwd, {} }; TemporaryChange gecos_change { s_gecos, {} }; TemporaryChange dir_change { s_dir, {} }; TemporaryChange shell_change { s_shell, {} }; setpwent(); bool found = false; while (auto* pw = getpwent()) { if (pw->pw_uid == uid) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { *result = nullptr; return 0; } auto const total_buffer_length = s_name.length() + s_passwd.length() + s_gecos.length() + s_dir.length() + s_shell.length() + 5; if (buflen < total_buffer_length) return ERANGE; construct_pwd(pwd, buf, result); return 0; } int putpwent(const struct passwd* p, FILE* stream) { if (!p || !stream || !p->pw_passwd || !p->pw_name || !p->pw_dir || !p->pw_gecos || !p->pw_shell) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } auto is_valid_field = [](char const* str) { return str && !strpbrk(str, ":\n"); }; if (!is_valid_field(p->pw_name) || !is_valid_field(p->pw_dir) || !is_valid_field(p->pw_gecos) || !is_valid_field(p->pw_shell)) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } int nwritten = fprintf(stream, "%s:%s:%u:%u:%s,,,:%s:%s\n", p->pw_name, p->pw_passwd, p->pw_uid, p->pw_gid, p->pw_gecos, p->pw_dir, p->pw_shell); if (!nwritten || nwritten < 0) { errno = ferror(stream); return -1; } return 0; } }